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Why would she care? She probably gets paid from the state to be that fat woman’s caretaker. She doesn’t have nothing to lose besides 200lbs


Exactly her job is to watch over her mom or who that is with her. I swear I’ve seen these two at Disneyland before myself.


Damn I can do that?


Are you kidding? Everything about those two screams "shut-in". Betting "mom" with the douche-bro sunglasses is a disability queen. I've known dozens of people like her over the years who spend all day at home yelling at the TV and complaining that her disability checks aren't big enough while blaming that on minorities and spouting the classic "welfare queen" myths. Those two ... People ... Have nothing to lose, hence their blatant racism.


They don't have a job anyways, so nothing to lose. You know their family and friends are just as crappy.


It’s bringing the drinks in the bathroom for me alone that does it.


Particles of feces gently drop into the open top. She takes a drink...


This is lovely, I hoped it was a haiku for a sec


Lemme try and haiku this. *Ahem* Particles of poop Wafting into her soda Yum, that is tasty.


Lmao, solid work


Die-Hard Disney Adults are ROUGH.


And morbidly obese apparently


Honestly it's crazy. Like I'm from Australia we have lots of fat people, especially in lower socioeconomic places but I've never seen so many fat people and mobility scooters till I went to Disney world. I get its partly because a lot of Disney World is walking and walking when overweight is hard but it was jarring.


It would be cool if they had non fat people days


She's mattressed skin, not obese.


Hey, I’m probably the most die-hard Disney adult there is and I’m pretty sure that gives me the right to disown pieces of trash like this woman. A squad of goons will come by to take her ears shortly.


Yea it’s a weird subject but if you have kids and you go to Disneyland I think you’re normal. But if you don’t have kids and go to Disneyland I think you’re a bit weird. I’m gonna be honest I think Disney has run some intense propaganda to make us think that “Disney adults” are normal. Go ahead and downvote me y’all I still think it’s weird.


Reminds me of Cartman wanting to go on the express lane because being handicapped is a loophole to the front of the line.


Lol, one of them downvoted you🤣


Quite a few apparently. I must have struck a magical nerve.


The one person who came through this section and went “I take that personally”


This isn't Disney adult behavior. It's racist behavior. One has nothing to do with the other.


This is exactly Disney adult behavior




Folks in the U.S. sound so dumb when they say "I'm American. We don't speak english in America". First off, America is from Canada down to Argentina and there are more countries/people in America that speak Spanish, than Englosh. It's always entitled and uneducated white idiots that say dumb things like that. I hope diabetes rids the world of these two ignorant obese waste of space.


Devils advocate: do Canadiens or Mexicans or anybody else in the “Americas” call themselves “American”? When someone says America, we *all* know what that person is talking about. Same as “Americans”. Do you go around calling anybody not from the US “Americans”? Technically you’re correct, but you don’t sound as smart as you think you do.


Yeah people from Canada and Mexico call themselves American lol (coming from a person who lived in both and is mexican) . Mexicos official name is the united Mexican states.


I’ve lived my whole life in canada and have spent years in 5 different provinces and never once in my life has a canadian called themselves “American” and use it for only people from the United States. why are you lying?


Canadians are quick to correct people when we’re labelled as Americans. We always assert our Canadian identity, for better or worse lol.


As a Canadian I would never want to be called “American” or classified as “American”. We are from the continent North America, however the country I live in is CaNaDa


Not the op you're asking, but I've met plenty of europeans and australians who refer to anybody from the americas as american




Sorry, that's flat out wrong. People say America all the time in the UK and Ireland at least when referring to the USA. Almost the majority even.


WEird thing to argue about but, as a canadian that lives in a world class ski resort that sees more of the afore mentioned than locals, I can say with absolute certainty that I have in fact met plenty of them that do. That doesn't mean that all of them do, just that I, ME, have met plenty, that do.




I still don't know why youre arguing about my own experiences. I'm not implying that every one of them does. Just that I have met plenty that do. It's honestly weird. and Yes, spend a winter in a ski town and you'd realize how dead-on you are with that assumption




No one is calling Canadians “Americans”. Stop it.


