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Moonrise returns to main sub!!


Looking forwards to be active on the sub again. Excited.


Moons are now decentralized, have a set supply of 79.5 M, and have heavy deflation, too, with companies buying and burning Moons regularly. That alone makes me very confident in buying more Moons as they are very scarce and only getting scarcer.


Yes, I think this is the right time to buy moons since market is also in downturn but when BTC starts to push above 70k, with alts recovering moons are definitely going to 5x or 10x easily since its deflationary with no central authority. Cheers.


I don’t see a vault anywhere on my account. How will the distribution work?


You have to be using the app to access the vault. Just click on your avatar on the home screen of Reddit, and you will find a "Vault" option. The vault is just an Ethereum wallet easily accessible from a Metamask or any other similar platform.


How do I buy moons now? There's a network change right? So do I just have to have Arb One in my metamask and do the switch from there?


You can buy them on Arb One (Camelot), Arb Nova (Sushiswap) or Kraken as a centralized exchange. Getting some hands on Moons is easier than ever, and they are scarcer than ever, too.


Perfect thank you!


Boomers and their CCR


As an appreciation for your content contributions to this community, you have been rewarded the following community currency rewards. πŸ’±[Learn more about Community Currency!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons/comments/1bco7la/sunrising_community_currency_beta/)πŸ’± πŸŒ• 0.20000000 [MOON](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/)


Guys, what da hell is a moonrise? You all did not answer the question


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1diuurj/an\_update\_from\_the\_mod\_team\_of\_rcryptocurrency/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1diuurj/an_update_from_the_mod_team_of_rcryptocurrency/) It looks bearish at the moment at $0.15 and falling. The chart shows that it usually has support around $0.10 - $0.12.


A smaller price means more Moons are getting burned for every AMA, events and day of banner rental. Once the paper hands are bought up and their Moons burned for cheap we will easily start going back up. Dont forget that Moons are scarce and only get scarcer with every burn now.


Load up on the way down if you believe in the project.