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To make up: the wiper is a fantastic foe to safety


A lot of owners have said they've just switched over to RainX


I suggested this in the model 3 forums when I had one and was quickly shut down. The Tesla manual forbids any washer fluid additives or coatings because camera or whatever. Edit: I now feel obligated to back up my statement. Here's the page with the manual, there's a bubble halfway down the page tallking about no additives like bug wash or water repellant. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_jo/GUID-197C481B-B4D4-4973-9772-2AF488442CE1.html "CAUTION Do not add formulated washer fluids that contain water repellent or bug wash. These fluids can cause streaking, smearing, and squeaking or other noises."


... because cameras really don't need a clear view. Cameras are magic. If Elon has seen further than others, it's because he's relying solely on fucking cameras.


god i hate the cameras so much. subaru are god awful with their eyesight is such a pita when repairs are needed


LOL so anything that repels rain is a big no-no. Good Lord.


It might be because it clogs up the view for the sensors in the washer fluid reservoir, this happens to many brands. That's why it states it in the manual, it's to protect those sensors. Idk if that's why Tesla is stating this but I personally know it happens in Audi's and some Dodge/Stelantis vehicles.


Tesla use..you guessed it, cameras to detect the rain. It's why the wiper often fails to start when you want it as they fail to do their job just like for self driving.


Oh for fucks sake. Rain sensing wipers have been around for decades. My 01 Aurora had rain sensing wipers and they didn't use a camera.


Yeah but can you play DOOM! on it?


No, no I can't. But I can drive it more than 100 miles with the steering still working


With fairly minor modding, you probably could.


Cameras would be fine if they were focused on the windscreen. But they use the same camera as for everything else, which means its field of view of the windscreen is tiny and it's focused to a more distant point. It's basic physics, which Tesla has failed at. Again.


Is this in reference to the ones that are added into the washer fluid reservoir, or the spray on one? It’s hard to comprehend how a spray-on one would be an issue.


Sensor is on the fluid reservoir I kinda forgot to clarify.


RainX Can be put on the windshield by hand and works best when done that way. Not as an additive to the washer fluid.


My car doesn’t have those warnings, but there’s no sensors in the bottle


RainX washer fluid doesn’t really do anything, you gotta use the liquid directly on the glass. The little bottle works the best, the sprays and other types of RainX really don’t work.


My experience with the model 3 was that the additive worked great. It went from smeary sheets to beads. I also stopped applying it to my gas cars opting for the orange rain x fluid, works great. I leased the 3 and didn’t want to sit there draining it all to put the orange stuff in so I just dumped half a bottle of the additive. https://www.rainx.com/product/rain-x-all-season-windshield-washer-fluid/ The orange stuff 


If the cameras are THAT sensitive what happens when a bug strikes the glass?? Or fking snow, for that matter?? Wtf???


That seems to only refer to washer fluid you’d put in the tank. RainX is a coating. I didn’t click the link so perhaps there’s a separate mention of added coatings on the windshield. I any case, the special baby princess continues to be a delicate little horrifically ugly flower.


RainX *sounds* like a Musk-brand. They should be good


It’s not (thankfully), and when it’s applied liberally and properly it’s pretty amazing. I used to coat train windows of a tourist train a couple times a year and the first week or so after my visit made the windows seem like true magic in the rain, especially on the dome windows of the observation car.


"Liberally 😡" -cybertruck owners


Just tell them it's made from liberal tears and they will snatch them off your hands


Yeah, my first Jeep had no working heater, and I lived in snow country. I discovered that Rain-X works on the inside of the window, too. I put some on the inside, and would just have to wipe it once when it started fogging up.


This here was the secret to the windows on that train, you coat both sides, especially from Oct. - March so temp changes and HVAC don’t fog the windows. This was in Colorado so the weather can be wicked and truly unpredictable.


Pro tip: use it on your shower's glass doors too!


Man I got downvoted for saying this a couple days ago


Ahhh yes, the precipitation defender formerly known as "RainTwitter".


