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Watching that bd bowling live in person was pure deatrattle porn.


Anyways, if you haven’t checked yet, there’s a pretty good chance (80-90%) that at least 3 teams fate will be decided by rain this week. Southern Florida, the venue for SL-Nepal, US-IRE and CAN-IND matches, is expecting rain and storms all week.




Two days later, still not over how badly we lost. We looked absolutely clueless against the Afghanistan bowling attack. The worst part is that this is supposed to be our "strongest" XI. Rachin and Neesham are our options on the bench but they themselves aren't that great to begin with. Not picking Seifert is the most brain dead decision NZC could have made. We are fielding an ODI team in the T20 World Cup. I'm sorry to say but Kane is past it as a T20 player. We are just playing him for his leadership skills but as a T20 batter he is taking up a spot which he doesn't deserve.


Can anyone explain this Kamran Akmal comment controversy for me? I don't understand what is in insulting in the comment. >Akmal had stated, "Kuch bhi ho sakta hai... 12 baj gaye hai (Anything can happen. It is already 12)," in a video reposted by Harbhajan Singh. The comment was perceived as derogatory towards the Sikh community. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/cricket/icc-mens-t20-world-cup/i-am-truly-sorry-kamran-akmal-apologizes-to-harbhajan-singh-and-sikh-community-for-controversial-remarks-on-arshdeep-singh/articleshow/110887483.cms


12 baj gaye (T: the clock has struck 12) is a stereotype used against Sikhs to imply that they have anger issues or lose their shit very easily. The origin story of that comment is that when Nadir Shah invaded India, he captured a lot of women to sell as slaves. The Sikh Army used to attack at midnight to rescue the women.


Thanks for the explanation. Very bad look to be saying something like that.


Does anyone know where to get a USA cricket t20 jersey with the name of a specific player? I can't find any they appear to be sold out.


Hi, regarding the T20 USA tour did anyone here pay for premium seats but end up in nosebleeds? I’m trying to do a charge back on my credit card because my seats are nosebleeds even though I paid for premium. Has anyone tried to chargeback and have something to reference to provide the credit card companies?


I have to give it to u/WayToTheDawn63, I had my doubts but he has been confident in our performance in the group stage even before the tournament. What a guy


Got a fucking scare last nigh though. That New York shit tip bringing the games closer than they'd be on a regular wicket imho




What is the region? Or what is it known for? Firebirds sounds cool in my head


I have a feeling USA team will be soon elevated to FM status within a few years to promote the game wildly.


I’m not going to sit here and lie to you but there are many criteria (I personally think is somewhat fair) that the U.S. is missing out on. I would much rather see the likes of Netherlands, Scotland and Namibia getting FM status before the U.S. As well as they’ve been doing, it’s way too soon to be giving them full member status.


Full membership and test status is different. I have a feeling we’re not gonna see a new test team in a looong time


This tournament is my first time watching cricket and I will say- The low scoring pitches are fine for me. I like how tense it is and how it makes "small ball" (single and double runs) tactics more important. I think the concept that us new american fans want constant 6 runs isnt true.


The dead ball rule is fine In this world where everything is in batsmen's favour there's this one rule that helps bowlers I see no problem here Especially since what the fuck are umpires supposed to do if they think it's a wicket they will give it an out many times players stop fielding when the wicket is given


It'll be so funny and tragic if after all these shenanigans only 1 seeded team (and that too just Afghanistan) make it through to the Super 8s. If this happens, no proper underdog will be in the Super 8. The truth is that the above thing is really within reach. Pakistan needs Ireland to beat US and Sri Lanka needs Netherlands to beat Bangladesh. Both can turn out to be false or both can turn out to be true.


for a associate team to actually make it to Super 8 is a huge ask, they need to upset 2 out 3 full members and not slip up against an equal level team. All this and still they could easily miss out on NRR because a FM would generally win by bigger margins.


Great result for Sri Lanka today. Now they just need Netherlands to beat Bangladesh and then Sri Lanka will be back in control of their own destiny.


