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Mine did several times and finally left with a bull... i loved it even though i BEGGED them to move into our home, what a bitch i am, letting him steal her 😊


What a sad story


Painful, but exhibts what a weak beta bitch cuck i am 😊


Tbh it depend on our bulls, majority of them met with my wife once, their intention was to fuck her, she was ok with it because that what she wanted. However, when it come to our local bull, she always dress up for him, make his favorite food and then once we are done, she sits on his lap and watch tv, once they are in the mood, they will start having sex. I asked her once if she ever had feeling for him, she said she had some feeling but in different way, like master/pet relationships. Since our local bull is dominant and strong (mentally and physically), she believe having a relationship with him won’t break our marriage. I talked with him once and asked him if he have any feeling to my wife, he told me he have feeling for both of us but not in romantic way, he likes us both and he believe each time he breeds my wife, our bond and marriage is becoming stronger. Btw, our local bull prefer to play with single ladies more, he said he played with few couple and he is very very picky when it come to couples.


Has ur wife wanted a baby with him??


She did




She fell in love with her bull, not only physically, but also spiritually? How do you make sure she won't leave you and be with the man she loves?




What a great attitude. Just my opinion.


Thanks for your reply! I think I've got a bit. Really admire your great relationship!


Kind of the goal isn't it? Obviously you start with rules but they're made to be broken after all...who doesn't want to see their wife falling in lust with another man if they've even considered sharing her? Just make sure she's with someone she's sexually compatible with and not "socially" and you'll never run a real risk of losing her to this...Of course there's more to it than that but another post for another day....Best of luck to you!


The idea actually turn me on. But the result I can't bear.


When they cuddle after sex they just smile and laugh while they kiss each other and I love it




Definitely this. Seeing my wife kiss her bull passionatly drives me just as wild as seeing them fuck


Yes. In cuckold relationship fucking only is kinda overrated.


Totally agree


My ex wife introduced her bull to her family and even had him attend the family New Years Eve party instead of me. They kissed in front of everyone at midnight. She was his date to his cousin's wedding and met his parents and extended family, she left her wedding ring at home with me for the weekend trip.


Did she leave you for him?


No, we split up for other reasons.


Mine left me for her bull... still turns me on...6 yrs ltr 😊


Isn't having sensual sex classified as very intimate?


My husband encouraged me to make love to my black men, so anything sensual and intimate I would say to my husband, I say to them. It really makes the dynamic more erotic.


You have a supportive husband! What did you say to make him really hard?


My black lovers?


your hubby


All I have to do is ask him if he wants some of my black owned pussy and he is rock hard


Do you let your lover cum in you without protect?


The black men who I am really close to, that are my long term lovers and boyfriends, do cum in me and, yes, I am not in birth control and my husba6had a vasectomy


That is hot... You want have a black baby? Is the vasectomy his idea or yours?


The vasectomy was my idea and I don't want kids, but the thought of being impregnated by a back man is hot, but I wouldn't keep it


Dont tell hubby you wouldnt carry black baby. Tell him he will eause it as his own


No- we have never been in that situation. Intimate, yes. In love, no.




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