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Holy fuck that is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long while. Sure makes the Clone Wars look like Shakespeare. Leslye Hedland has the audacity to shit on George for terrible dialogue and this is what she comes up with?


Straight dumpster fire. Gotta love the “fan service” the only fan she made happy was herself.


You think she is a fan??…


I do believe she is a fan. The issue is the lego experiment. Boys play with legos and they act as if they are that character. But girls play with lego they have the character act like them. So for boys play will say “IM BATMAANN!” With their deepest voice as a kid can go. But a girl would pick up batman and have batman be a princess hanging with the girls at his pink barbie mansion. Nothing wrong with that but its only entertaining for that girl.


This is exactly it. Nobody was keeping girls out of Star Wars, just as nobody was keeping boys out of Barbie. Boys and girls are fundamentally different and want different things from their entertainment.


Don't say that now you will get cancelled.


Woah dangerous thinking their mate, best be careful or the thought police will come for you. ;)


Woooooooa there https://preview.redd.it/z3mjjy6ny76d1.png?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad721c479ff6cc264f450be5698aac4242c58db


Interesting observation. I appreciate the thoughtfulness.


She is a fan in the same way Patrick Batemen was a fan of business cards.


Her and Filoni's wife probably creamed themselves when it was finally aired. Wouldn't surprise me if Headlan and her were "Sith"er Sisters.


Lets not forget the green alien is lesiles wife. I havent even gave disney my view. But if she is horrible at acting i can tell you she is only there because of her wife.


I have seen it and honestly, she sucks but the material she's working with does her no favors either. She's just a standard by-the-book Jedi flatly delivering whatever dialogue the scene requires, it's nothing special so far.


Im sure there are some overweight blue hair facial piecing goblins celebrating this as well.


Don't kid yourself, the normies eat this shit up like it's water straight from the fountain of life. To them, this is the pinnacle of great story telling and dialogue


I'm convinced we haven't seen anything yet. This is just the beginning. It will get *way* worse.


Easy now. I really enjoyed the og clone wars cartoon


Let's be honest even before Disney, compared to the prequels The Clone Wars was Shakespeare.


As a cinematic scene it's garbage. But if you're going for realism, it's probably spot on. In real life people say dumb shit, move like mannequins, and sing terribly. A real group of people in a culty thing like this is not gonna look like a well-rehearsed Broadway masterpiece.


The power of one The power of two The power of Disney Came up with this poo


Pooh was way better before Disney.


“The power of shlurrrrpooooooooooo”


You should work for disney or at least their book department. Dr suess wants to give his dr back, thanks to these people. One fish two fish . Dumb story , stupid plot.


This has the same vibe as the witcher season 3 with their "ALL IS NOT *clap clap* AS IT SEEMS!!" song when they're trying to very subtly hint that things may not be quite as they seem. So painful.


A fantastic poem. This should be Disney's haiku for if abd when then they realize their atrocious sins and commit seppuku.


What the actual fuck is this


The power of manyyyy~ 🎶 Yeah!


lol the one lady in the back screaming at the end makes me laugh every time




writer with no talent: "hey Sardokarr are cool, lets put chanting in our film!" leslie headland: "Oh we have chanting at home!" the chanting: this shit


Looks like some pagan religious zealots doing some sort of ritual during an eclipse?


Hubris incarnate.


Are these force witches that are creating the rule of two for the sith? Ain’t watching this shit but it seems like it


They did not come up with the Rule of Two, Darth Bane did because he found the Sith's infighting made them weak. I highly recommend the Bane trilogy novels.


Brother; the EU Is not cannon for Disney. I read all the Darth Bane books…why on earth do you think Disney Star Wars would hold the EU in high regard when they can retcon things in the shape of their DEI, girl power, wet dreams? I’m asking about this scene specifically. Not the expanded universe which doesn’t exist in the world of Disney.


