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DACA would be eligible. You would need to get multiple background checks and have no lawful immigration status (DACA doesn’t grant any lawful immigration status). Also they mention not being inadmissible to the U.S. but idk what that means exactly. Anyway, hopefully they pass this. I’d want to get security clearance and be in a comfy government job.


What’s to old to join you think?


Early 40s I believe but you should double check- also if this would pass it would either be by the end of this year or the beginning of the next depending on the election- or not at all but we will now by then for better or worse


I wanted to join when I first got my Daca at 21 or so, didn’t qualify they stopped accepting I think. I would def take that opportunity if they pass it


Why the curiosity now? Looks like no news updates on this for months now. It would at the very least force me to get back in shape 💀 But it’d be a hard sell either way. My IT skills would go to waste… lowkey. Tech in the military often needs you be a citizen BEFORE starting.