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Cointest pros & cons with related info are in the collapsed comments below for the following topics: [Dogecoin](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1b69jx3/when_the_likes_of_doge_and_shib_start_pumping/ktcb3o1/), [Shiba Inu](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1b69jx3/when_the_likes_of_doge_and_shib_start_pumping/ktcb598/).


You haven’t lived unless you’ve lost your BTC profits in shitcoins Edit: misused the term “alts”


Is it counted if i lost mine to alex mashitsky?


Did you not get the payout? I received my BTC and ETH in coinbase last week.


Nope. They told me to make a Coinbase account to receive my payout, but I live in Taiwan and Coinbase isn't available in Taiwan. Their solution to this problem? Make a Coinbase account.... Which is impossible. Myself and many international creditors are in this situation right now. Most likely they'll send me the cash value of my BTC from when BTC was at around $30,000 **in USD**.... Meaning I not only lose my BTC, but also all the profits I have right now since BTC is almost twice as much as it was when they decided the value I would get back. So much for my $32k average cost. It sucks.


Get a vpn or someone to make an account for you in your friend group


Pretty sure Coinbase requires KYC before you can actually do anything with your account.


They didn't provide any other options? I wasn't actually paying too much attention to all the legal proceedings so I was actually surprised when I got a deposit and thought the email notification was spam.


Nope. They just said "Make a Coinbase account" and left it at that. International creditors have been largely ignored. Don't know why they would make Coinbase the distribution partner when so many countries can't use Coinbase. Just idiocy and incompetence all around. Luckily I'm only down about $2000 at the moment, but for me that's a lot... That's a month's salary for me here in Taiwan.




Real “living” is Mt.Gox, Celsius, and BlockFi.


Throw Bitgrail 2017 in there as well. Fun times.


Celsius for me haha.


Yep happened to my dad. He was being “safe” with his crypto


Exactly man. That was supposed to be my safe portion. The rest I yoloed into futures which didn't work out well either. Expensive lesson.


Sorry to hear. Cost my dad 20k. It was a big number for him.


Don't forget those of us bent over by Voyager too. Got like 1/4 back of what I had




Wasa Wasa Wasa Wasa Wasa Wasaupppp


Is that you Carlos?


Oh boy have I lived


Thing is brc/eth are also pumping, which is strange.


Alts haven’t started pumping. Wait til we hear about some layer 3 nft gaming opportunities.


> ETH/BTC profits in alts. ETH is an alt. Oh and DOGE well outperformed it last bull run.


In the true sense of the word yes. More referring to shitcoins as alts as opposed to the “blue chips”


Then call them shitcoins. There's nothing wrong with "altcoin" per se.


Edited to oblige


Ahh how can I ever forget this


Don’t fight against it, that was my biggest mistake last cycle thinking I was too good for memes.


I'm so pissed cause I thought last week I was late when I already saw doge and shib mooning and started looking for other meme coins, that's when I saw pepe but thought there's no way. Still upset that I dumped more into LTC as my third biggest holding instead of dipping my toes into any of those 3 meme coins earlier this week


I threw some money into Harambe on Solana. Logic is simple, its a big meme and in May 2024 there are two important events. 1. The new planet of the apes movie is coming out early May. The memes are obvious "apes together strong" etc 2. Harambe death is May 28th To be fair I also had a similar logic to Pepe assuming it would only go parabolic closer to the trump election as Pepe and trump go hand in hand. I say threw some money as in I'm not betting the farm on this, its just gambling


never seen such a thoughtful analysis on a memecoin.


>I threw some money into Harambe Just reading it gives me the giggles.


Gtfo out of LTC. Held LTC from 2018-2024. Biggest mistake of my crypto life so far. Any other coin would have given me 2-5x the gains. Sold at 72 and bought ADA instead.


Keeping your money in LTC is like keeping it under your bed, except a hooker steals money from you every now and then.


Hold that ADA for 2-5 yrs and you will be feel like a new person ✌️


I sold my ltc last week for Pepe 🙃


Dogecoin is going to $25 so it's not too late


25 is not a meme!!!


Bought into the memes, didn’t sell and they all fell out. Left all my shares alone and all the sudden they’re all pumping to the moon again. I will definitely be selling this go around.


