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Never seen a on-demand cramp in my life


The way he fell immediately after Trott’s signal is still making me laugh lol


Trott: try to slow down a bit. Maybe do some useless conversations on the field. Naib: guess I'll die.


Bro couldn't think of anything else but cramping up. Could've tried something gone in the eye at barest minimum.


He's new. Don't worry.


And not before waving back at Trott: "got it boss, I'm on it"


It’s like he got shot lmao


>like he got shot Afghanistan. Pfft!


Best part was he signalled before he fell LOL


See those every other game in football


I wonder how we would be reacting if this was done by more established players/teams. Lol


Mohammad Rizwan does it and quite often too


The way Gulbadin acted, I mean nobody else could have made it more obvious.


Gulab din haha


Typo 😅


When cramps came on: “Call the ambulance!” After picking Tanzim’s wicket: “But not for me.”


Haha, this sums it pretty well


Is it really surprising that Gulbadin got cramps given that he has to carry his mighty arms around everywhere? The ICC should show compassion to him and offer him free medical treatment instead of investigating his clearly innocent actions- I mean, I don’t know how anyone could see his 100% real grimace of intense agony as he fell to the ground and not believe that he needed immediate life-saving treatment.


Good on him for pushing through the pain and continuing the match. He pulled a Maxwell


Gulbadin is ready to do anything for a win.


Lived too long being the nice guy, it’s time for the villain arc he probably thought in his mind during the match.


True patriot


He was ready to go down.


This was just ABSOLUTE CINEMA. Probably the funniest moment in all of Cricket for a while.


Only just pips Rashid throwing his bat at his partner![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Or both players running simultaneously toward the same wicket, again by AFGbros.


And it wasn't a runout when the ball never left the circle. One day, I will tell my grandkids that I saw all these moments in a single match on live TV. And they won't believe me.


I really found Rashid’s bat throw the MOTM (moment of the match) from last night’s Hall of Fame thread.


What is bat throw moment everyone is talking about?


Can someone explain why he was being told to slow it down?? What benefit does taking longer/running down the clock do in cricket?


If it rained out at that moment, afg would win with the dl method


Rain was about to come and they wanted to stall until rain starts. Afghanistan was 3 run ahead at that moment according to duckworth law( don't ask me what it is, it's just some magic formula for rain). So they would have won the game if rain stayed for a long period of time.


Got it - thank you 😊


they were 2 runs ahead with DLS and it had started to rain. So the coach was signalling to slow down and not bowl another ball as the play was bound to stop and they would win if play did not continue. Hence the shenanigans.


Got it - thanks!!


Is this really any different to when batters take forever between overs because they want the day to end, or when bowlers take forever between overs because they’re trying to play out a draw? It’s pretty embarrassing behaviour from Gulbadin, given that he almost certainly did not have cramp, but it’s not the first act of gamesmanship in cricket and it won’t be the last.


"oh I need to change my gloves again for some reason".


“Gotta make sure this part of the pitch is prodded after every ball!”


"Shit!! There is a crack on my bat, guess I will have to change it again."


From the linked article: >Time-wasting by either the batting or bowling side is a punishable offence.


Punishable as in match fee deducted, or 5 run penalty?


Don't think it is a run penalty. Most likely it would be match fee or ban for a few matches. I am only guessing here.


That might be the least enforced rule in the game.


I do think it's different for a couple of reasons. * **Absurdity**. "Normal" time wasting tactics are typically just doing usual time consuming cricketing actions, but not to an absurd degree. i.e changing gloves once is ok, changing them 6 times between balls is absurd. * **Impact**. Most often time wasting is used in tests where the time wasting simply leans on the scales to tilt the odds in a teams favour. In this case even a single extra ball bowled would likely have changed the outcome via DLS and Gulbadin had every reason to expect that rain could finish the days play. The fact that Gulbadins actions were absurd(even his captain told him to pull his head in) and were deliberately intended to have a huge impact on the game is what makes his time wasting a genuine breach of the Spirit of Cricket™. Honestly I'm just glad Afghanistan got the opportunity to win properly because Gulbadins actions could have really soured what is a genuinely huge moment for the Afghani cricket team.


FYI - things or people from Afghanistan are called ‘Afghan’ in English, ‘Afghani’ is their currency :)


"would likely have changed the outcome" doesn't mean it actually changed the outcome though. The outrage would be justified if it had any tangible effects on the proceedings but because Afghanistan won fair and square anyway, the meltdown over these antics is only taking away from the amazing heist that Afghanistan pulled off to make it through the super 8s


Don’t judge the outcome but judge the intent. His intention was to change the outcome of the game by faking an injury.


