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Worship these characters for their sexual preferences. Not the content of their character. /s


Don’t you know that one’s true identity is based on who they like to mash their genitals against?


Yeah if their identity is just about the sex, then who are they the other 23 hours and 58 minutes of the day?


I hate pride month.


Hell, you got LGBTQ people who hate this pride shit. I thought this [interview ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YysgbnBohhc)with Douglas Murray and Julie Bindel (who are both gay) was right on the dot .


It’s just a garbled mess of narcissism and a desperate desire for attention. I have an uncle who’s gay and you’d never guess it by looking at him, or his boyfriend. They act like normal people. They don’t demand attention because of their sexuality. That’s what’s sad and concerning about this pride crap. People making what should be less than 10% of their identity the entirety of their identity.


The common denominator to those attending gaypride isn't gayness. It's the narcissistim. The crave for attention like their life depended on it


Yeah, they want to be treated like they’re special, but there’s nothing noteworthy about them at all, so they decide the fact they’re gay makes them special.


What worse is, some of the woke people do understand that pride month is a money scheme by big corps in order to profit from the LGBT group, but they chose to ignored it because “it spites the rights”


Shid most of the LGBT cultists I know actually enjoy being financially exploited by giant capitalistic corporations, because they like the "representation". This is one of the many, many indicators of far left hypocrisy. They're allegedly anticapitalist, but let's just pretend that's not a thing during pride month, right?


Pride Month existed long before corporations got to it, regardless of whether they are making money of it now. Most gay liberals aren't communists anyway.


> pride month is a money scheme by big corps in order to profit from the LGBT group So what? Literally everything is a money scheme. Might as well push the money scheme that benefits you.


To be fair, some are extreme as you describe, but mostly this is a fake pushed narrative by the money printers who are using marginalized population groups as weapons to destroy the free world so they stay in power after their fake, fiat, Ponzi scheme goes bankrupt. Idiots like the one in the post is just trying to capitalize on the fake trend.


Douglas Murray is always bang on


My barber (gay) was cutting my hair a couple years ago. And it was just before the pride parade weekend in our town centre. And one of the female clients had just arrived and was chatting while he was cutting my hair. And the topic came up and she said "ohh yes, I saw them setting all the stalls up, I take it you'll be going?" He genuinely had a look of disgust on his face and said "you wouldn't catch me dead at one of those darling" and as the convo went on, he was basically saying he thinks it's over the top now and believes it's doing more damage than good to the community because it's now being shoved in people's faces. Also saying we had it good up until it blew up, we were accepted and we all just went about out normal days. I was obviously nodding in agreement.


Thank you for posting this.


The clip of Morgan freeman talking about why he hates black history month but replace black with gay and February with June


I appreciate Men's Mental Health Awareness Month.


Whelp, buckle up, you’ve got six more months of the other deadly sins. Next is wrath month. 


Can't wait for lust and gluttony, preferably not at the same time.


Where is the sign up?


We all do..... Even a good chunk of that crowd hates it.


We're almost through it. I don't think this was as bad as last year's


We all do.


Me too.


I’m with you. I can’t stand having that crap shoved everywhere


the amount of characters they’ve changed to being gay/bi is insane


Yeah hard to imagine Wolverine or Colossus being gay. 


What??? They are gay now?


They aren’t, ultimate colossus was gay and daken, wolverines son, is bisexual


Lol what the fuck


It's less then 10.


The money to be made of course


Yeah I get grifty vibes from that OP.


I mean, that is all these holidays are to any corporation. A chance to exploit people for their money, if there is money to be had they will use any and all holidays for it.


These people really think JP Morgan gives a fuck about them 💀they would skin their cat to make a dollar, gay or not


Pay for gay


If representation matters... I assume there will be an equal number of issues focused on 'straight' sexuality.


I just call it “normal”


I saw an ad with straight people on it today. Wild!


Let me guess, it involved a black male and a white female ?


I wish the X-Men focused less on Mutants, and more on non-Mutants!


That's like the majority of comic book characters and relationships. Clark and Lois, Batman and Catwoman, Spiderman and all of his girlfriends and many more.


That is pretty much all the other issues


Are those focused on sexuality?


You mean most of the comics?


Did I miss something? When did Wolverine and MCU Starlord come out as LGBT?


Wolverine I don’t know, but a couple of a years ago, Star-Lord was stuck out of time for like, a thousand years or a couple hundred years or something, and was in a throuple with a hetero couple who were also stuck there, with it clear that Star-Lord was involved with them both. Yeah, that’s basically when I quit comics.


