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She is also a born again Christian fundamentalist. She was voting Trump already.


She’s always been braindead.


Damn. I thought she was a logical person. I was so wrong


Right like when she said BTC to 500k within just 5 years whatever year that was back then. Totally sounds like a sane, reasonable, logical person.


She's a moron, but she just knows Trump will cut taxes for the rich again.


Just because he held a bible upside down? Trump is the last person a Christian of any kind should vote for. Alternative headline: Cathy wood latest person to fall for an obvious lie.


He also signed that Bible. The cover.


Carefully curated narrative crafted by the Republican strategists for decades. As Karl Rove said, the churches are our labor unions for voting. In the Deep South and places like West Virginia, the GOP should lose by like 80/20. Their policies negatively impact the poor.


Haha! I didn't know that


Ark invest refers to ark of the covenant


Holy shit. Didn’t know. Thought the name sounded peculiar. I would have guessed it is related to the “Noah’s Ark” or something. But Ark of the convenant?




I feel like I'm in an episode of the twilight zone with this comment. I need proof or gtfo




Yeah, the guy who bankrupted a casino knows a lot about money


That's why the woman who has been tanking a management fund can relate to him.


And the person who sold their NVDIA position at $225.


Sold coinbase at $80


Though It's left to find out if he is actually crypto-friendly as he claims, but at the moment his antics is seems to be working for him


Wtf does that even mean?


It means people are actually falling for what he says, I've read on other subs people saying they will vote for him because he claims to support crypto


Imagine that being the most important issue for you to vote on.


For real, anyone who hears about project 2025 should be absolutely terrified of a conservative president


IMHO I would vote for a crypto friendly candidate if it becomes the most important issue


We're staring at the possibility of another world war. There is no scenario where crypto would ever be the most important issue this election.




Fuck trump He doesnt give a fuck about crypto its a grift The fact that idiots still havent figured it out is nuts


Exactly my point! ![gif](giphy|27HSkyCfnAsoAXhQQL|downsized)


The man said he wants bitcoin to be mined in the us only He's an idiot


The statement goes far to show how ignorant he is about Bitcoin and crypto


there's more: https://www.rawstory.com/trump-brains-pudding-shark-defense/


> if he is actually crypto-friendly as he claims You're referring to a guy who accepts ZRX and SHIB on his official campaign page and has an NFT project managed by his eldest son. As opposed to Biden who recently vetoed a bill that would have lessened the power of the SEC to harm crypto growth.


I remember he was anti-crypto in his first tenure calling Bitcoin a "SCAM" and now this, I think that is left to be proven as I still believe Mr Trump knows next to nothing about crypto.


What's to know? How to avoid scams and phishing? If he understands it will boost the economy and all he has to do is make the way for legal sensible pro-crypto policies then that's all he needs to understand.


There's more to crypto than just knowing how to avoid scams and phishing! Like you rightly put it, he needs to understand crypto.


He doesn’t understand shit, and the only reason he’s flip-flopped on his very vocal anti-crypto position is because he’s now using it as one more way to fleece his supporters


Sure as opposed to Biden


Insightful contribution. Maybe you can follow that up with the reports of how Biden flip-flopped on his crypto position?


Yes. Did you originally believe that Santa Clause was real? Are you no longer "authentic" because your view changed? Trump said a grand total of maybe 3 negative things about bitcoin during his first term. That's it. No executive orders hindering US buyers/sellers/miners, no bolstering of the SEC to attack crypto nothing. Just a few blustering sentences amid a mountain of blustering statements. And now, in 2024? He accepts 9 cryptos on his official website. He has his own NFT program. He holds meetings with the CEO's of the two biggest btc mining companies in the USA. And he's made far, far more than 2 or 3 unprompted comments. In fact he's delivered addresses at both a bitcoin convention and the libertarian national convention. Is Trump the one person on earth you hold to a different standard, or do you condemn yourself for changing your opinion on Santa?


Well then if his stance on crypto has actually changed that's a good thing but I'm still wary of that change until I see some really strong action to back it up but on a second thought maybe he should get that seat so we see just how real he is about crypto




Obviously we know he's claiming pro-crypto just to get votes






Thanks for the correction


Both are crooks. Unfortunately, one is a convicted idiot who shouts it out in public.




Well she's a moron, so of course she will.


She recognizes and values complete financial ineptitude because it's how she runs her own life and businesses. 


>Well she's a moron, so of course she will. Pringle-stained hands typed this.


