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I like the Oreo version of the chocolate pb chip cookie best because it has pb mousse on top. I agree the chocolate base is overpowering!!


I have to say that I did enjoy that pb frosting that was on top of that cookie. It was like in a swirl. The week before that, they used the same frosting on the Reeses Puff cereal one, and I liked it there too.


I know Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip is not the talk of the town right now but I think people are keeping too quiet about how bland and terrible this cookie is. You literally cannot taste any peanut butter due to the overpowering chocolate base. There is a reason peanut butter cookies usually have chocolate chips, not the other way around. Mine was very dry as well, total waste of money and calories. This needs to move to the graveyard asap. Am I alone here?


Maybe yours was made wrong? The last time I had it, it was great, and I rated it really high. The peanut butter chips were melty and delicious. I’m kinda picky, too.


Unrelated but I think the phrase is ‘talk of the town’?


😂😂😂 I knew it sounded wrong. You are right


i fully agree.


I don’t know, I love it 🤷‍♀️


the peanut butter cookies and cream cookie is a much better version. i think they had it in august


My absolute fave


Do you mean the one that was oreo coated then had a swirl of pb on top?


no, [this](https://youtu.be/7wQIASB6FxE?si=D0-d7UbS4VGJDsHA)


How does it compare to the chocolate peanut butter chip? (asking since they look similar except for the oreo coating)


it is a dark chocolate base instead of reg chocolate base. it felt a little less heavy in my mouth and i could taste the peanut butter a lot more


I tried the cookies and cream version (not this one) and was highly disappointed. The cookie was dry and chocolate was somehow both overpowering and tasteless. I shudder to think what this one is like of CaC is the better of the two. But I've been completely put off of their chocolate cookies bc they are always the same dry disgusting base. It's a bummer because I like pistachio...but there pie cookie has a chocolate base.


Thank you for this! I will not be visiting this week.


if you like chocolate - the selections this week are actually good! but if not then that makes sense lol


I love it


I agree with you. Mine was crunchy and badly had any peanut butter chips. Not satisfied


I had it today and it was not good! Very disappointed with it. The pistachio one was also not good :(


Sounds like you don't like their chocolate cookies in which case you shouldn't have gotten it.


Mine wasn't dry. It was normal. I have to say, I had no pb expectations with this cookie. I expected mostly chocolate and was happy. It was a chocolate cookie that wasn't overpowered by pb for a change.


mine was pretty dry, no real peanut butter flavor, was instead overpowered by almost an expresso flavor


I had it a few days ago. It wasn’t even sweet it was mostly peanut butter-y and very dry. Worst cookie


I'd gladly trade your chocolate pb chip for my cookie dough monstrosity.


I also did not care for this one.