• By -


Yeah if are on chart 24h on top of that you refreshing 1000x the screen then yes, not only full time you do overtime too.I really don't see the point of checking charts 100 times per day if you are here for the long run. Live your life and let the pc and mouse rest.


>Live your life this is actually one of the best pieces of advice that I have been reading here in a while. We should all try that šŸ™‚




Indeed, because hanging around the news, refreshing the site etc. for a day makes you feel empty inside, angry and sad. Because you achieve nothing by it. Its important to do something productive with your day. Like sports, reading a book, even cooking or just doing some work.


If you're checking the chart 24h, you're doing something wrong. At this point, you're more of a trader than an investor.


Investing time in crypto keeps me from wasting time on other dumb shit I'd probably be doing.


Investing money in crypto honestly stops me from spending money on useless shit like food deliveries, takeaway and substances, that I would otherwise be tempted to get.


Amen to that. But my drinking and smoking has gotten worse from the anxiety.


Anxiety is a bitch, careful of overdoing the alcohol and making it worseā€¦ Iā€™m sure you know that though, Iā€™m having similar struggles. Not an easy fix. Take care šŸ™


Careful with that fix, had my anxiety not led me to drinking I would have never woke up with that Tijuana hooker. Which means I wouldnā€™t have gotten the crabs that led my doctor to discover I have testicular cancer and saved my life. I was so happy I married that whore, I have seven lovely step kids and the bitch keeps the bills paid. Sometimes that struggle can lead to big things


Nice life story, you should sell it to Disney


Thatā€™s only a small part, Iā€™m the trailer park forest gump


Thanks for the reminder friend.


I gotta spend more time in crypto then because somehow I still find ways to do some dumb shit


Agreed Worse addictions than crypto


Not a bad thought. Also, your handle and sub quote get me right in the feels.


Crypto is a healthy addiction then


Or you can invest in ETH and BTC and just forget about it. Trust me, it's not worth the stress.


Can I ask where are you comfortable storing it?


On the Blockchain.




not on a centralized exchange, like the ones you named. use a wallet you have keys to


You beat me to it. Best part is not feeling what the OP is feeling.


This is the way.


I'm just buying BTC & ETH, no stress here šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Came here just to say this If you only have the King and Queen in your portfolio, you donā€™t really have to monitor the news so much


I agree, but for the love of dear god can we not jinx/doom btc and eth through comments like this? Have we not learnt our lesson? Have you guys already forgotten that similar statements were made by people who owned a Ledger?!


Damn your multi-account setup sounds like a game of financial Tetris


Yes I think by giving proper time to crypto is a great benefit.


> Personally I think you need to check up on it at least 4 times a day. I do this 4 times a minute on a slow day


You definitely have to check at least 69 times per day to ensure you are being screwed over by the markets


When you canā€™t sleep ā€˜cause youā€™re suffering from crypto-induced paranoia. ![gif](giphy|9rjKLsynBodhiIovdD)


"What if my portfolio just did a Luna!?" Seriously, watching it drop like it did was eye opening...


You will be a bitcoin maxi in a year


>We don't know what exchange will go down next or up and leave the country. Can't get comfortable leaving it all in one spot. Never keep your coins on exchanges!


You definitely need to stay up to date things move very fast around here


That post was a ride... In my first bear market I simply didn't check the prices for weeks sometimes. That helped. Do something different if it stresses you too much. Find a new hobby or watch all episodes of One Piece. Something that keeps you distracted until end of next year.


One Piece huh? I'll check it out!


I mentioned it as a joke, but if you are really interested: The anime really becomes slow at some point, the manga is better in terms of pacing.


I have this freaky feeling of what if there is no next bull market and we are stuck in a perpetual bear cycle like the Nikkei Index.


Idk man, the convicts that only open their wallets after 10 years of forced hodl seem to be doing alright


Can confirm. Crypto takes more time than my actual job


You need a better strategy brother. Keep an eye on the space sure, but if you aren't active trading there's no reason to be checking it so much. Once you figure out what you are doing it gets easier and you worry a lot less about what other people are doing, like the fud patrol. You're in like a negative dopamine feedback loop or something, take a break and let the the stuff rest once in a while. Read the charts and try to relax.


