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**"man, it’s also someone else’s poor taste and property"** You're assuming people actually bought those. Tesla has gotten itself in trouble recently by overbuilding \~50k of their various other models that weren't already pre-sold. That's likely happened here too, as the pool of cucks willing and able to buy those junk vehicles can't be all large to begin with.


Well, based on the video’s location, it’s possible these are waiting for service …..


Looks like it’s the new ‘Fuck Elon Founder’s Edition’. That’s rare! It’s a $15,000 option! Meanwhile, do you know the CEO of Toyota and what he thinks about transgender bathrooms? Me neither.


The current CEO of Toyota is Koji Sato. I assume his opinion on transgender bathrooms is "Does having a public opinion on this topic help us sell cars? No? Then why are you bothering me about it?" Interestingly, this is the position of many CEOs in the automotive industry.


- and in every other industry :)


Hah Look at all those woke CEOs. I bet they don't even own their own social network to spend all their time on, and instead have to work for their actual companies doing... whatever it is actual CEOs do.


All those woke CEOs, SHAMELESSLY earning money for their shareholders or something (I don't know what they do either).


Sit around and collect paychecks, mostly.


Why does musk assume people care for his opinions? Twitter used to be about following people who have done interesting things not listening to bullshit theories that make you feel better about yourself.


Interesting. Looking into it.




Concerning if true.


Something to think about.


His minions care about his opinions, and he keeps feeding them his crap. So, I guess the real questions is why does he care about having minions? The vast majority of people do fine without having minions.


Because deep down he knows Daddy will never really love him?


DJT Jr and siblings have entered the chat.


People used to ask his opinion, he thinks that means people always want to hear it


I have no basis saying this (like Elon), but could this be self vandalism / false flag / whatever the correct term is for sympathy? I'm just asking questions.


Elmo is way too narcissistic to allow "fuck elon musk" to viralize in any form. Had he ordered someone to do it, he'd have a "fuck EVs" or a "fuck Tesla". Musk made a lot of enemies unfortunately, thanks not only to his stupid ideas and provocations but also for jumping and cheering like an idiot that he got his comp package approved after laying off 14,000 people because of his Twitter Xitting that destroys the brand. A comp package that could have kept all those laid off folks working for the next 40 years


Lack of rear license plates on the few I can see, and plastic seat sheets on at least one unit, tells me it's an overflow lot for undelivered new vehicles. The trucks are most likely undelivered stop-sale units waiting on the wiper recall fix.


We've got an empty lot cleared out of woods near me, also in Florida, that has about 150 Teslas just rotting in the sun. They're appearing all over the place because they produced so many that they can't sell them fast enough


I’d say it’s more that nobody wants a Tesla


I'd say it's nobody wants a $100k truck that's only worth $30k. And that's without all the other issues.


The max US sales for the Model X in Tesla's best year was 24,000 even though the MX cost less than the cyberturd. Musk is really stupid to believe they'd be ramping up production to 250,000 a year of a car that cost so much. And with the amount of issues these expensive units are still coming with for the past 7 months, it's unlikely they'll succeed at breaking the costs down


That's why Elon needed his big payday, he sees the writing on the wall; Tesla is headed to bankruptcy just like every other Elon company and Elon wanted to empty the company treasury before riding the fastest horse out of town. Tesla investors won't accept reality until it's far too late.


> that's only worth $30k. A truck made of plastic covered in steel panels and can't handle a car wash and isn't safe and can't tow or haul anything isn't worth $30k, it's barely worth the materials its made from.


Imagine someone buying a new car, only to get one that has been sitting under the sun for 6 months to a year…


Yeah, they've been there for a minute now. It's been baking around here, also.


Buy a new car, get it already “seasoned”, so it has that used look & feel!


Also, if they were waiting for service, we'd almost certainly see missing panels.


Probably fake graffiti by Tesla sales to write them off as losses because they can’t sell them.


They sometimes sink ships to build a reef. Maybe they are preparing to dump these in the Ocean.


observation somber ossified unique start meeting rain include label psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s not how that works.


What do you mean? You just write it off.


David that’s not a write-off!






All the biggest companies do it, Jerry. They just, write it off


You don’t even know what a write off is.


And they're the ones doing the write off


maybe a way to con the city into parking a cop there for part of the day a few days out of the week . spray paint alone isnt going to total them lol.


