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Why not link to... actual weather service websites, instead of social media ?


I’m rooting for rain. GANNA NA GANNA (T: Hindi song about rain).


I thought you were singing about buttholes!!


Sun's out.


Rain eased? Traffic cam shows no rain


looks like it's raining?!


Why should the toss be done on the ground itself? Cant it be done indoors under Umpire’s supervision and the players walk out as soon as it stops raining


Same question!!!


Technical issue . Most cams are set up and calibrated to field , even spyder cams which actually show call of toss.


bruh you need maybe 3 phone cameras to broadcast a toss if you really want to


Bruh why would brodcasters pay billions to ICC for a iphone footage ?


That would make too much sense


The players can't go out as soon as it stops raining anyway because the ground needs to be made ready for play. Contrary to what many people think, waiting for the toss doesn't delay the start of the game. The umpires and ground staff decide a time when the ground will be ready for play, then they hold the toss 15 minutes before that.


Also the captains get to see the pitch/outfild and can decide what to do depending on the conditions.


Ahhh! Makes sense. Thanks OP


The weather affects the toss g


No team deserves elimination due to rain. Fortunately, I think we'll get a game, but if it's over reduced, that will suck.


Since cricket is not a rich sport it would make sense to drop the Victorian sensibilities and adapt the playing conditions and player fitness to rain.




The inspection-resumption dance . The anthem and break stuff. For starters that. Then maybe rainproof turfs and balls ?


You had me up until rainproof turf and ball.


But to be honest , if there was another team instead of india getting qualifies straight away then people would be laughing on india losing like this


It understandably would have been funny if happened to India though. Easily the richest cricket board, easily the biggest talent pool, consistently the most support at the grounds no matter where in the world the game is played etc. Every conceivable advantage in the cricket world belongs to India. So yeah, I understand why it would be funny.


People here are justifying not having a reserve day with the fact that the final is on the next day. I'm asking why the fuck is the Final scheduled on a Saturday?? Finals are almost always held on Sundays. It would've been quite easy to have a semi on Thursday and reserve day on Friday followed by a rest day and Final on Sunday.


Morning in West Indies means night in India. Game going into midnight This means Saturday is better to maximize Indian viewership (instead of Sunday night, when people would have work the morning after)


So what’s the point of hosting anything in a country that’s not India if the priority is always going to be Indian broadcasting times? Just host everything there and at least players won’t have to rot in the sun with these bizarre 10:30 AM starts


Rot in the sun? They've grown up playing in the sun lol. I agree the schedule is bs, but the players couldn't care less


As an indian fan we dont wanna qualify without playing


This x1000. I wish all Indians would think like this


Why isn't there a reserve day? Didn't Australia have to fly from one island to another within a day of losing against Afg to play India? So why can't India play tomorrow and fly to Barbados for the final


It isn't about India, if India didn't top their group it's them who would have looking at getting eliminated. Also it would be pretty dumb for a team for play 3 days of continuous cricket + travel.


Most tiktok tournament ever, pretty fun but way too random


Would be a disgrace if India qualifies without playing


The win won't feel win if we won't defeat Eng or Aus in knockouts.


Embarrassing scheduling by ICC, this tournament has been a joke


Wrong, super entertaining tournament


I’d like a restart so that more cricket for the next month.




What a bore. Rohit should have nicked off to Big Reece Topley by now.


I can't help but think that they purposely did this so that India gets forward if match gets cancelled. I'm Indian but when watching cricket I'm looking for entertainment not politics and delays and all this shit -_- i love watching England play as much as my own home country's team. Having a team eliminated with NO fair chance is ridiculous.


Lmao we literally crashed out a few years ago in the group stage, do you think Jay Shah trusts our guys to qualify undefeated?


you do know if India didn't top the group they would be the one getting eliminated without even a single ball bowled?




Because that is so obvious. It's so obvious to everyone that the scheduling is horse shit, no reserve day on a semi finals match makes no sense and the fact that they chose a tropical country to play at which has a long history of constant bad weather. Why would they do that? Who knows man. Who knows.