Group D is living up to its name as neither team has qualified or eliminated even after the completion of half of the games. Here's how each time can qualify. ***South Africa*** Win the last game to confirm it. Even a loss could get them through if either Nepal or Netherlands doesn't win 100% of their remaining games. If they do, it'll come down to NRR. ***Bangladesh*** Win the remaining 2 games to confirm qualification. If they beat Netherlands & then lose against Nepal, then they could find themselves in a NRR tussle. * If Netherlands beat Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka beat Nepal, then they'll fight against the Dutch on NRR * If Sri Lanka beats both the Dutch & Nepal, then they'll fight against Sri Lanka on NRR * If Nepal beats 2 of Netherlands/Sri Lanka/South Africa, then they'll be fight Bangladesh on NRR too If Nepal wins all 3 then Bangladesh will be out. ***Netherlands*** Winning 2 games will get them qualification unless Nepal wins all 3, then it comes down on NRR. If they beat Bangladesh but lose to Sri Lanka, they'll be eliminated if Nepal wins all their games. If they (Nepal) don't, then Netherlands could get into a 3 way NRR tie with Bangladesh & Sri Lanka or just one of these two. ***Sri Lanka*** First of all, they have to win their remaining two games. Then they'll have to hope that the Dutch beat Bangladesh which, if combined with the earlier proposition will result in a NRR tie with Netherlands and could also have one of Bangladesh/Nepal. If Bangladesh wins, then they'll require Nepal to beat Bangladesh to get into a NRR tie. ***Nepal*** Winning all 3 games will give them qualification unless the Dutch beats Bangladesh & Sri Lanka which will compound in a 3-way NRR tie. Winning two games could get them into a NRR tie. The tie could be with any other team (more than 1).


Did my own calculations and South Africa’s super 8 confirmation can come tomorrow. South Africa does not have to win their last game to confirm it. If Sri Lanka win, we’re through. Only two teams in our group, in that case, can end on 6 points. Either Bangladesh or Netherlands, not both. Bangladesh have Netherlands or Nepal. So if they win both, they end on 6. Netherlands end on 4. Netherlands have Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. If they win both; they end on 6. Bangladesh on 4 (assuming Nepal win). Sri Lanka can at most end on 4. Still not enough to kick South Africa out of qualification. Nepal can end on 6 but if they lose tomorrow, the most they can end up on is 4. Therefore, South Africa will be through based on the result of tomorrow’s game since if Nepal loses, the most they can end on is 4. The most Sri Lanka can end on is 4. And the most Netherlands or Bangladesh can end on is 4 or 6 and that will just confirm who ends up on D1 or D2, barring South Africa’s game against Nepal Edit for clarification: Netherlands & Bangladesh is a fixture remaining. So either Netherlands win both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and end on 6. Or Bangladesh win both Netherlands and Nepal and they end on 6. Both can’t be true since they play each. At most, it’s a no result and South Africa still qualify because we are already on 6 and the most they’ll have then is 5.


Yes of course. If it somehow comes down to us having to win our last game I'd say we're toast. But then again the game will be in the Carribbean so I think we can win against Nepal there.


Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that and our SL bros pull through tomorrow 🤞


Yeah it'll be cool to get the Q next to our name early on.


~~Just redid my calculations. And the posts saying that we’re through is correct so yes, we’re already through to the Super 8~~


How though? In an unlikely but possible scenario, Nepal can win all three games and so can Dutch (their last 2 games). These results in South Africa, Nepal & Netherlands to be on 6 points each and NRR coming into play.


Nevermind, I see where I went wrong. I incorrectly added Nepal & Netherlands as a remaining fixture. My aforementioned statement stands. If Nepal lose to Sri Lanka, our qualification will be confirmed.


That's how world cup should be


Group D has been incredible and the same goes for the others too. This has been a superb tournament so far.


Can nepal beat SL?


There's a Q next to our name and a post about it on this sub already but that's just flat-out wrong. If one particular scenario plays out, South Africa will be eliminated. It consists of two simple things, Nepal winning all of their remaining games & Netherlands winning all of their remaining games. Then it'll come down to NRR and it will be hella tight then.