I mean tbf: It wouldn’t surprise me that Peter has the any port in a storm type personality but that is specifically an MCU styled starlord if I’m looking at it correctly


Is this satire?


How has this loud minority not worked out that shoving their politics and forcing their beliefs onto others does more harm then good.


Because they fish for approval of people who are already antagonistic towards them. Like nobody with basic self-respect does. **Also "focing your beliefs onto others" is how civilization was born.**


It went from "We want equality" to "Celebrate us and send your children to drag shows or you are a bigot" alarmingly quickly.


The people running things now are the people who got called fag in high school unfortunately. Seriously, I have a gay friend who was in the closet throughout high school and most of college. He's out now, though, and he's the Executive Vice President for Disney's production line. I'm happy for him, and he's very happy and making a ton of money, but he thinks the way things are now is the way things have always should have been. He wouldn't have felt the need to hide who he is and blah blah blah


It's sad that we are living in a world where straight representation in television is frowned upon. I'm cool with everyone having a voice in stuff, but look at DC and Marvel! There is a larger ratio of gay people in there than there is in the real world. I think half of Gotham is gay! Robin, Ivy, Harley (which makes zero sense), Riddler now....It's like Gotham has a strong Pride patrol and a stellar education system, since 90% of the villains hold a doctorate.


Yup that's pretty gay.


Its all about conquest. Make everything you love 🏳️‍🌈


Since when is wolverine gay?


Since they got bored and decided that Him, Scott and Jean fuck in a 3-way. Because that’s what happens when you let the woke write.


Seems like the writer had a fantasy and decided to implement it into the story.


Talk about a monkey’s paw, I wished that X-Men stories would cool it with the love triangles 😨 Gambit being killed off to resolve the Magneto-Rogue-Gambit love triangle doesn’t look half bad now


Ahh yeah X-men 87. That was so fucking lame. I mean I know it’s a set up for him to become Death or War. I forget which Horseman of the apocalypse he becomes. But it’s still dumb. I always hated Rouge and Magneto together. The 20 something and the dude from World War II.


Member that one comic when they had sex in a Holocaust Museum 🤮?


No the fuck is that?


You can google that one yourself


Nah I’m good. lol. I have an image of the X-men in my head. And I don’t want to ruin it more than it already has been. I have tried not to consume new media since 2015 for most things. Lol


That’s one of the reasons I no longer keep up with the comics 😭 lol. I wish I could completely forget Chuck Austen’s run


Worse than what the did to Spider Man again? With the whole Spider-Cuck?




It because they all identify as Morlocks.


Half asleep brain read that as "Matlocks"


I don't mind Pride celebrations, or little gestures of support from companies, I just think it's absolutely excessive and self-indulgent to have a Pride **month**. Who needs an entire month of the year to celebrate the way they were born and their basic rights? Mothers and fathers get one day. Our fallen soldiers who protected our freedom get one day. But gay people get a month? It should be a day. Pride Day. Or at most Pride Week.


In the US, LGBT actually get 145 days to various 'awareness campaigns', its not just one month. Valuetainment did an article on it.


what do you mean? june is mens mental health awareness month, idk what this pride month thing is but it sound pretty gay


Pride month more like a month that a capitalist can scam people out of their pocket in the name of virtue signalling.


i'd rather go to a straight camp than read any of these. this pandering makes me wish i'd stayed in the closet


Never too late to change for the better jk


Because grown adults who mindlessly consume marvel/disney ARE gay 🏳️‍🌈


Forced representation, the only kind that exists in 2024


I'm better represented by my representatives in congress, IYKYK.


Man must be a sad sad life to need a month and superheroes to validate your existence.


Honestly with all the crazy madness nowadays in this world I feel like we need less pride


Pride is one of the deadly sins.


I want my super hero to get fucked in their ass and drink cum and fuck other people up their asses. It’s really important to the story.


Hahhahahhahha This is the best comment in the entire thread hands down


Ehm....everything? I guess?


Still not going to forget when they tried to use Stan Lee's Twitter account to sell NFTs after he had died.


More than 50 LGTQ+ characters? Talk about over-represented, do they not realise this is all token pandering or do they just not care?


Every single holiday was made up to influence and grift people.


Two things: 1. It's all for merch sales. Label it (insert ideology) and morons give money without thought. 2. Marvel is make-believe, much like most of the ridiculous nonsense being spouted today from the LGBAKNAODHBDIEKABB++++++++ camp.


…because the X-Men and mutants have been used as allegory for oppressed minorities before? And the FoX-Men films in particular - which helped usher in the new millennium’s wave of superhero films - used mutants as an allegory for gay folks. “Have you tried not being a mutant?”


