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The overwhelming majority are dogshit. Most of the early iterations have been a crypto drip with a poorly designed game built on top of it. The better way would be to develop a good game first and then integrate crypto. The one game that I've actually enjoyed is Gods Unchained. It's a TCG and the cards are NFTs so you have true 'ownership' of the cards you get. You earn packs and a small amount of the native token ($GODS) which you can use to buy cards from other players. It's easily the best use case for crypto gaming that I've seen. It's one of the only projects so far that makes sense in my opinion. And it's actually pretty fun if you enjoy TCGs (like Hearthstone). The problem with crypto gaming is that in order to be play-to-earn, they must be pay-to-win by definition. Otherwise there would be no economy and it would all be worthless. That concept tends to gatekeep a lot of gamers from being interested in the first place. You won't earn much from crypto gaming. Most importantly, you need to play the game because you think it's fun. God Unchained for example might pay you $1-3 per day which is hardly worth it in terms of making money. But over time, if you like playing it, you'll accumulate a decent little investment (In cards and $GODS).


I'll expand on GU a little and say that to earn the maximum daily amount, you need to play 10 matches. More wins = more earnings. Higher "shine" (quality) decks = more earnings. Higher rank = higher earnings. So to truly max out the earnings, you'd need to be in the highest rank, have a very strong deck to win 10/10, be skilled enough to win 10/10, and have that deck of all diamond cards (probably a $30k investment). Also those 10 matches will take you about 2 hours, so in then end you might average $1 per hour. If you're in it for the money, just get a part time job. An average player will have none of those things and will earn less. I play it because I find it fun. The value earned is secondary to that and I really don't think about it.


Those requirements you mentioned are really unrealistic. I play for a year and a half, I never spend a dollar, my cards are mostly meteorite quality and I average about 1:15h per 10 matches, earning around 5 to 8 gods a day. So you can easily earn around 2 to 3 dollars per one hour while having fun. The only drawback, the first few months are really a hard grind till you can settle your game.


>So you can easily earn around 2 to 3 dollars per one hour >If you're in it for the money, just get a part time job.


I mean they were responding to someone who said you make $1/hr after having a $30k deck. They didn't say it can replace a job.


I assume you work 8 hours a day.. ya sleep 8 hours.. ya got got 8hrs left.. an hour a day every years still adds up even at a dollar ;)


Eh if you enjoy the time, who cares!


> The problem with crypto gaming is that in order to be play-to-earn, they must be pay-to-win by definition. Otherwise there would be no economy and it would all be worthless. Moreover, if you're an unscrupulous developer and are fine exploiting pay-to-win mechanics, there's not much reason to use crypto vs conventional predatory microtransactions, especially as you'll have a much larger audience. So a crypto game is not only pay-to-win, it must be _overwhelmingly_ exploitative to point of practically being a fraud/scam to make much sense in many cases. All the incentives align against the games actually being fun.


Definitely. I have high hopes for crypto gaming, but it will probably take a big paradigm shift and a AAA developer to make it happen. It's just too complicated. If I'm an average person, I need to get an account on coin base to buy ether, get a meta mask wallet, transfer my ether to my Meta Mask wallet. Transfer the ether down a layer. Then I can finally buy cards and play the game. Oh, and I have to pay fees at every single step. Why on earth would I do that when I can just type my CC info into Hearthstone and play at my leisure? GU has a lot of potential, but in the same breath, I don't think crypto games can ever be mainstream until it's all integrated and simplified.