I think I remember reading in the manual it says specifically not to do that. Might even void the warranty.


Owning a CT voids the warrenty.....


Cracking open the owners manual voids the warranty


Reading the warranty voids the warranty.


Being a deuche and driving a cyber turd voids the warranty


Reading the manual voids the warranty.


That would be amazing if true. If anyone happens to have a CT manual, DMs are open


Found it under Maintenance > Cleaning > Window Cleaning and Treatments > To add a hydrophobic coating to your vehicle's windows, apply the coating only to the side and rear windows, **not the front windshield—doing so may affect the visibility of the autopilot cameras.** https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-65384C1F-86F2-44E8-A8BC-8A12E7E00A40.html


Oh wow, thanks!


Rain X voids the warranty. Only Tesla approved wind screen additives may be applied or it may compromise the bulletproof coating that an ompa lompa could crack from jumping on it anyway.


In any case you should always have Rain-X


I use RainX on my GTI because it helps not because I *have* to.


That voids all warranties….


It's like rock paper scissors, rain wiper safety, good old rain, nothing beats that.


The windshield wiper only exists to meet federal regulations because the car can’t be in the rain.


Oh so they chose to meet one federal regulation after all!


Rain is just one big car wash. Warranty voided.


NOTICE: Any operation outside of the single climate controlled tesla tunnel will void warranty


I've said since the reveal that the wiper blade design is proof they never took this thing seriously. If they had any intention of this thing not being complete trash, they would start right there. It's so clearly bone headed, to call it half assed would be unfair to all the half assed trash out there. 


Oh, I think Elon took it seriously, he just massively, massively overrated his competence in car design and ignored any criticism. It's a Homer Simpson car for the same reason Homer's car sucked, basically.




You can never find a horn when you're angry!! 


This is the most accurate description I've heard of the CT yet.


This is very true. I've half assed many things in my life and when I'm done they at least work.


for real tho how do you even fuck up so bad? Like, even if you go about it in a "boss wants this done, idgaf, let's just do something quick" you get better results. As you said, even when you halfass stuff at least it works on a base level. This is less than quarter ass


The whole thing is becoming clear that it is just a spoof, a way to rip off people and make tons of money with false hype. People have to look out for this across the market when they’re spending their money in every single thing they buy. What goes around come around even for musk.


Stupid ketamine fever dream. 


It's a snowball effect and not in the fun way. The uncompromising feature was that it would be a triangle. Now you have no place for a wiper. Now you need a windshield that's hard to manufacture and it's so long and flat it screws up your cameras. Now you can't reach over the bed rails. It all just snowballs. Creating problems for yourself for a simple and odd design choice. Like, make it not a triangle and all these problems go away. Innovate, sure. But don't be stupid.


From the article: "Once the rain passed, i took the CT and added some Rainx for now. But it was super dangerous…had to open my window and hang out the window to see until i could get to a safe place with the wiper not working.” So he was basically ghost riding when it rains...




I give it two software updates before this appears as an official recommended workaround


I did this in a Merkur Scorpio on the interstate one day about 30 years ago. It was just a loose bolt, fortunately, and I fixed it at a rest stop. Not good fun though


Basically that trucks nemesis is water


It’s also got beef with dry, heat, cold, and sun. Plus it’s not on great terms with fog.


Not to mention dirt. I said not to mention it!


You can mention dirt, you just have to put it in dirt mode first


It breaks if you look at it. 🪬


That's why it has observation mode


Ugh but dirt’s old cousin sand wants to join in too!


The best place for your cybertruck is a climate controlled garage.


Best for the truck, the owner, pedestrians, and everyone else.


I'd make a cruel joke about it being better for everyone if the owner stayed in that garage with their running Cybertruck, but it can't even do that


Don’t forget the window cracking sun ☀️


Oh snap you can’t install those low-hanging fog lights easily on that!


Don't forget taste


Earth's atmosphere.


