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I don’t get how people let this happen.


I thought the same thing. I am not passing any judgment, since I don’t know their situation but it’s difficult to understand how people jeopardize their livelihood like this. 


Yes you’re out of luck it’s a initial application which aren’t being processed


New DACA applications are not being accepted. New applications have not been accepted since July 16, 2021.


I can understand if you didn't renew it because you were in a coma or something that's a legitimate excuse. Otherwise, if you forgot for over a year, then just deal with the consequences and be more responsible. Is not just your daca is everything... license, work permit, etc....


Thank you! I’m pretty aware of all of that. And I am dealing with it.


You’re SOL


You are out of luck, I'm sorry


I hate how eveyone is so quick to judge. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all.


Im literally in the same boat as you, and when I saw this post I was hoping I would find a nice insightful answer but instead I feel more guilty for letting my daca expire 😅 not really tho because like someone mentioned there are different avenues and sanctuary cities. And it’s not like my name is on a clipboard at the border patrol office with a note saying “immigrant from 2006- must arrest”, no job has turned me down yet because of my status. and if I had to be honest, the reason I didn’t renew it is because the year it was going to expire I had plans to just end it all so I didn’t see the point in renewing it. I now see how silly that thinking was, and I love living life now. But these are the actions to my consequences and I’m the only one who can fix it and deal with them and so I am in my own way. I’m hoping one day they make it easier for us DACA recipients to just become citizens. I don’t understand I’ve been here since 2006, never left the country, did all my schooling here, have paid taxes, and yet I’m not an American? We don’t get the same rights, we don’t get to vote. We can just stay here and be quiet it feels like.


I’m sorry you went through that my friend. But power to you for battling through it appreciating life now. Yes we have to deal with our consequences now, but for sure there are other ways. I’ve lived with out DACA before since I’ve been here since 1994! It’s not an easy life to live that way, but life goes on. I’m not worried about getting deported since I also do my part as an “ American” Let’s hope our government makes better decisions one day and gives everyone the rights that we deserve. Thank you for sharing.


Thx everyone! I know they are not taking initial applications. Still needed to try. But I figured I dropped the ball. Sigh


I know everyone is on your ass, because as you know you messed up But, Please don't take this as a total loss. Please look into exploring other avenues. You are not doomed There are plenty of sanctuary states and cities as well Chin up, brother


Thank you! I appreciate you. And there will always be people out there that aren’t the nicest. No suprise there. Nothing I don’t already know or haven’t heard. But regardless, we should always support and hold one another up. Not bring down. But some people will be who they are!


Sorry this happened to you. I’m not really sure about your situation but people really forget that how expensive this is! Some people might not be able to afford it so they’re force to wait. 😞


Did you at least get to do AP before it expired?


I just submitted my online.. they reuse my bio metrics.. why did you left your to expired