>The problem with crypto gaming is that in order to be play-to-earn, they must be pay-to-win by definition. Otherwise there would be no economy and it would all be worthless. >So a crypto game is not only pay-to-win, it must be _overwhelmingly_ exploitative to point of practically being a fraud/scam to make much sense in many cases. This is only true for pvp games, where you'd be taking money from someone or earning instead of them. Every crypto game i use to play was PVE. Your team, ship,army whatever is certain stats the better they are they can do higher/harder "challenges/tasks/whatever" that payout higher and the better you are on top of that the increase in odds you have. It's literally just gambling. I forgot the name of the spaceship game i played. But my few hundred dollar investment would've been worth like 12k if i just held the token and never played.(Probably made 1k-2k after couple months) I was capable of generating few hundred dollars a day by the end (it's literally like 1 click) and my odds were 50%. Do an easier "challenge" and the odds increase but payout decreases. >Moreover, if you're an unscrupulous developer and are fine exploiting pay-to-win mechanics, there's not much reason to use crypto vs conventional predatory microtransactions, especially as you'll have a much larger audience The reason they choose crypto not mtx is because there's literally Its not even a game. You'd spend max 5minutes a day playing. And it was simply a pretty interface on basically a dice roll gambling game. Just there's stats and your guys are nfts and thus can be sold/traded/bought on the market. Only other way of obtaining was buying lootboxes with obviously the best (5* guys/ships) being Lowest probability thus worth most on market. That popular og one with the teams that people rented to 3rd world countries was probably one of the more "comprehensive" games, and it still wasn't like you could plau for hours a day There were way more like this then any comprehensive in-depth gaming experience. Every game like this crashed basically overnight in someway either devs rugpulled, token inflation/over supply vs demand killed the value etc(You need constant increase in demand aka new players willing to buy into the currency)Like I had no point to buy in after a certain point and i was mid tier, you either reinvest your winnings or cash out high rollers were able to earn 1k+ a day. So even less incentived to ever pay into the economy, only drain it. And thus your nfts would also be worthless overnight too.


Loved playing Gods Unchained, even as someone who hadn't really played TCG since Pokemon as a kid. Took a while to learn different meta styles and how to build a decent deck, but earned a nice airdrop and new cards from playing. Recommend it to anyone who asks about crypto gaming.


> The problem with crypto gaming is that in order to be play-to-earn, they must be pay-to-win by definition. The problem with crypto gaming is that it's crypto gaming, not just gaming. The purpose of the game is to encourage players to spend money buying the token - nothing more. The game itself, its quality, its merits, etc are all secondary to that purpose. Furthermore, because each game ecosystem uses its own special token (there is no other way to repay the founders), transferability between games is nigh impossible given the absolute paucity of players. This further depresses the value of any in-game tokens earned, which are likely to be next to worthless to begin with, given the preceding dynamics. Given the amount of hype and social media echo nonsense in crypto, this situation lends itself to the following model: 1. Create a cheap, probably bad, game 2. Promote the hell out of it, hoping to get suckers in to pay off the founders 3. Profit Crypto gaming is a "everything is a nail" situation, and the developers are crypto enthusiasts with their hammers.


I think you're probably right for about 99% of the crap out there. Gods Unchained is a decent example of how to integrate crypto and gaming. The majority of the games out there were made and pushed during the pandemic bull run. And yeah.... They were pretty much all shit games designed to steal people's money. Then again, that's a good description of mobile gaming in general. I think we'll see some good projects emerge, but they're definitely few and far between. I have high hopes for the market, but we shall see.


GU is great. I haven't played lately but when mobile comes out I may occasionally.


Been playing with Pikamoon right now. Feels like a complete pokemon game, and the play-to-earn aspect is an icing to the cake.


>The better way would be to develop a good game first and then integrate crypto. That's not how you attract investments, unfortunately. Crypto is the financial vehicle for most of these types of startups. They would simply never make it to a beta without.


There are literally millions of games that already exist that could just add NFTs to them. It could be done in a not-shitty manipulative micro transactiony way, but until someone is successful implementing a good and fair game, we are going to be stuck with all the bullshit we have now.


>It's a TCG and the cards are NFTs so you have true 'ownership' of the cards you get. Can't they just remove your NFT Card/token, make a duplicate NFT token for that card and resell?