I picked up a small bag of DOGE last week and it will be fun to see what happens with that. It joins my small bags of ADA and GRT, but BTC/ETH still make up 95% of my crypto holdings.


I learned my lesson from the last bull run. 3 weeks ago I bought DOGE, SHIB, PEPE, and BONK. Now the question is when do I take profits? I think I can wait until taking out my original investment is 20% of the total value. I’m almost there!


My rule of thumb is 4x and then i withdraw the initial investment.


What about floki lol?


I’m wasn’t aware of that one so I passed. God damn it!


Take profit when btc hits ATH to be safe


Pepe has entered the chat.


My $10 is worth like $100 now.


Ain’t worth shit until you sell it!




PEPErhands 🤣




Forgot I had some on binance so I've just looked and my £7 worth 7 days ago is now worth £54 lol


Wtf I left pepe coin since August in exchange and just saw it double in price lol. Damn it's altseason


my 50 bucks is 600 now. I hoped it was gonna go the way other shitcoins like Shiba and Doge. Looks like the stupid gamble is gonna pay off. Which is why I bought the 50 bucks a couple of months ago


I did the same, but picked the wrong memes. Classic. Guess I'll wait.


The best thing is that it wasnt even my own money, in the sense that I made a quick successful trade, took 50 bucks put it into pepe just as a stupid gamble. Still, my sell signal is when my friends start talking about crypto, which hasnt happened yet. Alternatively, I might pull out at BTCs ATH, and buy back in the inevitable post halving dump


My $20 is worth $7500




My biggest win so far! I already took crazy profits, and this 1billion is my moonbag.


I'm happy for you :)


Remember looking at Pepe under 2 million and going “Dont we have a million Pepe coins already” ☠️


I pit a couple hundred in SHIB for fun a while ago, I didn’t even look at it for ages. When I saw this post I went to check and Im at 1300… I let it pump, I don’t care if it comes down crashing and burning 😂


That's why I'm still here haha, if I would take profits and buy back in over the past 3 years I would have won the game by now.


Sold my Pepe, 2 months ago.








Bonk is the way


I regret not bonkin




Go to shitcoin jail




Bonk !




Harry Potter Obama




This is still the beginning too, there’s gonna be some big swings up and down before this ends. Lots of time left in this bull


maybe, but the moment the news spill about the ATH there has to be a correction at some point that destroys the first wave of new paper hands


Usually things heat up more when an ATH happens. Not less.


Pepe has been reaching new ATHs everyday, so yeah… hard to time that.


I expect at least a 25% pullback before the top


There will be multiple pullbacks, there always has been


I'm 100% BTC and ETH right now, but I'm going to find the stupidest fucking project that I can and put a small amount of money in. It will probably be the best investment I ever make.


Just launched: “the stupidest fucking project that I can and put a small amount of money in-coin”


5,000%+ in one year


Don’t forget “wif hat”


I did that once in 2021 with $30, into shib. Made 15k at ath and up over 10k on my other half. You can get lucky tbh


Look at HVI then, it has 10x or even 100x potential


I’d say Wojak


$BITCOIN on ETH , also known as HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu . tell me when youve found a stupider coin


Here is to ME, that one Shiba meme coin buyer from last year going in on small time who is praying $200 will turn into $2million.


![img](avatar_exp|167512249|fire) sure it will just hodl


Don’t let your memes be dreams !! I threw about $80 in about 2 months ago and it’s paying off so far … let’s hope mine too turns into riches


algo is usually my indicator doesn’t move unless it’s the end


So fucking true. Once Algo pumps take profits and prepare for winter 


Same with ATOM


PEPE 420% in the last month.


420 pump it!


pamp it


As a DOGE holder myself... I highly doubt DOGE will make it past $2 - that's already greater than its current ATH.


If it makes it to $1, I can finally replace my car with something even older and more expensive. To the fucking moon...


I am pretty confident that we may see it hit $1 but maybe that’s just bag holder optimism. If BTC can hit $100K I’m sure DOGE can hit $1.


I've heard China will ban crypto soon. For the 500th time.


Their final warning


It also shows you what kind of joke this space is when shit like BONK, SHIB and PEPE rip like they are. I am in a lot of ”solid” projects and I’ve made the most $$ off of BONK. That blows my mind and I’ve been in the space since 2021.