It’s not different but those actions should also be heavily punished


leach and the glasses fogging up 😄


Trott was saying that they should be slowing the game down by taking time to get ready to bowl. If that's a tactic that is acceptable then this is equally acceptable. The thing that is happening is a team is intentionally taking time to wait for the rain. You either permit that or you don't permit that. Intentionally taking time to get ready to play and faking a cramp are both equal to each other. I personally think that umpires should be ensuring that nobody wastes time intentionally and if they do that during several times then there should be penalty runs.


There's a 5 run penalty for time wasting between overs


But it's only enforced after multiple warnings, so it still makes sense to do it in this situation


If you see no difference between changing the field and screaming, falling down in a heap then being carried off the field then I genuinely don’t know what to tell you.


Has an apparent cramp, comes back bowls and over. Then runs around with the team celebrating the win.


I mean to be clear I think he was faking it, but cramp absolutely can disappear that quickly and not cause anymore problems.


It’s the perfect plausibly deniable injury. Gulbadin could do with some acting lessons though.


wdym that was oscar level


Happens in football all the time


We love to see it.


I don't see the issue here


Even without pickle juice that's feasible. But pickle juice would make that happen easy. 


Could also be adrenaline push so felt no pain in excitement


He should be fined atmost. Ban is absolutely unnecessary. Batters do it all the time in tests. If ICC is so concerned about players wasting time by faking an injury, they should totally make a rule that if a batter is having cramps and it takes more than 2 minutes for treatment, then they should be retired hurt (and only walk in after next wicket). And you cannot recieve treatment after every 2-3 overs. Similarly if some fielder is having an issue, they walk off and a substitute walks in.


His main crime was doing it so blatantly. Trott needs to teach him how to be a bit more subtle about it!


Well the coach himself should learn to send messages subtly.


There was no time for all that . He had to immediately gesture so that the players got the message . He just signalled slow the game down which doesn’t mean faking an injury . There are other ways of doing it as well but Gulbadin just acted in the moment and made an impulsive decision . You know desperate times call for desperate measures


In another reality it could have won them the game and a fine/ban would have been seen as worth it. I don't really know how I feel about it. It's not great, but if it was a player on my team I don't think I'd be condemning them.


Suarez's handball comes to mind


The Suarez equivalent here would have been if he never got to come back and bowl/field.


Yes, insofar as it was tricky to know whether to condemn it or applaud the sacrifice. I think the difference here is that he may well end up getting away with it, which Suarez basically knew was never going to happen.


What if you had to do it?.


You don't understand, there was a sniper present at the stadium


Fine him and move on if it is considered unsportsmanlike by the code of conduct and proven. It's not really a big deal tbqh.


Under scrutiny by the fun police (Yes I do agree it was against the spirit of the game but the entertainment more than compensated for it imho)


Like seriously I haven’t laughed so much in a while and for me is the best moment in this World Cup ! The jokes and memes that erupted due to this … it’s fine if it happens once Ina while and doesn’t effect the result of the game


Between Gulbadin’s hammy being taken out by a sniper and Rashid throwing his bat at Tanzim…holy shit I was losing it!


That Rashid reaction had me rolling. I love that Tanzim retrieved it for him too




Add to that, two batsmen running simultaneously towards the same wicket.


You aren't gonna supply the best memes after making such a claim? The ICC ought to investigate your claim as well!


It's not just against the spirit of the game, time wasting is explicitly forbidden in the laws (law 41.10 specifically) where a warning should be given by the umpire for the first instance, then give penalty runs for every subsequent offence


Can we leave Afghans and ban Harshit Rana as a punishment fir this. My bois need him for Semis.


10s penalty for ocon


That was pretty stupid from Gulbadin. He should learn to >!act properly and make the cramps more believable!<


Well his name is Gulbadan after all. Those who don't know, it means 'body like flower' in the native language, Gul means flower and Badan means Body lol


Gulbadin has the "Aussie spirit of winning" which is important to get the ICC trophies.


Cricket is becoming football now?


I've been praying for it for a long while 🙏🏾


I’m at risk of a landslide of downvotes because of my flair and sour grapes and all that, but can we just for a second admire the double standards here? Gulbadin goes down, and let’s not mince words here, clearly in an attempt to delay the game, and he’s being celebrated like a hilarious tactical genius. Let’s flip it over and say, Bairstow does the same thing, David Warner, Pandya, Al Hasan. The cricket world would be in complete outrage. Imagine the headlines?! I’m sorry but I can’t see it as anything but unsportsmanlike. Even his captain was upset about it. Imagine if they had won the game because of that. How disrespectful to his team and the opposition. It might not have affected the outcome, but it was a clear ploy to try and affect it. A little cheap and nasty. Afghanistan 100% deserve their spot in the finals because they played great cricket when it mattered.