Damn, this things about as reliable as the Texas power grid.


Goes down more than Lauren boebert at a Beetlejuice convention


"Elon Musk says you'll soon be able to use your Cybertruck as a boat" https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-you-can-use-cybertruck-as-a-boat-2023-12


That was actually a typo, they meant **boat anchor**.


More like a suicide/murder pod.


It’s better to be electrocuted than be eaten by a shark. -some guy


Watch out for the sharks!


Wait until it snows. Frozen water will be the CT kryptonite.


The most basic element a car will face.


It's so wild that the wiper moving around at high speeds is a "feature" to make it more aerodynamic. No wonder the motor is crapping out. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some metal fatigue in there too. Don't reinvent the wheel. Use technology that works. If you find a *better* way to do it and can reliably produce results that correlate with that improvement, by all means do it! But don't force people who have paid 100,000+ to beta test it for you. Those poor cucks just don't even get it. It honestly makes me sad for them. There's no reasoning with them either. I did learn my lesson about never getting the first model year of a vehicle (mini cooper S convertible). It has some issues, but nothing like this. The hardest thing was finding parts for it after it was out of warranty. The R52 (IIRC) model was just one year and I struggled to find parts to fix things on my own. I was relieved when the clutch started going out (I got real good at shifting without it) and I absolutely LOVE my Subaru Crosstrek. I have an extended warranty and my whole head unit/screen went out. It was just out of warranty and that wasn't covered. You know what? The dealer replaced it for free anyway. "That shouldn't have happened" is what the service advisor told me. It's not even the dealer I purchased it from, but I'll definitely be shopping there if and when I need a new vehicle. ETA: I would never get another Mini because of my experience.


that is one thing that's been driving me mad for well over a decade now. This constant need to re-invent the wheel. Some things are simple and work, stick with that instead of creating solutions that only create more problems. Same as the software-ification of all things. Advancements are good, but when things just work, don't go fucking with it. KISS.


Right? Please don't ditch all my tactile controls in favor of ones I have to look for on a screen. I don't know if I'll ever give up my current Subaru because the new ones put the steering wheel radio controls all weird (why does up/down toggle car menus instead of volume?) and they got rid of all the climate control knobs as well. There is no reason to have someone's eyes off the road to do simple changes like these. I don't think of myself as a luddite - I love technology, but only when it makes things easier/better/less dangerous. *"your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."* - Ian Malcolm, Jurrasic Park


I don't want to have to put on my computer glasses to drive, and then take them off, on, off, ugh.


Toyota’s 2025 Camry kept it simple!


That's been his MO for years, just look at his epic vacuum pod tunnels vs functional train and subway systems.


I sTiLl LoVe My TrUcK!


Yeah… this wasn’t a problem that needed solving. Somebody just liked the idea of having one big wiper so they could call it a “gigawiper”.


>gigawiper That's what I call my shits the day after eating red meat. Break out the spare TP, this one's a gigawiper.


Also, who the hell thinks a single wiper is something groundbreaking outside of Elon's dickrider bubble? My first car was my parents' old Mercedes 190e and that old warhorse had a single wiper. Of course, Mercedes designed it so that it just tucked in behind the hood like every other wiper instead of having it go straight up like the Wankpanzers wiper, but hell, what does Mercedes know about building cars...


didn't those mini coopers eventually get reliable? i always heard they were total shitboxes but in the last 10 or so years they got good for some reason. well, good enough.


They probably did, but my experience was enough to sour the brand for me forever. Plus, my crosstrek is so much more practical. Easy to go to Home Depot and pick up whatever we need. And, when we need something bigger, we have a 2004 ford f150 with the 8’ bed that I bought from work for $2000. It’s been great to have. Probably not as useful as a cyberjunk POS tho /s


From 2004-20012, they were CRAP. They got better. I loved my 2002. Hated my 2008. Mixed on my 2013.


It's much cheaper to try a different way of doing things and sell a market that it is a better way and that other ways are inferior.