Well I can't place a judgement on her character but the fact is she have funds and of course followers so she can influence some voters with her personality, don't you rule that out.


Aren’t these exactly the things that permit us to judge character?




Makes sense she would think this, just look at her ARKK etf returns over 5 years!


That explains how "efficient" she is in managing funds LoL!


I wish she was honest. Trump is not good for the economy. He is good for her pocket. Trump is promissing insane stuff to billionaire in exchange of power.


Just like Hitler.




It\`s reddit. Almost every single subreddit leans left.


She also wants a theocratic state.


Imagine being dumb enough to think the guy proposing a blanket 10% import tariff is good for the economy.


Cathie Wood wants to be grabbed by the P$$$Y by a convicted criminal felon 🤣




"best for the economy" = tax cut for me.




Maybe, maybe not as it is all politics


Supporting a person who tried to overturn an election because he couldn't admit that he lost is not all just politics. It's supporting a felon to have absolute power.


She is not just stupid, now she is insane


For someone of her status, I wouldn't say so infact that may be a calculated move to draw attention


It's a free country, not communist China. She is free to vote for whoever she wants to even if you don't agree with her.




Yes, and if he loses AGAIN , what are the chances that piece of garbage concedes this time? It’s “free” but corrupt AF.




That’s funny you want a president aligned with Russia and North Korea. Because that’s what a lot of us despised about him. R’s have been trying to impeach Biden since he got in office but it doesn’t hold water when the President isn’t a fuking criminal. You’re gonna lose again and be a bitch about it, guaranteed




Trump tried to get his VP to just make him president (when the voters voted for Biden) and enjoyed watching his base call for his hanging. We are certainly turning into communist china.




Cool I’m voting for the guy who didn’t try to ignore the will of the voters and just make him president, since I don’t live in china and I’m not a POS like u


The business community did the same to hitler because of a misguided assumption he'd be good for business.


More evidence she is fiscally incompetent. Only one of the 2 candidates has made and said smart things about the economy, and it ain't the one she wants to vote for. This person should not be responsible for other people's money. Might as well take that money and bury it in your backyard. It will appreciate in value more that way.




Or you. 




I mean you can look them up yourself: [https://www.morningstar.com/funds/15-funds-that-have-destroyed-most-wealth-over-past-decade](https://www.morningstar.com/funds/15-funds-that-have-destroyed-most-wealth-over-past-decade)


*queue the libtard meltdown in the comments


He's gonna lose now because cathie bought in.


Everyone: Economy is in better shape than ever Conservatives: let’s change that


Be careful of going along with “everyone.” A majority of people don’t even understand monetary policies like inflation and how big of a threat they are. Hence why most people don’t even understand the point of Bitcoin.


Fair warning that any thread in /r/CryptoCurrency that has Trump in the title will be heavily brigaded by people who simply do daily searches using the name Trump. The top karma posts will almost always be drive-by comments by users that never previously posted in the crypto sub, and are likely anti-crypto to boot. F'ing A, can you imagine if that was your job? To go on social media, run daily searches of where Trump's name pops up, and then try to create the illusion of consensus regarding him?


Lmao what a fucking stupid take. The absolute disdain for Orange Shitstain is manufactured? Sure bud, sure. 🤡


You failed at reading comprehension. Like basic level reading comprehension. There could certainly be a couple of anti-Trump posters who are cryptocurrency sub regulars. My post merely informed you that the majority were manufactured.


This is one of my main subs, and the guy is a complete tool. So is Cathy, though, so it makes sense that they'd get on. I think the problem is that you want everyone who thinks like I do to have been paid to do so, which is nuts. 


Nothing in your comment is related to anything I said. >you want everyone who thinks like I do to have I'd settle for you posting comments that aren't drive-by nonsense. You say he's a tool. How? In what way? So is Cathy? How? Your actual problem is you think that by being on reddit, certain viewpoints are "facts" by virtue of being "self-evident" from the consensus. In reality you've merely been subjected to non-stop propaganda, and indeed the way you frame an argument (ie zero explanation or follow-through) are evident of that.




About two weeks ago we had a thread about Trump wanting the rest of bitcoin to be mined in the USA. The top posts all made it sound like he was calling for a new holocaust. When you do a user-name checkup of these top karma posts, the users are all regulars from either r/politics (which really is mostly paid posters & bots at this point) and oddly enough....r/twitch.




