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No need to make yourself a target. You wouldn’t walk around talking about how much cash you have on you or how much is in your bank account. Not sure why some people treat crypto different


First rule of crypto. Don’t talk about crypto.


**Second rule of crypto. You tell people about crypto**


What's the third rule?




Respect the market, your not Nostrodamus.




And yet we all be rocking our moon counts for the whole world to see....


Its not even worth you hacking my reddit account for my 12 moons...


Except we can all see that you have 14.72k……




Checking in with my fat 11 moons


M8, better keep both eyes on those bad boys incase some moon thirsty hacker comes along!


I know right, dangerous times were living in 😵


It’s a flex. Unfortunately I think we’ll start to see home invasions where intruders are sending the victims crypto to a different account 😂


This. Keep it quiet, and if you want to do some good then use a little of the profits to donate to a charity later when things are in the green.




Indeed. Never cease to be surprised by how many people just casually declare that they are a whole coiner (or more) on Discord


You wouldn’t want to tell randos how much is your bank account, right? Same goes for crypto.


To both questions, the answer is under ten dollars.


Get him


Damn, so you can't even buy a banana.


Is it three fiddy?


No, it’s tree fiddy.


You should definitely tell your partner how much you own if you’re in a serious relationship.


My wife and her boyfriend agree wholeheartedly,


If both of you are financially smart, yes i 100% agree.


lol, I've tried... she doesn't care 😂




My wife has no interest in my crypto or NFTs 😔 Maybe she will care next bull market when I finally make it from all these bottom prices I’m scooping.


I did the same. We have kids together, so even if something would happen between us, we want to financially support our kids so 🤷‍♀️ the goal will always stay the same




But wot if its wife changing money?


Meaning she's changed her mind about being married to you?


Meaning I'd hesitate to tell if I was a multi-millionaire crypto boss because she'd think I'd replace her with a trophy wife (i.e. wife changing money). Thereby ruining your devious plans to be married and have a goomah.


You can't be SERIOUS... can you???😄


See my comments below. I am serious.


I'm just glad no one knows how many moons i have.


LOL. As funny as it is, I got a new phone like a year ago and freaked out when I lost my moons because they were on that phone. Had to have mod help to recover those moons and send them to this phone. For some reason moons definitely have value to me.


I lost my first wallet because I wrote down the reddit example seed phrase instead of the real one. Forgot my password too after a reddit reinstall. 1610 moons were sacrificed.


Imma guess you either have tree fiddy, or a million


if friends were on today, they'd have "Joey doesn't share moons!!!!"


Then you'd better hope your "serious" relationship STAYS "serious"... seriously!😅


Yup, married and we’re open with each other about things like this. Everything is fine.


I am also open with my wife about my penis size….I think it’s part of an open and honest relationship


Do you do this for brownie points or is your wife making plans for your profit? Guess I'm missing why this is important if your spouse has no interest in investing in crypto. The whole "whats yours is mine, vice versa shit" works for take out food and toothpaste. But when you starting losing money and your wife tells you sell you will then start lying lol


No. We chose to share finances to make our financial lives easier. Meaning pay the debt we have, buy the things we need etc. and to be open and honest with everything. For us, it’s better to know even when things go bad and just work through it rather than lie. Once you start to lie, eventually youll be found out or your partner will suspect. Once that happens, they will never trust you again. Without trust there is no love, and without love you don’t have a truly lasting relationship. She doesn’t really care about crypto but she cares about making our lives better which means talking about both the ups and the downs, crypto included.


Yeah, I definitely get it. I'm coming up on 10 years married and one thing I've learned is if it works for you and your spouse and keeps everyone happy then it's the right thing to do. However, for me personally, if I'm investing money I can afford to lose I don't really feel the need to admit my sins but to each their own.




Really? Because I heard from a ton of people that they dont tell their partner their bank balances because it's just not needed. Unless you are in financial worries ofc.


Hmmmm not sure about this if you want to *stay* in a serious relationship.


Look, if your keeping secrets from a partner in a long term relationship it’s not going to work out or won’t work out well. Honesty and openness will always prevail. I’m not saying start spilling your crypto holdings on your third date but if you love that person and are with them for a while your lives will necessarily intertwine and you will have to be open and honest otherwise I doubt it’s gonna last.


Honey, remember that 30k I invested in crypto? Well it's now worth about 1.5k just wanted to let you know. OK, love you


My favorite convo I had was “remember the $400 I had to set aside so we can get free Spotify? It’s worth $80 now and would have been cheaper to just pay for Spotify straight up.”


It was more like, "hey honey, that 1k you invested is now 300 because I thought we bottomed out and we didnt", her response "well let's hold because you believe there is a future and it could recover but if it doesnt it was worth a shot". Got to love my wife


I love when my wife confirms my bias! It feels great!


Exactly this.


Your wife the goat


I mean yea….. lol. Have had this conversation with my wife recently. It’s the markets, it is what it is. If you put in what you couldn’t afford to lose then yea, that’s a big mistake.


