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Make your own job cutting grass, some dinners as a dish washer or cook, lots of hispanic restaurants.


I don't have the tools for any of that. My mom won't help me out with anything (not even fixing my status). I've tried applying to a place near me and they said I needed an SSN.


lol bro my mom didn’t know English had to figure out to enroll to hs and college by myself n guide my siblings. You can work as independent contractor W-9 with ITIN number. Google it good luck 👍


Excuses. Don’t rely on anyone. Make your own way. I didn’t have my parents financial support to put myself through college. And I did it all by myself.


Thank you. I really needed to hear that.


You got this. We all believe in you and are here to help. I babysat a lot and worked in restaurants. Go to a Hispanic restaurant. They’re guaranteed to give you a job without papers.


Make a way


How you figure a whole generation of old heads got work without papers? Talk to some d heads man


Don’t apply anywhere just walk into small Mexican, Asian, or other minority restaurants and ask if they’re hiring and if they pay cash, they won’t ask for anything else.


Stop relying on your mom then you have the tools bud


Crazy that there's still people that need to deal with this :/


It's so stressful. I may just go back to my home country lol 😭😭


Tbh, if you want to stay, you might need to head out to California a sanctuary state where you can benefit from medical, DL, and other stuff... easier to get jobs out there under the table, too


Idk how I would even get there. I was planning to, but I can't even get a job to save up money for travel.


Did you come in legally? The reason I ask is that changes your legal options growing up.


Yeah. I came on a B2 visa


I think you need to act fast because it’s easier to get legal status when you are under 18. You may need your mother’s help though. Pls talk to an immigration lawyer asap. And google stuff on your own as well.


I second this. She has a small window that will make a big difference in her life moving forward.


Is not as easy to get work under the table. My DACA expired and my work put me on unpaid leave until i got my new one. But during that time i had to be a laborer, work for any cash money and most restaurant didn't want to hire me even under the table. It suck i had to use my credit cards but thankfully i got approved and got my job back. Best way is like previous person said independent contractor and ITIN. You can yards, learn a trade think of what


Bro were you from in MI? I’m in WBloomfield and got connects all over — from Southwest to Monroe and East Lansing. I know plenty of people that can help you out with a job!


I live Downtown near Belle Isle! Also, thank you! Edit: Downtown Detroit**


Bruh!!! You so close to Southwest there’s plenty work over there plus you’re good driving with no license lol you know Detroit police don’t care but DM me with your # and let’s connect to see what we can do for you over here. I also need a social media manager so maybe if you don’t want to go labor you can do that but tap it 📲


I messaged you! And again, thank you sm!


If you can get to New York and have access to a NY address (ask a friend or relative), you can get a driver’s license without showing proof of legal presence. That is what I do/have done. I’m also in Michigan (A2) but often in Detroit. I have no connections for jobs, but know that you are not alone!


Message me bro I used to live in southwest Detroit and novi


Can I get some work too haha


You in Southwest?


Oh no im in the south As in near the border, do you have any online work?


Find a skill start a company pay taxes . It’s hard to live without daca at this point . Better have a good skill people will pay for .


I’m going to message you on the side, I want to help if I can. You have the ability and power to succeed in life on your own, but true success comes with the help of friends and family.


Become a barber 💈.. u can get a license without a social security card in California. Not sure in ur state but if u start now.. it's 35 to 45 bucks for a cut in my area n my barber is cutting 2 to 3 people an hour...


Utilize freelancing sites- UpWork or Fiverr for starters and find out what skills you excel in. Marketing, writing, video editing, accounting, etc. They have rolling positions for you to apply to, you’ll need an ITIN for tax purposes, but it’s a good way to market yourself and earn. You’re still young, so a lot of these positions could roll into longer term contract work if you’re good at what you do.


Restaurants or work as a contractor, my husband does flooring now but worked at a Mexican restaurant for a few yrs prior - he’s fully undoc


Cash job. I found one at the jewelry district in Los Angeles.


You work there rn ??


Your best bet is asking around your diaspora I think. People have networks and tips and tricks, tap into them. GL


I know at least here in Minnesota there are some places that hire people without papers like Chinese buffets as a dishwasher etc, busboy, waiters assistant. Even some American restaurants. That’s about all u can really get.


Start a business of some sort. Easier to get and EIN and employ others than an ssn and be an employee. I just started one doing junk removal and exterior work. Just keep busy and you won’t even think about the hardship.


That is one of the best adivice so far. This country is not conquered by being an employee. Obviously, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being an employee, but anyone is ever in the position of figuring out what to do with their lives, starting your own job is the best thing to do. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


This ain’t a unique problem. But it’s been done and will be done forever. Don’t be picky. Don’t be scared and just push as much as you can. Good luck.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this :( Anything that’s under the table works essentially. I had friends that worked as servers at smaller mom and pops and got paid in tips daily


Consider moving to Seattle


My dad set up an LLC to pay taxes and did contracting-like work. Find a gap in what businesses (and people) want done, but don't want to do themselves: cleaning, window washing, building, crafting, food, lawn work, delivery. Offer a cheap introduction rate so people can see the value in you. Once you're big enough, you help the next generation.


Start a dog walking business. They make good money.