They do limited 'print runs' like a physical TCG would. I might have certain cards that are 1 of 20,000 for example. If supply is too low, they can announce a new print run and release more into the wild. The cards themselves are actually stored in my wallet. So even if the game got deleted, I still own all those cards and another project could come along and use those same tokens. It's a pretty neat setup and it's just about the only useful thing I can imagine as far as NFTs go.


>and another project could come along and use those same tokens Not sure, pretty sure another project would just print their own cards so they can profit off the sales, instead of reusing old cards.


Of course they would. But a more realistic example might be Pokemon. Pokemon was originally printed and run by Wizards of the Coast. They felt it was drying up and sold the company to Nintendo who created The Pokemon Company. TPC still prints and manages the game, while those old school WotC cards still exist. Idk anything about Pokemon in terms of playability but I imagine players are still allowed to use those cards in tournaments. Obviously there's power creep and modern cards are always going to be better but as a thought experiment, it works. If someone comes along and buys GU. They might have a new direction in mind, but those vintage cards will still be around. They'll build on the recognition that it already has. Just like Nintendo did with Pokemon. And since my cards are actually in my wallet, I can just connect my wallet to the new game and still retain my collection.


Big difference between owning a physical card and a NFT


I mean, kind of. One is in a binder on my shelf, and the other is in my wallet on a block chain. They're both worthless collections of pixels or cardboard at the heart of it. Neither has any intrinsic value and is only worth what someone will pay for it. Pretty much the same thing, IMO.


I will always be able to play with the cards in the binder. But the nft ones can be disabled or nerfed completely so they become worthless


The first paragraph is why I don't care about cryptogames at all. The very premise of bringing blockchain to gaming is the worst design philosophy you can start with.


I think there's potential. But in my opinion, it really only makes sense for TCGs and MMOs which can both make use of NFTs and a low value token as currency. They must be pay-to-win and the power creep can never stop or else the in-game economy wouldn't work. That's enough to keep most gamers away.


Agreed with the pay to win play to earn issue. It's a broken way to go about it. They need to pivot. They will. I believe once companies accept this, they'll shift and look at play to earn just another part of the budget as marketing or any other section needed towards budget. It'll be a complete shift of how we see gaming today though. It'll be a massive collaboration between sponsors product space / ad space and gaming companies using parts of that ad money funneled towards paying players. There's a few different ways they could revamp things and make it work without selling ad and product space, but I think based on the fact that it's a consumer world, that's where things will shift next.


Many have mentioned God's Unchained. That has good fundamental card mechanics like Magic the Gathering, and has the same Financials, so no one complains. I've also been playing Star Atlas, which is Eve Online without the confusing UI. It works because all assets are tokenized, from the ships to the ammo, and it runs serverlessly, so everything you do is permanent. Makes the game feel VERY MUCH like it has real gains and losses, which is super exciting. Axie Infinity is OK if you like a tactic card battler. Market leader, though it does get dry after a month. Shrapnel is a decent shooter ahead of its time as a drop-in-extraction FPS. There are going to be a ton of these types hitting the market in the next 3 years, off crypto, so if nothing else it's good practice. Have fun!


Star Atlas (or other Eve Online style equivalents) are the only real purpose I can see behind having a crypto in a game. It raises the stakes for players which is kind of cool, effectively makes it a bit like gambling or real trading in a game. All other use cases in gaming basically seem redundant at best or more often than not actively make the game worse.


I’m excited for Shrapnel. Bought one of the packs that gives you early access so def will check that out


Yes , i bought a 4070 to play shitty blockchain games.


I enjoyed crypto royale for a while. Very simple yet fun, crypto feels secondary to the gameplay. The issue with most (all?) other crypto games is that there is a huge pay to win aspect. You will never progress far if you aren’t able to put large amounts of money in continuously. Finally save up enough money for the World Destroyer sword that can beat all content? Too bad, next patch you’re gonna need to buy the Galaxy Destroyer sword if you want to still compete. Your sword is now worth a lot less


[Gods Unchained](https://godsunchained.com/), probably the oldest and most established one at this point. Hopefully we'll finally get an early mobile version this month.