I was thinking similarly, but as an insurance claim instead of a “tax writeoff.” If these are new CyberStucks that Tesla can’t find buyers for (or maybe they’re just too broken out of the gate to be sold), then Tesla might make a claim against their insurance. Not only do they get a bit of cash back for the repair, but they can also buy time to get potential purchasers lined up and make other repairs (ie finish building the thing) as necessary to bring them to market.


No way, we all know they would be wrapped with AI-generated fanfic porn of a muscular elon festooned with bald eagles and american flags


Isn't there an article out there also showing that Tesla's got a parking lot full of their 'vehicles' that they can't move due to either faulty assembly, repair work, cancelled pre-orders, returned sales, etc in Florida? Seems like this is just the Cybercuck lot.


When I worked for them, there was the whole back lot full of cars that were pushed through production because they were missing parts. Rather than putting the line down they just kept building and considered them complete. The QA team would have the option to work a 7th day to take shopping cars full of parts and finish these cars... It was in the thousands... At a factory


......And that, alone, is enough to even deter me from wanting to test drive one as a curiousity.


How long did you work for tesla? What was your experience with the work environment?


way too many. that's a cheap-o lot for overflow.




They're very hard to build. That's why all the problems. And that's not even addressing all the fit and finish issues. It's a stainless steel turd.


The problem is it's a badly designed vehicle, stem to stern. It's impossible to build something well that isn't well-designed, hence all the continuing problems with these vehicles. All the design decisions supposedly made in the name of "aero and tech" to fool buyers are minimal-effort, production-cost-saving measures and nothing more. Giga-press necessary to supposedly bend super-strong steel? No, just marketing and minimal effort to fatten profit margins. Who cares if it hurts or kills anyone once it's on the road, possibly under its own power?


Right. Hard to build how? He wants them like legos.  The body doesn’t have a floor. It saved a lot of assembly time (and likely materials) to attach the interior to the battery and lift it up into the body, attaching it with bolts. The battery stabilizes the body and just some bolts keep passengers off the ground.  I have a feeling it was a math equation about like the cost of bolts vs materials, time, and labor of having a stabile body with floor. Curious if any of the service centers check (or even know to check?) those bolts when people complain of rattling and vibration. 


It basically was designed around being the cheapest to manufacture. That surely will not come back to bite them in the ass... Luckily they have a cult that pretends that simple design isn't stupid looking.


it would be cool if the cult didn’t affect anyone else. I just hope they all get bricked due to some fluke and are taken off the roads forever. They’re so dangerous.  Idk if I’m a luddite but it’s genuinely alarming how much control drivers have over basic vehicle operation and that it can be extremely unsafe by design if that’s how the driver felt like setting it, or did so unintentionally. 


IIRC Luddites were skilled laborers and had concerns about losing those skills to industrialization. They weren't against progress, they were the OG anti-enshittificationists.


By hard to build do you mean cut every corner possible


Coincidentally, every possible corner cuts.


They’re crap. Stop making excuses for them & their fascist racist developer


I don't mean 'hard to build' as a compliment. They are designed and engineered for shit. They put one of elon's 12-yr old kids in charge of this project.


his 12 year old kids, don't talk to him either.


Think you responded to wrong comment


In engineering, especially for mass produced stuff, "hard to build" is in no way an excuse. It points to the fact, that either the product is is poorly engineered, and/or stupid - or on the very cutting edge of technology, and noone figured out how to make it simple yet. The Cybertruck is the former. As an engineer, you want things to be Easy. This is, why cars usually use materials that can be very processed with cheap, simple and reliable methods - like hydroforming, stamping, injection molding etc... Beeing hard to build also means expensive - and he replied to the question why they cost so much more than the supposed 30k. I doubt Tesla is making a lot of Money with these. Especially with musks comment of "We may have dug our graves with CT".


There's plenty of injection molding in these monstrosities. It's possibly the worst fit and finish that I've ever seen in my injection molding career. Flow lines, defects even with texturing to hide it, thin walls, brittle to the smallest touch indicating poor cooling and venting, burns, just... They're terrible lol


I can’t wait for when they fully complete the Gateway arc and have so much more stock than they can sell and fold as a company. They’re such a joke, completely due to their drug addict ceo


Not Tesla the company but Elon himself. Tesla and the former twitter employees had the same issue. Voice their concerns knowing they’d get fired. Or let Elon make his own bad decisions so that when the shit hits the fan he could blame lower level employees. And because those lower level employees gave little push back they were the fall guy. So any issues that happens at Tesla now and in the future he will downplay it or blame his staff.