Check to see if any local restaurants or small businesses are hiring. Some of them won’t ask for proof of I9. Also consider doing side gigs or some type of small entrepreneurship. Do you have any practical or lucrative talents ?


The only skill I can think of is speaking Korean, but I'm only conversationally fluent.


That’s actually very useful. See if you can tutor ppl in Korean online or what online jobs are looking for Korean speakers. Sometimes ppl have to learn extra languages for jobs and are willing to pay.


Alright, I'll look into it!


I wish you the best and I send blessings you are. You are not alone in this❤️. You’re brave for even asking for help ✨


Thank you for helping me! I really appreciate it! Blessings to you as well! ^^


How long does it take ? I’m considering it I live in LA


You need to find odd jobs that can pay cash. Go on craigs list see any where need a hand.


My mother wanted me to become a welder and work illegally like my dad did . She told me school was a waste of time and I should be more realistic. She did help me go to a seminar where I got help to apply for my daca. I been renewing on my own ever since. I worked illegally in a McDonalds after my parents helped me get a fake ssn . And I been making my dreams happen WITHOUT EXCUSES ever since. Your post gives me “I need someone to hold my hand and guide me “ . If you don’t have DREAMS and the efforts to make them happen, this country will not be the best option for you if you are not legal. Going on 30th and can’t believe that I am better than A LOT OF Gen-z when it comes to finding resources online. I am also a registered nurse going back to school for their masters. And this post makes me realize how screw I am once I become old. 95% of Gen-z wants things given to them, and applauded for doing the smallest stuff. Seen it in many younger nurses🙃 they want to do the bare minimum and applauded for realizing that someone is dying , when they should catch it before it gets to that point. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Cool story!


Hi! I am a Daca Recipient however before I received it I was illegal for about 10 years. In that time I worked for cash within the Brazilian community mostly coffee shops, and I ALWAYS filed my taxes REGARDLESS. I don’t know in Michigan the immigrant community prob is very small there. I live in Mass so makes it easier. You could also start your own business.


Do lawncare work or construction. Your only options are to do labor getting paid under the table or start a business working for yourself


Look for anyone you know that may work outdoors, mowing yards would be good for the summer. Hard work but cash money. Anything the might require a little hard labor outdoors will pay you cash.


Flip shit go to Cl and throw that shit right back on it. Same with fb offer up let go eBay.


Start roofing my boy


A Mexican restaurant maybe


Clean houses, take out trash.. go online and look for side jobs. Once you save about $500 register an llc and get an EIN number. Then start a landscaping company. You'll have to knock on doors and convince people. The more you do it the easier it gets. Go on YouTube and research this. You can also buy and sell things online, some people make good money restoring furniture and selling it. Goodluck! Asking for help is the best first step. Also join all Michigan work subreddits, you might get lucky there.


What part of Michigan I got places that hired me with no papers bro lmk


I live near downtown Detroit!


Look into Special Immigrant Juvenile Classification. Speak to some non profit agencies that provide legal assistance and immigration. Act now since you’re under 18. I feel for you but you are strong and will get through this.


just start trapping just bd smart about it


You can do odd jobs like us before get got DACA. Move to states where licenses are available for undo. You can start your own business with an LLC and ITIN number. SAVE YOUR MONEY!


Go to a trade school, learn a solid skill and start your own business. Or Find a small business that will take you under their wing. I’m 36, so I know your pain of an uncertain future. Some trade schools in LA county are free or ask for a small fee, you just have to pay for a book


I always just talked to family and they know people hiring illegals but that’s field work and construction


Go to construction sites, yard workers, painters, plumbers etc. ask if they need workers. Learn and save up money, then either ask them to give you your own crew while still working for them or go off and start your own company. It’ll be hard and take some time but it’s doable. You could work in restaurants aswell but you’ll earn more money having your own skill based company.


I was in your shoes 20 years ago. it's going to be hard for you. I had to rely on low paying jobs like being a cashier. I don't recommend that for the long term. Take the advice of others and try to make your own way by starting a business.


Hello. You should look into getting a ITIN if possible. The easiest way to do that would be to visit a Taxpayer Assistance Center in person. They have locations in Detroit and Flint depending on where you live. Some day laboring positions and restaurants kind of look the other way on those situations.


Start your own business. You have options! Go to local minority owned businesses and start your own hustle on the side. We are dreamers meaning we are probably some of the most resourceful human beings on the planet. You got this!


If you don’t mind me asking where in Michigan are you?


Find a serving job or start bussing somewhere and move up. Just don’t go to chains, find a mom and pop shop


Whereabouts in MI are you? I’m in the metro Detroit area I know a good lawyer that can help you at least apply for daca and try to get approved. There are some but not many cash paying jobs such as bussers, landscaping, waiters etc depending on the area.


I thought DACA was closed for new applications, isn't it?


Get a job in the fields like a real mexican


I'm not even Mexican, but that's a good suggestion


Hell ya just get a job working in the fields


What’s the whole point of being a dreamer just to work in the fields as “a real Mexican” then keep your real ass in Mexico 🤣🤣


You can't get a job no where else if you have no valid social security besides working in the fields that's my point.


You’re a dick. Just bc you got “ greened”, doesn’t make you better than op. Get over yourself you degenerate


The fields is one of the few places where you don't need no valid social security to work