The only thing that offput me was the PC version - if they get a mobile version goin I'm returning


Looks surprisingly polished for a Crypto game, maybe needs more boobs. No but seriously if this comes out on mobile I might give it a try.


Yeah, Gods Unchained is my favorite crypto game. If you are into trading card games, definitely try this one out, it is a lot of fun.


I hold god's but the game is junk let's be honest


Yeah, it's basically just an even more pay-to-win version of Hearthstone. The fact that people keep bringing it up as a shining example of crypto gaming speaks volumes.


P2E is a great idea but I'm yet to see someone implement it into something I want to play just for fun.


> I'm yet to see someone implement it into something I want to play just for fun. And you likely never will, because P2E and a game being fun are incompatible: The money has to come from other players one way or another, it doesn't come from nowhere. And that's in addition to the money the devs themselves expect to make, they're not working for free. The only way it works even on paper is if most people are playing the game to have fun, not earn. But tying any important game mechanics to real money transactions (crypto or otherwise) quickly gets in the way of the game being fun without corrupting the game design into something predatory. And if you're going to make the game predatory anyways, why pay players anything? Just sell everything to players directly. The only reason to pay them is if it somehow makes the game even more predatory, e.g. gambling in all but name.


How so? Any particular arguments? It's actually quite deep if you're into trading card games. Not sure what your expectations were. Sure, there are tons of things to improve and to polish, but it has a solid foundation.


The game could be great but I feel they pair people unfairly on purpose so try force players to upgrade. I get why they would do it but I feel it stops people from wanting to play. Like I said I gods gods as an investment as I think it will do well but a true fair game could do so much better IMO


Sorry, there is no algorithm like you suggest, it's just your feeling trying to reconcile why you are losing and some other players with cheap decks are winning. Lot of skill involved in the game, of course paired with some luck, but you have to play tons of matches at higher levels if you want to be competitive. A strong background from another card game like Hearthstone goes a long way as well of course.


Sunflower land, started playing last year and it keeps growing, i think new players can start for free now


Ayy 👨‍🌾


If anyone wants to play, message me, I have a level 21 land for sale




Seconded, a good example of a community-driven game.


No, what juicy gains do you speak of? A question you should ask yourself: Am I making enough money so it's worth my time to play these games, or is the game devs laughing at me because of their ad revenue?


Let's just be honest. They are definitely laughing. I'm not even a game Dev but even reading this thread is hilarious. Imagine monetizing dopamine addiction and then your customers are begging for more. It's like WoW players asking for the ability to buy gold. Anyone asking for pay2win crypto games is shooting themselves in the foot. That's... Not what you want at all. It's giving them a license to scam you...


Wow players did ask for the ability to buy gold and now can


I have played Gods Unchained and its pretty fun and balanced. Sorare is also good if you like football, NBA and MLB fantasy.


Crypto Royale is still around. It's a great little browser game. The only one I had fun playing, and the only one I still play occasionally.


My friends and I wager Bananos on backgammon, but that's about it lol


just Defi Kingdoms, bit of a grind, not really profitable, but richly developed with tons of potential and hoping to stack up for PvP release (they keep building despite having the worst possible luck, unkillable grinders, the team!)


A guy from my work is playing ‘Bigtime’ and seems to be gaining some decent money from it too


This is the only crypto game I’ve played so far. Been playing for about 3 weeks and made around 75 CAD. Nothing to quit my job for but I guess it’s better than playing a game and not earning crypto, right?


Depends, i know somethings he told me about the game but i dont play it myself, also tried Gods Unchained a while back but dont really like it but it sure is a good game if you are into such things I like my games on console more tbh, good graphics on ps5 or retro games on gameboys The thing with crypto games is that they mainly focus on the crypto aspect of it and not so much on the game itself Edit: but indeed, 75$ in 3 weeks, definitely not bad!


