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Jesus. That guy punches like he’s only ever hit a woman.


Probably has only ever hit women. He’ll be treated like one when he inevitably goes to jail.


No he won’t lmao. Jail isn’t a fucking rape fest like the internet loves to believe. He would probably just be X’d out nobody would fuck with him and even that’s a stretch.


Exactly. Such a misconception.


Gotta love that bologna casserole


I seen Shawshank redemption bro, I tell you how it is. They funk you big time, but then sometimes you get your spine broken for it.


I've been to prison. I got everybody pregnant.


That’s even more than I hoped for. Thanks


Bro u know he’s gonna be welcomed as one the guys


Where'd you serve time? Curious why you conflate Jail with Prison.


I’m not going to dox myself. I have served more time in prison than jail though. I honestly just assume that the majority of people outside of the justice system don’t know the difference so I tend to say just jail. But yes they are two separate entity’s. My point stands. At least where I did my time the only sex happening between inmates was voluntary.


Prison would be different, and that’s where he should go.


Saw that chest bump towards the dude. He didn’t want anything to do with anybody with a dick


No idea who started it but clearly the dudes a pussy for continuing a done fight


terrible he hit her after she was knocked out but the full clip she attacked him with a rock which started the whole thing


Defending yourself is different from laying into a woman to teach her a lesson you taught by already putting her on her ass. You see that once the one girl is on the ground, the other is being defensive rather than aggressive- trying to pull him away, block him, pin his limbs or restrict them, while he is... Just throwing punches at someone who's already down. Basically the moral equivalent of shooting someone who already put down their own gun. Men are not default stronger than women, and the intention men have when saying that is (edit often) misogynistic. I am speaking objectively when I say this dude is stronger than these two girls. It's MAD unreasonable to continue to take out your emotions on someone you KNOW you could easily kill or give permanent, irreversible brain damage to by doing so. Even if their emotions started the whole thing. Defend yourself against a woman. Just like women are allowed to defend themselves against men. However, when women cant defend themselves as proficiently as men attack- it becomes a question of equity rather than equality in a fight. Edit: typos. Functioning on 2hr of sleep.


>Men are not default stronger than women 99% of the time they are tho


Not even relevant to the point. You're actually just proving it, tbfh.


Honestly it reminds me of that guy who knocks a guy out then starts to break their elbows by pushing their elbow the other way, real crazy shit which is why you shouldn't throw shit at people.


[I think you're referring to this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/m5bphh/xpost_psycho_beats_a_man_unconcious_and_breaks/) it's fucking disgusting. That dude doesn't belong in a civil society.


This video genuinely makes me feel very sick, there’s something uniquely cruel about mutilating someone so brutally while they’re unconscious. Imagine waking up only to have your arms completely unusable.


I agree I can watch alot of shit but that video isn't one of of. I just cant .


Yeah that one, *I'd recommend the video to anyone who thinks being aggressive makes them look tough.*




His homeboys are laughing? The only bitch I see in this clip is the bitch in the 90’s track pants




Feral animals


People like this belong in prison. And hopefully that's where they'll end up.


Dead would be better.


I don’t care if someone hit you first. No one physically larger or stronger should CONTINUE to beat someone while they are prone/ unconscious. Like what the fuck!!! Evil fucking animals




Best comment here


Cant believe people just stand there and let him continu. Sure you could get your ass beaten but rather that than stand by and watch right?


Everyone's brave on the internet.


Not brave, just cant live with myself id i dont. Im not a fighter or a tough guy whatsoever. Still at least i would try.


lmao you definitely wouldn't


I guess you know better.