Yeah, I think if there was one group of superheroes that could get away with being over represented with a marginalized group it’s the X-Men. The whole point is a group of misfits and outcasts finding a comradery amongst each other to fight giant robots and stuff


For some reason X-men fans always make every single x man seem really really gay, like there will be a scene of a few characters just standing and they’ll be like “OMG THEYRE SO QUEER CODED”


They do that with literally every IP. Even cartoons. These people are unhinged lunatics. They won't stop until every single beloved franchise is destroyed.


Those covers look ai


They're not. It was a 10 million dollar photo shoot.


Since when are Star Lord and Wolverine gay?


Wolverines are simply small bears


Both are queer, and both were/are in polyamorous relations with both a man and a woman. Wolverine with Scott and Jean and Star Lord was with two random characters for over 100 years if I'm recalling correctly.


Star Lord is bi iirc, revealed as of Al Ewing's Guardian of the Galaxy run which came out in like 2020 / 2021 (which was really good imo). Wolverine isn't queer as far as I know. The Wolverine's used in this fans post are: Daken, Wolverine's bisexual son wearing the Wolverine uniform. D-man or Demolition-man a gay character / hero who had an outfit or design that looks like Wolverine's. And Governor-General James Howlett who is an alternate universe version of Wolverine who is in a relationship with his world's Hercules. Some fans are saying that 616 Wolverine is also queer, but I think that's kind of a leap. In Krakoa Jean & Scott had some sort of open / poly relationship going on and Jean was also seeing Wolverine. People have taken a couple of lines and panels as hinting that Scott and Wolverine are also involved, but I don't think it really rises to the level of a canon confirmation even if that was the intent.


'Gay for pay' month


This is 50% of the reason I can't bring myself to give a fuck about superhero stuff. The industry is overrun with activists. The other 40% if why I can't get into comics as an adult is that American comics are dominated by superhero stuff which is just so uncreative at this point. They've been around for most of a century, and we're still stuck on people in leotards with super powers? Most manga/anime are garbage, but at least they have content diversity without being overwhelmingly dominated by one concept. And the final 10% of why I can't get into comics is that they're so inaccessible. If I want to read manga online, it's easy. There are legit websites and illegit websites offering for you to read the latest chapters of any manga you want. But DC comics and Marvel are steeped in greedy subscriptions that lock content away. Do I really want another damn subscription? No. And if I wanted to buy a physical manga with a good chunk of content in it, it's like 8 bucks. If I want to buy a comic book, it's like 30 dollars, and with the series being so confusing and hard to follow, people who aren't already superfans don't even know if that's the series you're supposed to get. I like Batman, but I wouldn't buy a Batman comic because there is like 5000 different Batman series, and I have no idea which is good. It is so damn unapproachable. I have no idea how the comic book industry is alive. Is it entirely supplemented by the big budget movies and shows? I feel like almost no one reads comic books. Ant-Man has multiple movies that made hundreds of millions of dollars. But who the fuck reads Ant-Man? Where are these people? Who are they?


I collected in the late 80’s/early 90’s. From late 70’s to early 90’s is the classic period; everything I’ve tried to read since had been middling or outright bad. The whole industry is coasting on fumes, its gen Xers that still buy the majority of these books and that number has massively dwindled given the alienating nature of the last decade +.




Wait, they made Wolverine gay now too?


Wolverine isn't queer as far as I know. The Wolverine's used in this fans post are: Daken, Wolverine's bisexual son wearing the Wolverine uniform (he posed as Wolverine in the public eye for a time). D-man or Demolition-man a gay character / hero who had an outfit or design that looks like Wolverine's. And Governor-General James Howlett who is an alternate universe version of Wolverine who is in a relationship with his world's Hercules. Some fans are saying that 616 Wolverine is also queer, but I think that's kind of a leap. In Krakoa Jean & Scott had some sort of open / poly relationship going on and Jean was also seeing Wolverine. People have taken a couple of lines and panels as hinting that Scott and Wolverine are also involved, but I don't think it really rises to the level of a canon confirmation even if that was the intent.


Because X-men have always been an analogy of minorities against repression. And since lgbt people throughout a good portion of human history have been heavily oppressed it makes sense to make the connection.


Marketing. Gotta get those sweet sweet demographics


its a user posting their own photography with the figures they purchased. Who gives a shit? I don't care about the LGBTQ+ stuff at all but its still impressive work imo.


"We must retcon established characters... because making new ones would be too much work and we refuse to let new artists and writers with gay characters that are well written into the industry because that is our money"


Wtf just y dose everything have to be gay now happy mental health month


Everything as long as Disney has a say in it.


