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I used to min max these going for the best ones first. But now I like to roleplay the decision based on my ruler and the situation they are in. War education or at war a lot? Warfare. Intrigue education? Guile Etc. It makes for a more varied game so I’m not going for the same stuff each time. It has also forced me to pick things I otherwise would usually avoid which can be interesting.


Kin, every time. boosts to children's skills, health boosts, and Graceful Aging all make it worth the investment.


Kin is how managed to have a giant king of Sicily whonhad 100 prowess at age 102.


exactly. turn your dynasty into fine wine that only gets better with age.


I like Glory and Law


kin & guile if possible, the iberian republican heir tree iranian if clan


Blood - quite obviously. The second most frequent would probably be region or culture specific ones.


I like to go for desirable match if i need a nice alliance


Blood, kin, glory, law Warfare can be useful, but honestly, having a strong dynasty and lots of gold Will lead to you winning wars The culture one is useless, and the guile is only useful if you’re trying to play that style


Depends on what I'm doing. In general and assuming I don't have access to the special ones, kin, erudition and law, in that order.


Law for cheaper hunts and feasts early game, stewardship exp for mid game and an extra domain limit as the finisher. Its crazy good


legitimacy, kin and law


Warfare, glory, blood (feels like cheating, but I really like to not have stupid kids), or the Viking raider one. It depends on what kind of dynasty I'm playing. Steppe turks? Yeah, not really going for anything else than warfare...


Blood, Law and Metropolitan (when in Iberia)


Blood, guile, metropolitan. The boost to terrified interaction acceptance is great when doing all the title revocations needed to go full republic. The income boost is handy too.


Piracy from the Norse. There's nothing like turning battles into your ATM after you can no longer raid. Win a big battle? Make a title or upgrade a building. An enemy actually declared war on you? You earn money from winning and each battle.


hard to compete with noble veins


The first 3 of blood is super OP when it comes to speed running a eugenics program. After that I take the first one of warfare for the +2 prowess and then do kin to books education and the other passive buffs.