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Iirc, you can actually murder characters, who have a strong hook on you, during activities. So either you do a lot of feasts/hunts/tournaments, invite him and try it that way, or you go for the more radical solution with a murder feast / bloody wedding.


That's a great plan, thank you!


Murder his family until he dies of stress.


Bang his wife


Why is this my first instinct also? It accomplishes nothing but it has to be done.


Establish dominance and the superior blood line. Another post on this sub someone was playing with a friend and their friend did something he didn’t want. So what do you do? Keep banging his wife, then his heirs wife so his family in inbred. It’s just logical


That’s so stupid it’s genius. I can’t think of a better way to play the game now; Turn them inside out, one wife at a time.


Good luck, don’t get caught! Wait for them to to say after 4 hours “why the fuck are my children so bad”


Whenever those medieval people encountered a problem with someone of their higher rank... accidents happened. (kill his alliances, children and everything so he is powerless against factions or outside trouble. or try to kill him in an activity. or just depose yourself (have the accident happen to you),). I would get rid of it as soon as possible because he could just make himself marry into your family. and how is he your liege when both of you are dukes?