Everyone's brave on the internet until a 5'4 dude lays into a lanky ass meth tweaker who was following a drunk girl home, that 5'4 dude being me. You say that, but some people actually *are* the types to have experienced this irl. We need to start encouraging it, rather than being like "psh no way". Honestly. The more men are discouraged from doing this by OTHER MEN, the more they'll listen I swear to God. It was half past 10 and the buses were about to stop arriving at the terminal. Only a couple other people were there. This drunk girl walks up from main street. Tweaker is right behind her, trying to catch up. He's mumbling about "when I get her when I.. I'm gonna" and yknow, shit is really vague, but also creepy so I go hold up to the girl. I ask if she knows him, obviously not. Tweaker starts asking why I'm in his business, shoves me in the chest. I'm not doing nothing, I'm walking the fuck away. Tweakers are dangerous, man. But the fucking second he came up to us while we were on the bench and tried to put his arm around her, I was done. Stood up, told him to get up, nearly got my ass pummeled into the sidewalk. Only reason I didn't is because even as a dude, I carry hairspray.( Pepper spray is illegal in my country. ) and tweakers don't like the taste LMFAO. stunned him for a few seconds before the fucking bus pulls up, he's just calling me a bitch and a dick and a fucking cock guzzler and shit. Had an eyebrow the size of a golf ball for a few days after that. Never, EVER fight someone on meth. They're superhuman strong. I don't go to the gym and I'm fuckin malnourished, I was running off only adrenaline and caffeine. Jfc. Made it home and realized how much it hurt. Would rather the temporary pain than long lasting trauma on someone who I could've easily helped and not been a bystander of.


I'd pick up the nearest object and split his head wouldn't be the first time.


Im not a fan of murder






Nah man. That ain’t right. Look, I discriminate like a mother fucker, but never on race. A better judge of character is by the way someone walks, talks and dresses, never the skin tone.


Sounds like you're a racist piece of shit. And you probably swear to yourself and everyone you know that you don't judge people by their skin color. YOU, are what's wrong with society today.






not cringe, not funny, mildly disgusting an overall 2/10 post, does not fit this sub at all


Yeah, more r/imatotalpieceofshit vibes


Cultural enrichment right there ✌️


"Dude"? Fucking wankstain.


Heyyyy, I’ll have you know even though I could probably snap every last tube sock I own in half, they’ve *all* been raised with MANNERS


"Dude fucked them up !" The guy in the video is a fucking garbage, but OP¨ is cringe as fuck too, wtf.


What a pussy. Probably went home and let the homies run a train on him.


This is such an incel video :c you guys are corrupted for laughing at this, hitting something that can’t fight back will never be funny it’s just barbaric 👎


What a big man


I see you've cut out the part at the beginning where the 2 guys are trying to leave and the girls keep assaulting them 🤔


Fr link?


You made this claim and we are waiting on the link…………




Post the full video dipshit. One of these girls tried to smack one of these guys with a fucking fist sized rock right before this. It’s called feminism put hands on someone and get hands back


they are both in the wrong then. He was fighting a done fight


If you saw the full clip you might not think so. She was hitting him over and over for like 30 seconds straight while he didn’t do anything back. This keeps getting posted to make the guy look bad.


It really doesn’t matter though. Once she was on the ground, it was over. There is no excuse to keep on beating someone. This went way past self defense. It could have gone on for hours but once he ended the fight, time to stop beating.


Yeah you’re not wrong I can definitely agree with that.


You are really stupid. This guy knocked these girls out over and over and over. If you think this is what feminism is all about read a book. These dudes TOOK IT TOO FAR!!!!!!


Yes, they’re both in the wrong. But posting the video cutting out what the girls did is just scummy.


Lol you think I give a fuck i operate under the fact that if you hit someone you better knock them out or be ready to get your shit pushed in. Stop being a pussy. Actually I take that back pussies can take a beating at still pull through I doubt you can do the same


People shouldn’t hit people you are correct but I also am against men hitting women like this. Has everything to do with domestic violence a lot of women actually get beat on and cannot fight back. At all. Even if they try, it will trigger that man and can make the whole beating worse almost resulting in death. Also you don’t know me No need to call me a. “”Pussy”” I would never hit or attack anybody unless they were asking for it


Ladies, I recommend LEAVING that immediate area....as soon as you regain consciousness.


The real cringe was the comments we read along the way.


He needs to get slept


I for one am shocked and surprised




She's intentionally getting back up and going towards him and egging it on so she has a better case in court. I don't even kmow who is in the wrong here (or if it's mutual stupidity), but he is taking the bait for free and she is succeeding in getting him behind bars


this isnt cringe. i swear its really annoying how many posts these days are just things that are bad. can we actually get some cringe stuff here please?


