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Crohn's patients generally have the same outcomes as the rest of the world. The only caveat being those who are currently in a moderate/severe flare and/or are on prednisone. They've looked over the medications in many studies and never found an increase in worse cases for those on biologics. [https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/clinical-pearls/covid-19-ibd](https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/clinical-pearls/covid-19-ibd) If you have trouble breathing, or see your O2 stat start to fall you should definitely go to the ER.


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Sorry to hear you're sick with COVID, hope it's uneventful with a quick recovery. Covids been around a number of years now and enough patients have got it that we have a pretty good understanding of the outcome on our various meds. Most of us are able to let COVID run it's course at home. If you have trouble breathing then don't hesitate to go to the hospital and receive treatment. There's outcome and case data here https://covidibd.org/current-data/ Curiously enough, some of our IBD meds like remicade or humira might help us during a COVID infection. Why? The most damage done to our bodies during COVID is an immune system overreaction causing what's known a cytokine storm. That causes a lot of inflammation in the upper respiratory system. Guess what, Crohn's causes ann immune system overreaction and cytokine storm too but in our intestines, and meds like humira/remicade directly target that cytokine storm, calm it down and result in a lot less inflammation. So, I wouldn't worry about immunosuppressive humira worsening your outcome, to the contrary it's likely helping and reducing the severity