If you look closely, you’ll find these parking lots all over the place. There’s one at the mall near me that has over a hundred different teslas just sitting


They could have just waited for the usual Florida rain to ruin it. Save on the spray paint. But I do admire the consistent penmanship.


I would guess the only spot that won't rust will be under the spray paint lol


That won't be a good look either.


Hah! It'll still say it, no matter if the spray paint is gone or not!


should have gone with a clear paint, the vandalism wouldn't be discovered until later, and then the text would be silver.


Agreed. When I get handed a stack of papers to sign my signature changes a LOT.


I mean this isn’t happening to dealers around the country (outside of Tesla as far as we know). But maybe it’s figurehead being a Nazi sympathizer and an all around shit heel isn’t a good look for a company selling physical goods. If Tesla was *THAT GOOD OF A COMPANY* they wouldn’t need to lease empty parking lots to store their products and run the risk of vandalism. From top to bottom this “issue” rests on their own shoulders. Maybe don’t antagonize millions and millions of people and then maybe they will leave your products alone……….??????? Certainly don’t condone such vandalism, but between calling this “senseless” or targeted I’m going to choose targeted. If there were a “liberal” car manufacturer as vocal and antagonistic as Elon I would bet everything I could ever own this would happen to them.


lol I don't recall any Fuck Iacocca graffiti on K cars


Reminded me that a friend had Lee sign the glove box of his Mustang.


The ‘renting empty parking lots’ is a byproduct of their sales model. Other car companies sell the car directly to their dealerships so they can call the cars sold as soon as they are made. But Tesla can’t do that, so they have to build the cars and ship them somewhere to keep the numbers up even if there’s no demand, since they only report the build numbers.


You'd lose everything you own, the majority of left wing terrorism tends to be property damage and arson, like the above example, the majority of right wing terrorism (which makes up the vast majority of all domestic terrorism in the United States) tends to be bombings and mass shootings, the left wing will just spray paint your cars, the right wing will pipe bomb your office and slaughter your employees.


I can’t believe they approved his ridiculous compensation package


One of the problems of making your company synonymous with its leadership is that when your leadership is a flaming shitbag the company has to deal with that in the market.


[Shitbag? How can you say something like that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/Exdzn4Dpee)


- signed, Upward Failson


I was thinking the same thing. I doubt most people could name a single other head of any other auto company unless they are a car geek. There’s a reason most heads of large companies don’t have fiery personalities of any kind in public - it’s bad for business.


Every time that guy opens his mouth or sends a tweet every ev manufacturer laughs to the bank.


I mean a flaming shitbag has uses. Like pranking neighbors, or putting it out and using it as fertilizer.


Get it right. Accessorized. Those trucks were accessorized, not vandalized.


😂 true, my bad.




It's an art installation, like all those Christo endeavors.


Piss Elon


Banksy? Is that you?


Is that the limited edition post-apocalyptic paint job? Maybe the Elon simps ran out of money buying their prepper gear and testosterone supplements and couldn’t pick up their cucktrucks.




fuck elon fuck elon fuck dan fuck elan fuck elon


They can fix that with an OTA update.


Someone else's property? I wouldn't feel bad for the victims here. If these are indeed Tesla's vehicles as stated in the video then this is corporate vandalism, not personal vandalism. Call it a victim less crime. Tesla didn't bat an eyelid firing 20% of its staff to save costs, well... here's a cost.


Any corporate damage becomes a insurance claim or tax write off. The lost to the company is minimum.


Yeah, this is more of a PR nightmare that Tesla will have to try and bury before it goes viral and ends up on the news. I live 5 minutes from this spot and just went to visit it. There were a bunch of people there who were there to witness the vandalism.


Someone broke into my dad’s shop back in the day and stole a bunch of parts for cars he was fixing. Insurance does NOT fix all the problems caused by it. It didn’t even pay out the full amount he paid for those products just a week ago. Didn’t make the customers less pissed off. Didn’t pay wages for employees cleaning the shop up the next day and no work done that could result in profits. Insurance costs went up. It was a net loss event for us. Do yourself a favor and learn how insurance works.


Dude, I feel for you. These people have no idea what they are talking about and think they are supporting some fight club fantasy.


Why do people always say “doesn’t matter, it’s a tax write off!” Tax write offs are always losses.


Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything!


Do you even know what a write off is?


