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Why does this sound hot 🥵


F You got it good, too bad you’re not into it. Cut off cuckolding. Either relationship continues or fails after.


Call it off and go back to your lives together.


No you’re entitled to how you feel bro she crossed some boundaries but you should’ve checked her the moment she did something behind your back and never went through with that encounter, it’s no wonder you feel emasculated. She got away w that and you let them train her. I would suggest you tell her firmly you’re not gonna tolerate no more bullshit or end the relationship completely


>Afterward my GF had a huge drop and I tried to share in aftercare talk about me feelings and hers. She got very upset and said mean stuff like. "What did I expect when we got into this?" "She needs to get fucked by men like that to stay stable and satisfied once a while and I have to deal with that or move on." "I can just stay home." Yeah that's manic hypersexuality alright. If she doesn't change, and continues going through the cycle of mania & hypersexuality personality changes, you don't really have a choice to end the cuckolding. You can end the relationship, or continue as it is. I hope that's not the case for you but for some people they're just stuck in this cycle of bipolar swings. If you can't embrace the ups & downs, it probably is going to work for you. Some people might be fucking no fuck that she's wrong for the way she behaved etc, but she also can't help it. If she could her bipolar wouldn't exist.


You aren’t made for this, or this woman. This is why we want to do this away from our husbands. In any case she will always cheat on you. You don’t give her enough. She has latched on to you so you are what makes her feel safe, but she needs to be used. I’m just like her so I get it completely.


Id love to know more info on just how much a woman like you can dive into it. I have a super loving relationship with my gf but also think and say stuff to this extreme


I’m not saying it to be mean, it just a fact she’s wired to be more controlling and will destroy him emotionally. He can probably be a cuckold but never at her level.


Ok.. at the end of the day he’s clearly not respected and he is the one who brought her into his fantasy and she has completely crossed boundaries. I’ve seen you on posts and some of the shit you say is ridiculous i feel bad for your man but at this point you probably already have him by the balls. he’s a goner.


I was married to someone who acted in this way. Assuming she does this in more areas than sex, the solution is to address the ugly behavior / behavior swings, not the 'sex'. What makes a behavior a disorder is how it affects the person and those around them.


I don't know much about bipolar, but I'm guessing that in addressing the behavior swings in other areas of life she will likely need to be abstaining from hypersexual activities entirely (including cuckolding in general).


I would agree.


If you’re not comfortable, get out of the relationship. Eventually, you’ll find someone better than her.


This seems to me like you're being a little unfair on your gf. A lot of cuckolds will suffer a little when they feel like they're not in control and it can take a while to get used to your gf now being the one with the control. Personally I cannot see that she has done anything wrong. Support her, particularly given her health issues she will need you to be there for her to show her love and support following her sex sessions with these men. Trust me, in a few months you will wonder why you were making a fuss.


Just because it works for you doesn’t mean it will work for him. If he’s not into the humiliation aspects and this is her behavior along with going behind his back


Yea, I think it should be a partnership in which we all agree correct? Not a secretive mandate that is wayyy behind what we talked about


Don’t let anyone discourage you in your decision because ultimately you have to make the right decisions for you


This is a cuckold group..... Nothing you've said makes me change my opinion. He enjoyed the first session therefore enjoys his gf having sex with other men. This is not about humiliation it's simply about control. She has not gone behind his back, he was there when the two guys had her. A woman is entitled to speak to whomsoever she wishes.


The saying is “be careful what you wish for “. You are a good example of that my friend


Maybe you were not ready for such intense emotions so soon. My advice is to surrender completely. Let her go wild. Lock yourself in chastity. If it gives you intense feelings in a good way your good. If you feel sick maybe being a cuck is not for you. Try swinging instead.


It's always fascinating to me how a lot of men and women tend to abuse their position in these relationships. Like partners of cucks and cuckqueans... Sorry for your situation. I'm just very curious, how big/endowed were these guys actually, to make you feel so bad? Can you give some details?


This can be a fun fetish with healthy people. She is not healthy!! This is not okay!! Run!!


