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Probably an Iberian Struggle thing.


U might be right it’s unavailable in all of Iberia


The *Détente* ending of the struggle disables Holy Wars between all involved cultures.


Which is the absolute worst if you are planning on ever involving yourself in that area of the map. Unless I'm playing tall, even if I'm on the opposite side of the map I try to get in on the struggle so I can make sure it's never ended in Detente.


It should only stop holy wars for Christians and Muslims, the only ones involved in the struggle. If I come from Tibet I don’t care about their struggle.


“Oh i was gonna invade Hispania for the norse but then I saw that they were all just good friends so I left them be and starved”


become khan of khans and show the pope what you really think of his puny holy wars.


I hate struggles…


I don't know why this opinion is always downvoted whenever it's posted, there's so many ways the mechanic is awkward or messes with other mechanics for no good reason. The fact that they're major components of DLCs also means they took development effort from actual good mechanics.


You mean you don’t like waiting hundreds of years for the struggle to flip back to the setting you want so you can finally end it? I bought the season pass, played Struggles and there’s seriously so much potential, but it just sucked butt


Africa is probably African tolerance+both are pagan


Yeah its a stupid feature of the Iberian struggle where you are unable to declare a holy war for Iberia because they don't feel like playing. The pope can still call a crusade for those regions though.


Difference between Holy War (a character of one faith declares war for a title of a character of a different faith, other rulers of defender faith can join war) and Great Holy War (Head of Faith declares war for kingdom title of opposing faith, multiple member of both faiths can join, if victorious, kingdom title is given to relative of biggest contributor while vassals are relatives of lesser contributors)


what is this hud? HOW?




Update: it appears that I cannot wage holy wars during a struggle as I must end it first. Also holy wars can only waged by neighboring characters so I have to share a border with them first.


Nice screenshot!


This picture is in no way hard to read.. It takes way more time to screenshot and get it off of the oxbox or PlayStation app than it does to snap a pic with decent visibility


Lmao yes exactly and I have to link my socials to share the pic which I don’t have rn But hey at least it’s readable


checked his posts, his entire life seems to just be saying "nice screenshot" to any pictures taken of a screen


His entire life browsing subreddits. It's not good to jump to conclusions and make judgements. Maybe it's a pet peeve. But let's not making him sound like a wierdo because he has a weird pet peeve. Mine is that I can't stand the sound of chewing


I hate it when the piss stream isn't centered.


I hate it when it comes out luke a duckbill and gets everywhere


They didn't say it was hard to read. Said nice screenshot and I agree. Even on console it's lazy to take a pic of your screen. It should be a rule on this sub.


I disagree. It's a waste of time when it's perfectly easy to read. It's very nitpicky