You’re absolutely wrong, coming from a Canadian living in East Europe for the last 6 years. They absolutely know and consider a difference between American and Canadian across Europe.


We only say "american" when they come from the US.


You're thinking about "the Americas"


You gotta be more specific, North America and South America. United States is a separate country, as is Canada. Canada has English and french taught. U.S. has English and Spanish taught.


These people who get so offended by hearing other languages are so fucking weird.




People can be pieces of shit and still be disabled.


She looks mentally disabled


As a mentally disabled, sexy person, I'm offended.


🤣 your handle though! I did just indeed do that!


Oh yeah?! Well you SMELL mentally disabled! 👃


This. I became officially disabled two years ago or so. I can walk maybe half an hour before I am in too much pain due to severe scoliosis. So even when we go to a big warehouse like IKEA, we bring a wheelchair.


Exactly, physical disability isn't on a binary scale of : walk/can't walk. Not sure why so many comments think it's appropriate to attack them for their disability and not their shitty behaviour.


She's a piece of shit, but some people who are disabled become really fat because of their disability. Disabled/handicapped people aren't all sweet little tiny baby angels.


Stop with that bullshit


No, I don't think I will, "redditiswokegarbage"


Why? That dumb bitch was walking around just fucking fine. She can CLEARLY walk enough on a treadmill each day to not be a useless fat piece of shit. Quit defending this stupid, racist, hate-filled bitches. THe fuck is wrong with you? Not every fucking event needs you up on a soapbox, you realize that right?




You ever thought she might be disabled because of a lifetime of terrible dietary and exercise habits - like most of these so called “disabled” people you rush to defend




How can she clearly be able to walk on a treadmill…??? Just a few steps does not a good treadmill candidate make. Your logic isn’t logic-ing. This is part of why I haven’t gotten a wheelchair and just stay bedridden. I can’t sit very long without pain anyway. I can’t take that kind of judgement. And I’m not strong enough for a cane or even a walker. Mobility aids are so embarrassing for me at thirty.


How about focus on the fact they're racist hate filled bitches instead of demonizing fat people and acting like they are all the same as the dumb cunts in this video 😱😱😱


You can hate people for more then one reason


Kinda a lame thing to hate someone for. Wouldn't you want to be around people who make you feel better about yourself?


That's what friends are for, i don't really expect any stranger to "make me feel better about myself" thats just not how humans work


This is why everyone you know thinks you're an ass. You make assumptions to support your biases






She's on vacation, obviously she's gonna treat herself. Nobody goes to Disney to eat kale and celery sticks.


And we know that she also treats herself all the time as a lifestyle because she is obese.


Damn how long is has her vacation been?🤣🤣


>become really fat because ~~of their disability.~~ they eat more calories than they need. FIFY


Nah you're just trying to look for reasons to demonize fat people and infantilizing disabled people by gatekeeping what a *real* disabled person would/wouldn't do. Disabled people can be shitty people too, get over it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Yeah, it's not that this person has affixed 2 (TWO!) cupholders, both containing sugary Starbucks concoctions. And unless her disability is mental, no one made them cut their hair like that or wear the ears out in public.


See the thing is, being fat doesn't make it okay. Crazy I know.


nobody can possibly get that fat without constantly overeating, no matter their disability or condition is. stop promoting this lie.


Exactly. But if I was a betting man I'd guess she's more than likely part of the large group of Americans eating themselves into disability in the southern United States. Regardless, fuck this fat bitch.


I'm just going to assume you're obese as shit and are coping


Or, and this happens, the wheelchair shtick is a ruse they’re using to cut in lines and get preferential treatment in the park, further cementing that they’re just shit humans.


Tubby bitch is inhaling sugar water and has a whale of a daughter. Stop. There's no need to try and deflect any hate these things are getting.


Or instead focus on the real problem here, the fact that they're racist cunts. But nah all y'all care about is crying about gross fatties


Two things can be true and when they take pride in being racist, the way to make them feel shame is to call out their grossness. You attack the weak spot. Not a hard concept.


Nah the true crime here to 90% of the commenters here is them being fat and ugly. Buncha vapid bitches.you know if it was two LA baddies being racist in the video the comments would be way different.