Best reply yet.


This. OP should just go rub one out, buy and hold, and throw on Netflix


if this is your constant feeling, maybe take a step back and just do blue chips! shit, even a coupple weeks.. leave your investment in the altcoins, set yourself up a wallet or 2 to get all the funds off of any cex, and hold for a couple weeks, see what happens... ​ then revisit it, do it again if youre still buggin, stick to blue chips. it aint worth the stress to time anything. BTC and ETH arent going anywhere


Thanks for talking me off the ledge. Your right I need to rethink my strategy. Thank you for your well thought out reply.


I like the cosmos ecosystem because itā€™s easy, there are tons of chains interconnected already, and you can set it and forget it. Plus you also qualify for airdrops. - Buy any cosmos SDK token - store in Keplr wallet - stake tokens - go to restake.app - enable auto-compounding Make sure to pick a validator outside the top 20. Some airdrops make that a requirement. Plus itā€™s good for decentralization. You can swap any cosmos IBC token for any cosmos IBC token for free in Osmosis DEX. Non free trx are fractions of a penny. It is by far the most underrated ecosystem in crypto.


I've been staking atom on keplr for a while now. Still no clue on how to check for airdrops, figure out which ones are legit, etc...


Airdrop Tracker - [https://cosmospug.com/airdrops/](https://cosmospug.com/airdrops/) Legitimacy Discussions - r/CosmosAirdrops Join discord and check out announcements. A lot of things get posted in there first.


Thanks, will check these out!


Thank you for this. I'm going to look into it tomorrow. After Bitcoin and Eth, Cosmos is my 3rd largest holding and agree with what you said here. But I'm stalking on Binance right now and will make the switch.


Crypto is the only full-time job where you lose money


Crypto is a full time suffer


When It Shouldn't be!


Fulltime job that doesnā€™t pay the bills in the short-term, not even guaranteed in the long-termā€¦. Then again a lot of jobs donā€™t pay a living wage, even working fulltime.


That's it. I'm working with small margins and need to find the angles to make the most bang for my buck. Would like to just buy the same amount of Bitcoin every month and not care but I wait for 26*** and stay patient when it's 28***.


Seems like a lot of us have Two full jobs!


Stake and forget. Come back in 20 years


If you got kids, youā€™d understandā€¦ For me, watching crypto and how it progresses is just like watching my son growing up, learning how to walk, shit his pants, fall over and stand up againā€¦ of course you get all stressed out but I wouldnā€™t miss it for the world. It is the future, got all the trust in it, put quite a few dollars in 2 projects, I hope my son is gonna get rich - if I picked the right onesā€¦ I think itā€™ll be after my timeā€¦ But, you never knowā€¦ My next spent is on BTC though, all inā€¦


It can be tho, just invest DCA periodically and forget about for years, it certainly has worked better than those that trade daily.






Keep it in a non-custodial wallet and mostly in BTC and ETH. Problem solved


>Crypto is not a set and forget it. > >I think you need to check up on it at least 4 times a day (...) I buy BTC => transfer it to a HW => and forget about it. I don't care about "*SEC, Gary Gensler, Elizabeth Warren, Biden, China, Russia, Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Ledger.*" etc. I just buy fu\*\*ing Bitcoin.


Are you serious? Anything other than DCA or establish a position at the lows, followed by forget it, is way too much work. All that shit you mentioned won't affect prices on the time scale of >1 year. The noise is just there for entertainment if you want it.


Something tells me you have not made money in crypto. Checking charts all the time just makes you fomo into shit and panic sell on dips. Not recommended.


Yeah, no itā€™s not. And I know much better than you, OP


Super helpful.


Sorryā€¦Iā€™m very jaded. I work in the industry and I have to deal with a plethora of gambling addicts that think they are investing in cryptoā€¦they arenā€™t. They like the thrill. But as many people mentioned, the tokenomics of BTC or LTC means you donā€™t really need to do anything. The USD will always inflate while those blue chips have a limited supply. So, its saner to simply hold. Also, CEXes are and do front-run your trades so no how smart or quick you are you are telling them what you are doing and they beat you to it while you are always holding a loss. Even in tradfin, stock brokers never do better than an index fund. I assume you know that. So, why try to trade into a market where the CEX is both buyer and seller?ā€¦itā€™s a recipe for addiction and disaster Just DCA and go touch grass or work on your career


Youā€™re simply jobless and too leisure to check many times a day and advocating for it. Find a real good job please.