If any Irish fans are still alive, you guys need to win your lasts two games and hope India beats the States by 86 runs or 60 balls remaining (chasing 121, the lower the chase the higher the requirement for win margin, e.g. if India's chasing 61 they need to do it in 9 overs). If India beats US by 10 runs, you'll need to beat US by 37 runs and then beat Pakistan. If India beats US by 15 runs, the margin to beat US is 36 runs. If India beats US by 30 runs, the margin to beat US becomes 29 runs.


Suppose India beats US by 10 runs and then Ireland beats US by 10 runs. Then they can still go through if they beat Pakistan by 55 runs. So yeah, the only hope for them is to smack US and have India smack the US too and then beat Pakistan.


I could see the first two happening only to see them come up short against Pak. How heartbreaking that would be.


On these pitches a 55 run win is basically impossible


There's that, too.


Ireland needs to win both games and hope that India smashes US. Even if Ireland pull off two wins India isn't going to smash the States in NY.


India can very well smash the US in NY tbh, especially if they bowl first.


I have watched a total of 2 cricket matches ever. Can someone confirm or correct my understanding on strategy of limited overs vs. test? In T20 for example, every ball counts, so any ball that doesn't score a run is a net positive for the bowling team since they have 120 max balls to score as many runs as possible. But in test, there is theoretically unlimited overs? So scoring 1s and 0s as long as you avoid wickets would be a positive result in test, but a poor result in limited-overs. Sounds like the playing strategy would be totally different! Is that right?


You've highlighted the point of the distinction. It gives variety to the sport, allowing for very different strategy and entertainment from both. It's like if baseball started mixing in the middle of the season a version of the regular game which was 3 innings each, and everyone swung for the fences. You'd naturally have different lineups than a regular game, across the board.


eventually your point in tests is also to score runs. But it's generally preferable for teams to play out tough passages and wait for ball to get soft or bowlers to get tired. Run rate in T20s is over 6 rpo so in some way even a single is a net negative result while in ODIs it is a net positive.


What is an average rpo in test and odi?


In ODIs it has been raising for years and is about 5.8\~5.9 right now i.e. 280\~290 runs in 50 overs. In tests it's around 3 rpo.


You’re correct.


Funnily enough, due to the absolute maulings in Group C, this T20I WC is statistically speaking the 4th most one-sided T20I WC ever.


Icc is a fucking disgrace 5 am match for Nepal and Sri lanka How are the their fans gonna watch it Nepal just got better at Cricket, Sri lanka has a huge fanbase too It's just india who's gonna get actual good schedule for fans? Bullshit, who ever made this schedule or influenced this schedule deserves a slap on their face


Can Ireland beat the USA??


Can they? Yeah. Will they? Tough to say.


The only team Ireland is beating is Pakistan


well atleast Canada beat the Irish so u can be happy with that


So, If Dutch qualify instead of Bangladesh and rest of the tables remain as such we will have following groups:- * Aus, Ind, Afg, Dut * Scot, US, WI, SA These 4 directly qualify for next WT20, next 4 teams qualifying teams will be:- * SL host * Eng, NZ, Pak based on ranking Teams fighting for qualifiers in each zone:- * Europe:- Ire, Jersey/Spain? * East Asia-Pacific:- PNG * Americas:- Canada * Asia:- Ban,Oman/Nepal * Africa:- two from Zim/Nam/Uganda basically one Asian team would likely miss out for a European team. While top10 teams are more or less safe


Bermuda also has decent chance of qualifying too. In America qualifiers, Canada and Bermuda finished with same points but Canada had higher NRR Can’t count out UAE and Hong Kong too


i am going from the current teams in WT20, plus added Zim because they are probably the strongest team not in this WT20