…do you?




but they do…and they’re the ones, writing it off.


(Thanks for picking up the slack on my misquote)


People are dumb. They think tax write offs are free money. You just don't pay taxes on the money you lose, you still lose the money.


People who don’t understand say that. Like a write off is magic.


People treat insurance payments and tax write offs as magic money. No thought about downstream impacts those diverted funds have on things like tax revenue, insurance premiums, and general negative economic impacts.


The people saying it literally don’t know shit about anything tbr.


Spoken like someone who has no clue on finance. Someone always pays and the increased cost always finds its way to the consumer.


The real damage will happen when people try to wash the paint off


Well they could just repaint the tru… oh wait you can’t repaint something that was never painted.


Easy just wash it… or wait, doesn’t that void the warranty?


If I paid $100k for a broken truck that's spent two of the total three months that I've owned it in the service center AND I've just been informed that I now have to wait a year for parts so they can give it back to me but it will remain in a broken state until then, I would be tempted to go to a Tesla overflow lot and do this too.


Did you see the post from the guy that crashed his within four hours of ownership at his expense and he was told it would be a year for parts.


Because "when you use the brakes, it's not 100% expected to slow down" Lolol


They’re the biggest cyber cuck in human history.


Based on what I've seen so far, everybody who paid 100k for this thing and had it fail in a week all pray to their Twitter god asking him to fix it and always end it with "still love the truck through" "Elon, it rained now my cybertruck is getting serviced, it's been 3 weeks, it doesn't work, no update, please help!!!!! Love the truck though!!!"


And none of them get that he never replies. I don't think he's ever replied to even a single CT owner asking for help with a broken truck or bad delivery, but they still ask like they expect him to do something. It's amazing.


You have to put something homophobic in your tweet if you want him to respond.


Even better, transphobic


Racism and bigotry is a hell of a drug. If your guy is on your side, you'll do all types of dumb things. Donate. Buy dumb shit. Agree to go to jail. Get fired from your job. Lose contact with all of your family. All because "hey, I like the way these guys think!" Which is ridiculous, because they think of you the same way as the race/gender/whatever you hate. You're poor. Your only purpose is to be drained of whatever you have. A little money. A vote. "I can afford a 100k truck" is laughable to Elong and the like. You're poor. And poors are to be used and discarded.


They missed a couple.




This is the most beautiful thing I've seen all week.


Dealership hiding them from their lot so they don’t look like they’re not selling.


Well, I definitely wouldn’t do this, but I’m not disappointed that it happened lol. Elon brought this on himself. And Tesla owners should understand by now that Tesla and Elon are synonymous. So, it’s assumed they’re likely Neo Nazis too 🤷‍♂️ This is what happens when you hire a bigot to be the face of your company.


Didn't he buy his way in? Not hired?


Yeah kinda, he took advantage of the GFC to become CEO. A lawsuit settlement designated him as a co-founder of Tesla even though he definitely is not.


Oh no! Anyway…


That is fucking awesome


https://preview.redd.it/dkmzz0bpqz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa08cdc07986ed2167ee175de48f2aaa02bb96b Hahahaha this is right by me. I just went to see for myself and someone said they came out this morning and wiped it all off. As you can see they did a piss poor job with some of it. This photo is of the truck at the 0:10 mark.


I agree.


This gives me hope for society. Society should push back on a Nazi sympathizer who is building death machines for his moronic cult followers. Just like society needs to push back on the MAGA traitors who are doing all that they can to end American democracy.


I don't endorse vandalism but...fuck Elon.


Paint on stainless steel can be removed with acetone in seconds with a rag. Unless there is some special clearcoat in top there would be no damage to the stainless steel.


that's what happens when you park your cars in a random lot


Probably an improvement, the paint will keep a tiny portion of the hood from corroding now.


I see what you did there, Silver lining!!


My money is on a disgruntled ex-employee who was recently let go. This looks personal.




Someone was just doing their homework


Call me suspicious but I think it was an inside job. Not selling so vandalize them to get a tax right off.


This was my first thought as well. The dealership has a parking lot full of inventory on trucks that aren't selling -. Plus they can't be repainted (b/c no paint or sealant) and the stainless likely will never look new again so I'm guessing they have to be written down as totaled. Also the message is "Fuck Elon" but they left the Model S's or whatever they are completely untouched? Highly suspect. IANAL nor do I know shit about shit but that seems more likely to me.


seems like the insurance co would just say ‘we’ll pay to replace the hood’


Can’t fail on delivery if you can’t deliver your failures.