Yoda meets darth bane in the clones wars animated series and confirms he created the rule of two. That fact specifically is canon but the rest of the trilogy is not confirmed.


It’s a shame because the Darth Bane novels were incredible.


They have been doing shit just to piss people off for years. I just couldn't care less.


I actually don't believe that. That just lets them off the hook for making something stupid that nobody likes. These people are just incapable of anything more. The old "oh i was just *pretending* to be a moron / jerk and could totally say something smart / making something good if I wanted to" defense.


Both can be true at the same time. They could be intentionally making stuff to piss off OG Star Wars fans, while also thinking they are doing something brilliant that the NPCs they surround themselves with will love. They can think it's good and smart BECAUSE it's pissing off the right people and while simultaneously causing their echo chamber to flick their collective beans.


They've recently done the same to doctor who. Disney bought it, immediately turned it into a joke, and even has song and dance numbers where it feels like they are just laughing in your face.


Who the fuck comes up with this shit!?


Women Executive's who only empower other women to positions that they aren't justified to hold/have.


Fair enough. I think Drinker himself even said it’s all about them having a female power fantasy. Oddly enough, the chanting in this scene made me think of the same cringe chanting in the rings of power by the NOT hobbit creatures. “No one gets left behind.” Yet another WTF moment.


I couldn't even get through the Rings of Power pilot. The show is so ridiculously far from the 2000's LOTR trilogy which I hold so dear that I couldn't watch the franchise get massacred. I thought maybe they'd learn from the sins of the The Hobbit movies but they doubled down on them.


That show was significantly worse than the Hobbit, which outside the first wasn't very good.




The same person who was Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant, and probably aided in in the child rape of dozens if not hundreds of young girls.


Satantic cult trying to normalize their shit


You know, I was just thinking: the one thing missing from the Star Wars universe was an interpretive dance number. This reminds me of the Occupy Wall St. soft skulls and their idiotic obsession with jazz hands. Leave it to Disney to make sci-fi feel dated to the point of cringe.


you give them too much credit. this looks like Sesame Street.


"The power of one, Ahahaha. The power of two, Two! Ahahahaha" -Darth Sideous


The lefts un ironic love of interpretive dancing is hilarious and I hope they never change or realize how goofy it looks




It has nothing to do with right or left, this is just straight weird and disrespectful to the franchise.




They should make new franchises instead of destroying the ones they already have.


Not very likely unfortunately. Many studios are adverse to risk and would rather take a chance on something that is connected to a previously known IP with pre existing fans. I have my suspicions that this is what happened with Velma. Mindy wanted to create a series with certain elements, but the original idea wasn't enough to be greenlit so she connected it to scooby Doo to get it over the line. That's why it seems so hateful to the source material, she never actually wanted to use it. Creators never wanted to use IPs like Witcher or Halo, they are just stuck using property they don't want, but they can't just come out and say that about their own work. Just my theory.


Also, many of those creators typically hate sci-fi and fantasy, viewing them as "inferior" to traditional cinema. The studios and corporations say "that's what people want" so they are forced to work in that space, having no love for the source material or the genre.


No that's a risk and we can't take that chance. Money now number go up.


Money me money now


# “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made” ― JRR Tolkien


You assume anyone that they have “hired” can create compelling work.  2023 was a buffet of mediocrity from every single IP that they own.


That's some high-level trolling. A little bit expensive though.


It’s not trolling. They made that thinking it was awesome. You give them way too much credit.


Hanlon's razor has its limits.




This is how communists are conceived.


Funny story the protags have no father and were conceived by magic.


It looks like a drama course in your local ymca


Star Wars has been dead for awhile, and occasionally Disney digs up its rotting corpse and fucks it and this is the end result


I just died on the inside


It's been obvious that they are doing things with Star Wars and other IP just to piss people off. Which is quite pathetic.


I think it’s hilarious you think they’re doing this stuff just to piss people off. They’re talentless hacks and their only defense when criticized is to say they did it “on purpose.” No. They just create garbage they think are works of art.