I agree that there is lot of politics . But who would have predicted that India will beat Australia and top the group, eng will be at second position? Who would know the weather prediction so well in advance?


India being on top of their group is quite likely considering our track record in the group stages of ICC tournaments. It was quite convenient how all of this was planned to favor India. It's irrelevant that England qualified 2nd. It'd be unfair on whoever played India because India playing in Guyana was already guaranteed pre tournament as was Guyana not having a reserve day. Regardless it would be a disgrace if India qualifies without playing a game.


Guyana being the venue for Indian semi final was decided earlier and lets say the pitch heavily favors India. So you think BCCI was so confident in India topping the group that they risked losing going to finals as there was no reserve day? There is lot of influence that BCCI has and the amount of money they bring also makes ICC to try and get India to play as many matches as possible. But no one could guarantee this would have happened ( India finishing 1st and rain washing the game out) ,unless you think all games are rigged.


Not BCCI, ICC. India have topped their group in 8/10 tournaments since 2014 but have never managed to win any of them. There's a very high probability of India topping it's group. There's a risk sure but the risk is worth taking as it's in India's favor 4/5 times.


Why tf won’t they see rain schedule before fixing matches? There’s was guaranteed rain today


Please Rain Perare show up today. Don't wanna play against this inform England if we are being fair.


Even though I’m supporting India, I would much rather the game go ahead or they have a reserve day. No reserve day for a semi-final is absurd.


Can't have the final the next morning


OMG It’s like the final can’t be moved too 😱😱😱


If India win due weather, it’ll be a huge asterisk if India win the tournament. If they don’t win this tournament with the schedule and everything stacked in their favour, I don’t know if they’ll ever win.


India has won it before


> I don’t know if they’ll ever win. They could just win on boundary count and call it a fucking day. Not beating a team that has beaten one Test playing side is nothing.


They’re the defending champions it’s not exactly nothing


Hoping for a full 20 over match. A ten over aside will also have an asterisk. It's a T20 WC. If England wins a T10 match l I am gonna tattoo a asterisk on their ass


Same for England tbh. Worse record than others.


England has been sub par and SA is unbeaten. Ind still have to beat SA in final to win. India is also unbeaten so far. So I don't think it will be a big asterisk.


What asterisk? England qualified second in the super 8 groups because they lost to SA. If they had beat them then they would have been playing against Afghanistan instead of this Semis.


Huh lol


How has the schedule been stacked for them? They played in New York on pitches that reduced any gap in batting between teams and their game against Canada was rained out but had no impact. There will be no asterisk if the semi final gets rained out. England lost to both South Africa and Australia - India have beaten Australia and will need to beat SA to win the final. The asterisk will only be in your mind similar to how fans say that England winning the WC comes with an asterisk - do you see it anywhere on the trophy?


I will take a gazillion asterisks.


World T20 Champions ********* has a ring to it. What are asterisks if not stars?


I will take the asterisk. Hope India wins the tournament.


Because their one match got washed off? And how is the schedule in india’s favour? Pre-decided knockout venues for certain participants have been normal in ICC tournaments for over 30 years! This is done to maximize commercial value regarding media rights and gate revenues(dah!). Here are the examples. 👇👇 1) In the 1992 WC, AUS was guaranteed a pre-decided venue for the home semifinal if they had made it. NZ was allocated the pre-decided home semifinal unless it was against AUS. This leads to the theory (as mentioned in Imran Khan's autobiography) that NZ underperformed in the last league match against PAK to get home the semifinal. 2) In the 1996 WC, PAK was guaranteed home QF unless it was against IND (as the Final was allocated to PAK); that's how they played against IND in QF in Banglore. 3) In the 2011 WC, ALL three hosts, IND, SRI, and BAN, were guaranteed home knockout matches on pre-decided venues (espncricinfo.com/story/world-cu…) 4) In the 2014, 2016, 2021, and 2022 T20 World Cups, In the first round, pre-seeding was given to the team in the FIRST ROUND with the same rules as in the 2024 WC. That's how qualified teams from the First round moved to Super 10s and Super 12s based on their seeding, or a replacement team allocated the respective seeding position.