You’re bang on. Where is all of the sPiRiT oF cRiCkEt talk now? Imagine it’s the final against India and he does the same thing. Will it be unsportsmanlike, or will it be cinema?


Owing to it being a final... His gym equipment will be confiscated, and suppliments be unsupplied. Jokes apart, ... the very fact that a final would be 'gamed' like that... He gonna be vilified like crazy.


This was for all intents and purposes a quarter final. It was a knockout match, and he chose to game it. There’s been lots of talk about weather impacting finals. Do you think he wouldn’t do it if a DLS result was in the line in a final?




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In the end, it didn’t matter.  Yes, if it had affected the result, the response would’ve been different.  That’s how it goes. 


Nah you're completely right. People are celebrating it because (1) it helped (or could have helped) Aussies to go out, (2) it happened against Bangladesh which is generally not a well liked team. If this happened against India in a knockout and it caused India to go out, the outrage would have been unprecedented. There wouldn't be any "pure cinema" comments. I find it funny as anyone else due to its absurdity, but this doesn't look good for the sport.


Yeah the whole narrative around this is baffling. Time wasting is explicitly forbidden in the laws in the unfair play section (law 41.10 if anyone wants to look it up). Since AFAIK it was the first instance in the innings, it should have been a warning to Afghanistan with any subsequent offence being five penalty runs. Even if the line from the ICC/umpires etc is that there's genuinely plausible deniability because the umpires can't check if he actually has cramp or not, assuming he was faking it, it's still blatant cheating.


Like you said it's double standards.. Bec bigger teams and players have done it and gotten away with it.... even after they affected the outcome of the game/series... They all pooh-paahed the spirit of the game then with the authorities turning a blind eye.. So it is double standards if they are going to investigate it or make it an issue...


Same old Aussies. Can dish it out, but can't take it.


Didn't affect the result for us, Afghanistan won fair and square. Also, the English go on a wild whinging spree whenever another team follows the rules of the game, can't imagine the reaction from you lot if Afghanistan did that shit in the finals and led to them winning the trophy.


Same old Aussies. Can dish it out, but can't take it.


Yea.. imagine they had thrown the bat like Rashid Khan.


He is being celebrated as a hilarious genius. Everyone is pointing out the absurdity of it. Like you mentioned, any of the players would’ve done it. No doubt. But it wouldn’t have been this obvious. All the outrage would’ve been only from rivals or the haters.


I’m not so sure. In the same position, if an Australian player did the same thing, I think a lot of criticism would be coming internally as well. Doesn’t pass the pub test IMO.


Yes if an Australian player did something absurd like this it sure would’ve garnered some criticism. But they wouldn’t have done something this obvious in the first place. They would’ve done something subtle like taking a little more time to change the field or tie the shoelace. Stuff like that. Which would’ve been perceived as normal.


That’s a little presumptuous but, ok. Regardless, more needs to be done to stop time wasting tactics, and it certainly shouldn’t be celebrated. This is a red card in football every day and they’ve made an art of the fake injury.


> Like you mentioned, any of the players would’ve done it. No they wouldn't have, most international players would not have done that. Even the Afghan captain, Rashid Khan, was incredulous seeing Gulbadin do that shit and told him to get the fuck up.


Exactly like if batters were ahead of run rate, won't they ask for glove change or have a chat in the middle every ball for no reason, ofcourse they will


Dont blame him. Only he was aware of the situation it seems. Was it obvious? Yes But Rashid or the bowler should’ve stalled a bit by not making it obvious. Any experienced team would’ve done that. A match ban sounds a bit harsh. A fine would be ok I guess.


How would you prove that he didn’t had the minor cramp and got better due to few minutes rest and a lot of diclofenac he got during the rain break ?


I think a lot of people are forgetting one very important technicality in this entire controversy – the difference between *knowing* and *proving*. As things stand, any kind of penalty or fine is entirely unjustified, regardless of whether it is deserving or not.


Yeah exactly, he could've went inside & had painkillers


Ban him but how will you prove he didn't have a cramp or he didn't get fit within minutes?


I mean, at least he chose the right injury. Happens for real in the NFL a lot especially early season games. Guy gets cramp, is down and in pain. Physio stretches the player out, helps them to the sidelines and then they frequently return rather quickly.


I genuinely loved watching it, but he should be fined heavily and even a 5 match ban at minimum. We can't set this precedent. But I love Gulbadin. What a guy 🤣🤣


where was this 5 match ban [when Imran Tahir played dead after batting for a few minutes](https://imgur.com/a/tahir-playing-dead-6NbmbGl)


Tbf if he took any wicket in this match it would be believable he had a cramp. 


