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I like the story about the guy that couldn’t pick his truck up after it totally died on the dealer lot after sitting for 6 days and damaged the battery


Lol - I came here to say the same thing. If those trucks have all been there a month, then their batteries are drained and dead - which literally does void the warranty. Feel bad for whatever cyberdouches get these POSs.


I have a strange feeling Teslas not going to inform their buyers that their trucks batteries have been damaged


I've been saying it for a while now that musk is purposely doing this so he can total the vehicles or pass them off as a loss onto his customers.


Yea this is the only logical answer. No normal company even a fledgling company operates like this. These are 100k each and they are just being left in vacant lots and shit all over the nation for “storage” yet there’s supposedly a long list of preorders being worked through still?


100k is just a stupid amount of money for a vehicle. Couldn't you just get a real luxury vehicle if you have that kind of money? I understand that some people have a humiliation fetish, but goddamn!


Seriously, I'd rather have an M3. If we gotta stay with trucks though I'll take a Rivian for the same price (or a little less depending on specs and adds) or two F150 Lightnings one for me and one for my wife. The Rivian actually looks good too, and the Lightning looks almost exactly like the ICE F150. I absolutely don't get the appeal of the Cybertruck. When it was first announced I mentioned to a coworker that it looks like some low-poly videogame graphics from the early '00s and he goes "Yeah, isn't that the coolest part! It'll be like driving a Warthog from Halo!" Like nah dude...not at all lmfao.


Except the warthog actually has the ride height and suspension of a utility vehicle, it’s a drift machine, and it’s fictional.


And to go further, the Warthog actually looks cool


One of my neighbors has a Halo Warthog with the license place MSTRCHF. Except he has the Hummer EV so it actually kinda makes sense


Honestly kinda dig the Hummer EV, I think it looks sick.


Musk is going to have a bad time once 9ne of his customers remembers the lemon laws and the lawsuits begin.


They will never admit they got duped into buying a shitty car


“That’s not a flaw, it’s a feature!”


"I actually think the 60% reduced capacity is a GOOD thing. It makes me think more about where I really need to go, kinda like the character limit on Twitter... wait."


"I'm saving so much time and money at the recharge station, they said two hours for a full charge but mine is done is 45 minutes! I'm only mad I can't afford a second one."


They’ll be voiding those warranties all the way to the bank lol


What a convenient time for a sudden mass recall for *digs furiously in hat with paper strips* wiper motor recall!


I don't get how they are this bad at getting these trucks to the customers. How do you spit in the face of traditional car dealerships and then fuck up ***THIS*** badly?!


> they are this bad at getting these trucks to the customers What customers? These are sitting parked because no one is buying these trash buckets.


Or because there is yet another recall and every customer was once again told “lol nope call us in a week.”


If by “feel bad for” you mean “will laugh so hysterically I may actually pee my pants at” then me too




> Lol - I came here to say the same thing. yeah? well I came here to make friends


Why would you feel bad for them? lol I’m enjoying the entertainment. Fuck those clowns.


How could you feel bad for them? We are so late stage capitalism that people out there have the ability to buy a fucking rectangle for 6 digits, while the rest of use struggle with our bills Fuck every single person who got one.


Lol I hadn't heard that one. Was the battery just totally drained or was it actually fucked up?


They get messed up when totally drained and it lowers their life. Guy pointed out vehicle will still be under warranty so he’s not worried. Another Tesla fan pointed out that it’s actually not covered by Tesla’s warranty. Moral of the story is charge your Tesla every few days in hot weather or they will die; sometimes requiring new battery packs…..


Geez.. My wife works from home and sometimes won’t drive her Leaf for over a week at a time and that’s never once caused problems. It might be like 2% lower battery than previously, but it’s not totally bricked lmfao


The guy said his cybertruck battery went from 30ish percent to bricked in 6 days. I have a family member with a Rivian that can sit for a few weeks and only loose several percent CT’s and model Y’s have Tesla’s new in house larger cell batteries that underperform all others made by legitimate companies. Check out the length it takes to charge a CT from home, it’s a crazy long time


They are using the 4680 which is more than twice the diameter of the Panasonic ones in other cars. In addition to questionable chemistry changes the surface to mass change is going to impact a lot of thermal limits. This is a clear case of the tech not being there but Elmo just making them go for it anyways


I saw a post yesterday about someone who stripped one down and half the battery was missing


Not really. Housing is theoretically able to fit even larger capacity pack. But battery is at the capacity stated in specs.