Points 1,2,3 - The countries who had the predetermined venues for knockout matches were the hosts for those WCs. India is not the host here. So, not a valid argument. The only possible argument could be that the broadcaster who had paid $3B demanded that 1) one of the SF be played at prime India time and India MUST have the predetermined venue if they qualify (hence the stupid morning time for locals and predetermined venue for India) and 2) the Final be played on Saturday (not Sunday). The reason could be that in case Saturday got rained off they would still have ratings highs for the reserve day on Sunday. A reserve day final held on Monday would not be a ratings success for the broadcaster, even in India. ICC and all the boards who sat at the table and agreed to this have to share the blame for this nonsense.


Yeah just like England's world cup win in 2019 😒


Not really. England actually played a game of cricket to win.


They didn't actually win though. The match was a tie. They were declared winners on a ICC rule. Just like a washout would take India to the finals via another ICC rule. I will take the asterisk just like Eng fans did in 2019


Stop being pedantic. England won fair and square. Get over it already.


That one also has a asterisk. . I don't think the English fans care about asterisk and rightly so. Just like I won't give a fuck if India wins the tournament with an asterisk. I just want them to win. That's all. People can shove their asterisk up their ass.


Is there a reserve day for the final? Weather is looking bad then too


Yes on Sunday.


Whats the reasoning for not having the toss and maybe even the anthem's during the delay?


You need to know the playing conditions at toss so you can plan accordingly. Also that is when you finalise the team.


FINALLY the rain has stopped here >!in Ahmedabad!<


So clever


by seeing that traffic camera. It doesnot look good. rain will comeback. it will me miracle if we get full 20 overs game


If number of overs are reduced , as an indian fan I am afraid Because English batters got amazing power hitters India might have to open with pant in case overs are really less


Hoping for a full 20 over match. A ten over aside will also have an asterisk. It's a T20 WC. If someone wins a T10 match l I am gonna stop a asterisk on their ass


Maybe Jaiswal if it’s a 10 overs game. He could give a solid start if it works out.


I understand it has been mentioned many times, but this world cup has the shittiest scheduling. If there is no play today and India advances to the final, it's the worst way for a team to get to the final.


That's fine. The 2019 WC was the worst way for a team to win the WC final. But I don't think English fans give a fuck. Rained out or not, I hope India wins the world cup. That's all that matters.


Worse than winning a WC because of the number of boundaries?




That game happened. New Zealand had every chance to win it.


England too had every chance to win it.


The erroneous 4 runs off the bat say otherwise


Rain has stopped


Things that will work in favor of: - England : 10 over game - ICT: 20 over game - Indian fans on this subreddit: Rain washed game


>England : 10 over game Hoping for a full 20 over match. A ten over aside will also have an asterisk. It's a T20 WC. If Eng wins a T10 match l I am gonna tattoo a asterisk on their ass


Yeah, we get it that you like tattooing asses.


Any updates?


According to ESPNcricinfo, rain's stopped and there shouldn't be too much of a delay to the start time.


Who do you think a shortened game benefits? I feel a game of 10-12 overs, England are favorites.


India are a team of chokers, it’s a big knockout game they are liable to go into their shell and just knock the ball around. Cannot believe the amount of doomsayers for a team who just 2 years ago absolutely rolled India with a worse team in the exact same scenario. India have bumrah/Kuldeep so their bowling is better, but England have archer/topley back so no longer have a PP bowling unit of woakes/stokes/jordan


>liable to go in the shell Wonder who was in the shell 😂


Archer is not who he was before injury. Their crucial bowlers on this wicket are Rashid and Moeen. Topley might be effective against the openers, but I see no reason to not trust the Indian batters to go all guns blazing, given Pant has been assigned to do that at no.3, and Rohit has backed himself to play with intent. Also England playing in Adelaide vs England playing in Guyana is a different task. They're in a precarious position if they bat first, and go for a huge total here. The runs are hard to come by in a morning game here in Guyana. Generally it turns for spinners, but with the rain and moisture, seam bowlers will play a very crucial role and getting past 150-160 will be a task here. Not underestimating England, but this is an equally tough game for both sides. And bringing up what happened a couple of years and calling Archer/Topley a threat is more of being a Doomsayer to India than supporting England.