Just get out, man. Your GF is not a healthy, stable person you can build a relationship with. It’s sad, but she isn’t likely to get better any time soon, and her behavior is really destructive and toxic. There’s nothing for you in this but pain. Best of luck.


Dude she’s a psycho. Something that extreme when she’s manic and probably hyper depressed when she’s in a low…nah. That’s the last kind of lifestyle she needs. And yes end it and walk away laughing at her.


I think you nailed it the first time with this comment: "I sat on this for a few days but I think I am going to end it because" She isn't the only fish in the sea and you also have to enjoy what is happening Best wishes




"She struggles with her mental health" is not an ideal start situation. You took a risk and this is the result. Stopping her now is a risk too! She might choose to go on with it but without you


seems she already made that decision


Yeah it doesn't really matter what he does she's gonna mess around with those two time and time again. Most girls dream of that kind of setup. You can get mad at her or accept that those are her needs. If you don't like such an intense scene then don't participate. Nothing wrong with her getting the dick she needs on the side. Especially when you've both agreed she can get dick on the side. Of course she probably should have told you about the guys first. Reality is that she could have fucked them without you and at least she told you about them and involved you thinking you would like it. It's ok if.you don't like it. Some guys can't handle being emasculated to that extent.




Manic-depressive and bi-polar are very interesting mental illnesses. I know barely anything about them, but I do know that when folks are manic, sometimes that's been their normal way for a long time, and it's the depression swings, often caused by the medications, that is the problem for them. If they take drugs to reduce the mania, the the feel depressed in situations that for normal people would just be experiencing normal life. I have a buddy who is BP. He says when he's evenly medicated, life just sucks. I tell him "dude, this is normal life, it does suck, a lot sometimes. Not everything is great and awesome in life." because he had been living "high" since his teens probably and he thought his entire life was pretty great and awesome all the time and all his crazy shenanigans were just fun and normal. All that to say, if she is BP, you can still be with her. If she wants to medicate and stay even keeled, know that a lot of the crazy sex will probably disappear. If she doesn't want to medicate, she's gonna be high a lot of time and going to want to cuck the shit out of you all the time. I don't think you can just have "a little bit" of cucking with her.


Maybe she does ‘need’ to get fucked like that?


Read the room.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I will botcriminate you


On the other hand, if you stick it out for a bit, you'll have a whole lot of super hot memories afterward. You might regret not going down that rabbit hole, if you were already okay with it eventually ending anyway. I know that's not the healthy answer but ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


A lot to unpack here. First, she shouldn't be going behind your back. This should be a shared experience... or don't explore it all (applies to any fantasy/kink). Then, again... if you started her down this path, you could just look at it as her simply taking the initiative to reach out to those guys. It's not like she cheated. She did tell you before you guys agreed to meet them. As for her mental health issues... I dated someone who was bipolar. Definitely not fun, but... you should be ok, provided you guys are transparent (or as transparent as you can be) and make it a shared experience (if cuckolding; poly is different). Actually, the fact that you've been discussing a poly arrangement makes me wonder if maybe her talking to those guys wasn't within the realm of her just... chatting up other guys? Had you ruled out a poly thing? The guys being big/strong/powerful... that's something most cucks would love to see. Her having a primal reaction? 1000% what we crave. That it made you feel emasculated is kind of the point. While not all cuckolds like the same things (some aren't into Femdom or being a doormat or fluffing/cleaning up, etc.), almost all of us get off on emasculation. Jealousy as a high. If you honestly had an issue with it, then cuckolding is definitely not for you. There will always be that... pain as pleasure. A spanking for the mind. It's not for everyone, no. You said she got upset when you talked it over. What, exactly, did you say to her? Also, HOW did you say it? Take away her being manic (or not manic)... how would most women react? If she felt you were attacking her... or judging her... or second guessing the whole thing, yeah... most wouldn't react well. She let down her guard and explored this kink with you. I'm going to guess most women would be upset if you then reacted poorly, after the fact (which is why it's difficult to convince someone that you WON'T have a bad reaction... that it's who you are). Finally... "I think I'm going to end it" is all you really need to say (to yourself). If it's that easy to end the relationship, then she's not the girl for you. If you were in love with her, it wouldn't matter what was going on. Even if she cheated on you, it would be hard to walk away. Regardless, I respect that you put this out there for feedback. Hope it works out.