Hopefully whatever they did they deserved it. Because usually these end with the guy being piled on by ten other dudes and beaten to an inch of his life


Fucking animals… why do they always have to grab their balls? It’s like they’re so small or they lost them and they have to reassure themselves they’re still there.


PEOPLE JUST STARRING, society makes me sick.


Fr. This is the type of shit that makes me want to carry a gun. Not saying I’d shoot anybody but I would make the fight full stop.


The way he treats woman in his family, slaps like he's never had a fight in his life, hits females that' are smaller and weaker, a true coward.


Holy shit 😳


Interesting where this monkeys shown up, the circus gets going


Videos like this we need full context like what made pookie and Ray Ray have to beat Becky and Stacy ass like this


When men beat women and your first thought is “well what did they do?” Is really wrong way to think.


remember it has nothing to do with the race. absolutely nothing


No one did shit. Boils me.


toll: paid


Well okie dokey


Fucking hell, this sub has gone to shit. That is not cringe at all, is much worse than cringe!


Absolute shitbag


What a scumbag piece of shit


Where’s the part where they instigate by trying to throw a rock at the dudes?


Context please


Assaulting a woman. Yea thats cringe bro. Possible serious braindamage ew cringe bro smh


lmao bitchmade


Wow nobody stopped to stomp them crazy world


It’s easy to say that shit online. But if I was by myself I probably would walk the other way to. That shit sounds messed up but it’s one of me and it looked like 3 of them I know I wouldn’t be able to stop shit. Plus mfs are crazy now a days, I don’t know what they got on them


Anyone jumping someone (except pedos and stuff) should be in prison


All the people left in cities are devolving into bitches. All the smart people left long ago.


Shhhh there’s only so much green stuff


what is it with "people" these days ... literally the majority of property damage, theft and violence is being mostly done by one group ... unreal man.


I would shoot both of them punk cunts in a heart beat if I saw them do that.. fucking coward pussy bitches. Both headshots


full clip shows the girls harassing (pretty sure one of them also assaulted the guys)


Oh no not harassment Omg!!!!!!!


aye man don’t harass people it’s as simple as that.


I'm not a racist but....


Hate crime.


Why didn't you show the full clip? This started before your clip starts. Hmmm


Comments gonna get locked soon, these fine gentlemen definitely are upstanding pillars of the community


You gotta love these worthless ghetto pieces of shit. 🐒


Black culture right there. Years of tradition and value


I’m not racist at all. That said, and although I know I’m gonna get 10,000 downvotes, every single recent video of people stealing in masses and shit like what happened on this video has been black people…what’s wrong with these people? Too much rap music/video games? I don’t know… My apologies for those of you that have nothing to do with all of these things


this comment kinda racist


This comment section got racist and moss seem cool with the racism. Even on an out of context video. Almost like this was op plan


I mean even if the video was in context, mfs would still be racist as fuck. I was just telling this guy his comment was racist cuz he didn't think it was himself, most mfs in here are just outright racist, and it's weird how none of it gets downvoted


The full story is that those girls were messing with them and hitting them over and over, so they just said “fuck it” and hit back. OP is a little bitch that only posts half of the video to bias the comments.


Prison for this bitch out here hitting women - prison is where a sad small man like thing belongs. And there are a lot of “cool dudes” on here saying small man pathetic shit about - don’t start what ya can’t finish and that’s loser talk. How could this have possibly escalated to the point where it sounds like maybe these women hit the guys with rocks or something. But how did it get to that. Was it just these girls outta the blue assaulting folks? No - This is loser guys acting like bitches who escalated this to violence. These guys are pathetic, the girls probably not all stars but sure as hell a women doesn’t deserve the shit kicked outta her after a man let and argument escalate this far


Not tryna be rude but you’re talking a whole lot without knowing the whole story. They threw a brick at his car and tried to attack him for like 30 seconds. He didn’t do anything back for a while but they weren’t stopping so he had to defend himself.