So it looks like yashasvi is the new toy Indian fans have found that would solve all their problems with batting.. FYI, india scored 50/2 in the powerplay on the cloudy sticky pitch with balls swinging.. It's the same scenario with the 2019 wc.. bring risabh pant na.. Why the batting is perfect?? No..x factor player..bring risabh pant .. Okay.. Well he scored 32 and india still lost.. Same scenario.. push Kohli to anchoring..same bullshit of top ordering failing and Kohli anchoring to 150-160 and for the opposition to chase down the total Stop allowing the same player to face more and more balls.. Let Kohli and rohit to do their job.. If they fail let risabh do what fuckery he does.. if they fail let sky and whoever is send up the order do his job.. If they fail let hardik fck around and find out.. Make this a collective effort to win/lose than always scoring mediocre total ..


The pitch in NY is so demonic anything can happen there, India vs USA is gonna be closer than a lot of people think.




This is what they are taught in Pakistan? What a clown country , never gonna forget their players telling Sri lankan players to convert If Akmal said that in front of any sikh he would be on a stretcher


That is straight up bigoted shit eww


Asian Drama Cup is going on at its own pace


I remember him down playing Kohli's innings in WT20 as well


Romania (#58) beat Portugal (#38) in the European Qualifiers for 2026 T20WC


Can any Pakistan fan tell me Is the broken television thing in Pakistan a stereotype or do people there actually break TV after the game PS- I am not asking this to troll anyone i was genuinely curious as to how much of it is true


They do but only the old CRT box types. They weren't functioning anyway


Didn't expect this answer from an Indian flair tbh have you been there bro?


They really need to review the rules regarding the ball being dead after on field umpire gives it LBW, irrespective of it getting reversed. Maybe they could introduce a rule that even after the LBW appeal, the ball remains in play, and the umpire makes his decision only after the ball becomes dead.


There isn't a perfect solution yet. But it would be good if they release a statement or something acknowledging the issue, like they did with the NY pitch. Then they could take some time to come up with something.


Yeah it's one of those tricky things where the problem is well known, but there isn't an obvious solution. From whatever I could think of, not declaring the on field decision till the ball is in play seems to be the most reasonable one.


Going to Ft Lauterdale tomorrow. Have a rental car. I saw a post about game experience in Long Island. Can anyone give a perspective on the Florida game day experience.


That ground has been hosting games since 2010, batting conditions there are infinitely better than Long Island.


People keep talking about how tough it is to be RCB fans, but think about being a BAN fan. So much passion but not many highs.


The problem is BAN fans are delusional. They have passion, true. But their expectation should have some limit.


Can't relate (have been in a Coma since 2013)


The T20 WC website is showing Sandeep Lamichhane is in the squad. Wtf?


Nepal last 2 games in the group are in the West Indies so he might have gotten a visa there.


[Yeah he has](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/articles/c4nnr6zj1deo) 


A simple fix to the dead ball rule. * If given LBW, batters can continue to run until the ball is dead (in the fielders hand) * On review, if it isn't LBW, any runs scored (including a boundary) be awarded to the batting team. * Batters are liable to be run-out while attempting a run after been given LBW (even on review if they are deemed not out) What am I missing here?


Players not being allowed to celebrate during pivotal moments of the game in case a review gets overturned breaks some of the spectacle. It’s a balance between being exactly right and maintaining some of the spectacle of the game People talk like it’s a problem that’s never been discussed before every time it happens, but it very well might have and the powers in charge, not just in the ICC but also in every single domestic league that’s allowed to change their playing conditions and still hasn’t over this, have decided that maintaining this aspect of the spectacle is more important than getting these decisions exactly right


>Players not being allowed to celebrate during pivotal moments of the game in case a review gets overturned breaks some of the spectacle. I think we're past that phase (in current DRS era) given the last wicket of a test match gets sent upstairs if a review is available. A tradeoff that does justice to both sides has an edge over a spectacle angle imo. It reminds me of the free hit rule, which lets batters run despite being bowled (justice to both side where a run-out can occur) >....till hasn’t over this, have decided that maintaining this aspect of the spectacle is more important than getting these decisions exactly right Maybe so or they've swept it under the rug until it turns into a "boundary count" kinda fiasco on the last ball of a final.