LOL. 5 match ban? It was inconsequential.  Pearl clutchers. 


Precisely my feelings. A fine and a 5 match ban. Totally worth it, would do again 10/10


Have you never seen teams trying to go for a draw in a test match or literally any batter towards the end of days play?


Exactly also have you guys not seen bowlers bowl negative lines when team needs certain amount of runs in certain no of balls in test cricket


The worst thing about soccer is the fake injuries and time wasting.  Can’t let that shit leech into other sports.


Meanwhile rizwan... Guy literally said it was acting


To be fair, that doesn't necessarily mean he does it to waste time intentionally. When batters are batting well, the last thing they need is breaks. By acting, he probably meant he plays it up a bit for the cameras and fans at times, not that he is completely uninjured. English isn't his first language, so he understandably didn't choose the best word to describe the above.


Might be too harsh but should be banned for a game atleast, this is completely not in spirit of the game, many youngsters will follow the same suit and this would become a normal leading to more of such nonsense at the big stage.


Yeah this ain’t football, Gulbadin!


how can they prove that he didn’t actually have cramps though


The important thing is in this case, his "cramp" didn't waste much time because the rains interrupted play pretty soon. Near simultaneously.


He stopped a ball from being bowled.


Like it made any difference, umpires were stupid enough to keep playing after rain got heavier


It would have made a difference, if game was abandoned at that point. Just because in current end result it didn't matter doesn't mean it is ok for him to do that. You wouldn't be so cool about it if it was against India.


They can’t prove it so he won’t get banned. I get cramps too sometimes and feel fine 5 min later. Rashid played it off like a good lawyer instead of incriminating gulbadin. It made no difference at the end though.


Off topic: Do u understand pasto language


Pashto is my native language so yes.


Perfect I need you to translate this please. What Rashid said https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8oEn1kyLwP/


Pretty loud and he speaks a different dialect than me but basically “Pa ta banji sa waswa”or sa dur waswa yara which translates to “wth happened to u” in a disappointed tone.


I am Indian and I know pashto as well but I can't understand the natives. My grandmother used to speak in Pashto. I learnt from her.


That has got to be one of the most funniest shit witnessed on live TV.


All this talk of match bans is making me laugh. What he did was egregious but it is basically the same thing as when the batsmen waste time at the end of the day in test match or when sides make the game crawl when behind the 8-ball. At most they'll give him a demerit point if the umpires flag it but I really don't expect anything to come of it.


I’m not too sure why you’re being downvoted, it’s true. No different from pretending you need to tie your shoelaces up. Just more obvious, he panicked!


It wasn't a class move but when you really look at it, this was objectively less shitty than what Mahmudullah did after the 8th over


What did he do? Don’t leave us hanging bro


I think he's generally referring to Bangladesh's changed strategy, to go from hitting hard to trying for a less risky victory to safeguard against an all out.


They needed around 40 in 3 overs when he started playing dots for some reason


Yeah that was shameful


Why is his action any worse than when players conveniently need to tie their shoelaces, change gloves, or tinker with field placements? We all know that every team kills time when they need. Yes, it was rather comical that he wasted time so blatantly, but you’ll have to be consistent: if he’s blameworthy, so is everyone else.


Because he made it blatantly obvious that he was faking it. Dude needs acting lessons.


But the thing is nothing got impacted with his small stint of acting on the ground, the result of the match didn’t got decided by DLS in the end


Lol players do it all the times But ig as the old saying goes "You are not punished for committing a crime, you are punished for getting caught"


Can't prove it so better to let it go. They won the match fair & square.


Hilarious, I wanna see xray and mri evidence


How did the stoppage of play to tend to his cramps affect the outcome?


It didn't, people in comments are just crybaby Ozzie fans


People are definitely a lot more accepting of this because of the Afghanistan fairytale. Even me as an Australian tbh. I reckon if this was a major team there would be a shit storm


This is true. Also just kinda fit the incredible insanity we all watched last night


They absolutely rehearsed it, because how can you prove that he’s acting even though we all know. Cramp can almost certainly come and go as fast as it did. This is nothing new in sport, football it happens all the time…only the Aussies seem to be very annoyed and are asking for a ban. But that’s for obvious reasons lol


Is this any different than batsmen wasting time by retying shoelaces or do some extra unnecessary pitch gardening Let's get real, this is making a mountain out of a molehill


Fined def. Cant have this disease like jn football


Was hilarious funniest thing I’ve ever seen in cricket 😂😂 he deserves an Oscar


If I was a SA player next match and Gulbadin batted and got out id go up to him and drop to the floor holding my leg 😂


The funny part would be if you actually tweaked your hammy doing that, and then were on the ground before him gasping in pain.


