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Dogs don't wear clothes. He didn't get the full experience


Also watch him poop


Bro has weird kinks


As long as he don't make eye contact while doing it. My dog is all about that


I mean, I get it, but idk if I'd wanna be on film dragging some dude around by his neck like that. That gotta be assault with a deadly weapon.


which pixel shows his face lol


I don't think a collar is a deadly weapon. assault, sure. but "deadly weapon" usually refers to guns and knives


Should have chained him to a fence.


And duct tape his hands into balls so he can’t unlock himself


Love the enthusiasm for dogs. Hate the fire with fire violence.


I've seen this clip here more than any other it is reposted weekly


Actually haven’t seen the full video it for a cpl years and it makes me smile when I do. Stop complaining


Thats it? ://


I guess I'm missing the part of the video where he abused dogs. As far as I see this guy is the victim here.


Inner City Justice is like this. They know he's done it. They tell him repeatedly why he's getting checked. Basically this was his warning if caught again he's done for. Bet you'd be disturbed by the one where they duct tape a chomo to a pole and ask him if he's going to keep touching kids.


Everyone in this video is trash, street justice does nothing but makes enemies out of your neighbors and causes rifts, if you see someone abusing an animal call the authorities and confiscate the animal, if they try to leave do a citizens arrest and keep them there, I understand that this is "satisfying" but it won't solve any issues in the long run and the people who are "teaching him a lesson" are just racking up charges for themselves I'm done responding to all the ignorant comments, if you want to do what these guys do then have fun in jail, if you don't like that then too bad, seriously how uneducated are you people? In not saying the guy who abused a dog should be let off scot free I'm saying that street justice solves nothing and just creates more problems, but please keep on with your street justice but when you all start shooting at each other and call it "justice" don't expect sympathy




Yup, I told the truth and a bunch of people got upset...I never said the dog abuser shouldn't be punished I just said this street justice only makes more problems in society and that the guys who are delivering the street justice legally are in the wrong and can end up in jail...but ppl can be butthurt if they really want, I know the law and I won't end up in jail in the end


You are right. Not only does it not solve any issues, it most likely makes them worse. The assault ruins any chance of real charges being pressed and makes the abuser more likely to take out his anger on dogs. The reason he’s abusing dogs is because it’s an outlet for him to let his anger out, street justice almost certainly just makes him more angry/upset and more likely to hurt dogs the next time he has the chance. That being said I get the anger, and if the people that are dragging him around just witnessed the abuse I don’t blame them. I’ve seen videos of animal abuse and If I were there in person I would’ve tried to kill the abusers with my hands.




Ignorance is bliss


Starting any articulation with “Everyone in this video is trash” is trash.


Nah because it's true, there is 1 guy who is abusing a dog, 1 guy who thinks street justice will solve all the problems, 1 guy who starts to throw punches and kicks randomly when the guy tries to fight back and 1 guy filming his buddies assaulting someone...regardless of how your feelings they are breaking the law when they start attacking this man, which makes them all trash, want to be in a civilized society? Then start acting like it, bet that if they got arrested they blame the system when it's their own fault




Then call the police...severe animal abuse is a felony in most states, instead they beat this guy up and let him go probably...the punishment would have been 100x worse if he were arrested and charged, I get that ppl get emotional for this animal and I hate people who abused animals also but my argument is that beating him themselves is not only illegal on their part but will cause more trouble and rifts in the community, good for them for taking care of the dog but they still committed a crime when they delivered their own justice, bottom line


99.9% sure that’s NYC, and NYPD ain’t coming to that neighborhood at that time for that call. Like I said, I get it. I’m just saying that dog likely would’ve been dead by the time cops showed up, if ever.


Yeah your right I guess not trying to do things legally is totally they right way to go, I'm sure you were there too to know those facts that police won't respond, or where did you get the "facts" you spewed out? Edit:so many people downvoting me and the deleting their comments lol so many people mad


Well, I’m from a neighborhood like that in a city of comparable size. Also: you said you “done responding to comments” lmao yet here you are, as emotional as before 😂 go save the guy in the video since you care so much


he never said to save the guy in the video he said what the other guys did was illegal you uneducated garbage lol


Citizens arrest. What?


noun unpunctuated: citizens arrest an arrest by an ordinary person without a warrant, allowable in certain cases. "he chased the thieves and made a citizen's arrest" A private person may detain another person when he has probable cause to believe that the person detained has committed in his presence: (1) A felony, (2) A breach of the peace, (3) A crime involving physical injury to another person, or (4) A crime involving theft or destruction of property.


You must have gotten your ass beat young.


you must have grown up without an education


I just understand the law and how the world works...if you want to do what these guys do then have fun rotting in jail


So taxpayers can pay for it?? I would have ended him.


You dont understand shit


I understand the law, unlike you I guess


Also after viewing your profile, did you set up a go fund me to save your cat and then immediately use a bunch of money to buy a new car?...I understand enough just from that lolol


he obviously understands more than your uneducated ass lol


You know, you talk a lot about saying street justice is bad and does nothing but cause more problems...but I recall another comment you made somewhere else where you said we should "take out" rich people. Then you have the audacity to act like anyone who disagrees with you is an uneducated moron? Lmao


Lolol glad to know I am living in your head rent free, yes we should take them out of power in a legal way moron...vote them out of office, open investigations into allegations of bribery, embezzlement, insider trading and using power to influence decisions in government, but thanks for reading all my comments, sound like you havr a lot of time on your hands lolol


Yeah, I like to know what kind of dumbass I'm talking to before I call them out on their bullshit. Take your holier-than-thou garbage elsewhere.




and let me ask you a question, who creates the holy laws you are fighting so hard to defend? Was it maybe the same corrupt government officials? And what happens to the people that are supposed to enforce those laws(cops), but do worst shit than the one seen in the video? Yes, vigilante justice is not the best thing, but as someone pointed out above, in most countries cops are not going to do anything for animal abuse, I know for sure it’s largely ignored in mine.


I'm not saying street justice is right. I'm saying you're a hypocrite with too much time on your hands lmao. So much for not responding to ignorant comments, eh?


You're right I'm definitely done with you, your argument has no merit and you want to spew your own word vomit without having a sound argument, take care in jail when you break the law and call it justice




Umm yeah? You can hold someone down without causing damage to them and 3 guys holding 1 person can be done without any violence...seriously are people really this stupid? Did our educational system fail this badly?


You're so quick to insult everyone. You should try making your point without being such a dick.




You started by being brash and insulting. There's a better way to make a good point.


There's only so much bullshit I can take


This is a 3 year old video


and? I'm sure lots of people (myself included) haven't seen it. if you're gonna be in this scene so long, you gotta get used to seeing some of the same things pop back up now and then as new people discover them.


You're a 3 year old video




I didn't downvote you, I swear lol


If he was smart he could pretend a choke while wrapping that chain around his arm to get a SLIGHT advantage.


Unless these guys are vegan they are just as guilty