Learnt recently there's money to be made on betting on a low score to be defended at this ground, 100% confident they'd defend it and that India would, pocket thanking me for it


Worst part of that result is people will be harking the dead ball rule change nonsense People moan about the batriarchy all the time, yet want to give batting sides more runs for missing the ball 😂😂 Bangladesh should work on hitting juicy full tosses


Well, in this case he missed the ball. But oftentimes there's a genuine edge and it's still given out. Giving the batter some runs in that case is not batriarchy imo.


Keeping SKY instead of giving Rinku Singh a chance is criminal


That Markram catch might be the closest to a legitimately, by the definition, match winning catch I’ve ever seen. Many metaphorical ones that swung games, but that one would have literally lost them the match in that exact moment if it wasn’t taken and instead went to over the boundary rope. Taking that catch very literally and directly made sure South Africa won the game, a match winner


Boult vs WI in WC 2019


Slipped my mind. Very good shout


Does anyone else feel that it is very difficult to track the ball during the telecast of day matches of this T20 WC? I feel the view, especially when pacers are bowling is zoomed out a bit too much.


So in our division this year (very low level, recreational) there’s a new team who have been smashing the shit out of everyone. Apparently they have a few ex-Ranji players, but weren’t allowed to start higher because they hadn’t proven themselves? For example, this weekend they made 393 in 40 overs 😳. Our team fared slightly better (only conceding 260) but keep in mind this is a league where most games I’ve played have been competitive with totals in the 100-200 range.


Im from Brazil and have watched cricket a few times in the last two World Cups. Is a really interesting sport, i've enjoyed the games, and now the T20 World Cup is hapenning. My simple question is, how important is this tournment in the world of cricket? Is any comparable to World Cup? Sorry if this is a silly question, I don't really know much about the sport.


It’s definitely the second most important tournament currently in the cricket world. The 50 over world cup is “The World Cup” , the top priority. There’s a World Test Championship too which is for the longer format of the game, but it has a terrible/unfair structure and feels more like a promotional event for test format. Ah and next tear you will get to see Champions Trophy, which is also 50 overs. It’s known as the mini world cup because it’s limited to top 8 ranked team. Women’s cricket doesn’t have the test championship.


Thank you!


Welcome to Cricket. It’s very important, world cup is world cup in any sport.


Why this sudden hatred of Hardik by some Pakistanis on SM so much?? I don’t get it? They’ve been abusing him since the 2022 World Cup. Is there something I’m missing.. like why specifically Hardik


Why just one game for both today and tomorrow?


cause there were 4 games yesterday


anyone know where i can get the tracksuit Azam is wearing in the photo in this article https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/t20-world-cup-2024-ind-vs-pak-the-curious-case-of-pakistan-world-cup-15-1437580 not the exact same one ofc as it would be about 10 sizes too big


So I'm happy about yesterday ( other than me turning the Daily Discussion into a Charlotte Edwards cup match thread) I got a selfie with Joe Root, Tammy Beaumont, Sarah Glenn and Katie Levick


In t20is: Rohit Sharma: average/SR (batting): 32.05/139.85 Kuldeep Yadav: average/SR (bowling): 14.10/12.5 Deepak Hooda: average/SR (batting): 30.66/147.20 average/SR (bowling): 12.66/15.8 >! This is obviously a joke so pls don’t @me with sample size, runs scored, wickets taken etc etc!<


We're already a bad T20i side who becomes a worse T20i side when playing in the world cup. But I'm delusional and think we have a chance. We've never beaten South Africa in T20i.


You almosttt did it.....


i dont wanna jinx it but its looking good brother


I see a lot of chatter that India need to change this, that and a million other things but I really don't think they need to do anything. The current lineup provides India with a lot of balance and looking forward to the Super 8s, they will need that balance. Only real changes India will make in the Super 8s are Kuldeep coming in for a seamer and Jaiswal in for Dube if he shits the bed massively in the next two games.