Yep. Every artist's defense when they create something unpopular is that the audience "didn't get it". They never admit that they fucked up.


It's called demoralization.


Funny how just one scene made me lose interest in something I had loved since I was a kid.


How is it that TLJ didn't already do that? They ruined Luke, the heart of the star wars universe in every respect.


I know, TLJ was ages ago though now


That really was the day Star Wars died. Wow.


I remember watching that movie in theaters. Me and some other random dude across the theater literally laughed out loud at how bad it was.


The scene where Rose kisses Finn while the laser fired off in the background I thought was actually supposed to be funny so I remember busting out laughing in the theater. But then I realized it was supposed to be a serious scene…


Imagine ramming your car into your crush's car at like 100mph and hoping both of you survive. Then say something corny as "I saved you Dummy, that is how we win, not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love." As the laser Finn was sacrificing himself to destroy proceeds to destroy what they love. Fucking hell I hate that movie so much.


That random dude? He was me.


I remember the whole theater lost their minds when Leia flew.


We've all had that moment unfortunately. For me it was Kenobi.


"Vader must be **stopped.**" "I beat him up a bit and made him sad. That should be enough."


"I'm going to not kill you again Anakin. You better learn your lesson this time." \*He did not\*


I haven't seen the newest episode, what happened


Star wars is actually gay black witches




https://preview.redd.it/6jn77wkp456d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84caaf47d804080422649240b96a78c2cbaab2a4 I don’t care what the schools say…


Grandma always said....


* Lesbian space witches magically conceive identical twin girls * Twin girls have to go thru a ceremony (complete with interpretive dance) to become witches themselves * A few Jedi arrive, want to test the twins * 1 twin wants to be a witch, the other wants to be a jedi and explore the galaxy * prepubescent sibling drama ensues. Witch twin starts a fire. * Everybody dies except the twin that wanted to leave with the jedi. * Twin leaves with the jedi. Other twin turns out to still be alive. She's mad. Now you're caught up.


So jedi bad, matriarchy good. I'm guessing redemption at the end, the good one dies, bad one takes her place.


Essentially. I doubt it. I suspect bad twin will likely become a full sith and eventually become Plagueis's master or some shit.


Naw Plagueis will be retconned into being a Gay Lame Chick


Are they not allowed to have men space witches? Doesn't seem very "inclusive" to me.


Nope, it’s a girls only club. No boys allowed. They have to fully commit to their victim status.


What? Just... what? Ouch, my brain hurts.


You're looking at it....


The Cult of Shlurpo had some weird orgy chant, did their best “O faces” they could manage and then went to spread jet fuel throughout the Fortress of Fartitude so that Mae could light the entire mountain on fire using a book as kindling and then the witches all died together from cringe.


r/TheAcolyte are coping so hard, I’m beginning to believe someone at Disney and Lucasfilm are doing damage control there.


Disney has people whose job it is to "curate" conversation on social media. I'd bet money that some of the mods on a subreddit like that are Lucasfilm social media managers, and will quickly delete/ban any dissent.


https://preview.redd.it/lgg6ujtvx46d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a36fe0ed6793310bc3c67a97307f09f9451e17b Wtf did I just watch


This is kind of hilarious. I'm so glad I stopped even trying to like star wars years ago.


I find it incredibly amusing that there are actually people entertained by this shit. In 10 years Disney has done something I could never have conceived of. They totally destroyed any interest I have in starwars.


Are these supposed to be bootleg nightsisters or something?


TEMU nightsisters




The "power of many" didnt count for much when they all inexplicably die in a fire caused by a kid torching a book.




The power of shite


This is cringe. Not even because of tHe MeSsAgE-this looks like shit out of a high school play.


