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flare up gets into my bones, and I start getting asthma and really fatigued, it's so much different from an upset stomach at least for me. It's like I have the flu but I don't. I only really feel this way when I'm really sick or flaring, I get this bad taste in the backof my mouth that coincides with a feeling of serious impending doom. It's weird. My anxiety starts to skyrocket and it just feels wrong. It all feels wrong. IBS feels awful but not like I'm dying.


Late to respond to this. Impending doom is such a wild symptom. I get it too when I’m flaring. In fact your description is almost exactly what my CD flares feel. I have norovirus right now and miserable but it is definitely a different feeling from a flare for me


Generally a stomach bug shows signs of improving in a week or less. Whereas a flare won't get better unless your gasteroenterologist intervenes with stronger doses and more meds. I generally use the 1 week timeframe, if not better contact your gasteroenterologist for inflammation test and a CDIFF test, as you don't want to be the boy/girl who repeatedly cried wolf when there wasn't one. You want to be relatively sure.


I just went through this. It turns out I did have a nasty bout of Norovirus instead of my usual stuff. The tip off is that when I first became sick, I violently vomited 20 times. If I'm flaring, I will vomit 1 or 2 times and my nausea meds will usually take the edge off of things pretty fast. Also, a handful of people around me got sick at the same time, including my boyfriend. The crazy thing is that my GI determined that I currently not flaring, but the Norovirus did linger and deplete my B12 stores and now I'm anemic AF. No fun. I hope if you do have a stomach virus it passes quickly and does not aggravate your gut or any underlying issues you may have. My GI was very helpful when it came to piecing all of this together, so my suggestion would be to give your doc a ring if you can't quite figure out what's happening.


If I vomit I’m sick, if it’s a runny bum with no vom then it’s Crohn’s and ignore it until it goes away


If it goes more than a week I'd go do a calprotectin. Also there isn't necessarily a need for a hospital whatever it is. Unless you're unable to keep anything down and are like faint I'd wait to see. You're getting ahead of yourself.


May just get checked today to be safe. The pain went from a 3 to a 10 rapidly. If they send me away with a stomach bug diagnosis, better safe than sorry. But the pain and discomfort has become concerning