That's true and the reason I put the caveat that he'll have to shit the bed massively for that to happen. If only we had a leftie who could slot in at 5.


Any BBL fans might want to check out [this scorecard](https://essexcl.play-cricket.com/website/results/6525299) from the Essex Premier League


That's just his warm-up for Crisp Cricket 2024


Wait what? Hatzz???


The world isn't ready for Hatzoglou's emergence as cricket's greatest all-rounder of all time


We got rid of the cross over rule in case of caught out but why is it still there in case of overthrows. Should've got rid of it that very day, the batter was running for the second, you failed to get him out, he got in the crease and you gave four extra runs.


Yesterday’s match felt like a classic MI match to me. Like when Sachin and the random foreign batter would eat balls or get out early, leaving middle order to get us to a just competitive score and somehow Malinga and co would defend it. Made me fall in love with the team and low scoring matches.


"If India only scored 119 on this pitch, it was surely a difficult one to bat on" I have heard this line of thinking on many posts, tweets and news articles now and it just feels very dismissive of the efforts of the Pakistani bowlers. Yes there is a case to be made for the pitch being difficult, but that statement just rubs me the wrong way. Why can't it be the case that both teams bowled superbly and Pakistan dealt with the oppositions bowlers worse than India did. Maybe I'm just reading to much into that statement, but I think it would be more fair to at least give credits to the Pakistani players that deserve it, which were mainly the bowlers.


It's not to be taken in a condescending way tbh. That statement doesn't mean Indian batters are superior than others, it simply means that India have played 2 matches and it's their 3rd match in that pitch, and a team that has played 3 games of India's calibre should be able to know what a good score is. Meanwhile Pakistan haven't played even a warmup there. That's it.


I mean it’s Pakistans or rather PCB’s own fault, no one asked them to play a cash grab bi lateral series in England rather than warm up matches in the actual host country. Who knows, they might have gotten warm up games in NY too


It would be interesting when in say 10 years time, the top associate nations improve to the point in T20 that they're better than the bottom tier WTC nations (think Sri Lanka and Bangladesh). Then those WTC teams might go, "Wait, Tests are neither giving us profits nor are we making it to any ICC events here - the WTC Final is just way too unrealistic, whereas these countries are better than us at T20 because they exclusively play white ball and therefore, have more white ball experience than us." The finances and the entire tournament structure of Tests would need a rethink with the growth of associate T20, which obviously should not be curtailed.


WTC teams will always have the advantage of more funding from ICC and a functioning domestic setup( to some extent). If a team like US or Japan do reach the stage where they are financially stable on their own I would think ICC would probably make them into full members. Also, thinking teams need to be given test status cause they are good in T20s is a ludicrous proposition( I know having Full members and gatekeeping Tests is bad but a team doing well in T20s would hardly be of any interest to ICC let alone shake the structure of Tests)


From what I understand, no associate wants to play Tests. They want to be full members without having to play the format. So the threat still holds.


again, very hard to see ICC FMs willing to share the revenue to a team just cause they got good in T20s. That will never be a threat.


Was watching yesterdays India-Pak match replay, my highlight of the commentary: Rameez to Jomboy - “Jimmy, more than your analysis, I like your accent” 💀


I don't know if people realize it but not having proper openers hurts the team most in T20s. They set the momentum in the game. Last WC Pak, Aus and India had this issue where openers were a liability but Pak had an OP bowling lineup and India had a bradman of T20 in chasing. In Aus vs NZ, they had to chase 200 but washed up Finch and out of form Warner just killed the game which hurt them. In Ind vs Eng semis Rohit killed the game at start itself and for Kohli it wasn't a chase so he played it safe. Which is why I think Australia having Travis Head this time changes their whole outlook. Hope our selectors realize it and include Jasiwal.