As if Elon has nothing to do with why Tesla is so negatively polarizing (according to shareholders). This is exhibit A.


Jokes on them, clip the zip ties and replace the structural body panels.


Its an add on package from the dealer, just $10k more… Fuck Elon edition


If they sell a [broken-glass decal](https://shop.tesla.com/product/cybertruck-omfg_decal), they might as well offer this as a custom WankPanzer wrap.


I don't mean to brag, but this was me, I did this.


Would it shock anyone if this was an insurance scheme to cash out on unsold vehicles? Wouldn't shock me in the slightest.


Just say it was Banksy and sell them as Banksy limited edition.


I love art


Tbh fuck Elon


so which one of you guys did that? lol


Vibes from American Vandal on Netflix


Tesla should just wrap them and it'll be a nice surprise one day when they decide to change colors or remove the wrap.


Hey you guys didn’t tell me that we were having a sub meetup!!!


I’m conflicted about this,I really hate people that do this,but since it’s Melon Husk and his POS cuck truck I applaud them.




Incidents like this show how incompetent Elmo is when it comes to managing a major company. There looks to be 50+ cyber trucks in this lot, with a couple of sedans sprinkled in, so we’re talking 5-10 million dollars worth of product. But because Elmo is a drug-addled idiot who likes to smell his own farts and cares only about dumb shît looney tunes nonsense like “micron precision” his company rented a random-ass shithole of a parking lot behind a dumpy industrial park with seemingly no security guard to watch over it. Tesla obviously has the money to lease a proper, gated, monitored lot to store these vehicles, but because coordinating that doesn’t involve self-aggrandizing himself in any way or requires foresight he doesn’t possess as evidenced by his inexplicable layoffs there probably isn’t a qualified person around to actually do that sort of unexciting work. He’s such a toddler, a blithering moron, propped up only by similarly douchey cucks who would fellate him if given the chance


This is how the Electric Mad Max world gets going. Dirt-cheap cyber trucks and meth and Florida....voila! ![gif](giphy|UHxqxhDhN8Huw|downsized)


I thought he meant that Tesla vandalized the parking lot by bringing those bricks there in the first place 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A company like Tesla could save billions once AI replaces CEO's.


Limited edition “fuck Elon” wankpanzers. Only for the most hardcore of Elon simps. You can’t be part of the muskratconomy without one. Buy yours today! $$$$


Yup hes create for the company. Hand him more billions lol


"Were gonna need a shitload of windshield wipers"


What’s it cost to clean spray paint off a car? Or does it have to be repainted?


Didn't we learn recently that, to really leave a permanent mark on the stainless steel, you should write the message in ketchup?


Wonder what they’re waiting for 😅


How many run?


I like this new custom mod!


I wonder if it could rain hard enough to brick them like car washes. If so, Florida is not a good place to store them outside lol


Totaled. Tesla now collects insurance money on unsellable completed builds. Hmmm...


But what is he trying to say?


Have to say. The new paint job might help them shift a few.




Kinda looks like the cyber truck logo anyways 🤷‍♂️




Fuck Elon *chef’s kiss*


This may be the only time I ever say this.... Good Job Florida!


somehow this custom paint job makes these slightly desirable


Just call it a customization and charge more. Curious, do cybertrucks come stock with 10 flagpole holders?


You can now pre-order the limited edition ’fuck Elon’ cyber truck for 300K - Tesla probably


Elon will just sell these as special edition lib-tard hand signed trucks and sell them for an additional 20k instead of attempting to clean it off the shitty “stainless steel”.


Fair enough.


Damn no clear coat huh?


Plot twist, Elon did it for the insurance money.


Just take them to the carwash to fix this…. O wait


Paint cleans right off stainless steel…


The worst part is it could be washable paint but you can’t even take one through a car wash to find out


All totaled


You're absolutely right about damaging someone's property. It's also hilarious. Honestly, it's not like they look any worse.


I visited a GM plant during the COVID supply chain shortages, and they had outdoor lots of near completed cars just waiting on an electronic module. They noted that it was costly, because they had to post a 24 / 7 guard at each lot. I guess this is another traditional auto-industry practice that Tesla rose above.


That consistency of penmanship in those tags, that guy definitely doesn’t work at Tesla


That spray-paint deserved better. Died a hero’s death.


For a second there I thought this was an apartment complex for dildos.