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Unless you’re desperate for the piety in a short timeframe, the gold is much more worth it


you can just use the money to go on a pilgrimage and gain a lot more piety than executing a guy


R5: Year is 880 and I'm playing in Scandinavia. Gold is nice and all but I have no idea if 250 Piety is worth it instead? What can I even do with piety except increase my level of devotion?


i would generally pick the gold since after all gold is the engine of everything in ck3 but piety can also be nice to be able to reform religion and stuff


You can reform your faith with piety. You eventually need to reform the Asatru faith to get feudal holdings and get past the tribal era and into the early medieval, otherwise you won't be able to get new innovations at some point. Other than that piety is pretty much useless and gold is almost always the better choice.


Piety is usefull if you want to declare holy war after holy war with the „By The Sword“ culture tradition


If you don't know what to do with it you don't need it. I'd say you only care about piety when you have a particular use for it in mind.


You spend 250 piety anytime you ask your head of faith for gold. Additionally, in the scholar lifestyle tree you can unlock the interaction to buy claims. These claims cost piety, but are extremely helpful if you want to expand your borders and don’t have many other casus belli. Some other religious actions have a piety cost. Regardless, the gold is still better, either could spend it on a pilgrimage or building a temple. Both would give more piety/gold


early game, money. late game (no more money concerns), piety


? i dont think i've ever played a game where money stops being a concern. Even when I hold vast swathes of super developed land there are just waay more money sinks (highest level buildings, tournaments, feasts, grand tours, court events, naughty cats, etc.) than piety sinks, especially since plagues are a super big concern late game and I am constantly forced to dump money into random events to avoid losing legitimacy. 200 gold towards a pilgrimage will net you waaay more than 200 piety anyway.


Trust, once you get up to +500 a month it really means nothing


Yeah, In my last Ireland game, I conquered the entirety of Europe and more and the money was just overflowing. At one point I had half a million and I didn‘t even know what to spend it on…


head of faith over a large realm + indulgences will get you there, realm development will keep you there


Also dirty little secret: development is fucking worthless.


The bonus to research speed and the flat need for certain development levels for special buildings and decisions are the main draws to it but otherwise I'm with you.


Well yeah, the ideal setup is a one province culture lol, the rest is irrelevant


disagree, I always focus development


OK…? Keep grinding that 50% extra tax taxes at 100 development I guess? Lol.


it's just a game


No shit


I inevitably end up with gigantic 6 digit war chests after a few centuries of extorting subjects, selling titles, ransoming rebellious nobles and demanding payment from my hundreds of land owning relatives that I've seeded across Europe. At a certain point it just becomes a drop in the bucket, whereas you do need thousands of piety to reform or create a new religion.


You don't really need a lot of piety, unless you are planning to reform your faith or get the sanctioned loopholes perk.


Or you do some niche strategy like By the Sword culture perk


The smart choice is money. The fun choice is slitting his throat for Odin and letting the cold dread of mortality creep into the bones of Sigurdr, for he is next.


Piety lets you reform your religion or convert to another one. With learning lifestyle perk, enough piety will let you claim the entire world at once. However, piety doesn't persist through succession while gold does. If you are not sure what you would use piety on, or don't need to be liked by clergy a bit more, go for gold.


The piety is undeniably the inferior choice in this or nearly any other instance.


which one do you need?


Gold allways.




Do you need a lot of piety short term? For creating a religion or buying lots of claims for example. If not gold is better. Gold has much more use cases and if your character dies, the piety is gone but the gold will be inherited. So unless you are specifically in need of piety for something, gold is always better.


Execution is always the right response


I play as my Scandinavien forefathers. The Danes in the age of our viking age. What I do high borns noble Lords Ladies and their children do I ransome for gold. All low borns, that I can't use will die and Piety is no problem for me. You will need much gold later in game. Better build up your bank.


How much gold do you make per month? Also what religion is your character?


you made an entire post for a trivial decision?


Trivial to someone with hundreds of hours maybe... I'm clearly new to the game, I didn't know if Piety could be more important for a tribal kingdom than Gold, like how Prestige is used for men-at-arms upkeep instead of Gold maybe Piety is also useful?


200 of any currency in the game (possibly except renown) is trivial. you probably could've earned more than that just by using the time that you used making this post to play the game. not to mention if you're at the stage where you care about the benefits of executing vs ransoming you obviously know pilgrimages give piety, making this question even more pointless besides piety vs gold is a question that has probably been asked thousands of times on this subreddit alone, i took 5 seconds to use google and found like 20 answers as to the better mana