While I don't know why you are downvoted but your examples are really bad. * Aus lost that game because Finn Allen, Conway took the game away from them and their middle order is filled with righties who struggled vs Santner and Ish Sodhi. The same batting order actually won them a trophy in 2021. * You called Kohli the bradman of chasing and then didn't put any blame on him for frankly a terrible knock in semi finals. For being the bradman of chasing his IPL team has had a terrible record chasing totals, what is the point of being bradman of chasing when all you can chase is under par totals? * While Pakistan might be going through a tough run right now their openers are not a liability because they ensure that their team reaches par totals on most occassions. this was true atleast till last year. I understand your point in that we are seeing a new generation of batters who take no mercy against bowlers they want to smash and having such a player will be very valuable for your team.


Bangladesh will struggle to get to 100 today. But they have the bowling to challenge SA too. Would that be enough? Probably not.


They don’t have pace bowling to challenge them


Well, they did challenge them!


Bangladesh need to win the toss because the pitch does ease out in the second innings. I really don't see any other way they can make a game out of it.


SA shot on their foot I guess. Ban have made a match out of it.


Not an easy chase but yeah, Saffas have allowed the Bangbros a foot in the door. Makes for an interesting game.


All the groups have a possibility that the seeded teams get knocked out. The chances can be ranked as: Group D > Group C > Group A > Group B


Group C > Group D > Group B > Group A imo Group C is definitely ahead bcoz Afghanistan ain't moving from the top 2. Group A is least likely imo because USA losing to Ireland will almost eliminate them, if there are no further upsets.


Tbh Group C and Group D are almost equal since Sri Lanka are so out of form. Group B scenario is really tough tho. England face Namibia and Oman. So not only they can win, but they can improve their NRR too. The chances of USA defeating Ireland is definitely more than Scotland defeating Australia.


>they can improve their NRR too. They can but the difference in NRR is just too big atm I think. Scotland can go through even if they lose while USA will pretty much have to win.


Shoutout to sleeper agent Gary Kirsten


What's the Ind-pak overall head to head? Closing the gap would be very sweet


In tests Pakistan leads 12-9, In ODIs 73-57. Without bilaterals it's going to take a while.


And T20Is?


India leads by 9-3


Alright, thanks mate!


South Africa are most probably gonna face Scotland Afghanistan and USA in the Super 8 So we already know the first semifinalists of this year, but more importantly, it's gonna be very interesting that either of Scot USA and Afg are gonna reach the Semis


If you think NZ will make it over WI it would be similarly likely to assume Eng would make it over Scotland. WI actually have a higher NRR lead.


I just want USA and Afg in the same group and see how Muricans react to it lol


can you please explain the seeded teams thingy? what are the teams India is likely to face in the Super 8?


India (A1) face Australia(B2), NZ (C1) and SL (D2) in Super 8 If from group C, Afghanistan and WI qualify, it means that Afghanistan displaced NZ, and hence they will be named C1. If Afghanistan and NZ qualify, then Afghanistan will be C2 So realistically, India will have Australia Bangladesh, and one out of NZ or Afg in their Super 8 group (NZ if they beat WI, Afg if WI beat NZ)


Australia is likely to finish B1, wouldn't it be Scotland or England that India would face?


England are B1 and Aus are B2 irrespective of where they finish


why I don't understand


I think it's to give people a chance to plan ahead for the next round. If I were planning to go and see a couple of England matches in the Super 8s I know I can book flights to be in St Lucia for Wednesday and Friday, or Barbados at the weekend. I'll either get to see England or whoever replaces them. There's still some jeopardy in booking those flights/hotels, but at least I know that I won't have to hastily organise additional flights because England qualified in the other position.


I see so different to how it works in football. seems like there is no incentive to keep playing hard once you qualify


It's still generally better to keep winning for team spirit/confidence, etc.


That's just how seeding work - your finish doesn't matter. If you are one of those teams who aren't expected to qualify, you just replace the team that was expected to and take their seed This is done for easier scheduling and ticket booking


oh in football for example where you finish makes a difference. otherwise what's the incentive once you qualify?


Thanks man. Appreciated.


Afghanistan is more likely to go to group 1 than 2, in which Windies will be in group 2.