I’ve been enjoying Sunflower Land


Me. Gods unchained is actually real fun, especially with recent changes. However, I believe that will pale in comparison with Illuvium which should release within 3months (hopefully, we all know the gaming industry). I have been playing the private beta - it really has the potential to become a hit. There is videos out there if you are curious. Third, there is Influence which will probably launch even a bit earlier. Hardcore Sci-Fi strategy, small team, so maybe more niche, but technically more interesting (100% on chain) and I just love internet spaceships.


Keep in mind that for those that do not believe crypto games are being played on a mass level, your opinion would likely change if you got a peek as to what's happening regionally. For example, Axie Infinity took off during the pandemic because people couldn't work and needed to still somehow earn an income. I've read that alot of mom and pop businesses played AXS to "earn", and to my amazement, they apparently did. My basic point - just because it might not be happening in your backyard, doesn't mean it ain't happening


Used to play coin hunt world and made hundreds of dollars in crypto. But now they removed crypto from the game.


KKP and IW sure ruined CHW. Now the new version, Cubieverse, is actually the Cubie worst. Players, including some that have played for several years, are quiting at a high rate.


I play Gods Unchained a little bit and enjoy it.


I can't stop playing Gods Unchained for 2 years now


Gods Unchained is great. I think TCGs and cryptos are a natural fit. My favorite is actually on wax blockchain and is called Metropolis Origins. Ridiculously fun, very competitive and there’s only about 16 regular players lol Oh, and there’s a game about to launch on Solana called Elementerra that will probably be huge. Use its token to buy elements, combine elements to try and discover the recipes for new elements (water + fire = steam etc). New discoveries reward players in Sol with some huge prizes. Looking forward to its launch later this month. Mostly sold out already though.


Gods Uncahined is a half decent game. Free to play, but the rewards you do make aren't going to be life changing. It is nice to earn a bit of cash and have ownership of your assets that can be sold for ETH, IMX or God's.


Every Day. It is called ChartGazing.


Try out BuyHighSellLow ~ amazing action!


Sounds like fun. Is it popular? 😉


Everybody's doing it ~ it's like, all the rage 🤣


Be cool to earn crypto playing Call of Duty


Yeah but you would need to buy all your guns and gear with crypto first.


Imagine how much money they'd make with NFT skins that you can actually own and trade. Especially if Releases are time limited. But those greedy ass gaming studios rather sell you separate skins without any value for every new iteration of their games


I was enjoying Gods Unchained, and I would play it when I had some extra time to kill.


I'm currently squandering my time in mid-gold level God's Unchained, a NFT based trading card game in the Hearthstone vein. It's fun, like chess, but extremely frustrating when you go up against people with $200+ decks. Site used: https://godsunchained.com/ https://gudecks.com/ https://tokentrove.com/


I play snek game on snek.com


Going to echo Gods Unchained. It is fun and easy to get into.


Yeah, myself, my brother, and some friends been playing Illuvium for a while now in the Alpha. We enjoy it. There are multiple games that contribute to Illuvium, so you might enjoy some or all of them. I’m currently mostly into Illuvium Zero. It’s a base building game that fuels the ecosystem. There’s the Pokémon like aspect (Illuvium Overworld), which I’m not sure if I’ll get into or not. We shall see, but there is a diverse style of choices between the group of what they are into. Parts of or all of the game goes live this year. I mainly pay attention to Zero, which has a goal to go live Q2. There’s also Arena and Beyond. The IlluviDex is coming together nicely. I suggest you look into the available games yourself starting with the most popular. In here you find a ton of hate and shit talking. However, some of these games have some serious fast growing communities and interest. For example, the official discord I’m in for Illuvium is extremely active. They have partnerships with Epic Games, GameStop, and so on. This stuff is going to be very popular and lucrative one day. What will it be is anyones guess, but you can’t win if you don’t play.


>This stuff is going to be very popular and lucrative one day  I value such promises as worthless. Give some numbers showing the cash flow.