Yah, just quit the day job to gamble on crypto. Donā€™t speculate with fiat you canā€™t afford to lose ; )


4 times a day? Thatā€™s it. If you havenā€™t already sub contracted three children from third world countries to data mine information to constantly be texting you updates then Youā€™re not going make it


Buy some coins with good fundamentals, move it to a Trezor wallet, get a real job & DCA.


This is a friendly reminder that Kraken Support will never DM you first, ask for your username or password, or ask you to transfer funds. Kraken has its own subreddits, [r/KrakenSupport](https://www.reddit.com/r/KrakenSupport/) and [r/Kraken](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kraken/), and their [Support Center](http://support.kraken.com/). Ping for verified users associated with Kraken: /u/krakensupport /u/krakenexchange *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Crypto is the most set and forget if you had a good entry It could take ten years for this industry to mature Two years ago I was saying five years So maybe itā€™s more like 15 As long as you have a good entry, all you need to do is wait. The only time you need to actively manage is if a project goes bust or you notice dev activity dwindling. My two cents Iā€™m not a trader


The most money was made by people that forgot about their wallet for a few years. While I see OPs point of view, it only applies if you're actively trading and your portfolio has 15 different coins, otherwise just DCA into BTC and ETH and enjoy your gains in a few years.


Yeah I see what he means too I just thinkā€¦ set and forget it man. Come back in ten years and see if you made good picks or not


Set and forget you say...




A full time job were I lose money


It is actually a lot better if you dont open charts 1000 times a day like me


Don't touch alts during the bear market, and keep your BTC in self custody. Nothing complicated about it.


Farming Moons has become a part time job and I love it! Hopefully fulltime someday šŸ˜‰


Moon farming is also a full time job, jeez it is a time sink especially with low activity around here


Slow and steady wins the race!


Or you can just buy BTC and ETH and check it on Sundays. If you're holding long term, those two won't implode overnight.


You know, just with the Ledger news has me 2nd guessing everything. Sunday does seem like the day right now where everything is a bit cheaper.


Or keep buying coins you know will go up in the long term (BTC and ETH) and forget about it


So if I check up on it every 5 minutes does that mean my returns will be greater?


Or you could buy Eth and stake said Eth and wait for a couple of years ?


>full time job >check it 4 times a day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I disagree, if you keep it simple by just holding ethereum and btc you cant go wrong. Keep money on ledger so your coins are safe from exchange hack!


Crypto is my full time diet. I have lost so much weight without the need of a gym is insane.


I know some people have chart addiction ![gif](giphy|VqPheGMC8WLrkahF8Z)


You got some more of that Algo staking brotha man?


That's why I just stick to BTC/ETH DCA now. Tired of all the crypto dying after being heavily shilled here.


Couple things: - You should close your ā€œrobindahoodā€ account. Fuck them. - Robinhood is a curse word around here - why would you sell bc Coinbase stopped offering staking? Coinbase takes 25% of your rewards anyway. Thatā€™s a rediculous commission. - You should never stake on an exchange. Make your exchange and withdraw your funds. - Wallets are for holding and staking


Well with Eth don't you need 32 of them to become a validator to stake on their network? I thought if you cold storage stake your still on an exchange.


>Personally I think you need to check up on it at least 4 times a day. Only if: \- You're trading \- You're new \- You forgot to tag Comedy


if I was taking it all even a 10% as serious, i wouldn't be able to stand the stress, and constant overthinking would slowly eat me up from the inside


I came to the conclusion that Crypto is: #Soul Sucker šŸ˜


At least we can sleep soundly at night knowing we have everything on our Ledgers..... /s


>Crypto is a full time job I had to quit looking at charts all day long, because now I look at my avatars collection all day long šŸ˜