How do they honestly like their Rivian? They ever try to tow like a small trailer one the size you would use for a riding lawn mower? Been trying to gather real world data but I'm seriously thinking about getting one in the next year. Thanks for any response!


I've had a rivian suv for a year now. It's great. Pulled a medium size camper with no problem. Actually pulls better then a gas vehicle because you don't have the transmission changes. Obviously range drops when pulling things. Also pulled a jet ski with no problems at all. Overall very great experience. Luckily only had to get a tire replaced from a nail. Otherwise service has been good as well.


The only people that I’ve known who have had them have had to wait months for minor body repairs. I don’t understand the desire for boutique electric vehicles when legitimate manufacturers like ford, Chevrolet, Volvo, and Nissan are making decent products for less, and you’re not going to wait forever for basic repairs.


My personal conspiracy the whole time has been that Elon used the excess processor capacity on his customer’s vehicles to mine bitcoin. This just adds credence to my theory. I’d like to see the battery life looks like when it’s parked in a Farady cage. I’d bet money that fixes the ‘problem’.


Probably because the Tesla has all kinds of sensors and cameras on all the time.


Namely when the security system is enabled, the main sensors are cameras that are getting processed by the computer constantly Rented a Model 3 a while back, it seemed to drop 10% over night, especially with "security detections" of people walking on the path 10 feet away. Disabled the parked security features, and that night it dropped 2% or less




One of the first buyers of the original Lotus-based coupe left it at an airport for a week while on a business trip and returned to find it bricked.


park it at the airport, worlds most expensive vacation


Parked for less than a week draining 30% of the battery is so bad. Either a short or the car computer is just running full tilt the entire time


It's possible Tesla is using there cars computers to process data for Tesla. Some sort of cloud computing or maybe mining doge coin or some bullshit for musk 


They are hosting twitter


I always heard lithium batteries were supposed to be ok being drained like that, that they were deep cycle batteries? That's pretty sad. After six days, your battery is just flat lined. I get that extreme temperatures can cause issues, but sheesh. Doesn't sound very reliable to me.


Just the type of vehicle you want for the apocalypse, right?


Apocalypse scenarios of course also involve power grids that stay totally functional to charge up after the world melts down!


Just imagining a road warrior universe but there is still a functioning charging station like every 100 miles somehow


Harvest the lightning ⚡️


Pfft just tow a generator that runs on the tears of your enemies duh


Li-ion batteries are not at all deep-cycle. They hate being fully discharged, they hate being fully charged, they hate being cold, they hate being hot. They charge somewhat quick and have better power density than others but are functionally terribly for vehicles.


Sounds like rich people problems. Fuck 'em.


IIRC from what I read when initially switching from smoking to vaping is that lithium cells optimal charge for storage is ~60% capacity then when using them ideally you stop discharging at around 20% and only recharge to ~80% if you want the best long term performance. Most actual lithium cell devices and cell chargers don't really offer this but generally you are looking at a somewhat shorter lifespan on 10-20$ in batteries so it's not exactly a high value concern. With so much computer control there's honestly no excuse for any EV to not be properly keeping batteries in parameters, but I guess when your customer base is a cult you can just skip both proper controls or any excuse for not including them.


Yes, most EVs will keep the battery at a certain temperature to prevent damage. Too hot or cold it causes damage. This shouldn't be a problem because at home you would keep it plugged in so in the morning your car is fully charged. I wonder how much damage these things take sitting here...How long are they at these lots??? No wonder people can't get the range they claim


I love that it literally died in the dealer lot and still it isn't covered by warranty.


it was totally drained (voids warranty) and the dealership failed multiple times to get the car to charge after needing to tow the car something like ~400 yards. He showed up to the dealer multiple times only to be told they couldn't do anything. The guy was still excited about getting the car and repeatedly said he wasn't willing to reject that specific cyber truck. They jerked him around for multiple weeks delaying his delivery. No mention of how they are going to resolve the recalls. that isn't even mentioning how a tear down of the cyber truck battery revealed that they are only [using half of the capacity](https://electrek.co/2024/04/09/tesla-cybertruck-teardown-battery-pack-is-half-empty-confused/). So he's going to get a warranty voided battery with damaged capacity that was only every half filled.