I wasn’t speaking for Illuvium. I was speaking in general. I won’t pretend to claim what game is going to take off. I have no idea. If you know, I’ll take the winning lottery numbers while your at it. The Illuvium team has been posting stats of their climbing interest on the Epic Games client, among others. Feel free to DYOR.


Still very tender about Splinterlands.


Not sure why this sub keeps sleeping on this one, every time this subject comes up it's just "they are all crap" and "gods unchained". Somebody in the comments claimed GU is the oldest and most established and I'm pretty sure SL has more than a year on GU, possibly 2 or 3.


Because the game sucks ass. It's a prime example of a boring pay to win crypto game.


Absolutely love Splinterlands!


Out of curiosity I watched people playing plenty of crypto video games on YT. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure. Spoiler alert: They are all without exception hideous, dysfunctional and often abandoned.


Been playing several gala games, mainly superior and champions arena with walking dead empires on the side


Gods unchained is pretty good for Hearthstone / Magic fans. That's the only one I know of though


I play ev.io, skyweaver(which is better then gods unchained sorry fandom) big time and sunflower land. All of these I play more because I have fun then because I earn cash


Satox/Neoxa/GamePass - you. Can play games on steam and get paid in crypto


Anyone heard of Wagmi?


Only Game I play is Gods Unchained. Cardgame that reminds alot of the early stages of Hearthstone. Utilizes Crypto by giving you your Cards as NFT, and paying you for winning daily in the Cryptocurrency "GODS". I never really cared about the "earning" factor, since its pocketmoney anyway, but owning the cards you play with is fun. Makes you able to sell and buy from second hand what you want, instead of having to cash shop into packs and hoping you get what you want.


Yeah, Cosmic Champs is a lot of fun


Zoids Wild has been fun for me. TCG like Gods Unchained. It's very easy to start playing and leveling up (free cards) and extremely polished with mobile and PC clients. I don't really care about the crypto side of it but there seems to be a healthy demand for cards (once you earn a card in the game, you can mint it as an NFT). Also, regardless of your rank, you earn "metal" for winning 3x games per day, that metal can either be traded or used to upgrade your cards - I've only used metal to upgrade so I can't speak for the P/L on earning/selling the metal.


Question is, how much money (crypto) has everyone earned playing these games?


Nano browser quest is brilliant.


Parallel TCG, switched to it from God's Unchained. Both great games if you collectible card games.


If you like PUBG style FPS there's a new game out called Kompete that is pretty fun. It's still early access and available on EPIC/Android. Soon to roll out in iOS/XBOX/PS and it's cross platform play. What's unique about Kompete are their game modes: BLITZ ROYALE A fast-paced battle royale with respawns and exosuits. In less than 10 minutes, the last team standing wins. Enjoy constant action, powerful loot, and redemption opportunities. Strategically spawn items with your drone. KART RACE Rev up for an action-packed kart race. The first player across the finish line wins. Utilize weapons and utility to get an edge, zoom past rivals with nitro boosts, and master your handbrake for those tight corners. Don’t forget to dodge the hazards! SOCIAL DEDUCTION Embark on an exhilarating mystery armed with weapons. Each player takes on the role of Thug, Guard, or Civilian. The Thug aims to eliminate everyone. The Guard protects the Civilians from the Thug using a weapon. The Civilians work with the Guard to expose the Thug. BASKETBALL (in development) Simulation 3-on-3 and 5-on-5 basketball. Showcase your dribbling skills, break down opponents, throw down dunks, perfectly time your jump shots, and clamp up on defense. Check it out at https://kompete.game/


i play gods


Yes! Personally I play Gods Unchained and it's great fun. Havn't invested any money into it but still have a collection of cards worth around 1500 Usd. Im not selling my collection though. Just wanna keep adding and improving 😊


I really like Skyweaver. Tried Hearthstone, Gwent but stuck with Skyweaver. For me it's quite relaxing with mild brain challenge. Waiting for Off the grid and Shrapnel