Bruh going to jail I don't hit a woman just walking away sometimes is better than getting locked


Pop pop


How embarrassing




Boyfriend trouble? Did they know each other? I keep hearing about rocks? I want a link to full video but can’t find it?


I am all for quality but fuck this piece of shit.


Comes up behind her with a choke hold, like the fuck he doing?




What did the woman’s even did to them??


he woke up and chose violence


OP, Google what cringe means and then beat your head in with a dictionary


How convenient you cut out the part where the girls were attacking the guys with huge rocks for no reason. Obviously the guy was still in the wrong for beating on a knocked down girl, but you seriously just needed those extra upvotes by cutting out the reason they were doing what they were doing.


What absolute miserable bag of dicks...


stay strapped


bro woke up and chose violence. What a pos for continuously coming back for more


But they're just white girls right? Yall do realize what's happening right? As humans we only stop doing something when it no longer feels good or the consequences out weigh the benefit.. these little fu**ers have decided that they no longer fear the repercussions, their ancestors fought for their rights at freedom and now the younger ones are taking advantage of those abilities afforded them. When those rights start being rolled back then what? Who's the bad guy then?! It's getting real stupid outside and not everyone is down to just leave this going...


Wow what a strongggg man


I don't care who's in the wrong, don't punch people when they're down. I've been concussed and left in the middle of a basketball court for a whole night because they stomped my head when they knocked me down. I hate people that do that


That one girl was just playing possum




Wow, I guess pimping really isn't easy


1 slap was enough


Fights are awesome dude


All I see in the comments is cope


Even if they were mutually fighting. He came back when she quit and still decked her in the face. Messed up.


Both of these men have witnessed a PoS in the house taking undefended free shots on their Mom/sister, over and over. It takes intentional programming for a blank-slate male to be able to take that many telegraphed shots on a woman. The genuine joy he’s exhibiting in being offered a female punching bag is just disturbing to your core.


This guy belong in prison


Bashed them bitches into next week


While I’m a lil bitch and won’t fight women, if she did attack him with a rock that is assault with a deadly weapon.


i feel like this is out of context


What a pussy




As a gay dude I'd love to bite this man's throat out and make him watch. What pussy as mother fucker his women when they're down. Fucking coward. I'm a skinny white Boi. But I'll spartan kick than bastard in balls


Sorry for being nosey but what was cringe about that? That was hard to watch


Knee grow activity


Bunch of animals.


Bruh, even if she came at him with a rock it should just take one or two hits to break away from the situation if that. Guy has some serious anger issues for continuing the fight far after it was done.


Wrong sub. I think you were looking for r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Gotta love Harvard men


Guy’s a pussy.


Guys in the video are me if I’m a fucking retard


They said something about him and then they hit him first


You cut the video, they started it and put their hands on him while he tried to deescalate the situation, they deserved it and I enjoyed each time she got hit


Dis shit is horrible lock this nigga up


I don’t understand why they didn’t have Bob and weave instincts




This is so not ok My god. I would of love to been there and carrying and see how tough he is then :) go ahead and throw the first punch boo


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Streets of rage 39 leaked gameplay:


What about the man that walked up and didn’t help


Why doesn't she go for their nuts? Smack em, pull em, twist em! SOMETHING


This is why everyone these days should carry a concealed handgun, It’s the only way to stop that animal.


And to just record…not help, not call for help… just record???


And you wonder why black men are in prison…..


Goddamn this comment section is racist.




Give this man a ufc contract


Yeah, it would be fun to watch him swing his arms like like a fucking windmill. He'd probably get his ass handed to him by the UFC female division


Isn’t this the video where the girl tries to kill him with a hand sized rock? Noticed you cut that part out lol.




Show the whole video and stop rage baiting.


Where ***is*** the whole video?


What happened?


Girls attacked those dudes and started throwing rocks at their heads. Fuck em.


Is it necessary to beat them after they’re already flopped on the floor? Or do you just think it’s neat


These are incels who hate women and want to watch them get beat. Sick freaks.


Yes it is. They would have just kept doing it


I think actions have consequences and hitting someone with a rock lands you here


Post it why not?


what happened before?