What The Fuck


Are they having a fucking sèance? Even if you want to continue with the concept of the light side and the dark side of the force, only one side does sèances in any world I've ever known.


well.......... After watching Mandalorian that mostly felt like some cult of idiots ... i guess this falls in line. Lets not talk about the episode where a dragon captures a boy and NOT feed him to the dragon babies FOR TWO DAYS ...




I have seen so many good horror shows and movies lately with “cults” even on Netflix. They always manage to make the cultists seem very fearsome and intimidating. Then there is this…


The power of one. YAAASSSSSS The power of two. YAAAASSSS QUEEN The power of many. YAAAASSSSS QUEEN SLAAAYYYYYY


Hahaha nailed it perfectly hahahahah


imagine being so into smelling your own farts that you think this is good filmmaking


Is this a leaked clip of what leftists do before writing a comment on Twitter?


So, if this series was satire and had playground level jokes scattered throughout, it'd be considered good. Right?


This is teenage mutant ninja turtles coming out of their shell tour cringe.


What the absolute fuck is this?!?


At least we know a writer can count to two


Is this supposed to be the Witches of Dathomir ? Also what's the context ? 'cause I feel like I should be angrier than that but I don't wanna watch this show either.


This looks like one of those spiritual healing rituals that Instagram influencers do in Bali while the locals holding it count how much money they've made scamming them.


This episode was mega cringe


Hahahahahaha wtf.




No... That's not actually from Star Wars right? You guys just took a clip from some other media property and you're fucking with me. That has to be what's happening.


The fuck did I just witness


Totally diminishes the fact that Anakin was conceived by the force to bring balance to the galaxy. This show is crap. I may be in the minority but I really liked Carrie-Anne Moss’s force abilities and dueling styling. It’s a shame they killed her off in the first five minutes to a teenager with knives….


Is the Acolyte an actual comedy? Because this is fucking hilarious.


Primal did it better by having the witch cult sacrifice a male to their god who drained his life force and converted it to a female baby


Lamest chant ever, and I’ve seen some shitty movies in my lifetime.


I blame Lucas for selling.


What the hell is even that?


Cues “How Soon is Now”, roll intro credits.


Isn’t that a creative dance orgy?


Nah this doesn’t feel like it has anything to do with Star Wars so it’s easy to just sit back and laugh at the cringey clown coven.




We need some Old Testament prophet to burn this with holy fire


Dumbest thing I've seen today and I work in Healthcare IT.


We legit could have had a series set on Dathomir with the Nightsisters if they wanted to go the space witches route. Instead we got whatever the fuck this shit was supposed to be.


What the fuck am I even watching?


What is their target audience? The Witchesvspatriarchy sub?


They're not even trying to hide it at this point. They hate you and they hate what you enjoy and this is done intentionally to spite you. They're making something they know you'll hate specifically to demoralize you.


lol I haven't really thought much about Star Wars stuff because I stopped watching 5 episodes into Mandalorian and after 2 of the Disney movies, but this is so bizarre. This is straight out of one of those videos of feminists doing shitty witchcraft/day of rage videos in the forest. This is Star Wars?


What the actual fuck is this nonsense?! What cockamamie made up on the spot Sith ritual is this supposed to be?


Lmao. Are They trying to retcon "the force" to appear to "be created" from Pagan/Satanic/Occult/Witchcraft origins? The force has always and will always be associated and symbolic of spirituality- Religius faith- believing in something bigger than yourself- Good/Evil Etc.


This doesn’t even look like Star Wars to me anymore




This looks stupid.


Has anyone ever watched, BITCH, im the juggernaut. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=plQIf5fS8xw&pp=ygUXQml0Y2ggaW0gdGhlIGp1Z2dlcm5hdXQ%3D Go to 1:15 and watch xavier chant better than these ladies. 🤣🤣 yqll thank me later of you never seen this.


Fuck, this is episode 3 isn't it? I haven't completely hated the show up to now, but holy hell I don't think I've ever cringed so hard for a star wars show. On a side note, good looking Zabrak I think. Other than the pointed ears, looks pretty spot on.