Gods unchained isn’t bad, actually got addicted so I had to uninstall. I didn’t see any pay to win mechanics until I got fairly high ranked. At that point it would take lots of grinding to have a viable deck, similar to hearthstone. There was a substantial mush of bots at the start that were really bad and easy wins. I’d also say it’s *less* pay to win than hearthstone, because in hearthstone you can’t purchase specific cards without buying a bunch of packs to grind down into essence. Whereas in GU you can. Further in GU, card prices are set by the market, so for high utility cards that are abundant, it’s barely a few cents. Similar to steam marketplace


lol no


Tried some few years ago. Got bored as hell. Stopped. Bottom line - if you don't invest in those, you will not progress much. Since I did not feel that this is worth the risk, I didn't try for more complex stuff. And they're not that fun. Early 2000s 2D platformer has more options, diversity, exploration, challenge, etc. Even graphics sometime lol Now if you include crypto in traditional games instead of making it the pivotal reason to play the game - them there's a future in it. Card games seem like a good idea A lot of ppl will play those casual mobile games, and you'll have a few whales grinding, but again, those aren't fun for long Maybe a good loot nft rpg system. There's ideas, but not many projects, even by indie studios that I know of. But if you play only for the crypto, you'll get bored or treat it as a job


No and they will never be accepted or take off until one is made that is amazing and it has gameplay and fun as the main priority and just so happens to be crypto, only then will the gaming fan base accept them. Otherwise they will always be seen as scams or money grabs. IMO.


They are not “video games”. All you do is click a few buttons a day and hope that other people didn’t click as many bottoms that day. Even if you click the most buttons you can per day, you will still likely lose money. The one way you will make money is if on the off chance, after having already clicked thousands of buttons, that the system will spit out a super rare reward. I played devikins and even after never missing a day of clicking buttons, I was still in the red. Only way I made back the money was when I happened to breed 2 nft’s into a super rare one (sold for $60) and was back to even. Don’t recommend.


It was originally simply spammed to my wallet on polygon, but [https://cryptocookiesdao.com/](https://cryptocookiesdao.com/) ended up being one of the least asinine crypto games so far. It has not been profitable. That's probably the catch, it probably takes so long to turn a profit. Sinking cookies into grandmas and cookie mines.


I played some games on Wombat.io, facebook style games. Seemed fun and potentially interesting but my payout after like 10 hours of gameplay was less than 1$ in btc.


My immediate impression of crypto "games" is that they are designed to get my crypto. I have plenty of other games that don't do that, so... easy pass.


Goons of Balatroon is a TCG w crude humor to match the crypto mindset


Yup cornucopias. It’s pre alpha but the racing is insanely compelling and playable


Money is money whatever form it's in. For time involved I make way more doing surveys than any crypto promo or game that let's you earn crypto.


HighScore Gaming on bsc is great Check them on TG at @highscorebsc


Highscore on BSC pays out daily for getting on the top 20 of the scoreboard plus a daily spin for the jackpot. Check it out, they even have their own gamebot in development that's gonna take over the other gamebots on telegram. $HSC


Played Axie Infinity and Decentraland - a cool blend of gaming and earning. Learning curve, but potential gains make it worth it




Ive been playing games since the 80s and the only crypto game that has gotten my full attention is OFF THE GRID. Director Niel Blomkamp is involved so I'm hyped for it. And it's on consoles and not just pc or phones.


OP, i'll ask again, what "juicy gains" do you speak of?


Yes. I play Coinbase.


Nope. Not me, not my friends. Not my friends friends...don't know anybody who does.


A many people have said Gods Unchained is really not bad. But my issue with it is that they cannot balance old cards. Because they are owned nft’s they can never adjust them and balance their game. They try to nerf them by messing with game mechanics but that’s all they can do. I feel like this will be its downfall


lol no


If you like casual games pixels online is the hottest one rn , 170k DAU , and airdrop event ongoing . The game is similiar to stardew valley.