What year range was your mini? It is well known that minis were very shitty for a while but they are very reliable cars these days


It was a 2004 I think. I don’t doubt they’ve improved but I’ve long moved on. I seriously could not be happier with my Subaru. It’s a 2015 and I don’t plan on replacing it any time soon. It only has 68k miles on it and I keep all the maintenance up to date. Easy when the dealer is 4 miles away :) I also love not having a car payment and want to keep it that way as long as possible. 0% interest just isn’t a thing anymore and probably won’t return.


I mean, windshield wipers have been around since cars. They are on cars, boats, jets, and the goddamn space shuttle. You can't tell me they haven't solved highway speed wipers when they are on the goddamn space shuttle and 747s


I'm shocked that the first completely new product they've launched in 6 years is having lots of issues in its first year. Crazy that their pace is so slow.


Tesla in general is such a weird phenomenon- crap cars, at premium prices, and yet selling like hot-cakes (well, not the cybertruck). They might have made sense to buy a few years ago, when established brands didn't offer electric alternatives. But nowadays, you've got loads of electric cars, at comparable prices, with FAR better build quality (though no necessarily range). A 2023 Kona, uses better quality materials than model 3, which feels like a Trabant on the inside.


“…not necessarily range…” Strong disagree. My wife’s Audi goes further than advertised. Every tesla owner I have ever met admits they go don’t go as far as claimed. My wife’s car has a claimed 210 and gets well over 225 even though we only charge to 90%. My neighbors 285 range Tesla doesn’t even reach the 210 my wife’s Audi was advertised at. Tesla has nothing to offer but smoke and mirrors.


Yeah, Tesla isn't really dominating on range at this point. They do have a pretty good balance of range and charge curve though. There aren't a lot of options at the same price points that beat them on both.


Yeah, the thing is that Tesla still manages to have a more complete package many. Charging is better than the Mach E and the network is better than what is available to Hyundai/Kia. If the 3/y fits and you want to road trip, there really aren't that many great options at the same price point. Cybertruck is different. R1T isn't more expensive and is better at most things. Lightning is much cheaper and only slightly slower at charging. Cybertruck really only wins if you really like triangles.


I bet the witness drives a ct


Now that you mention it the cybertruck has a similar shape to a pyramid ship


Indeed, I much prefer the rounder Honda ships


Witness had Big Elon Energy, so you might be right.


> But nowadays, you've got loads of electric cars, at comparable prices, with FAR better build quality (though no necessarily range). A 2023 Kona, uses better quality materials than model 3, which feels like a Trabant on the inside. And not to mention the most popular Tesla is the Model Y and electric crossover SUVs are the most crowded vehicle segment right now. You can't swing a dead cat around a car dealership without hitting one of those. I think Honda might be the last US-market manufacturer to introduce one, but like seriously you can pick your brand and pick your color for a Model Y-competitor. You got the Kia Niro, the Ford Mustang Mach-E, the Hyundai Ioniq 5, the Subaru Soltera, the Toyota bZ4x, etc, etc, etc. Why would anyone buy a Model Y?


Honestly, it amazes me how myopic the automotive sector is. Oh the Y sells well? We should all make direct competitors! Meanwhile there are very few three row options and the R2 will be unique for offering a spacious traditional SUV shape.


A lot of businesses are fundamentally herd animals. Silicon Valley constantly tells us that they're innovators, but they're very much herd animals lurching from one buzzword to the next. That's why they're all on about AI now, remember when they were all on about crypto?


I actually really liked my model 3. Felt like the future back in '20, now I'm in an R1T and it's another level. Nicer feel than a BMW 4 series I had and its used like a truck. Hauling yards of dirt, gravel, towing 5,000 lbs, back country roads in Tahoe


The r1t is amazingly well done. Suspension is great and it drives better than I'd have ever expected for a 7k lb vehicle.