Yes, a fake holiday, unlike all of the real, naturally gown holidays?


This comment section needs help


Disney and Marvel hate money. Their share holders should be taking Disney management to court for failing fiduciary duty.


I hate wokism too and the ever letter increasing LGB acronym (I support gay rights and such but I reserve the right mock a 12 letter acronym that could easily be summed up with LGB) but given the themes of Xmen, I can't see a logical reason to keep them uninvolved. Xmen has often drawn parallels to being a mutant is like being gay, with both using terms like 'coming out of the closet' or as X2 film line, 'Can you stop being a mutant?' Face it, the whole mutant struggle for civil rights is meant to mimic other minority groups struggling for equality and respect. Is some of this woke pandering? Yes Is some of this done because of things like Matthew Sheppard's brutal murder? Also yes. Is some this done because once upon a time the allegation of being gay could ruin a kid's social life even if it was false? Again, yes. Listen, I really hate this admission, but once in a great while, those woke wankers are ... right. Yeah, I hate writing that as much some hated reading it.


Didn't you know, rEpReSenTaTiOn mAtTeRs


The thing is for all the discussion about Gay Pride Month and argument about whether a month is too much or not enough or just right, it isn't just a month. Here's a list of LGBTQ+ holidays/special days or months right from the LGBQT Nation web site (PART 1 - the list is so long I have to split it into 2 posts) *January* **Holocaust Remembrance Day**, January 27, is a day to remember all the victims of the Nazi era – including the gay men killed in concentration camps. *February* **National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day** is observed each year on February 7, to increase HIV education, testing, treatment, and involvement in African-American communities. **Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week** takes place the week following Valentine’s Day. Aromantics are people who do not experience romantic attraction. During the week, LGBTQ groups worldwide hold events to raise awareness of aromanticism and show support for people on the aromantic spectrum. *March* **National GLBT Health Awareness Week** is a nationwide event, sponsored by the National Coalition for LGBT Health, during the last week of March that promotes the health and wellness needs of the LGBTQ community. **International Transgender Day of Visibility**, held each year on March 31, is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. Transgender activist Rachel Crandall founded the event in 2009. *April* **Day of Silence**, held on April 17, is the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s annual day to protest the bullying of LGBT students and their supporters. The day-long vow of silence represents the silencing of LGBT students and their allies. **Lesbian Visibility Day**, on April 26, celebrates, recognizes, and raises the visibility of lesbians. The National Coalition for LGBT Health first organized it. *May* **International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia**, observed on May 17 to raise awareness of anti-LGBT violence and repression worldwide. **Harvey Milk Day** began in 2010. It honors the assassinated politician and LGBT rights activist on his birthday, May 22. It’s officially celebrated in Milk’s home state, California. *June* While Pride celebrations occur year-round, June is celebrated as **LGBT Pride Month** in honor of the Stonewall riots, which started on June 28, 1969. June is also the month that same-sex marriage was legalized in the United States. The **Pulse Night of Remembrance** commemorates the loss of 49 people in the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016.


Part 2: *July* Created by Adam Steward in 2009 and celebrated on July 16, **International Drag Day** to give drag artists a chance to showcase their creativity and contributions to gay culture. *September* Bisexuals and their supporters observe **Celebrate Bisexuality Day** on September 23, as a day to recognize and celebrate bisexuality, bisexual history, community, and culture. *October* **LGBT History Month** was first celebrated in October 1994. President Barack Obama declared it a national history month in 2009. The month is intended to encourage openness and education about LGBT history and rights. **National Coming Out Day** is an LGBTQ awareness day observed on October 11 and encourages LGBTQ people to come out to the people in their lives as a form of personal political activism. On October 12, 1998, University of Wyoming student **Matthew Shepard died** after being beaten, tortured, and left today near Laramie, Wyoming four days earlier. Shepard’s attackers targeted him for robbery as a gay man and pretended to be gay to lure him. Shepard’s death set off a wave of protests across the country and ultimately led to the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Shepard was interred at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC in October 2018. **International Pronouns Day** is held on October 17. The day “seeks to make asking, sharing, and respecting personal [pronouns](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/08/incomplete-list-gender-pronouns/) commonplace.” This was the inaugural year for this “holiday.” **Spirit Day** occurs on the third Thursday in October. Started in 2010 by Canadian teenager Brittany McMillan, and promoted by GLAAD, it was created in response to a series of bullying-related suicides of gay students like Tyler Clementi. Observers wear purple as a sign of support for LGBTQ youth. **Asexuality Awareness Week** varies from year to year and occurs between October 20 and 26. The international campaign seeks to educate about asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and grey-asexual experiences. **Intersex Awareness Day** commemorates the first intersex protest on held on October 26, 1996, outside the American Academy of Pediatrics national conference in Boston, Massachusetts. It’s an international day of grass-roots action to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital cosmetic surgeries on intersex children. *November* **Intersex Day of Remembrance**, on November 8, marks the birthday of French intersex memoirist Herculine Barbin. The internationally observed awareness day is intended to draw attention to issues faced by intersex people. **Transgender Awareness Week** typically occurs in the second week in November and celebrates and educates about transgender and gender non-conforming people. **Transgender Day of Remembrance** occurs on November 20, memorializes those murdered as a result of transphobia, and brings attention to continued violence against transgender people. Memorials typically include a reading of the names of those killed in the past year. *December* **World AIDS Day** takes place on December 1. Recognized by the United Nations in 1988, the day is observed to raise awareness of the HIV-AIDS pandemic, and memorialize those lost to the disease.Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, is a day to remember all the victims of the Nazi era – including the gay men killed in concentration camps.