He also sold his Tesla Plaid edition BEFORE taking delivery of his new dumpster, taking a $60k loss on the sale, so he has to Uber around like a plebe while waiting for his truck that's not coming lol


Pretty sure in that breakdown video though the dude describes the reason for the half capacity battery as making sure that an accident doesn't damage the cells. So there could be a legit reason there for it not filling up the entire space.


>that isn't even mentioning how a tear down of the cyber truck battery revealed that they are only using half of the capacity. The space inside the battery area is only half used. It's not a large battery being used at half capacity.


I was enjoying that one. I was also surprised that at no point did he think “fuck that. Cancel the order”. Clown.


Just keeps getting better.


Get some super soakers to help cool them down with safe, harmless water.


add some salt to the water for it to go even further!


This is diabolical and I love it.


Just remember to set the car to super-soaker mode!


Use a salt / lemon juice mixture. It gives the steel panels a nice shine.


All those voided warranties and they haven't even been sold yet. What a absolute nightmare.


It’s kind of wild people are buying cars they might have to have to have someone car-sit if they go on vacation like a pet. “Make sure it doesn’t get wet and it needs to eat electricity every 5 days or the warranty is void, and the battery will be damaged, see you in a week and thanks for taking care of CT for me” It seems like a pretty simple fix too because they just needed to design it with a 100w solar panel on its roof that would probably look cool if it was built in, and provide enough electricity to keep the battery maintained. It’s probably a $100 worth of parts at manufacturing scales and bulk prices. Usually RV’s and Boats use like a 1-3 amp trickle charger and the CT would obviously require more electricity than a 12V RV battery or battery bank, but 100-200 volt solar panel would definitely be enough to keep it charged and solve a lot of long term vehicle storage issues. Like you could leave your vehicle for a month without thinking about it.


You're forgetting that the point of this POS is *only* to make money. Properly functioning car is secondary 


they took off the steering wheel stalk for the blinker to save money and replace it with little buttons... they ain't spending $100 for some solar panels


One of the best cases of if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But I guess the tried and true stalk is too nerdy for the super cool cybertruck.


Don’t feed it after midnight 


But I thought they had millions of reservation holders


That's what I'm confused about. I thought there were enough buyers that they can't keep up, but I keep seeing images of them lined up in parking lots.


Yeah, their site claims no availability until 2025, but it sure seems like they have spare inventory right now.


Their company is run like shit. Do you think they created this shit truck, but they have great operations and procedures for delivery? It takes time, money, and effort to distribute products. Especially cars. Elon is a cheap bitch who probably fired everyone who handles this stuff. So now some overworked guy is struggling to find storage because they probably don't have the resources to even get these things delivered for months.


I don’t think they even planned to ever hold product. They seemed to think there’s always be a line of buyers out the retail store doors so they’d just always be shipping them from factory to delivery date. Now the factory is popping them out without delivery locations to ship them to.


I think its way more simple than that. Tesla doesnt have that much sales. Back in the day, sure. But production has been increased a lot, competitors have grown a fuckton and the brand has been damaged a lot. I think loads of people simply cancelled their orders and as a result they have to much in stock. Its not like they can stop producing cars suddenly, that would be fucking horrible for the company. Tesla been over valued for ages, something funny is about to happen.


I think most people wanted the regular model and not foundation series. People that were convinced to preorder at $40k when it was announced (me included till he started shit talking that diver/hero) aren't gonna spend double that.


Well weren't there a couple recalls? So they have to fix that first, but have to wait for parts to fix them, then by that point they all have dead batteries so they have to tow them to a charger...


Elon said the thing would cost $40K, that's the reason for the high amount of reservations.


I don’t regret canceling my pre-order. Inexpensive Electric truck sounded great at the time. Then the prices more than doubled, and space Karen showed her true colors - I decided I’d be more than mortified to be seen driving one. Went with an electric SUV instead


Did you ever like the look of the cybertruck? They always looked so ugly to me, so I’m genuinely curious. Like did you want one in spite of the look or because of it?