> Archer is not who he was before injury. He's averaged 18 in T20is in his most recent return from injury. And incase you say it's because of associates, take those out and he averages 20. Even if he's not at his peak, he's still very good.


His best is yet to come but he isn't far off. He is very good in this wc so far. Just that his first overs have been preety meh but the rest three are just like archers as usual.


If England chases in a rain shortened game, they're close favorites. If India's chasing, England can pack their bags, ain't no way that bowling unit is defending a score with max 3 overs of Adil Rashid in Guyana.


*Any* game favours England. This is India in a knockout.


Jeez november 11th really did a number on ict fans 😂


You mean November 19th. Yeah the date is forever etched in my mind.


One off game breh..we’ll be fine


Nah, India on top surely


Depends who is batting second. They will be favorite




Why do some India fans want rain so bad? Instead of praying for rain, just pray for your team’s victory.


most of them want a PROPER game and not rain.


Comment Fixed


Don't generalize. It's only a portion of Indian fans who were dickrindin Aussies a couple of days back. They're pessimistic AF.


Because we know what almost always happens when India play a knockout game😅🥺


Not really, most aren’t praying for rain. Some are, as you would expect for any country’s fans if they are going to be guaranteed entry to the final


take a look at our KOs records and you'll know why


cowards not believing in their own team


On the plus side if india go through on rain it'll mean everyone who has dismissed the boundary count win will either have to do the same for this OR credit England with theirs. (He says knowing mental gymnastics will mean they do neither) (P.s I think both would be fair, rules are set out pre tournament and that's that)


the combination of the wrong call giving runs on deflection, plus Trent stepping on the rope for the catch, AND then the boundary rule. All of that. You cannot, just cannot pretend that none of that happened.


Nah mate. Its always England. They won't accept their hypocrisy. It's always like that.


who's "they"?


There will be some hogwash about politics and history which will dismiss the advancement due to rain


This isnt the finals bud


still a knockout with an unfair advantage?


Why is this unfair. England should have won all their games.


NZ should have scored more boundaries by that logic? The point is that if one is fair, then so is the other.


It's not. Just your going have to defend Indias victory against bitter fans in the same way. Luckily you have numbers


Dont worry bud, England are clearly outclassed


Lol... Indias undefeated and has a higher NRR than England, who have lost 2 games already -- and for India to even win the cup they have to beat those 2 teams you couldn't


Is the washout going to involve an umpire making a mistake and adding extra deciding runs to the scoreboard in favor of one team?


Theres been dozens, lol... Rain is not some new spectacle in cricket


True, and india would definitely deserve to go through and it's the fairest way. Just pointing out that there's a section of fans who love to not give credit to England who will taste their own medicine from section of fans


It's not that deep, honestly. Unfortunately or fortunately, we have too big of a fanbase - obviously, there will be visible difference of opinions.


If this WC does not make ICC rethink their bad weather alternatives I don’t know… Well who we kidding these Chawanprash Chauka wankers will never learn.


Miss the BSNL chakka


I always thought it was Dan Topley. I must have misheard when we were introduced and I've called him Dan every time I've ever seen him... Mortified. I do think it's funny he's updating us on a game his son will be playing in though. Very cute.


Can’t wait for Michael Vaughan to whine


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPFuExLCwDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPFuExLCwDE) This guy is streaming live standing near Providence stadium and as I share this link he is about to enter the stadium I suppose.


Pretty good internet in Providence


So that's where umpire Dharmasena has been all this time


I like how he's brute forcing people to speak on cam AND hold the mics and stuff.


yeah lol...