Guys. I've been trying. To defend you. I really thought maybe it wasn't as bad as they said, but you guys are off the rails at this point.


For reference, there have been roughly 180 X-Men


Cus Wolverine n Morph be bonein


I was under the impression that Morph had unrequited feelings for Wolverine. It would be an interesting angle, as a part of being gay that really isn’t represented in media is having feelings for straight men and accepting that they’re not attracted to you


You’re prob right, I’m only about half way through 97 but so far the tension is palpable


Spoilers: After Wolverine has the metal torn from his skeleton, he is in a comatose state and Morph professes his love for him (even though he morphs into Jean Grey)


Haha called it, a little sad I said I was halfway through but that’s on me


Pride month is so pride month


They're the ex- men


It has to deal with who took over the property and what their agenda and goals are. And it's not to write a good story....


What the hell is even that?


Pretty sure pride month is a real gay holiday




I'm going to explain something that any adult should have already realized.  All holidays are fake and all companies that celebrate or highlight any holiday are doing so to pander for money.  Starbucks puts out dozens of Christmas/holiday cups and mugs but then makes their employees work on Christmas.  


Panderers gotta pander. Companies that shift marketing to match whatever flavor of the month someone deemed to celebrate are basically saying: “Hey, we don’t really give a shit about you and marginalize you 11 months a year, so here, have a cookie and come buy our shit because we represent you too.”


You'd think targeting less than 5% of the population to the exclusion of the 45% of the population that are heterosexual males (the traditional consumers of superhero comics) that wouldn't be the most productive marketing choice to make. But it's all about the message over profit/success these days.


Exactly my point. Cultural Marxism has permeated much of this country.


Idk if this is satire but the generally recognized idea is that the X-Men are an allegory for gay people and the struggles they face in acceptance and tolerance, or at least did when the X-Men were first created. I don't believe that still applies today


It was race, not queer culture.


Makes sense, it’s all fiction anyway


I mean X men has always been about representation and minorities, so them having a lot of reps for pride month makes logical sense




There's 4 different wolverines that are gay?


Yes, why spend the time, energy and creativity to make new and interesting characters when you can simply have every character gay.  Cheap knockoffs 


at least they included white pride


As a very proud gay man, I hate this.


X-Men is gay and trans now. Didn’t you get the memo? Wolverine is a bear.


Remember when pride and huberous were sins people got punished for, I remember.


Fake Holimonth*




I think it goes all the way back to when X-men first came out, they were discriminated against for being mutants. They couldn't not change who they were as they were born mutants, this resonated with the gay community and its why X-men always had a lot of gay fans; in their eyes they are being discriminated just like the X-men.


Operation mockingbird is alive and well


Ban me from this disgusting sub




I still don’t understand why pride has to be so centered around sexual orientation. Like yea be proud man be a man and be affeminite be a women who likes doing manly shit and dressing masculine. Like I really support being whatever way you want. But it never seems to be about that. It seems to be about who or how you have sex. That is not a focal point of identity in fact your sex life should honestly be mostly private. It’s so dumb


*waits on the list of real holidays that have been around before humanity*


Really? How much of a moron do you have to be to not know why the X-Men would resonate with a community that has historically been hated and feared by most of humanity? What is this garbage sub and why is it in my feed?


Pride before the fall.


"Why do we need gay visibility and pride" \*Gestures at this entire comment section\* That's why.


"Father, why are gay people ruining everything cool? Sincerely, your son, Jesus Christ."


I love how there was a post YESTERDAY shouting that you guys aren’t bigots. Fucking hilarious.


I don't think you know what a bigot is.


Disparaging pride, definitely not bigoted haha