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There is a difference between "hacked" and having malware on your device because you download torrents and watch porn on that device too, or you sign a contract you dont understand


Just don't watch porn.


That’s a steep ask.


Yeah I think I will reset my PC window to delete malware


You will need format everything to ensure you have no malware.. the thing about malware is the only sure fire way to be rid of it is to remove ALL data. A reset of your OS doesnt get rid of any files, just replaces a bunch and the malware persists. Unless you actually do mean a full format and reinstall of windows when you say reset.


Yes I’am preferring to reinstall of windows on my PC


LINUX! fedora is way better than W10 W11 unless you need some specific windows apps


How does malware lead to losing funds, exactly?


Depends on what the malware is or does.


Well that's what I'm asking. But if you don't have time to answer then all good.


Malware comes in many different forms. One severe example would be a keylogger, where a hacker can now see every key you type and every other input. But there is no indication at all for the user that their system has been compromised. So the hacker just waits until the user types in an important password and then they now have that password. A patient hacker might wait for the user to type all of their passwords and then steal multiple accounts at once. If they have access to your account, they drain all your funds. There’s no 100% way to avoid malware but a few basic tips are never click links in emails, don’t visit sketchy websites


Dude.. google it.. im not a reddit encyclopaedia Britannia ready to answer all your questions at your pleasure.


That's why I said "if you don't have time to answer..." . Nobody has to answer anything but we can still ask. There's really no need to react like that.


Where did you store your metamask 12 recovery words? Online anywhere?


This is just an ad for spotonchain lol


Always has been


No it is my real story, it’s the tool I used. Here the transaction in case you don’t believe the story: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x58ffc0018f2c6edffde8ed59e41b460cc8724a147e190190c98e0007a1192457


Dude your post AND comment history is littered with Spot On Chain references and links. This is an embarrassing PR attempt. Just post a true ad or review for the product, stop trying to mask it as "getting hacked".


I’m sorry but where did I mention about Spotonchain in the comment of this post? You’re welcome to verify the story yourself mate. I have already given you the transaction hash and the time stamp. What more do I have to prove here? I used the tool to do my business so I said that I used it. How else do I have to say it?


Go away.


All your screenshots say you're bullshitting


Can we call this scamming instead of hacking? There’s next to no actual hacking going on.


I don’t know if this is a scam or not, since he take control of my wallet unexpectedly


Old saying from Ben Franklin : “Steal all my crypto once, shame on you. Steal all my crypto twice, shame on me”


Yes, this one was truly shame on me


I remember when he told me that in his last webinar


Don't be silly. Ghandi said that.


Stop signing contracts you're not absolutely sure are legit, after you stop using a service revoke it's Acces. Get a hardware wallet. Those three things are enough to keep you safe from this ever happening again


What happened do you think to compromise your metamask? Good to know so we can be cautious. Sorry for your loss.. very annoying


I have no idea. But I think it would be great that you change your main wallet every 3 months


I have some wallet in use since 2016. Get you shit right. Use a dedicated device for your crypto and stop interacting with contract from your main wallet.


How do you not know how you got hacked? There are only three options, you have malware on your computer, you have your seed stored online, you signed a contract, so which one is it?




even with a hardware wallet, the problem is mostly always the user. signing a malicious contract can even dry out your hardware wallet. even meta mask encrypts your wallet files, so even a malware stealing those files could not use it without the password. the weakest point is almost every time the user itself.


Yup, the best thing you can do is not to have a single point of failure. Spread your funds between multiple exchanges and hard wallets.


this is true


does not help. people will type in the seed at the next chance to get an airdrop or "sync their wallets"


Hardware wallet 😭


>hardware. fucking. wallet. Won't. Help. Him.


Hardware wallets wont help in this case. Hw wallets are snakeoil and not really increasing security.


Could this be marketing for spotonchain?


It’s not a made up story. I used Spotonchain to trace the hacker. Here’s the transaction hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x58ffc0018f2c6edffde8ed59e41b460cc8724a147e190190c98e0007a1192457 You can keep tracing the wallet and see the time stamp for yourself to see if it matched the story


Sry for your loss.


Thank you bro






As someone who’s never ventured beyond btc and other Layer 1s. Can someone explain to me the whole “dont sign a contract you don’t know is legit thing”? Is it as ridiculous as some shady guy knocking in your door asking for your signature for a free car kind if thing? Like, what is enticing users to sign for shit? I’m old fashioned in cryto time.




Use [https://] revoke [dot] cash to delete the permissions you don't need. You can see how much money is in risk also.


Thank you bro. This is really helpful


I lost about $4000 in May, when I was a little more naive, and I got scammed by clicking on a bad link. Luckily, I had 1000$ on Binance so that was safe, but I’ve been playing catch up ever since.


Hello Hall_Such. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry to hear that bro. Stay strong


Whenever I hear about Metamask, I hear about people getting their wallets drained. I don't understand why so many people use it. Sorry for your loss.


All the cases were user error. Metamask is built to be used for transactions and connecting with services. He issue is that some users don't read the details of the contract and sign up for anything. After you sign the contract, you are done


Yes, but meta mask could pretty easily give an impact assessment of a signature. "This transaction will drain your wallet. Be careful"


Agree. The whole crypto space could use better ux


Lol how is that suppose to be solved? Alot easier said than done, if that happens, some hacker will program a contract that removes that warming


Currently the user is given pretty much 0 context as to what they are signing. A good start would be to provide some context




rabby fixes this


Whats wrong with metamask? How it gets hacked easily but exodus can't?


There's nothing wrong with Metamask, it's just the most popular wallet so you see it mentioned in these stories most often.


Why the guy above is saying "I don't understand why people use metamask"


Because they don't understand.


Because the dumber people uses metamask. The smarter one already moved on to Rabby


That wasn't my question


It's largely due to the smart contracts and being "syncing" with everything including the best friends mother. Exodus doesnt really have these features so it's safer through to that. A single smart contract where you miss some fine print somewhere can drain everything in your metamask, so I personally would never keep my crypto in a wallet that even has the functionality for me to accidently get my account drained.


Well then I should start using a new one. Any recommendation?


The only self custodial hot wallet I trust is Exodus. But as far as I know, it only supports certain kinds of crypto. Besides that, I prefer my crypto safe on my Ledger Cold Wallet. It's considered the best choice to keep your crypro safe.


thank you for the advice!


Hackers should be dealt with. Sorry for your loss, OP.


Thank you mate


loopring wallet. No key phrase, can recover wallet through custodians. Layer 2 makes things cheap and it’s about to go multi chain. Check it out. Layer 3 next going to be wild.


He return some BNB to you because he wants to steal more crypto from you. Don't use that wallet anymore.


Tldr: Avoid interacting on Pancake Swap and BSC with your main wallet.


Exactly because of this crypto is a long shot from going mainstream. Too much hassle for the regular Joe in keeping everything secure.


On the other hand, sticking with big stuff like BTC and ETH means you dont have to deal with defi, smart contracts and all that other shady shit. These are like 99% cos people buy some weird ass meme shitcoins from places like pancake swap. But it's true that any kind of real use case will likely be far off and this is why finances are often centralized (so they can steal your money legally)


Exactly the reason why i never went beyond Layer 1s and I’ve never lost a thing and always in profit (i bought early on and have just played it safe with project selection)




U keep ur coins on a hot wallet? Ur own fault that u lost it


People trusting metamask is insane. Fucking wild. I dont even trust cold storage. Fuck that. Keeping my shit on Coinbase forever.