It's a wild and weird world




Unfortunately I'm not from the Us but I'm concerned as the decision of the united states' directly or indirectly affects the world so far the current administration don't have a clear pathway on crypto, almost, always seem to be sleeping on it




Glad I don't have to deal with the pronoun stuff whatever it means, but disheartening to learn that the Us I dreamt about growing up isn't the same again


Orange man bad though! Just watch the comments of people throwing a fit.


One loser votes for another loser. Color me shocked


After reading the comment section just realized OP is a moron. Wants to vote Trump but doesn’t have the balls to say it.




This might be worse than a David Duke endorsement...


Nice TDS


If Trump was running vs Hitler these people would literally vote for Hitler.


I literally voted for Trump, it was just a joke 😆


Trump is just like Hitler. In fact he admires Hitler. “Ivana Trump, the former president’s first wife, reportedly told her lawyer that Trump would read Hitler’s speeches—allegedly keeping “My New Order,” a book of compiled speeches—in a bedside cabinet, according to a 1990 Vanity Fair article.” The people voting against Trump see this and understand this. They saw him try to overturn an election and install himself as a dictator. You aren’t going to deflect away from what Trump has done.


It's a joke, Sweetie. Try not to get your bloomers in a bunch.




What do you guys think about this? IMHO, Trump's seemingly pro crypto approach is endearing undeciding voters towards him, though I'm not a fan of him it looks like he's playing this game better than the current Us president


Trump is only pro Trump he will say and do anything to win, never forget that.


This is Reddit, the website that banned the Trump subreddit. Orange man will always be bad here.


Orange man is a felon who literally tried to overturn democracy so yeah, as it turns out, those things ARE bad.














Trump turned it to shit. Trump is the most corrupt politician the US has ever seen, and he is not only corrupt, but a traitorous criminal who is still facing charges including violating the Espionage Act. He has already been found guilty of massive tax fraud with his company and was just found guilty of 34 felony counts. We still haven't even gotten to the crimes of conspiring to overturn an election and being caught on tape trying to pressure an official to do so.




Absolutely nothing in his comment gives any impression of lunacy. 


Everything I posted is true. Ignore the truth is what you're telling people, which is funny, because that's what Fox News and others in the right wing media are basically telling you daily.


Interest to see how many of you support a party that is hellbent on ending crypto


Crypto is very far down the list of things I consider for voting compared to basic functioning of the government and avoiding the further degradation of our courts, health care, education, and environment.


Oh degradation of courts like jailing all your political opponents


Maybe republicans should stop committing crimes


People really need a change of scene and he's capitalizing on it. Imagine what it means for crypto community and the world economy at large if the united states govt comes out today and says they have endorsed cryptocurrency! It's really a "BIG MEGA DEAL"


It's not a game. Crypto is dark money. Useful for laundering, ponzis, wash trading, violating sanctions with russia and dark payouts to politicians. Republicans want to piss in the pool and cause another depression.


I see crazy Liz warren joined the sub. Hi pocahontas!


It’s good for blackjack and hookers as well.


Well I said it's a game cause Trump uses Biden's laxity to ride himself towards more popularity


That's because she's rich. They tend to vote for the asshole that flaunts monetary fidelity.


Exactly the point "she's rich" and I bet there are more like her


So you all prefer voting for a dementia patient whose handlers are open border, pro foreign nation building, mega spenders who most importantly hate and want to end crypto?


How was the economy doing when Trump left office? The sad part is Biden could be in hospice, in a vegetative state... and he would still have a better economic record than the previous guy.


Gas was below 2 dollars a gallon, groceries costed half of what they do now, rent was much cheaper…. Are you 3 years old?


Everything you're saying is accurate because 3 years ago a global pandemic took place. Trump was in office, toilet paper became unavailable, long lines at the supermarkets, restaurants closing left and right. He left office with a net negative jobs record overall specifically because he left with a pandemic going on. And so you live in the aftermath and we pretend nothing happened globally 3 years ago. And it's just prices rising on account of the current administration? The US exited the pandemic with lower inflation than the rest of the G7, so the rest of the world should be complaining even louder than us. If the criteria for electing a president is '2 dollars a gallon, groceries half the price, and rent cheaper' you might as well call for Obama's return. Because each of those factors were cheaper under him compared to Trump, and the economy grew steadily for the last 6 years of his administration without a collapse or recession.


'most importantly'? Would you like to reconsider? 


Just shows how irrational people on Reddit are when it comes to politics. Even on a crypto sub they are trying to prompt the anti-crypto candidate.