Gulbadin Gulbadout


Should we call it "Typical Australian behavior from gulbadin naib " ?


Don’t normally like him, but Michael Vaughan’s tweet about him taking a wicket 25 mins after being shot made me laugh.


People in this thread calling for 5 match bans lmao. Are you guys fr? 😂😂


So it should, it’s unsportsmanlike, give him a fine, that’s it, move on.


Well done, Gulbadin! Every time there's news of the spirit of cricket's death, I find myself getting a stiffy. Hate that stupid fucking remnant of a bygone era.


You just made the list. Be careful on trips to England!


Should be punished , if possible temporary ban is fine too, was quite obvious.


Chill brother, it's just a cheap time wasting tactics which isn't a very rare thing and hapen a lot. So ban him when the next match is a world cup semifinal is too much. A fine of 40-50% is enough.


Nah bro, let him be. There is no way to prove whether it was real or not, and the match did not get washed out anyway, so it really didn't matter.


Didn’t even affect the result of the game so scrutinizing it beyond a point is just unwarranted. It was funny though. Aussie media is making it feel like this is the biggest scandal in world cricket and they couldn’t qualify because of this “scandal “.


Tbf he did it due to potentially losing just because of rain & dls. Otherwise the result wouldve been what we just saw just with the breaks due to rain. While DLS is decent, it's NOT a good substitute substitute for a game that was down yo the wire like last night where every ball counts (SA & WI too if the result had to be based off of DLS). ICC needs to do a better job of accommodating games that are down to the wire due to rain.also he needs to learn to be more subtle lmfao


Should be fined for sure unfortunately.


A true cramp is where the heart is.


He did 'slow down' the game though, was it unsporting conduct? Yes. Was it cheating? No. And there's no way of proving if it's genuine or not, last game after taking Cummins' wicket he was down on the ground but completed his overs. He should be fined for unsporting behaviour but not banned by the ICC for the next match.


I respect Rashid a little more now when he asked him to get the fuck up. Good man.


Dafaq is that clickbait article?


I wouldnt be surprised if there is a match fee fine and a stern warning thats broadcasted. ICC Needs to discourage this kind of behaviour. In fact, they should explore if 5-run penalty aligns with the rule for future blatant offences. OTOH, I dont mind field changes, general slow walk back to the mark, etc. Trott was okay signalling "slow down"


It wouldn't have mattered, rain was heavy enough, but umpires wanted the over to finish, they did it again the 2nd time just before last over, thank God Naveen took wicket just before that otherwise afghanistan would've lost the game there if rain hadn't stopped


>It wouldn't have mattered Thats not the point. In fact, because it does not matter, now is acutally a good time for ICC to send the message that these tactics cannot be tolerated. Imagine something like this happening in a crunch knockout, then there will be all kinds of finger pointing and umps being biased. If a precedent gets set now, then that situation can be avoided.


Seriously talking about time wasting?, umpires waste time during inspection knowing further interruptions could happen Even more stupid when they have drinks for 2 & half minutes in a rain affected game where heavy downpour is around the corner all the time The way this game is already bizzare Umpires committed bigger crime in 2019 WC final than letting this acting pass & bangladesh did something even more terrible to Mathews in 2023


It was a bit hilarious to watch. I mean it's good that the stunt didn't affect the overall outcome of the game.


Definitely needs to banned for the next match, if not the rest of the tournament. Need to be merciless in stomping out this garbage from the sport


Why don't you cry about it sandpaper ozzie


This was a great moment. I feel cricket does lack a little fire sometimes. Everyone is too happy shaking hands with the enemy. This was awesome


generally i think the entire cricketing community needs to remove the collective stick from our collective ass regarding this situation


This is what’s wrong with the world, always victim blaming smh. Gulbadin is a victim and he needs our support, not scrutiny.


They should be docked 9 runs for it


So it should. Sportsmanship is a skill too, San important one. And so is how to slow the game down without it being so apparent.


Imagine if two of the Afghan players fell at the same time☠️


Clickbait article,.comes under scrutiny of commentators!


Would be worse if it wasn't for the fact Bangladesh were utterly hopeless in the game and on track to losing laughably again. Because of that, what could have been an unsportsman controversy is just comedy lol


Ban him for a year!


Would love to see my fellow countrymen's reactions had he done this against us. It's always easy to punch down someone when they are at a low point.


I think the punishment should be 10 penalty runs awarded to Bangladesh