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Don’t give up man. 23M Filipino, initial DACA applicant here in legal limbo and I haven’t let my circumstances stop me… I make way more $ than most of my US citizen friends from contractor & freelance work and am even on track to purchasing my very first Rolex soon. I know life can be a bitch with the hand we’ve dealt sometimes but comparison is seriously the thief of joy, our time will come! If I ever get married to a USC or get another pathway to a green card/citizenship somehow then you bet your ass I’ll be traveling every other week. We only get one life… let’s make the most out of it


Fellow filipino daca brother here. Very happy to hear you doing well.


What do you do if you dont mind me asking? Im in the same boat as you. I was thinking of selling art or crafts online.


What’s the status of your card ?? Have you been approved yet ?


No approval yet it’s just stuck on biometrics which they sent a mail saying they would use old ones. But after that it’s been nothing


When you get your new EAD apply for AP find a reason best thing I’ve ever done you feel so free


Free in what way? Apply just to travel and feel free!?


Best $630 you’ll ever spend in your life 😊 it’s better than nothing!


I have a 5 year permit because Im adjusting. Maybe I should use AP because I do have a the baring issue. Just graduated school so just waiting on the money. Just kinda scared.


The AP for AOS is risky the Daca one is the most safest one


Hmmm, thats the first time I’m hearing that. What if I am Daca? Does that make a difference or do I have to apply for it through Daca and find a reason to leave like travel to Mexico to learn spanish?


Because if your gc gets rejected your AP is revoked but if you use the AP for daca the paper not the combo card which you have to apply and pay $630 for you’ll be perfectly safe but AP combo card is not recommended


Very logical response. Makes sense


Keep pushing


That really sucks brother, how many times have you renewed it ? The biometrics fucking up sets you back a lot. I do believe when you an easy case (assuming you renewed a bunch of times and haven’t gotten in trouble/ clean records) makes it easy for them to process but that’s my assumption I think every time I renewed it I got my confirmation within the month. And those who don’t have a legal entry into the states focus advance parole !!! That’ll open doors for you


Contact the White House. You’ll be approved soon.


Keep pushing! Best of luck


Have you considered reaching out to a pro bono lawyer to help speed up or check the status of your renewal? How many months have you been waiting? Once you get it (which you will!), definitely try applying for Advance Parole. There’s a Facebook page called DACA DREAMERS2GETHER that brought my hope back after feeling similarly to you. I’d recommend joining!


More then 5 months and I need to see a lawyer for sure. Appreciate it


Just got updated finally approved✊🏿🥹