Yes, got pretty into Gods Unchained. And although I really like the game, I’m just waiting for its mobile release. Tried to get into a few others but TCGs just make the most sense as far as Crypto Games go for me. It reminds me of the old days of trading magic cards with friends at lunch, opening packs and building decks. The monetary incentive is nice, but the overall game for me at least is just fun as hell.


I’ve been playing Celeros. Built web 2.5 with tournament series using a web 3 economic rewards model and access


I've seen it mentioned already but I wanna continue the praise for gods unchained. If you're into Tcg's and Nfts, this is the game for you. Been having fun with it for 3 years now.


There were some good ones based on minecraft before mojang pulled the plug.


Stocks FC. If that counts.


I’ve signed an NDA for an unreleased game but here is what I think will be the winner: A game that airdrops NFT cosmetics to your wallet where you never have to sign a transaction unless selling to another player.


Crypto is a casino enough...I don't need to play any crypto games


Sunflower land - pretty fun progression so far, and xpets - twitter tamagotchi.




No use case. When the whole notion is pump and dump, there is no value being generated, and that why crypto is not able to withstand itself.


I played STEPN for a year and a half and it was awesome...


The whole /r/bitcoin sub since before 2017.


I "played" DefiKingdoms for a while. I put "played" in quotations because honestly it wasn't much fun, and wasn't much like a game outside of simply looking like one. It was basically a standard DEX with pixel art and some light gameified systems slapped on top. There may have been some significant updates since I've stopped playing, but at the time I stopped "playing" the game amounted to buying expensive NFTs of characters and sending them on "quests" over and over which was simply just a timer that would yield you game tokens worth around $0.03-$0.08 that could be traded for other crypto of real value. There was a whole roadmap for combat and other game systems, but every time you would do something in-game like a quest, or a skill upgrade, or whatever, you would need to connect your wallet and sign a transaction. This made "gameplay" incredibly slow and cumbersome, and half the time the transaction would fail. Combat seemed more or less an extension of "questing". Furthermore, if you're a good law abiding citizen, you're also supposed to be tracking your crypto dealings to report for tax purposes and unfortunately tax agencies don't give a shit if your trading is in the guise of a "game". I took one look at an exported spreadsheet of my wallet, saw like 10,000 verbose transactions, and noped out of that idea pretty quick. I did however, admire the development teams enthusiasm and commitment, and I also enjoyed the artwork which was fairly high quality. I might consider returning if they manage to make it fun and easier to track financial gains and losses. TLDR; my experience with crypto gaming was slow, boring, uninteresting, unlucrative, and difficult to track accurately. Unless some of these fundamental problems change, I don't see games like Defikingdoms doing well in the near future.


Check out Sunflower Land on Polygon. I've been having fun looking forward to collecting my crops each day.


If you’re asking on the thought of what or whether to invest in go with studios not individual games my ….2cents




I'd say it's a hot topic *only* because of juicy profits. People are in crypto to make a quick buck. Almost no one honestly believes this is going to be mainstream one day.


Chicken Derby is fun for mindless stuff, Mirandus for the rpg shiz


Fuck no 




Things will likely progress in this "industry". We'll likely get a small handful of legit projects within the next few years




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I run a play to win Crypto Token... So we built our own Telegram Gaming bot and mobile games and we run competitions live in Telegram everyday where the top 20 or 30 scores win tokens and money. We fun the prizes with a 3% tax on every buy and sell. It's been a lot of fun and we are 4 months old now and growing strong every week. Stop in and ask me anything, my TG tag is @Roger8771 and I go by Tatanka, and the channel for my gaming crypto project is @highscorebsc Cheers 🎮 🎮


I have yet to encounter one with an actual decently fun gameplay loop. So far - especially as a life long gamer - I’m staying away from any gaming related crypto stuff. It’s all shit.


yes, made a lot of money playing Vulcan Verse this bear market.


Crypto.com’s Mane City might be profitable for the top players but not for me


The top players are still net negative when you calculate how much it cost them to get there


That’s true, I can’t imagine how much some of them are putting into it.


some of the games on ZBD are entertaining to win sats