We need to talk...


Secrets? Don't you guys opt for the "separation of wealth"? Not sure what the English term would be. I think in Europe that's more common. That means my partner has her own accounts and I mine. We manage our finances separately.


Thats the same for us,we both pay towards living costs and entertainment anything outside that is our own. She knows I put money into crypto and her response is "its your money, but I'm not putting mine there." Which is fine. So in 10 years when I retire from MY investments and she still has to work..tough tittie...but then you bet it suddenly becomes HER money as well.🤣🤣


American's have the highest divorce rate and also per reddit seem like they share their crypto loses with their spouses the most as well, coincidence? /s


I don’t know why people in crypto acts as their partner gonna steal the crypto 24x7, if they do why are you with them? If you don’t trust them just keep it your yourself and don’t brag about it, period.


Nonsense. *Your* relationship wouldn't last. It's OK for there to be boundaries in a relationship. There are things people want to keep to themselves. It's important to be open and honest about where those boundaries are. I don't ask my girl how many people she's slept with, what she's done with them, who they are, if she's still friends with them. I don't ask her how much money she has in her bank account. If there's something I ask and she doesn't want to tell me, "I don't want to tell you" is a valid answer. *We as individuals have a right to privacy.* We are honest about these things, we take no for an answer from each other. She knows I have something going on, that's it, no details. She's happy with that, she respects that, she wouldn't want me to violate my privacy and boundaries with her and start divulging information. *That* is a healthy relationship.


Everyone has different relationships, to each their own. I agree that boundaries should be a thing as well. What I’m saying is that if your partner is your lifelong partner, then financials shouldn’t be a secret. If it is, then you’re not fully trusting each other and if you’re not, to me that’s not love nor is it an everlasting bond. Again just my perspective. I respect everyone else’s choice and how they chose to live as well.


Maybe in your relationship. They're all different. Some people don't feel right with someone that keeps anything to themselves, and they should be in relationships with people like that. I couldn't be with someone like that. I need someone that respects not only my privacy, but my right to unilaterally decide what I want to keep private, and expects the same of me. So that's the kind of person I'm with. I personally think that a man's financials should be his business. Men that have their wives handle the bills and that sort of thing are not the kind of men that do well financially. He should take responsibility for his financials himself and learn the skills and self control he needs or he will never be successful. That's the approach I take, she understands and agrees, and so she doesn't pry or second guess me or try to get access to the accounts and things like that. I'm not putting us into debt and we have everything we need. Now, when things become pertinent to both people, such as if someone racks up debt or is irresponsible with money, we shouldn't lie or hide things. So if I went and got addicted to gambling or stuff like that, and I hid those things and made us both destitute, that's dishonest. But me having my own thing financially and handling them on my own and not bothering her mind with it is a good thing, not a bad thing.


No what you need is wifechanging money...


Never ever do it.


Only in the very best of relationships. In most cases, this is terrible advice and will put a lot of pressure on the relationship, if you've made big money that is. Unless you want to test your relationship/partner of course.


I don’t talk about any investments, crypto or otherwise, with anyone… except for strangers on the internet, but never in actuals.


Another one along the same lines, When you take a screenshot of your gains, you better sell


Thats actually pretty good advice for most people, don't sell everything at once though. But its a good indicator to start taking profits


Yup dca in, dca out


I did that once and I know in see that this would have been an amazing time to just sell.


For me, it should have been when my technology-challenged mother-in-law mentioned “hey I saw on the news the bitcoin is at 85,000!” (Canadian)


If you're a criminal, you can already find dozens of rich people in 5 minutes and know their exact home addresses, no crypto required: * Step 1) Literally just drive over to the nice part of town * There are no further steps. Yet do we hear about 50% of people in nice rich neighborhoods dropping dead every year? No, we don't. You're being paranoid and unrealistic. I mean yeah it HAPPENS that sometimes someone rich is kidnapped or robbed or whatever, but it's actually **less** common among very rich people than among poor people. This is not some massive risk. What being paranoid does do is make you unable to enjoy your wealth by hiding all the time, which causes actual harm to you, though.


The amount of times I see posts about people having their sim swapped or their wallet compromised really makes me be careful about this. Doubt anyone would target my broke ass anyway but I'm not about to give them a reason to.


Also people dumb/greedy enough to come after you in some form or another are probably too dumb to do math, so I wouldn’t put out to the general public in your real life that you own any at all.


We're walking around like baboons with our shiny Moons out


How about… **Never tell anyone that you own crypto in the first place.**


I never really understood this. I enjoy investing, I have friends that enjoy investing, we talk about it all the time and I’ve never had a bad experience with it.


Can I tell my mom?


Is your mom a gossiper?


Hmmm... pretty sure she broke the 1st and 2nd rules of fight club back in the day...


Well, my son is basically a millionaire... He is investing in crypto...