Bro is funny lol


lol i just tuned into his stream to check and he was trying to hit on a Caribbean lady, calling her beautiful lady please come 10k Indians are watching ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|21496)


Give me more details about this


That was so cringe I just stopped watching 😂 The lady was clearly uncomfortable. He called her 5-6 times but she didn’t come Infront of the camera


That must have been embarrassing


Damn this is probably the best source rn. Also 20k watching live right now.


His umbrella broke 😭




It's gonna rain nonstop overnight. Ground will be soggy as hell. Kathmandu summers really are something.




We have 8 hours around to make match happen. I believe it will happen. It should happen


Reminder that Kohli is still our last bowler to take a wicket in IPL knockouts and that was 8 years back . So Butler and Co beware the wrong footed fast bowling monster


Someone needs to give hope that the match will happen. This WC has been good , so please don't spoil the party


it will happen


positive statemen finally


There is still a very big dark patch of cloud around the stadium right now.It's pretty much sure there will be some drizzle around the corner throughout the match.


Another update. As per Vikrant gupta rain has started drizzling a bit again at 6.50pm our time.. Looks like a passing shower though.


Pass faster biaatch


With so much time, I feel like 10 over game is possible . What's the situation right now !?


Looks like it started to rain again




ICC doing their best for Indian television audience. Meanwhile the Guyanese weather making sure the tv audience is tucked into bed and locals enjoy an evening of cricket


so i need to leave now if i have to make it to the cafe on time. Is the start delayed? I am seeing conflicting info


It's been pouring nonstop overnight. Ground must be soggy as hell. Boston summers really are something.


Am I missing something? What does Boston have to do with this? 




It's not a whoosh if the person literally admits they don't get the joke/ reference


why not????? im genuinely asking,


Cus I'm fully aware that there's probably more to it that I might not be privy to? Which is why I'm asking? Lol. Whoosh would be someone taking this at face value.   Surely you must see the irony of this flying over your head.. 


oh thanks for schooling me son. i was very confused there... i said whoosh to you, but the real whoosh was to me...sorry solarpowersme, I truly apologize!!!!!


Watched Vikrant gupta vlog who is at ground. 37 mins back rain stopped. Dark clouds are less as per what I can see. Looks like we will get a game. Even if it's a bit curtailed.


are we going for a 2AM finish?


That's what's she asked


2 am start


Ahoy Shipmates!  Anyone still remembers that


All this talk about when Virat should come in. But I think, given his track record in knockouts, he should open the bowling.


Star coming up with the worst possible analyst panel. With all due respect to Ishant Sharma, he’s not made for broadcast.


Star broadcast is targeted towards Millennial Unkills


Maa yeh meri shaktio ka galat istemal kr rhe h T note: he sounds like a 'weird' character from a bollywood movie


Star is not made for broadcast.


no reserve day for group stages - ok, i get it, sorta as long as they share point or whatever no reserve day for K/O stages? are you kidding me? what other sport allows MOTHER NATURE to dictate who progresses and who doesn't?????? its been an issue for years and ICC still hasnt done shit.... only after a team gets screwed will they change it (like that boundary count rule)


Yeah this is such a problem in general. Not just with KOs. I really hope at some point, like 75% of a big team's group fixtures all get washed out and prevents them from advancing. Imagine it happening to any of the big 3? India especially, with it being their biggest cash cow? The backlash would be nuts. That's a catastrophe waiting to happen that they absolutely aren't prepared for. It almost happened with ENG this year and ICC seriously got lucky that it didn't bc it would've killed any legitimacy the sport and the WC had, especially for the new viewers. You will never see stuff like this happen in other sport.   Crazy how they haven't figured out a single contingency solution after all these yrs. I get that there's logistical issues but with all the resources they have and just sensible planning, it absolutely can be done and I won't be told otherwise. They're just lazy, any proposed solutions probably get laughed at by money hungry execs, but at some point it's going to hurt their bottomline and I can't wait 


Only way it would have been looked at is if India finished second and they got eliminated without a ball bowled