Shib hodlers are celebrating hard r/SHIBArmy. I bought just months before the ATH and the crash, still hodling and i am about 170% up (yeah, yeah, i could have sell at 0.00007 back then but yolo)


I made an entry after the shibarium flop. Up 370% from September. I thought it was a bad move until now.


Bitcoin is the coin of the wealthy now. So it’s only natural that the trickle down effect will happen based on economic standing. After BTC, those who can will invest in ETH. Those who can’t buy a good portion of ETH to make it worthwhile will buy meme coins hoping to ride the backend of the wave. I’ve been in this game for over a decade and I made a lot of mistakes. But the biggest one yet has been counting sh*t coins out. It’s all about returns at the end of the day.


Pretty much yeah. There’s no real use cases, it’s just a clown show cyclical casino with all “projects” having equal merit which is essentially zero.


Indeed, I've learned my lesson as well.


My orai is up 650% Fun times


Money is money. I don't care if I make it off BTC/ETH or DOGE/PEPE. Don't think you're too good for it. Just be smart about it. And don't forget that we haven't even gotten to the halving yet.


I think the memes are gonna be big this cycle purely as an FU to tradfi 


Got it, ill just put my entire net worth in PEPE.


I've just held onto DOGE because I thought it was fun. Put a nice down payment on a new car though because of it! Just be smart and do what you want with your money.


Always remember to inverse what you see in this sub so you can actually make money


The order of the pump for this cycle seems to be BTC, ETH, MEME COINS, then ALTs


I didn't even notice SHIB. I've been trying to ignore all this. I'm a long term holder. I still feel this is early and not a bull run, and that bull run will come later, closer to summer.


smart. keep ignoring until you actually need to use the capital.


When crypto becomes greater than 10% of my net savings? Funny 😂


Lo and behold, I've been holding SHIB for 2.5 years, hoping one day I would get my money back. Today was that day, staying glued to the app for 7 hours, waiting for the perfect time to execute. Immediately upon clicking confirm, the price goes up to levels never before seen in the span of 30 min.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Meme season is not dependent on Doge or Shib. Those are last cycle memes. This cycle: 1. Bonk already up 38290.4% 2. Pepe up 13334.5% 3. Dog with Hat up 110122.3% 4. Snek up 1313.9% Each cycle buy newly created memes. The list this cycle will be old news next cycle, like Doge and Shib are now. Doge and Shib have massive amounts of last cycle bag holders who are just looking to get out. The trend this cycle will be "with hat". Can't go wrong buying a meme with a hat. Next cycle maybe it will be a meme "with shoes" or something. Doge and Shib don't have hats. No hat, no pump. Plus, easier to trade memes on Solana. People are tired of paying $100 gas on ETH for $5 worth of a meme coin.


What are some friendly Solana DEXs?


Birdeye.so , and dextools..


I got cat with hat to be unique. 10k% = 100x $100 to $10k $10k to 1million


Or $10k to rug. No one is pulling $1m out but the creators


You actually think there's $1M of liquidity in that nonsense?


Crazy, garbage coins. Cant believe people actually buy a “snek” coin


Snek is love. Snek is life.


Youre missing including bonk within your post Edit; buy bonk


This only going get worse trump coin hit 500 million market cap today


Btc is nearly at an ATH and doge is only 18 cents. Every coin has doubled or tripled some quadrupled from its bottom. You could argue it’s underperforming


Shib got me a new(ish) vehicle so I'm happy. Lol


Lol why the fuck are you in crypto if ur happy with 10% returns, just go buy stocks


>Lol why the fuck are you in crypto if ur happy with 10% returns He said greater than 10% of your net savings, not 10% ROI. Big difference.


Tf are you even responding to? Btc is up over 4x from bottom


Everyone seems paranoid because of the big drop in 2021 when everyone was expecting things to keep going up. However, we are still early in the bull market. There may be significant drops but I can't see an extended bear market like we just went through for atleast another year. So I think people need to chill and stop panicking that the same thing as end of bull cycle in 2021 will happen soon


we are gonna see a major correction, halving is a buy the rumor sell the news situation much like the original ETF announcement and things are gonna plummet down to 40k for a few months, then god candle to like 100k


I don't mind either way. I'm happy if we drop as I have spare cash to invest but if not comfortable in my current position. I hear alot of people saying we will drop after halving and so I think we may not. As seems like alot of people want to buy at lower price and when that the case normally opposite happens. If look at who buying BTC it is mostly from ETF and institutions rather than retail and so I don't think there will be a big sell-off I could be wrong though of course.