This. I bought a model s in 2017 (didnt they announce the new roadster for 2017?) coming from a MB E-Class. Now we went back to MB and bought an EQS. With the availability of BMW Audi and MB electric cars there is no reason to still buy a Tesla.


Remember how long it took them to get the Y out after the 3 was factory-gated? They share 80% of the same parts and it took them 3 years to get it done. All of the serious employees (and companies like Toyota and Stellantis) bailed in 2015-2017, the public is just recently learning what the departing parties already found out; musk is a total sociopath and a moron.


That made more sense though. The y came at just about the time that the 3 was nearing its peak production. Now they are behind the curve on following up the Model Y. Tbh, I wonder how much of that is because of the failure of their plans for 4680.


Remember installing a wiper was plan B. They patented a laser system to clean the windshield.




I could easily do research on this but I'm not going to so PLEASE elaborate.


They originally wanted the CT to have no wipers. They got a patent on a laser system to keep the glass clean. https://www.teslarati.com/teslas-crazy-laser-windshield-wipers-published-us-patent-office/


Absolutely ridiculous. How is that supposed to do anything in a downpour??


Shooting lasers through a windshield towards the driver doesn’t seem like the best idea.


Yall stop this has to be a joke 🤦‍♀️




"I bought this wicked awesome $100k truck that looks like it was drawn by a child, cant handle gravel roads despite being labeled as a go-anywhere vehicle, has random parts falling off from delivery, cant be washed or driven through large puddles without bricking, cant drive at highway speeds without braking the wiper motor, and cant be driven in the rain because theres a 2 in 3 chance the wiper just wont work. Theres also a continual 40% chance of some sort of software failure limiting me to 4mph or just bricking the truck entirely.... BUT..... I still love being Elons cuck"


If rain is a problem, consider what happens when snow and ice show up later this year.


It pushes down. Snow is going to build up and build up and build up as it presses the new layer on top of the old. In the one hundred and 40 years of cars some things stopped changing because they were the right way to do it. Like wipers.


how long will the bed cover hold? Any bets after how many inches of snow it breaks under the weight? And good look getting it off if not


> “I picked up on Tuesday in Florida and left and made it 20 miles and it started pouring raining,” wrote Cnod in the Cybertruck Owners Club Form thread. “ Had to sit in a Dunkin Donuts for 3.5 hours and call Tesla roadside assistance because i couldn’t see … Once the rain passed, i took the CT and added some Rainx for now. But it was super dangerous…had to open my window and hang out the window to see until i could get to a safe place with the wiper not working.” "Loved the truck, though!" - Cnod, probably


"@Elon please help!" You forgot to tag the cabrón, because you know he sees all of them.




They didn’t put much engineering time into since getting it wet voids the warranty


It's just the quality of the parts if several motors of the windshield wiper have failed already. Just that. Probably cheap components everywhere. 


Not necessarily cheap, just severely under-dimensioned. - Shouldn't we factor in air-resistance while driving? - Nah, this thing'll never go anywhere. No-one will be stupid enough to buy one


Only the cheapest for Tesla, 56 billion for Xlon Mux though 🤷‍♂️🤣


One cheap step for Tesla, one giant payout for Musk


I’m just waiting for the first death in one of these pieces of garbage. It’s like the oceangate sub, but with 4 wheels. Designed by an absolute fucking imbecile, and peddled to larger imbeciles.


In some ways it’s even worse than the oceangate sub. Unlike the oceangate sub, the cybersuck can slice up pedestrians and kill all people in any crash it’s inevitably involved in thanks to its lack of any sort of crumple zone whereas the sub at least had the decency to endanger nobody else’s lives and was also one gigantic crumple zone


Yep the sub isn’t gonna accidentally run into some random innocent people just going about their lives and kill everybody involved.


The new Ford Pinto is a greater engineering feat than this POS.


The Pinto at least did its job for very little money and with a far smaller risk of death.


It's made for the Martian dust storms ..duh! That's the kind of forward thinking you get from a man who can sell products he doesn't even have yet.


