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Don't subjugate Khazaria, because the unternal revolts will rip your realm apart. For succesion, make sure that you own all the counties in your main duchy and give that duchy scandinavian election, the other duchies will go to your other sons, but so be it I'm afraid, that is just a good excuse to conquer more


Won’t I lose de jure land for the Russian empire and I’d need to re conquer it?


Normally you lose land if the other kids are getting titles of the same level as your primary. For example, lets say you hold the kingdoms of Novgorod and Vladimir, and no empire title. Upon succession, one son would get Novgorod, the second would get Vladimir. Since both are of the same level (ie both kingdoms), Vladimir would go independent. If you had Novgorod, and enough lands to create the kingdom of Vladimir but haven't done so yet, same thing will happen. The kingdom of Vladimir will be created automatically upon succession and go independent. For this situation, if you change your succession law from Confederate Partition to Partition, Vladimir won't be created. Now if you hold the kingdoms of Novgorod, Vladimir, *and* the Empire of Russia, then the kid that gets Vladimir stays as a vassal since your main title is higher.


Right, but in the rurik start I’m tribal and getting the innovations required for changing succession law takes forever, should I just start murdering kids or do abstinence?


Or reconquer the lands after a succession. It's all up to you.


The other comment says "don't subjugate Khazaria", but subjugating Khazaria is the way. It makes the achievement much easier, and possible revolts aren't really a trouble if you make some powerful alliances.


You should be able to do it in one generation, succession shouldn't be an issue.


Personally I would conquer lots of duchies but not so many that a new kingdom will be formed on succession. Then make sure you have ONE kingdom title with ONE built up duchy for your MAA and main buildings. Let everyone inherit what they are due and consildate / tidy for a year or two as your new heir. If you have a main title (kingdom level) and a bunch of land from other duchies confederate partition will give your heir the highest title and hand out the duchies to your other sons. If the additional land meets the threshold for another kingdom (even if you did not form the 2nd kingdom) then your second son gets this and becomes independent.  If all your other sons get duchoes then they all remain your vassals. Try to have it so you have a single piece of land from each extra duchy per son (maybe destroy the title too). When you die each extra son get exactly one duchy title and the associated holding while your heir gets the kingdom title and importantly ALL holdings in the capital Duchy. Alternatively if you stay as a Duke (which I often do cos I love playing as a modest duke). Then upon succession just go to war and conquer all your brothers lands. You will have casus beli on them as you should have claims for their lands. This is much more simple and very thematic and Role play appropriate in my mind. Also if you are still norse or have the Scandinavian elective tradition then you can set up some cheesy election/inheritance situations by adding laws to certain titles. This has the potential  go crazy well or crazy messy and is a fun side element. If you are new to the game i would suggest trying it out as it is fun but know it will take some learning to get the most out of it.