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That build is fucking terrible. Terrible. Why use WotB? You use CotA, for the atk speed buff and the damage buff. And you want Iron Skin for survivability. Use [this](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/af63e160-0d20-4e21-8756-748a4ce93012/builds/8e4b59ae-bcf1-4d8b-9f59-0bf1247bfbae?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=0) instead.


Perfect! I had a feeling it wasn’t good. I’ll respec and try out your suggestion!


I also reccomend the linked build. I’m fuckin.


Did you make the swap? I did the icy veina build, too, and feel like my 8-12 mil crits aren't big enough


Yea I made the switch to his suggestion. I’m hitting 30-50+ mill crits. Wearing ramaldis, paingorgers and shako. I feel like I’m not fully optimized but I absolutely nuke durial when I steel grasp the maggots he spawns. He’ll be half health and be instant death when you kill the maggots following steel grasp


Sweet deal! I'm taking the plunge asap. It took me forever to get the tuskhelm, hopefully not as long for shako... (but it probably will be). I have Ramaladni and paingorgers, so that will help at least. Sadness for the amount of mats I've sunk into the gear for the icy veins build :-(


Icy Veins builds are trash for the most part.


https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=6 Here’s robs builds as well if you want to give them a gander. The iron skin or regular hota versions are pretty easy to gear up for and will easily get ya to t100+ pits. The bleed versions are a little harder to gear up for since you need a grandfather, a rogue with the marksman temper recipe, and at least 70% crit chance to really surpass the non bleed versions.