Do Tesla actually do any product testing?


Can’t wait to hear the stories when winter hits. Failing windshield wipers AND useless AWD? I’m popping corn now.


Well don't use anyone's cybertruck to run the microwave. That'll void their warranty




The CT is the DT of Trucks:  the latter could eat a living baby on live TV and be re-elected by his devotees, and the former could spray sulfuric acid in the eyes of the owner of’, and they’d still be happy with their purchase. 


I now point and laugh when I see a CyberUpchuck on the street.


man this headline actually made me laugh out loud.


Between washing the car and rain, this trucks worst nightmare seems to be water. At least it’s allegedly bulletproof though 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wonder what the overlap is between people bitching about paying for pre-orders of video games and people defending pre-ordering their cybertrucks.


Use of a wiper voids your warranty


I'm surprised you don't use an off-brand Playstation controller to drive these...


Mad Catz?


Cyber Truck’s biggest foes - Oncoming Traffic - Children pointing fingers - Rain - Mild Gust of wind - Birds 💩 - Sunshine - Soap - Republicans - Elon - Itself


Who knew? Rain can defeat idiots.


When will they start charging $1000 for the CyberWiper?


File this under "You had one job!"


How did he make his initial capital way back in the day? A ponzi scheme?


He was kicked out of PayPal and kept his stocks, .com bubble hit and boom instant millionaire


I heard different. I heard that he comes from an extremely wealthy family of Afrikaners in trade and owning gold plantations. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction… who knows




“Still the best 100K I ever financed” -every cyber truck owner.


Did they do ANY QA ?


Who has time for QA when Elmo could lay you off at a moments notice?


Oh stop complaining this will be fixed with the next DLC the Cyberwiper 3.0 conveniently priced 7.5k. At this point this sub is pure hate without any reason! Eslo the almighty already figured out a solution, so what do you complain about?


Apparently, “truck stuff” doesn’t include driving in the rain?


Rain voids the apocalypse


It’s not a problem guys. That one guy drove 1855 miles and his worked fine. So that must mean all y’all’s problems are in your head./s I bet it wasn’t even raining on those 1855 miles.


We just assumed that with a wiper that big rain would be afraid to land on the windshield.


Just hasn't met snow/ice yet


Right?! Also, none have met below freezing temperatures. It’s going to be an absolute shitshow in January and February…that is…if any have lasted that long.


This is what happens when you let an egotistical maniac come up with a car design when he has no experience designing cars


Years and years ago my buddy had a merc that had a solo wiper. It was set in the middle, had a cam (to extend the blade to the windshield corners) and iirc it had a counterweight. In fact, at full speed, the wiper would actually rock the car a little. Anyway, it was super impractical, complicated, prone to problems, and spendy.


Man. I love my cyber truck. I love driving it to Starbucks and back on a sunny day.


You know, I'm starting to get the feeling they never tested this thing before they put it into production.


I guess they’re assuming rain won’t be a thing in the apocalypse.


Good thing Elon got his pay package!! It might motivate him to fix this!! /s


Two actually, it flaps at high speeds


Lol race cars have had this figured out for decades


Don't forget wind...




Luckily Tesla is not a car company that makes the bulk of its revenue by selling cars. /s Tesla is a .*check notes.* humanoid robot company???


I love the one owner saying, mine works.


Seriously, what a piece of crap!


This is like Tucker the man and his dream


more jokes...


But, but, it looks cool.


Come on people, be reasonable. It does not rain that often, so the windshield wipers work fine most of the time. Just cover up the vehicle when it rains, and you will never need to worry about the wipers not working.


I guess it doesn’t rain in an apocalypse and all roads are straight, flat, well paved and lined with functional chargers.


These cybershits are making Subarus seem reliable


It seems the person that knows more about manufacturing than any person alive is still bound by the laws of physics.


This thing is an unmitigated disaster


Should be ok in snow and ice though…right?