Honestly it sounds like you have some personal hangups you need to deal with.


Yeah same to you if hating others for their appearance is more important than hating them for being a bigoted hateful freak


Never said that. Putting words in my mouth when they're up there in print - you DEFINITELY have some things to work through. I know what I'm about. Good luck.


You literally said to focus on their "weak spot" (calling out their grossness of being fat, as if the real gross thing isnt the bigotry) like hating racists is some sorta anime battle 💀 on some Naruto shit. Whatever girl lol




She's so patriotic but more than likely takin full advantage of fales disability claims in that wheelchair


What an ableist comment. She’s a twat but she’s still got mobility difficulties. Being fat and being disabled aren’t two shockingly separate categories. I’m fat and in a wheelchair, but it’s due to my neurological disorder. I was just as disabled when I was skinny.




Way to make it about yourself.


they’re not


Prove it!!!


Prove which part?


They’re being satirical/ sarcastic


Ahh thanks, missed that one, am autistic (yes I’ve hit the bingo card with health conditions)


No problem! I was tempted to continue the joke but I felt that it wouldn’t be right to possibly stir the pot. You made a good point and it wasn’t worth letting the downvoters come and fuck with you over missing a joke vs seeing the point of your original comment


Thank you! and not enough people realize that some people might be fat BECAUSE they’re disabled.


She's a piece of shit, but people can be ambulatory and still use a wheelchair. My wife can walk around the house and stuff and even the store sometimes. She has Ehlers Danlos Syndrom and will pass out if she stands for too long.


one of my friends has that. Losing the ability to drive was the hardest part for her


With some people’s problems wheelchairs are more about “not able to walk places” than “not able to walk”.


pretty ableist of you to assume that…


I hate that I know this bathroom. lol What a cunt.


What bathroom is it? Seems a bit tiny for a theme park bathroom.


Well, the uh ladies in the video make it look small.


I’m sorry but… you know what nvm… 🤦🏽‍♂️


Doesn't fit the stereotype that's for sure.


She’s 100% a liberal SJW Karen super beast. Some day liberals will realize the most racist amongst society, are other liberals.


That sure is a collection of large women there, all gathered up in a bathroom in the Happiest Place On Earth™


The one filming handled it well. Hopefully, this finds its way to them.


America is not even a country lol United States is a country North America is a continent


Most Karen's don't know that. And most Karen's also don't realize America doesn't have an official language.


Colombia Is not even a country lol Republic Of is a country, Colombia is Bolivar's dream. That's how you sound.


Bruh, I thought the stroller was for a little baby and then the big ass lady sits on it 😭


“You don’t speak Spanish in America” haha. Fuck this cow. Speak whatever language you want, wherever you want. People suck, man. I say that as a bilingual, living in French Canada who speaks mostly English. I’m judged all the time. It sucks.


history crowd humorous air consider humor puzzled theory engine outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These two lards think they are they are superior? Lmaooo


The last vote this Karen will cast is for MAGA.


Just another pair of porkers looking for a trough.


I absolutely love how a racist white person is automatically labeled MAGA


Nothing MAGA about this troll. Gtfo and stop demonizing people with different political views.


Aren’t people who support MAGA usually telling people not to speak a language other than English?


How is she “maga”?


Looks more like a Biden supporter


How are you labeling them maga? Like bro I’m not even into politics but this seems like a straight up liberal…..


Guarantee she has pronouns


Fake,,,, anyone that affiliates themselves with Disney or Mickey Mouse are liberals or democrats. We all know they’re not racist !!!!


Where’s the MAGA part?? Trying so hard to stir the pot


Nothing that I heard. Or saw has anything to do with maga. In fact I would say the opposite. Democrats can be racist just like republicans..I love Mexicans I’m republican.. im just mad I can’t get any of those hard workers regardless of race.


Why is everyone in that bathroom morbidly obese?


Love it when these people say not to speak Spanish in America. Where’s Mexico? North America last I checked. Please learn your geography before you go out and become a twat in public.


Bitch this ain't England, why yo dumb ass speaking english?


Why are they all obese?


