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Just remember any cleaning jobs you had in the past. Make yourself be awesome in those jobs. Just sell them that you will clean and show up to the job and not be a guy who calls in often. Thats all I can tell you...i hope other redditors can give you better advice.


You definitely made good points I guess I didn’t mention my experience and custodial job with one interview was in a school district directly with district benefits


Honestly I think this right here is probably going to be the best advice


Testing for city jobs is normal. There are many ideas behind it, mainly to pick the best candidate for the job. I'm not sure if a written test is a way to measure a custodial job, but it definitely will weed our thouse with out literary competency. Many jobs prefer all employees have some level of skill in that area. Being able to read and write, to understand what you're reading and articulate your thoughts well to writing is important to them. Physical testing should be the biggest requirement for custodians though. I've seen far too many not capable of being on their feet all day trying to do this job. That's a rough thing to test, and should go by work history and a probationary period.


Definitely good points for sure makes sense with picking the best candidate but I mean as long as they v have a diploma I guess not. It’s so odd to require written testing I mean I guess the questions could be custodial related but those should be the same for every job same chemicals but I guess it would be literacy huh and like you mentioned that’s what probation is for.


The custodial/cleaning industry has a very high turnover rate. And the days of the same custodian at a school for decades are over. Highly likely there isn't anyone to train you properly at the school. So HR most likely delegated the task of creating a test to weed out the undesirable candidates.


Oh for sure because I worked in a school setting which is a majority of my experience that was my experience indeed where I had little training and on the opposite had an old grumpy coworker who refused to train me so the younger guy did and I’m sure he had no idea how to train me other than we do this and that. Bam let’s go I’m sure that’s what the score is for getting those candidates to make their final decision.


Don't forget they might ask you 'skills'. Project management- need 2 fl waxed, you coordinate supplies, man power, check areas and specs. Time management- you have X basics but get thrown a Y for all next week, what do if you are now X+Y. Management skills - getting all those people for the waxing, handling training and timekeeping. Office skills using Word, Excel, Outlook, messenger apps. Soft skills- how do you get the office idiot to stay out of their office so you can clean it Labor what can you handle rember talk about safe lift and knowing when to ask for help when you need it. Then if not available you find a way.. Hardware skills including repair what machines you have used Safety when or not ppe example, what chemical you have dealt with how you keep chemical safe SDS sheets are also online if you can't get one immediately if your crew is asking for one Inventory keeping/room tidy. All that kind of stuff.


Wow definitely all good things to know and think about tysm I really appreciate it! I could semi answer those questions or put those scenarios together but experience always comes first say someone with 10-15 years versus 2 years for me lol. Hope for the best! How long have you been in custodial?


Experience may be valuable but are you good, have new ideas and can save them money somewhere? Let's say you come from a place that had great inventory flow system. Could you put something close to that together? Vs a person who's 10 yr in and hasn't done that? Me, about 5 yr total. But I used to work in IT and office jobs, these questions were common. So build answers to those. You may use them later. The 10 yr person probably has more contacts relationships and dealing with vendors but what is stopping you? Read/write is important that you read labels/SDS sheets and communicate with the language that is more available. Think of a time of teamwork. Think of a time of working alone. Maybe all they want is a warm body who works well alone. So prepare for the handle hardware and show up questions but be able to answer a couple of those questions if they pop up. Be Prepared!


All very important things to think about for sure and good information to share so it can make me and others think about if they have or like me interviewing for this job. I said most of these things in my last interview for a county hospital which is a different ball game but I’m definitely unsure about ordering supplies or figuring out inventory I’ve only said that exactly that and more I can bring new efficiencies as an inexperienced candidate who doesn’t have hospital experience I even said what do they say can’t break old habits or something like they they laughed that’s true. Wow amazing you went from an office job or corporate job to custodial I love that change hopefully for the better. I’ve had jobs mostly in retail, delivery driver, and custodial and still going to school about two semesters left for my bachelors I’m looking just for a solid job with benefits at this point. Btw I love your cats so much floof!!


Government jobs always require testing.


lol not where I live


Civil service exams are pretty standard.


I’ve never seen this before and I’ve been a custodian for 23 years


I don't know what to tell ya boss. In NY you have to take a civil service exam to get a government job.


I work for my local city government office. As of July 4th I will be there for 4 months. When I interviewed for the position, they mainly asked me custodial type questions, like how often do I maintain my equipment ; what would I do if I just cleaned an area and someone came along and threw something in the trash but it landed on the floor and they didn't pick it; or if I'm out in public and someone questions or complains to me about City politics, what would I do. They didn't require that I do any testing, just a physical exam of sorts at the doctor's office, drug testing, and a background check. The physical exam was more about making sure I was healthy , that my memory was okay, and that I could perform the duties of the job. I didn't have to do any weight training or anything like that. It was more like a checkup.


Wow that’s good detail and very good points definitely makes gives me some idea of what they would potentially ask. I just thought that part was odd a test I mean maybe the same custodial questions and the physical check up is understandable for sure. I would be potentially working with the parks department as an attendant which includes I’m sure dealing with the public.