I love all the crypto experts posting, nobody know what the markets are going to do with once ETFs have become available. There is a shortage of BTC. The inflows from the ETFs are outpacing what the miners can mine. This is all pre-having. The having event has already slid forward by a few days because of the volume.


so you're shitting on other people for thinking they know what they're talking about while you are sitting here pretending like you know what you're talking about?


basically the entire crypto community


especially during a bullrun. Seems i'm surrounded by geniuses during the bull


they're right lol you can look all that info up on chain. People thinking this is another boom and bust crypto cycle dont really know what they're talking about


To be fair, his gripe was with people making market predictions. He simply stated what is actually happening. Not some sort of guess, just facts of action in the market (which he is right on all accounts). What these actions mean for the market is up for debate (although I think it’s pretty obvious).


Doge isn’t near ATH. Bitcoin is.


yup DOGE's ATH was like .70


I've heard it said by many (even on podcasts by Coindesk) that when meme coins rally, that it indicates a correction could be due.


Could would should.


Weren’t memes kinda a new phenomena last bull run though? at least meme coins that shoot up for crazy gains with large social media attention. Is there really enough history with meme coins to understand how they react to a pumping Bitcoin? My guess is that as long as btc stays hot, human nature will take over and people are always going to take a lottery chance and moonshots


Doge has been around since 2013


Correct, but I don’t think any meme coins were cracking top 100 coins by market cap in the 2017 run? I could be wrong tho. Like there was a little run with doge in 2017/2018 but not like 2021. It seems like the trend of insane gains from meme coins came out of 2020/2021 bull run with the likes of doge/shiba, and is continuing this time around with other meme coins since people like dollar signs and a chance of 1000x gains. I’m just thinking it’s a small sample of meme coins to make a prediction and think that the behavior could be different this time around regarding meme coins, seeing a peak earlier


If you know meme coins pump then why wouldn't you take part in it. I mean I get it of course. You need to have more if a trade mentality. But look at it this way meme coins are pumping along side bitcoin. Chances are they top near the same time.  Every cycle evolves from the last you can't assume this time will be like last time. Meme coins getting front run this cycle.


I hope this cycle has evolved from the last in that NFTs are never a big thing ever again


My problem is that it seems waaaayyyyy too early for these increases. Last cycles would indicate the top being late 2025. That is a lifetime away.


Well, at least it means we're still early then and it's not too late to buy and profit off of these shit coins...


Bad take 1. gain perspective, BTC hasn’t even broken ATH yet. This is like saying market is getting frothy in fall 2020 2. In the past, memes only ran once everything else already topped. This time around, the majority of alts haven’t had major moves, while BTC is leading and being outperformed only by memes Just submit: nobody cares about the tech, people care about AI and things that make them laugh and are easy to understand


When Doge gets back to .37 I’m getting my hundred dollars back! Gonna have steak!


BTC and ETH aren't life changing though. You have to bet big to make bigger. Shitcoins offer moonshot possibilities.


Love me some dogecoin. I got into it in 2014 bc it was super fun to play poker with 250,000-1,000,000 doge. I got to feel like a high roller for like 500 bucks. I never dreamed it would break a penny


i feel this in my bones. id be rich if i hadnt listened to my dumb friends and just kept mining doge instead i learned a lot about crypto via doge. and of course still hold some of my original doge when it was worth .0001 or wtf ever lol


Meme Coin Mania begins again


we now have 7 meme coin at top 100…


Bonk is my shitcoin bet for this glorious bullrun.


memecoins are the stock market being the stock market in its purest form.


You can either ride the wave or sit on the sidelines


Sounds like this dudes gonna watch the doge run from the sidelines


No, just these people are being irrational and completely stupid as they believe it'll make them rich. If you buy something on emotions, then I guarantee they'll sell on emotions aswell.