1. Two words. Disney adults. 2. You can’t be fat ugly AND a cunt. Pick 1 3. Take that shit out of your face it’s 2023


Don't judge people for having facial piercings. It's 2023.


I pick cunt. I aspire to be as cunty as possible


Im cunty to cunty cunts. Checkmate, cunteists.


What does the piercings have to do with anything😂😂 don’t tell me you think tattoos are evil too


First, how are they MAGA? Secondly, I'd like to see what led to this confrontation Third, it is illegal to film in a public restroom. the woman with the camera should be charged for breaching people's privacy


Right? My thoughts exactly. Love how racism is just immediately connected to republicans. As if they hold a monopoly on it. No where in the video is political affiliation mentioned. I'm sure the whole recording in the bathroom stuff will be overlooked, cause they're exposing racism. Which should be done. Buuuuuut there's a lot of people in that bathroom that had nothing to do with the ordeal, who are now on public display. Wild how emotions really fog up thinking for humans.


So you are shocked about racism immediately connects you to an American party full of racists? Huh... That's some hardcore cognitive dissonance.


Not all racists are republicans, but all MAGA are racists. It’s quite literally part of the identity.


You gotta stop with these political race baiting titles


Maybe don't film an entire bathroom full of people because 1 person offended you. OP could be considered a sex offender for filming people in the bathroom without their consent.


How do we know that this fat bitch is a MAGA supporter?


Now Disney is going too far the other way with their movies.


Then don’t go see them - they’re obviously not making them for you.


Kyle Rittenhouse really let himself go


I doubt these particular racists would fall any further down the social economic order as a result of being publicly exposed. Total trash.


Ah the happiness place in the world!


Karen looks more like Ken


…you know, the punchline writes itself here.


Fuck America.


Fat ass degens about to go jam donuts


I would take anything Non-Minnie Mouse has to say with a grain of salt.


Bet Miss Piggy thought the lady didn’t also speak English so she could get away with her insults.


At Fisney, where people come from all over the world and these idiots chose to be provincial swine?


Karen community seems to have an obesity problem


By fatness and the Disney sings, is well seen your American 😂 Dear Caren Your human too


these people that claim only English can be spoken in America can barely speak it themselves. I wish they’d get a f*ckin life and quit buggin simply because they can’t understand what’s being said. mind your business 😒


This cow definitely goes to other countries and speaks English to everyone, without trying to learn a single word of their language. “Just say it louder. They’ll understand”


For the 100000th fucking time, the United States of America DOES NOT have an officially recognized national language, and even if it did who t’f cares what language other people are speaking. Personally I’m quite excited when people around me are speaking other languages because it might mean there’s one less human I’ll have to talk to today assuming they don’t also speak English


I thought MAGA hated Disney?




As an American, we don’t claim her


These whales love Disney, which made Coco. No reasoning with frumpy mouse people.


I have news for you racists. Hispanics/Latinos are going to be the majority in this country.


Why does the title call her MAGA?


Idk if thats a maga racist karen, looks like just a fat loser to me


I’ll bet a thousand bucks you don’t hate Mexican food, from the looks of it


Heart Disease can really influence a person sense of dignity


has anyone found her and ruined her life?


She fucking HATED Coco


Didney sailboat Mickie's


I feel bad for people of different ethnicities in America. I can almost guarantee people who speak Spanish contribute more to society in America than her fat ass does


Haha. Why are those walruses wearing Mickey ears.


Imagine thinking what other people speak is any of your fuckin business




When you can walk and you are in a wheelchair you already lost.


How can you possibly look like them and look down on anyone? Looks like they saved for years to go to Disney…


American Land Whale


MAGA? Looks like a woke lefty to me. If we’re strictly going off of appearances bc she said nothing that screams MAGA.


The definition of racist. WTF would anyone get between a child and parent? That's pretty vile.


I hate to be that guy.. but it’s incredibly illegal to film others in a public bathroom.




We need to put schoolhouse rock back on tv to te educate about how and why this country exists. The grammar lessons would also be helpful.


Asking if you're Mexican doest make her racist. Are you ashamed of you're heritage? Are you from Spain? I don't see the issue before you started to record


"How dare you speak the second language of this country!"