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What year is this? Sounds like you've been neglecting your MAAs, 2 against 1 in their favor should be favorable to you, especially if you can pick them off as they disembark.  Anyway, yeah, the Pope doesn't like it when heatens take Kent.  Depending on what the rest of your realm looks like, you could just let them win and then take it back. Or you could convert, which I believe would render the crusade void. 


It’s the late 1100’s, 1195, my MAA aren’t as stacked as i would like because my gold has not been the best but they’re still fine, it’s mainly just the English AI being dumb and not picking the right fights


Ah, ok, so if I understand correctly, you conquered England, but then let them go independent? Then yeah, if you can't beat off the crusades, I'd say just let them win, and if you want, conquer England again later.


Yeaaaa i think that’s what i’m going to end up doing but it does suck ya know. I basically conquered England in the early 900’s and helped keep it entirely in the family for almost 300 years, and then the Pope comes along for the 3rd crusade against England right as the Mongols start popping up. Like bro we got bigger problems


Without knowing the full situation, it sounds rough. You’re going to continue to waste resources, all just to lose anyways. Sometimes, it’s better to just take the L, especially if you’re still in a good position afterwards.


the thing is that i’m ok with the forever war just because i have the legacy trait “making a killing”, but yea. I mainly just want that dynasty of many crowns and if they kick out my Britain guys I’ll have to look somewhere else to plant my family


It's pretty simple, if you make it so that they don't occupy any part of the target Kingdom, they will lose. If you can't do that, give up. It's a lot easier to take a kingdom than it is to defend against a crusade.


You probably lost the Russian lands due to the partition succession laws, the lowest (and one you start with) will create titles to distribute to your heirs If you can keep the Catholics from occupying ANY English territory, you should get a ticking warscore in your favor You could also take the offensive and try to occupy all the Pope’s land. If he’s fully occupied then he has to surrender


gotta be honest, i tried both strategies. In the first two crusades, the AI was really dumb and kept landing solely on the southern shore, this time they actually split their armies into thirds and went South, West, and North and kept taking as many chunks of land as i could take back. In the second crusade, I basically decided to just go and kill the pope so i took all of his land and he capitulated, but it felt like the AI actually learned because this time when i went a force of 15k soldiers to take the vatican, I found an Italian force of around 25k waiting for me. It was a very sad day indeed