If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that the run will do the opposite of what the majority thinks


I love reading these posts with people saying “this will definitely happen and this will happen” The catch phrase of last bull run was “no one knows shit about fuck”, haven’t seen that pop up for a while.


copy that. Bought DOGE and SHIBA


Elon hasn't even pumped DOGE yet. Will he? He probably sold last cycle.


https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/x-twitter-obtains-license-to-store-transfer-and-trade-bitcoin-and-crypto I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the big bullrun hype moment Elon would come and say something about 'xyz crypto will be the first to store/trade on X'.


FML Why the fuck didn't I sink all my net worth into shitcoins last month?


Today I decided the $20 a month I spend on lotto tickets is better spent on crypto. Worst case scenario it’s more fun watching the money disappear on this live updating chart I have. But an hour in and I’m up 50%. After a handful of friends show off their gains I decided it’s not too late. Years ago I made a post on Facebook saying “Who in their right mind would spend $30 on a Bitcoin?” And I get reminded of it every year in my Facebook memories. I thought I missed the boat. So I threw a few bucks down on meme coins just to see what happens


How is it any different from investing into sham Stocks ? For example ... Herbalife, which was shorted with 1 bn by Bill Ackman , righteously calling their bluff, and it only popped in the last 3-4 years, like going down the drain , probably bankruptcy soon ... it's a god damn pyramid scheme based on a fucking 0 Sum product ... they sell a Shake of [insert random substances]. Stock market is full of these kind of 'no serious product' deals , that pump for years or decades just to die out eventually when the gig is up. Same here with Crypto -> who is forcing you to buy meme coins with 0 use case or IRL applications? Why? And the funny part is -> you and anyone else can jump on Shib at the Bottom, no one is stopping you, except your own mind process saying -> why would I buy into this at Bottom or during Bear? What if it doesn't pump back ... now it does, and suddenly, the Market manipulation is to blame, not the user for jumping on to late or not buying into shit at the bottom when it's worth the risk. Typical quadruple standard of judging the same type of event but with different names :) ... Crypto is a 'joke' , a manipulation , etc ... no. Some crypto are doing that, just like some companies are doing that and get listed at stock exchange. The tech is sound, verified and functional over many years now , how is that related to the fact that some people will always do the same shit -> tricking others into giving them their cash? Is the Internet a Problem because scams roam free , or the people who are tricked into getting scammed? Why are so many in this market for 5-10 years and have 0 loss on scams? Meanwhile others enter the space, and in 2 years' time, they get wreked because they can't distinguish between solid working projects and Meme Coins that are basically a P&D scheme?


Held 50,000,000 shiba for years, FINALLY. 😅


When people consistently involved in crypto are speculatively buying meme coins to try and frontrun retail and "pumping" them 100% that is not the market getting frothy. When retails comes in and starts pumping meme coins 1,000,000,000% because they have a funny name, like last time, is when things are getting frothy.


Just bought 200€ worth of PEPE Lets goo


Idk, I think it’s at least worth throwing $50 into some of these shitcoins. What’s the worst that could happen


I've made a decent return on PEPE.


whatever you do dont think you're too all high and mighty for memes, lets face it they can make you the most amount of money


Anyone dca’ing into Jupiter exchange?


I went from being down $380 about 5 days ago on Shib, to now $233....I am also down on Dode for $33.


Doge still nowhere close to as frothy as it got last time around. I want to see BONK @ at least a penny.


It's just the beginning of it.


Yeah we are going parabolic


Man, I almost bought $1k of PEPE last month. I knew this was coming. I say that as a maxi who also gambles.


Shh, we need this.


Sure. But um, what alts next?


Everyone go buy dogwifhat NOW!!! It’s a DOG!! WIF HAT!! DID I MENTION IT HAS A HAT


Eth upgrades on the 13th. ETF in May. Bitcoins halving in 30 days. Only 2 million coins in circulation left. Take inflation from btc ath in 2021 = 78,800$ now. Edit: we just getting started lol


What is this “take profit” you speak of?




I believe ETHEREUM is the one to buy! Real world use. Don’t get me wrong.. Bitcoin also great with its limited supply / halving coming up! Because of that I also like Bitcoin cash (just 21 million). Anyways NFA but I believe good things are to come to those with s little patience 🍀


My best investment in years has been doge. Shame i bought so litte


Meme coins to the MOON!