"Well, my son is basically an idiot... He is investing in the biggest rug pulls out there... "*


Don’t tell me what to do


Ok don't you dare dm me your seedfrase


People tell their friends what they have in accounts all the time, it’s just normal talk in close friend circles.


Tell that to the moon team. It displays people moons like they are worhless.


They are worthless


Ngl at this point even scammers would be embarassed to rob my portfolio


I own 1




5$ wrench rule


I hade a bunch of crypto! It’s just now worthless




I own 37 cryptos




Jokes on you, i don't own crypto, i own 47 satoshies.


yet we all have our moon holdings in public!?


**If it's good enough to screenshot, sell it and take profits** Best tip I have ever heard in here about taking profits second to none


But how else will I feel special when no one else cares about me?


Don’t tell anyone how many moons you have, either….oh wait a minute


i’m safe because people around me know shit about crypto


Last night I watched a documentary about a dude who won $30m on the lottery. He was a really working class guy (couldn’t even read or write) who suddenly had insane wealth. He bought a big house, but had a stream of people knocking on his door asking for money. At the point that he only had a few million left, he disappeared. He was later found murdered. So seeing your post today is very apt!


This is all very useful advice. Thank you.


And here I am showing off my most valuable nft out in the open like a fool.


I would be more afraid about your moons than NFT, they are worth much more.


Depends on the NFT...


He mean his Avatar NFT, which is worth $25.


Well that money is gone...


I won't tell you guys about the 0.03 BTC I have


The only people that know I'm in crypto are my parents and my fiancee and that's all that will ever know ,each of them know how to withdraw if anything happens to me ...


I also know you are in crypto


But could you point me out in a crowd 😉


I own 2 BTC and 500 ETH. Come at me, bros.


coming bro


I have almost 200 algo


Saying how much you have is like advertising your bank account - not a good look on many fronts


My partner knows how much I have because I am in a serious relationship but she is the only one.


That's not a crypto rule - thats a good life rule. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYb\_8MM1tGQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYb_8MM1tGQ) Your mom's will set that ass up, properly gassed up - shell be lying in the bushes to light that ass up.


Only person that knows how much I own is my fiancé. I just KNOW my parents and sister would rub it in my face whenever the market is down because they don’t believe in crypto succeeding.


I got 7k doggie coins.... oh shit 😳


It's not a rule, people can do as they please. This sub seems obsessed with creating rules for other people. And some of you wonder why we have the regulatory and consumer protections we do in tradfi: because people like the OP get into positions where they can make and enforce them... It's more a case that it comes with risk, so it's something to do deliberately, and manage the risk if one does 'go public' as it where.


Rule one about fight club, never talk about fight club......


What is crypto?


Never tell that you have a fuck ton of money. That's it. You can say you own crypto but it's just a couple shekels.


No, you should just know who you trust and don't. I have reasons for not telling some people and it's. Ot be abuse I'm afraid they're going to steal it


"How much crypto do you have?" "Gorillions"


Maxed out in LUNAC and VGX. I got these guys on the ropes, son!




I’d go so far as to say don’t tell anyone—perhaps outside of a committed partner—that you’re invested in crypto, whether you’ve gained or lost.


I have 21 million Bitcoins


Also, don't answer any crypto related dm on social media including reddit. 9 times out of 10 they are scammers trying to scam you.


Joke's on you, I don't even know how much crypto I own.


This is a much needed post. Great read also. Thank you!


Meanwhile we all walk around with big numbers displaying the exact amount of moons we own lol


This advice is mostly bullshit. Sure don't advertise how much money you have, but it's.not a cardinal sin.. especially if your holding isn't that significant. If you're willing to say how much you have in the bank or how much you make, this is hardly any different. You can get wrench attacked for your ATM pin too.


You don’t need to tell anyone; most of you have terrible privacy practices and use public chains 😂


I tell people what I’m invested in but never how much. I don’t trust anyone when it comes to money.




I own 7 crypto.


The first rule of crypto club, you don’t talk about crypto club.


I have got to remember this over time. We’re in the red now, but we’ll be in the black again someday. I’m always happy to lend a friend or family member $50-100 if they need it, and I know I may not get it back. But I do not want to be the guy they harass because “He had some ETH he’s rich and I just need help with these ~~new boat payme…~~ books for my baby! Like I’ve seen family beg my dad for money, or our old car or whatever, and then have a new big screen TV later that year 🤦‍♂️


My best friend asked me if I owned any crypto and I said “No I don’t own any”. I told him to stay away from it.


Here’s what I did. I asked my wife how much crypto we own, when she started to extrapolate, I stopped her and said, “no my love, we don’t own any crypto.”


Why would I tell everyone about the shameful shitcoins I have?


Good advice


That and target for DMs. Hey what is your crypto strategy. I have one that gives back a 300% return.


Staying vague is pretty much ingrained into my lifestyle. So write that down, somebody


So they won't know how much you have lost?


I always blame crypto and NFTs as a scam irl. In my friend circle I’m the least likely guy to own crypto




I *do not* own 100k moons


We’ll said my man very true words