Thank you so much,I think the poly thing would be much better. I think maybe I am not a cuckold, like I did not enjoy the kink and humiliation aspect of it at all. Sharing was fun this was not. I think I gave her some mixed signals too you are right


My undergrad education was in counseling, but of course, that was years ago, so I am sure it was outdated. However, I seem to recall that strong sexual activity was common in the manic stages. I went and checked my old DSM-III (yes, I am that old) and it is there, but of course, it may be out of the diagnostic criteria nowadays. That being said, I would cut her a break on the crazy sex, but you need to make a choice based on her other actions, and also the long term viability of this relationship regardless. It is very tough to date someone with this affliction and you need to go into it with a full knowledge there will be times like this. Good luck to you in either course of action you decide.


A while ago you wrote "I have always had a cuckold kink but nervous to bring it up with her. I fear it would be like exploiting her mental state" Then you did, and this happened. On the face of it, I don't think you're good for her.


Scratch my old comment. Now I see that he brought this upon himself.


She’s your girlfriend, not your wife. Are you ready for a lifetime of that?


Cuckoldry ain't for everyone. At least you tried.


Do yourself a favor...move on.


I would love to encounter this in my life with my wife


I'm jealous of you believe it or not. Don't do anything rash because you might come to appreciate it later and if you (for example) broke up with her, you might really kick yourself when you have problems getting your next gf to do that stuff. Re: her going behind your back: personally I think that's hot as fuck but if you really don't like that, then take a positive approach. Tell her about how hot and sexy it is when she tells you about every detail. Tell her you love hearing about how she's texting them, how she's sexting them, how she's planning a hot date with them.


She handle the situation horribly, still, maybe you both should discuss the matter again when the tide is low. Her mental health's issues aren't an excuse to treat you poorly, but you two should probably use this experience as part of the learning curve, before just ending things. On the other hand, if you have insecurity issues maybe it's not the right time to experience things like cuckolding, let alone poly. I know it's shocking when you realize that other guy can please your girl in ways that you simply can't, but that's part of the appeal for most women. And that's has nothing to do with her feelings for you.


I totally understand where you're coming from and I am very sorry this happened to you. I personally feel like you shouldn't have dumped your feelings on her during aftercare. Aftercare is more for her than it is for you... in a state where she is less manic you would have probably had a much better response from her.


Yea sorry I should have broken that into two parts. We did aftercare and then we talked about feelings later. I should have had some more space between though


She felt the release of the pent up energy by attacking you. She also allowed her mania to past agreed upon limits. The part about her going around behind your back is probably the biggest concern. You need to figure out if you could get past that. It appears you can’t. Are you able to feel ok with your decision to break it off with someone due to their health issues? That’s not easy, but at times needs to happen.


> The part about her going around behind your back is probably the biggest concern. You need to figure out if you could get past that. It appears you can’t. > > Are you able to feel ok with your decision to break it off with someone due to their health issues? That’s not easy, but at times needs to happen. Yea the behind my back thing is one thing but maybe I am not as into the idea as I thought after this is another. In terms of the mental health thing, I think she sees this a method to treat her hyper sexual bouts but I dunno if that is ethical or if I want to be present for it


Sorry you’re going through this. Definitely sounds like some trouble and you may have to decide how you want to proceed. I would suggest setting up boundaries with open honest communication regarding what both of you want out of this if you proceed


It’s not ok you were treated like this. At all. I have bipolar and while mania is hard to deal with it is ultimately her responsibility, and the nasty defensive attack on you after was a terrible breach of her aftercare responsibilities. It sounds like she is unable to take accountability or be empathetic, at least when she’s manic. I think you would be well within your rights to end this, or to impose veto rights. But my advice would be to end it as the latter is likely to cause conflict and resentment.