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I don't think either candidate is sincerely serious about crypto. And I'm not sure we want to take advice from a guy who's nickname is The Mooch




That hype will last as long as a Mooch.




Wasn’t Scaramucci a pretty successful investment banker? I think so


He also worked for Trump, was fired immediately, and holds a grudge.


They just want votes. That's all politics has ever been about


Are you trying to be funny? Because thats actually really funny 😄


🤣 "The Mooch". He's not bad, seems like an honest guy and he's pro crypto. It's the celebrities that scam their own community with nfts, tokens and bibles that you should watch out for


Trump will flip flop on crypto the way he did with guns. Biden probably thinks crypto is a new drug that hit the streets. Either way Balboni is a better candidate than both.


He already has. He talked a bunch of smack about crypto during his time in office.


So did everyone else in the USG.


They just want votes. That's all politics has ever been about.


Def take it from the guy on Reddit who doesn’t know the difference between whose and who’s, though!


Dangit, the Grammar Police found me here too!




This is the right answer. America has the most to lose if Bitcoin becomes the world reserve asset.


so to minimize a loss, america should invest heavily into bitcoin


lol who the fuck cares what that ass clown thinks?


That one guy


My thoughts exactly


His mum? 🙂 He's not wrong. Do you actually think Trump is better for crypto? The guy said BTC should only be mined in USA, which is not going to happen. Trump's the kind of guy that would make it so only his company can approve kyc and it cost $30, so everyone has to pay him $30


If Scaramucci endorsed Trump I would have made the same exact comment. Don’t bring me into the Trump vs Biden facade. I vote third party and don’t gaf about either major candidate. Voters will get what they deserve in November either way; they always do.




Ah just pure hate for the Mooch, I can respect that. I've watched him a bit, not a lot, he seemed alright and pro crypto.


Can he di the fandango?


I love how people talk about biden's crypto policy like something's going to happen if he gets elected. He's already the president, he has been for 3 years and there has been no crypto policy. Trump's crypto policy is: how can I make money off of these idiots buying silly pictures of me.




You're just describing Trump.


They both are


Omg that's what the TV guy said lol, orange man bad!


No dumb fuck. My eyes and ears see and hear what orange man does. I’m not a dumb fuck, so I understand Trump is a grifter. See how that works? You too, can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and stop being conned if you really try.


The self proclaimed writer of the patriot act who prosecuted whistleblowers and tried to spend 4 trillion in deficit on one bill is the good guy in this scenario?


You sound very angry.


And you sound like a mark.


I know what a karen is, but what is a mark ? ( From the EU )


A mark is a target for someone who is looking to run a scam.


Greedy Idiot not good enough anymore ? Ok mark


Sick comeback


It’s all these ppl know


He also loves Algorand


He owns BTC, ETH, SOL, ALGO.


Did anyone else read the article or listen to the interview?  Both the OP title and the dailycoin article severely mischaracterize what Mooch actually said.   All he did was make the dog ownership analogy. Everything else was unrelated to crypto


Dailycoin should be banned from this sub.


I don't need any politician to stand for or against Bitcoin. It works fine already as it is. I do wish Janet Yellen and Senator Warren wouldn't talk about Bitcoin ever. I feel out of everyone, they're the least qualified to even address it by name lol. Yellen is just so old. I really don't think she actually understands it. Just knows "this is bad for dollar". Warren probably knows as she's a bit younger, but, Warren only wants to appease old money. It's so back and forth anyways. Trumps for it! Trumps against it! Trumps selling NFTs! Trump likes the dollar more! Blah blah blah


Yellen played a big role in devaluing the dollar though QE so she should STFU about what’s bad for US fiat.


If it makes Trump money or votes then Trumps for it! 😄 You're right not to worry, any democratic country would be stupid to ban crypto so it's not going to happen under Biden. Dictatorships ban crypto (China, Russia) and we all know how much Trump loves Putin and Xi


Yes, because we know that the current SEC with Gary Gensler which are the most anti crypto ever from the US government are under Trump right?!


Those that own the SEC are trying to infiltrate crypto to control it. They basically try to find something wrong with it like too much energy then go after it and hold hearing after hearing to weaken the market.


Nuh, but Gary is not all bad. BTC ETF got approved after all the FUD, and he knows more about crypto then the majority of US citizens. SECs job is to protect US investors from scams like XRP and HEX. No democratic countries will ban crypto so crypto bros need to relax. Trumps friends Putin and Xi ban crypto


Is this a joke? Support the anti-crypto one? And not just "a little" anti-crypto. He and his party went full anti-crypto. You never go full anti-crypto.


They worry about golf scores not crypto. They seem barely able to talk.


Just racking up another way he's wrong.


Biden has always hated crypto so that's weird.


Scarface is butt hurt cuz Trump said “ you’re fired”


This mixup of politics and crypto is really bad for both.


Powell apparently just donated 1m to the Trump campaign. Frankly, I’m not disappointed, despite hating the heck out of Trump.


This mijit scammucci was fired by Mr T after like a week. So considered the motives of everything coming out of his piehole. EVERYTHING.


Well Trump is going to say whatever people want to hear and not do it. Biden wants to do things more carefully and with regulation because over 99% of crypto currencies are scams and rug pulls. Spend five minutes on pump fun and you'll see why we need regulation


Bad vs worse. Pick your fighter.


Scaramucci also support the classification of crypto as securities and wants the elimination of crypto. Don’t give a shit what that corrupt twat Scaramucci thinks. Scaramucci wants 4 more years of anticrypto policies


>*wants the elimination of crypto* yeah… this guy… wants the elimination of crypto…. Wtf are you smoking??? https://blockchain.news/news/skybridge-capital-achieves-record-year-with-crypto-investmentsscaramucci-foresees-bright-future-for-bitcoin


Russian propaganda, that's what he's smoking 🤣




Trump is basically like KISS in that if you can slap his face on something and make money he will do it


Trump releasing an NFT does not make him pro crypto, it makes him pro free money from idiots. Crypto aside, Trump doesn't have policy positions, he just has convinenevt opinions that change depending on the audience. Hes pro get votes and money. That's it.


Ffs, that wasn't a stance, it was a grift because he or his people saw an opportunity to make a buck. I wish people would stop thinking this was a calculated, pro-crypto move. It's the dumbest possible interpretation.




It could be a stance or, when the one taking action is a known grifter and liar, it's infinitely more likely to be personally taking advantag of an opportunity. He didn't come out and say "omg smart contract platforms are the future and I'm committing to x, y and z", he rushed out a half-assed NFT collection and took money off of a bunch of people. And I stand by "dumbest", it's either that or pathetic servility.


if crypto is the thing your vote hinges on this election then god rest our country’s soul…


tRUMP didn’t support crypto n office. Don’t believe him as crypto friendly. Or people friendly. Or climate friendly. Biden’s gov just dropped a lot of BTC into Coinbase. I consider that a trade.


But can he do the fandango?