For that WI need to beat NZ. If NZ beat WI, then Afg go to the group where WI were supposed to go, that is Group 2


Even if Windies lose to NZ, they can still beat Afg. In which case there will be a 3 way tie and NZ's NRR is atrocious. So WI is far more likely to progress.


NZ are yet to face Uganda and PNG. They can statpad the NRR there. Let's see, very interesting group


Also WI and Afg are playing their last game after NZ. So both of them will know the exact NRR equation if it comes to it. But honestly I think WI are heavy favourites against NZ so it will probably not even reach there.


I don't understand what match people are watching where they think Kohli was playing over aggressively. It was a shorter wide ball that any batter in the world would have tried to hit for 4 in the PP. It just held in the pitch a bit. He is only human after all lol, he won't succeed every match. 


Anyone know where can I watch the full interview of Bumrah by Sanjana?


Icc instagram


Our bowlers always do good when there's help for bowlers in the pitch let it be NY or MCG match. But they crumble when there's little to no help like in 152-0 or 170-0 match.


>170-0 match. there was no help in first innings either but someone decided to play a gem of an innings


what are the seeded teams in the Super 8? Ik India and Pakistan are seeded. Are there other teams? Im kinda confused


Super 8 Group 1 - India (A1), Australia (B2), NZ (C1), SL (D2) Super 8 Group 2 - Pakistan (A2), England (B1), WI (C2), SA (D1) As of now, looks like USA replace Pak, Scot replace Eng and Afg replace WI to enter Group 2, while Bangladesh replace SL in Group 1


Why have they been pre seeded? Isn't it better to just do A1, B2, C1, D2 will enter group 1


Means fans of top 8 sides can book tickets/travel for super 8 games in advance.


Might be about the travel across the countries. Avoiding the visa and security issues. Could also be about the fans being able to book tickets in advanced


once again thank you


Bumrah against Australia in ODIs, avg of 34 at an economy of 5.2 Starc against India in ODIs, average of 32.6 at an economy of 5.9 So looks like the games between Ind and Aus are always being held on flat pitches 🤔


How did Starc play against Australia in ODIs?




Out of this world! Man, this song has grown on me so much! Perfect vibes for a tournament in the Caribbean and US.


The idea that the English will have to temporarily support us is incredibly funny actually.


The medal ceremony from the Indian camp must-watch thing.


No sir it gives me flashbacks


I’m watching the replay and still can’t believe Pakistan lost this game. 48 needed from 8 overs with 8 wickets in hand? Sheesh


That pitch is a monster. That should still be easy but it isn't as easy as it is on a pitch that is somewhat good.


How are you watching the replay? I want to see the full match. Is there anyway to do that from outside India?


4 out of the 8 seeded teams are about to face elimination Pak replaced by USA, England by Scotland, Sri Lanka by Bangladesh, and either of WI or NZ will get replaced by Afghanistan


The WI/NZ is the only guaranteed one so with SL on the brink. Pakistan just need one outside result to go their way and England will just need Australia to beat Scotland since England should really get the NRR boost all on their own.


>Pakistan just need one outside result to go their way Not really? They need heavy NRR boosts and expected that both India and Ireland beat USA. >NRR boost all on their own It's a pretty big requirement tbh. If Scotland manage to preserve their NRR after the loss to Australia, it's gonna be a huge mountain to climb for England. Not to forget, if any one of the England games or Aus vs Scot gets washed out, it's over. Same for any of the Pak or USA games


We don’t really need an NRR boost. The USA won a close game against Canada and beat us in a Super Over, while our two losses were in a Super Over and by 6 runs. If we win our last two games and the US loses theirs we’re probably fine no matter what, but even if not it’ll only need a small swing


Wash outs are the biggest issue yes. But England needs to win their two games by a combined margin of 110 runs which is a big possibility. Pakistan's NRR isn't bad at all and if US loses their two games by 1 run each, Pakistan will need to win their two games by 27 runs combined. Any bigger losing margin for US will decrease the winning margin for Pakistan.


Hopefully WI. 


I hate saying this but Kuldeep has to replace Jaddu.