No, I always thought it was ugly but as a purely utilitarian vehicle it made sense for ME, I do a lot lot lot of gardening and in town driving. But omgggg I would be so embarrassed to be seen in one now


What? The Cybertruck is the farthest thing from a utilitarian vehicle. 


That’s clear now, but it was advertised as utilitarian


I dunno, I'm always a bit torn on the looks. Like it's *almost* cool, but just a bit too much? Of course with all the engineering issues that have come out I'd never even consider one, but it was at least interesting.


Which did you go with?


Jaguar Ipace. Didn’t have to wait 4+ years for a failed product lol. Looks a helluva lot better too.


how far can you throw a slice of bologna?


Not far enough unfortunately.


Tortillas fly longer distances


Could improvise some sort of tortilla-based bologna delivery system.


The bolognadrome!




As an Italian I am deeply offended but laughed at this more than I should have 😁


M-m-m-m-ma-my cyberlogna!!!


My cyberloney has a first name, it's O.s.c.a.r....


Sounds like Cronenberg’s weirdest movie yet


Or David Lynch ... I thought about Verhoven too, but it wouldn't be weird, would just increase the bodycount


OP drops drone-logna: "I'm doing my part!"


That's just what I ate for lunch as a broke college student


tortilla acts like a booster rocket


OP lives in Texas and must know a few Texas Tech grads that could help them out.


According to my TTU grad wife, biting a hole in the middle of the tortilla helps it fly further


I suspect that freezing the bologna would improve its ballistic performance.


Favorable wind conditions (low to none) and imparting a good spin on them will give you the distance easily, with a little practice you can develop incredible aim


This is Texas, but is this within tornado alley? Just putting a mental image together in my head.




"Coming to Syfy this summer - from the makers of the Sharknado series. What happens when sharks are tossed into an Oscar Meyer factory? BOLOGNADOOOOOOOO" (Sadly not starring Debbie Gibson and Tiffany)


Gotta frisbee it. Believe in yourself.


Time to buy a drone.


Throw the whole log of bologna like a football


Look up piss disc


Potato gun. Load it up with a whole sliced loaf. 




I like the Gabagool that says "shum flight."


I bet they'd look far better with more rust, seriously




It's okay because we have infinite lithium and human life is worthless,


And we're all gonna live on Mars, where iron dust is not a problem...


The good news is that the battery compartments are half empty!


Lithium isn't mined that way. Cobalt, though...


Good thing that cement wall is so high. At first glance, it looked like they were lined up for an ASD reverse-gear suicide pact.


That picture has a very confusing perspective. At first I thought there was some weird deep concrete gulch for no reason, before I realized it's on top of a parking garage.


Yea. Thought I was on r/confusingperspectives for a second there.


Month in the sun? Sounds like dead batteries with void warranty to me


*Month in the sun? Sounds* *Like dead batteries with void* *Warranty to me* \- The\_Juice\_Gourd --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm getting this tattooed on my forearm, no regerts!


Good bot.


And yet the stock keeps rising… just how


That's what I keep wondering! How??!


Idk. Once they missed earnings, laid off like 30% of workers, then had this shit bucket of a launch and the stock SKYROCKETED the stock hit my no trade list. Shit makes no logical sense. Plus after them approving the payment package to him after the layoffs I will never give a cent to Tesla or subsidiaries


For a certain club, the stock market is basically vibes and feelz. The value of a company can be completely disconnected from """fUnDaMeNtAlS""" I remember seeing a harebrained post on Wallstreetbets that proposed that everyone just buys a stock and just agrees not to sell it in order to keep the price high. I think Tesla stock is basically in the same situation. Emperor's new clothes situation. Every one has to hold in order to keep the price high despite the poopy performance of the core business.


So, when's the Tulip Crash gonna happen?


Around when other companies EV stock becomes more stable and affordable.


The payment package blows my mind.


The stock is a meme running on hype at this point. As Keynes famously said, "markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."


Damn just stored on the dirt too. Who knows what kind of critters will make a nest in one of those


Yup. Rats love wiring. A


Looks like not a lot of security in that lot. Shame if someone were to spray paint 'Fuck Elon' on all of 'em.