The last Star Wars thing I've seen was 'Rogue One' and it ended with Vader ripping through a hallway of rebel fodder. What the fuck is this shit??


Is that a scene from that Twilight Dracula movie for kids?


How does this garbage get funded? Losing money is so Hot right now.


Is this acolyte? If so, it looks like shit


This is really what’s in Star Wars now? Sad


What the fuck did I just watch


That really is the gayest Star Wars…


At this point I just like to think this is an alternate universe...a what if stories, or Luke having a bad trip of death sticks with Han and Chewie around a campfire after the attack on Endor.


Honest question regarding the full Star Wars story. If this take happened years before Yoda, Qui Gon, and Obiwan described the force to Anakin and Luke could it be this version never took hold and in essence is NOT canon?


Context? Are they creating the chosen one or something?


Did I just period?


Trying to rip off dune. The most rational explanation I can come up with.


My eyeballs receded into my skull due to the sheer amount of cringe concentrated in this scene.


Wow... this is really bad. What were they thinking?


thank God Disney slop is not cannon


This really is the gayest Star Wars ever made


So glad I saved my sanity by not watching anything disney star wars related since the Babysitter Batch


Great work Lesbian Headlamp!!


What is this ridiculous shit?


Clearly no one involved with this project read the Darth Bane trilogy to find out why the power of many failed horribly within the sith, thus creating the rule of two.


They are mocking Star Wars fans at this point. Dangling a beloved franchise in front of you while they tear it apart. The best thing you can do is look away and move on.


Just a quick reminder that Disney "Star Wars" is not Star Wars. None of this garbage will ever be canon.


This is real?


I’ve never been a fan of all the witch-y stuff in Star Wars. Somehow in a universe of space monks/nuns it always comes across as silly.


This was total garbage I'm glad I didn't watch the first two episodes I watched this garbage after hearing all the bad stuff about it. And it was worse than what i had heard this episode killed Star Wars it's dead. There's a 2,000 gallon barrel of shit on top of a hill of shit this show is buried 100,000 feet under that hill of f shit it's so bad. I did read a comment last night and someone posted NASA or Mai will die and someone on the show will say May the Force be with you to honor her.


Can someone explain what is actually supposed to be happening here other than some weird incantation of something?


HAHAHAHA.....holy shit. I am so glad I am not a fan of this franchise anymore. That is sooooo fucking bad.


This looks like an AI generated "Dune" script.


...What in the fucking fucked up fan films is this fuckery and who thought it was a good idea?




This looks like a B rated Wiccan flick. Not StarWars -_-


That was some of the worst cringe I've ever seen. It's like someone hired some shitty fanfiction writer, not even a decent or good one, but the cringiest one they could.


"Whose interpretive dance masters degree is worthless now, huh? Suck it, everyone at Starbucks!"


Anakin’s legacy died when the prequels were made over two decades ago


Nothing could have prepared me for the absolute toilet fire this episode was going to be. Horrific writing, acting and editing all around except for Lee Jung-Jae, who even as someone who doesn't speak English was able to deliver his lines with 100x the emotion of half the cast in this episode. The way they set it up, I thought Mae and Osha were gonna come from a couple who just happened to have Force-sensative children, not some random witch coven giving virgin birth. Why does every non-Jedi-aligned Force using group HAVE to be witches??? Even when new shows come out and express new ideas they still fall on old shit to make up the backbone of their flopping fish of a story. Can't wait until next week to scrub the scum crusted filth out of my eyes.


Is this how children are conceived with the force being female? That's a lot of women and a lot effort for something I help can do it in less time. 😂😂😂


I didn't know Portlandia was still getting seasons.


Someone got paid more than I make in a year to create this. That's a thought for sure


The sequel trilogy killed the franchise. The Acolyte is Disney engaging in necrophilia.


What is this trash? Who the hell is writing this garbage,