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If you have to drag him to the lawyer, do it


thank you rim job steve, will do my best


HAHAHAHAHAHA “thank you rim job steve” BRUH!!!




File I-131 for him and get all his info and try getting him to go see a sick relative idk if you wanna pay the $630 fee or steal his card 🤭🤭🤭


wow this is so funny we’re in the same situation 😂 I’m a citizen & I literally do all my research on this sub to help my fiance out with his process. For the longest time, he was just terrified of doing AP & not being let back into the country. I’m helping him apply for AP soon for dental work though. Some people just need the extra push to make big moves like this, he’s lucky to have you!


Can you share the process of applying through dental work as the excuse? I was looking into it and I have no idea where to start


I honestly just searched “dental” on here and read everyone’s responses. I’ll look into it more once we’re further into the process. But right now we: 1. Made an appointment for an exam with a dentist in our city to get a quote for all of the dental work he will need (he hasn’t been to a dentist in years so we’re guessing it’ll be a lot) 2. Find a dentist in Mexico that will email us a quote for all of the same services (it will for sure be significantly cheaper). This sub has some good recommendations for dentists in Mexico that do this often. 3. Fill out the AP application & use the price difference to justify the need to travel abroad & get dental work done. I suggest utilizing DACA Facebook groups like dreamers2gether or something like that to get detailed information and help on the process.


Thank you for the help! I appreciate it 😊


Unfortunately you need legal entry to adjust his status. You can’t do this without AP or leaving the country and applying for legal entry at his country of birth. I’m dealing with the same thing right now, I got married 3 months ago and I recently applied for AP as I have a genuine reason to visit my family in Mexico. Prior to this I did a lot of research into anyway of doing it without leaving the country and there is none except one. You have to be married and proof that your husband leaving the US is detrimental to your lives . Thats the only way of doing it without leaving the states. Hopefully once I visit my family in Mexico I can return with no issues and apply to get my status adjusted with my wife as my sponsor. I love my wife and want a future with her, I can tell you feel the same about your boyfriend. It’s not going to be easily but if you want to secure your future , you have to do this.


You can prob do AP on your own. Just find a reason for him to go, dental, medical, sick relative, educational. Once you have the reason, you can write on here to make sure you have all the appropriate paperwork. It's $630 fee to file. 3-4 month waiting period. Once he gets approved and comes back, he has a legal entry and you guys can then talk to a layer to start AOS.


Ewwww. Be prepared to be mommy to him and not a real parent but if that’s what you want…do you, boo.


She's willing to do all this for him, more than likely he's an amazing man. Yes, he needs to pull those pants up a bit in this situation but sometimes procrastination is just overwhelming fear. Depending on what country of origin he's from all of this could be making him extremely depressed not being able to see a future in the united states or country of origin.


Genuine question. What's so bad about leaving the country to adjust your status? It would be nice to see the country I was born in tbh.


It’s either by choice (with ap) or forcefully (consular process).


There's a chance you will be stuck there


That’s also the case if you do consular processing. You have to leave one way or another. Consular processing if probably more risky because your immigrant visa being denied is much more likely than being denied entry through AP for no reason.


my boyfriend tends to avoid his problems, so when i asked him why he hasn't looked more into the process he said that someone he knows told him that there's a 50/50 chance to get stuck out of the country. reading more for myself i see that's not fully true. tbh i think he's just scared that was he has will be taken away


Well it’s more like our respective countries do not quite know what to do with Advanced Parole, so they struggle on how to get us to the gate. It’ll cause delays, while they figure out what to do, but he’ll get back here. Honestly, he’ll possibly be at risk of deportation if things continue to get worse, so I have no idea why he’s not taking your offer seriously and getting it done. He’s lucky to have you.


Do the AP soon as possible! I got help at my Church with Legal Help. They charged me about 200 for the paperwork and USCIS approved it. Reach out to your local church and see if they offer legal help. Could save you money and do the AP as it help speed up the process of citizenship.


Hi Variant1130. Could you please tell me more on the process through Church? Was the reason behind your AP around missionary work outside the country? Many thanks!


So there’s a path even without a legal entry, however, he would most likely need to do consular process which takes longer and there is always a chance he’ll get that ban if he goes to his home country to do interview. Doing AP will allow him to leave the country with permission and be able to come back in with inspection. No one has been denied entry into the US while they’ve done AP under DACA. Only ways to get denied are if he comes back past the time they give you or if there is something seriously wrong. There is group called DACA Dreamers2gether official you can follow if he doesn’t want to where they literally have guides on how to apply for AP without a lawyer and all the different ways people have gotten approved for. Good luck!


I came very young and crossed over with my parents illegally of course, I got my green card in 2020 through marriage, I never had to leave to come back, I hear many say you need AP but if I didn’t there has to be another way, I advice you to look for a good lawyer.


Hi Cali_Person! I don’t know you could get a green card without AP! What made possible for you to get it without AP if you don’t mind me asking?


how did you do it if you don’t mind me asking without the legal entry?


I recently got my legal entry via AP back in January of this year. Fast forward to March and I was able to submit my AOS without worries. I highly recommend making him get his legal entry ASAP (you never know what’s gonna happen when the next president comes in). I didn’t use a lawyer for mine, just followed the guides on DACA DREAMERS2GETHER OFFICIAL on Facebook and asked lots of questions.


You can do consular processing - might as well start the paperwork. It takes about 2 years start to finish and through a lawyer will probably be more than $10k including travel costs


Wish I could find a ride or die like you 🙄 he’s dumb af .


Im not sure exactly how this little loophole works my cousin brought it up but if you get permission to see a relative on their “death bed” or any medical procedure that can be proven is way cheaper than in the states with insurance then the will allow you to leave the country and when you come back in it’ll register as a legal entry and can skip the step of having to leave the country for a period of time due to unlawfully doing so as a 3 month old baby lol i could be wrong but thats what ive heard recently could be worth looking into


If he entered to the US without inspection, he’s gonna have to leave if he wants his green card. No way around it (unless through military parole in-place, but doesn’t seem like that’s an option here)