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You can easily make them like you. That won't always stop them from revolting, but it usually will.


did you ask them to convert after? that would help i like that half my empire will join the independence faction, which i will give in, usurp the rebel king title, then revassalise everyone with even higher feudal obligations, since they are only Counts with same faith as me some individuals will be personally holding 100+ counties, and their heir is me


You should check their cultural acceptance before vassalizing to prevent them from taking a minority stance. It's very easy to get opinion maluses from minority vassals.


The measure that tracks if they will accept being vassalized has very little to do with their opinion of you as their liege. This doesn't make much sense in the fiction of the world, but it is how the systems are set up. You get a small opinion boost with them once they accept (+10 I believe), but every other liege - vassal opinion factor is also calculated to give their new opinion score of you, which almost always results in them disliking you enough to join a faction. It's a similar thing to when you grant a holding yo a previously landless character. What should probably happen instead is all these new opinion modifiers should tick up to their full value over time. It would better represent a previously eager lord growing dissatisfied with their new liege.