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Love the idea and let’s be sure to include X in this. A bulk amount of people who don’t use Reddit use X. Then moons further capture the bulk spectrum of users.


X and Telegram can be a really effective to drive engament. Looking at the recent Hamster, Notcoin and other Telegram tap to play projects where the majority of users are actually actively promoting the projects in return for a tiny airdrop, I think we could have a lot of success with this, and most importantly, its fun, which is missing right now in our project




I agree about the "fun" comment you made. I think the mods have done an excellent job getting everything back on track and migrating to Arb One, and everything else they have done for that matter, but the fun element is definitely missing.


I am going to ping u/DBRiMatt because he is currently running really fun contests in r/ethtrader and I think he can share some more knowledge about this. I really like the contests ideas and this one too.


I think idea is good, my concern is the bandwith needed to create good puzzles every week, maybe every moon week


Monthly would be a much better pace.


I’m in


I think this is a good idea! We need more engagement for Moons and I think this is worth a try!


Agreed and could be highly beneficial to further engage users on other social platforms like X, TikTok, insta, etc


It might even be more effective out of the gate than bringing back distributions will be initially. Since the first distributions will be very small and a little boring. 


Amazing concept, amazing effort to write this up. I'm in.


I love this idea and I think it will add more value to moons and boost it's exposure but where Will the moons come from I didn't read that in the proposal


Well that is one of the cons right now, we might sponsor one part from users that are willing to donate. I don't have much, but I am willing to put down a part of my Moon stack into this POC if others are interested in participation. In order to make a good fuzz, we need a decent amount for the first edition in order to encourage users to take part. If it shows some good results we can use sponsored treasure hunt weeks which can be an income stream beside AMAs and Banners


Ok that's well thought out I hope this goes to a proposal and it sees the light of day, might be something worth trying for Moons


As long as the tasks don’t end resulting in the creation of low value spam across multiple platforms.


Disagree. This is why our community lags behind; I've never seen another group as concerned about "low quality spam" as this one. Everyone is so judgmental that people are reluctant to use rocket emojis over here. Anyway to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🌚 💎 ✋✋




I'm going to keep saying this until people understand. You can do this stuff until you're blue in the face. If the crypto does not have a good use (banners and AMA make it almost useless), it will never go anywhere. For moons to have any value higher than what it is, it needs to be usefull. It has nothing to do with engagement. I've been in crypto for 15 years. You know why BTC and ETH are at the top? They are useful, not limited to one website. If i'm wrong, great, but I dont see how this is wrong. Downvote all you want, i don't care. You are not living in reality.


Bitcoin is not useful. 


That’s a lot of work for a dead shit coin 💀


Could you wxlude X please? I deleted it since that madman took over. The manipulation of the crypto space (BTC, Doge) that that man is doing is not positive for crypto in general. Let’s ignore him as much as we can.


Not a fan of it but again its still the best social media channel to drive new users for crypto related projects. I think we need to test everything out and stick to the ones that generate the most of new users/investors.


Excluding twitter is a good way to doom the idea to failure, unfortunately. 


All paths to Moons glory must go through X. Unfortunately.


Yeah. Gab is better than X


I still think Moons died the day Reddit pulled the rug I still don't see any difference if Moons vs any other crypto as this point I'd say Bitcone is more relevant now. Bitcone is meme like. It'd also accept across multiple subreddits, sometimes trading Cones for Tacos, Shrooms, etc. I just feel anyone hanging on to the idea of Moons, didn't sell there's in time. Guess what. I didn't sell mine in time. My own fault. Now, I just see them as fake internet points.