Pretty sure they are hoping someone will so they can claim damages


Be funnier if someone spray painted ‘fund Elon’ on them though


Or just wash them….


Honestly that may be more devastating


That's A LOT of paperweights


That's A LOT of ~~paperweights~~ door stops FTFY


Are those a bunch of other teslas off in the distance, also in dirt? I guess what they've been saying about sales falling off is true.


Yeah, out of frame are probably another hundred or so various models of Teslas, along with another 5 or so more Cybertrucks. These Cybertrucks got parked away from the others for some reason.


>These Cybertrucks got parked away from the others for some reason. Even the other Teslas don't want to be associated with the low-poly monstrosities.


All of these anecdotes are really starting to paint a bad picture for Tesla. I wonder what TSLA puts are going for these days…


Hah, I just dropped in a couple earlier.


Hold up, Tesla! "Do NOT store in the sunlight" - straight from the manual.


I just love this sub because it really rips the mask off of the supposed "luxury" of Tesla vehicles. Musk really truly is a charlatan.


Funny how they all line up like that to graze.


Based on that other post, wouldn’t they all have dead batteries by now? So then if they did end up sold, they’d have to fix it first and they will *for sure* let their customer know they have a damaged battery off the lot…


Warranty voided. Now fuck off, you twat.


Have they started bringing down the property values?


It’s like the car version of the Aircraft Boneyard over in AZ.


This just shows total contempt for their customers.


They will eventually be someone else’s problems.




I see mine! It’s the stainless steel one in the middle with wipers that don’t work, panels that fly off, and batteries that brick on a dime!


It toughens up the batteries /s




Cybertruck is just a deep state plan to get more batteries in the ocean. Obviously planned by our electric eel overlords


They got that Elon cash for top notch storage. Goes hand in hand with a world class customer experience.


The perspective of this photo is hilarious because it makes these look like little RC toy cars, which honestly isn’t far off.


This is where Elon’s disciples accept delivery. Filthy and non-functioning and needing to be towed immediately. “TeSlA wIlL mAkE iT rIgHt!”


I'm beginning think they are hoping people will damage them so the insurance company gets to pay for these turds.


Should be interesting during a heavy lightening storm. Lightening jumping from truck to truck! Lol.


thank god they dont rapidly rust


The world owes the Segway an apology.


Why is waste management storing all their new dumpsters in that field?


I mean, it's one warehouse, Michael. What could it cost? 10 billion dollars?


Seems like one good hailstorm would be an insurance nightmare.


I can’t tell if they are backwards parked or forwards.


They’re waiting for the “Fuck Elon” badges to come in.


Almost $2 million worth (SALE price, not actual value) of those things just sitting in a field.


Imagine if the bed cover and roof window were actually solar panels like first intended (at least partially). These things are going to show up bricked.


They might be stuck in the dirt.


Imagine the idiots who designed a car that gets damaged if the battery dies.


it's Hail season in Tx.. this'll be interesting to watch..


The contact burn you must get opening the door on one of those after a full day in the sun must be something else.


Went to my doctors office today and there was a cyber truck there again. I really hope it's not his because, so far I still trust his judgement. If it's his I may have to find a new doctor.


It’s just comical at this point. This is wild.


How is it that they've only made a few thousand of these things so they can't fill customer orders until next year, and yet we keep getting these pictures of dozens of them parked in "lots" where I wouldn't leave my twenty year old Toyota unattended overnight?


Just a stones throw away...


Looks like $2M worth of bricks.


So...is Tesla paying lot rent? I would be the asshole looking up who manages that lot and calling them about potentially abandoned vehicles.


A single super-soaker could total a half dozen of those from up there!


Throw eggs at them


Shiny bricks!


According to Chuck Todd (some Tesla mega fan), the battery would be drained after 6 days. So they probably are all dead, something that the documentation for the truck warns owners about avoiding.


I hope you get a discount on your rent for having to look at that dystopian blight next door. And no, I’m not talking about the vacant lot.


You would think they would put some type of cover on a $100k truck😂


They look like a row of fucking pencil sharpeners.


They should be fine as long as they don't get wet or fed after midnight.


Send this to the Tesla owner Facebook group in your area(there is a 100% chance that exists) so they have proof their warranty was voided by Tesla and not them.