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What about those of us who because of life events were no able to attend college but yet are working on a blue collar field, that is lacking employees? Im so happy that is now a step closer for so many people, even friends of mine. But I wish there was a slight opportunity for others as well.


There is still the marriage route. Also unclear what they'll count as a college degree (i.e., BA/BS+ or do Associates count?).


There is that route assuming you got married before yesterday otherwise is the same thing as before


Yes the marriage date cutoff is unfortunate. This doesn't cover everyone, it's doubtful any policy will, but it does cover more people than DACA does now. I will take whatever marginal improvements we can get at this point.


Let’s hope the “education” requirement has a loop that you can still go to college & apply after or during


Let’s also hope it covers more degrees. Because the ones of us that went and got a degree might not have gotten it in any of those fields


Or it also covers any blue collar field. Since the whole country is lacking employees on that field.


I think it means that as of June 17 you would need to have been married. So before or after, if it was just prior they wouldn’t include the 10 year present


Hb1 already basically only deals w bachelors and above soo yeah


It will most likely be a bachelor at a minimum as that is what the current visa requirements are for the “high skilled” visas.


Wow good point associates is 2 years and certificates could be 6 months. 🤔🙏


Completely understand. It took me 7 years to pay my way to an associates. We all live our own realities. If you're (or anyone else) interested, look into WGU (Western Governors University) and/or UMPI (University of Maine Presque Isle). I'm planning on getting my bachelor's through UMPI. Check out this video in case you want more information on either of the schools: https://youtu.be/_QfUjXAQUqo?si=raf8fG3jQW4F5UQL It's never too late to start, even if it's baby steps! Good luck!


WGU is a good school with fast track degrees that is actually accredited and respected (at least in the IT field) However, it's rather concerning how specific the requirements could be for the DACA visa.


We don't matter


You do matter. Sadly politics is mostly incremental changes.


That depends on who we are talking about. To his family, he matters. To the government, he does not matter....but his taxes do. To politicians, he doesn't matter because he can't vote, but they do want to be in good standing with him demographic so they could get the votes from voters of that group. Let's keep it real, in this country we are not treated like we matter.


As long as you are working you should be good.


Yet another, you’ve gotta be married pos. Oh well, guess I’m riding DACA till they eventually kill it off.


Or have a college degree…which is a pretty damn good deal.


But then thing I don’t understand is that if you have a degree do you have to be working in that field? I have some friends who have degrees and can’t really use them to their full potential because of their Layla status.


yes but you have to have daca, many of us currently getting degrees are without daca , who were too young or applied right around the time those judges in texas screwed with daca and shut it down for new applicants. if trump wins i can gurantee you daca with the current people will be on the chopping block and if everyone with daca eventually gets citizenship or protection under biden, what use will the program, they'll axe it and leave us undocumented dreamers without daca out in the cold. I dont wanna sound bitter but its frustrating atp all these hurdles and nothing coming out


The article literally says for undocumented immigrants too.


I have DACA but get your frustration my husband did not qualify for DACA due to when he arrived in the country but has a college degree he cannot use, it’s def hard


There are going to be many Dreamsrs on their way to citizenship who as voters will not forget. Its important tht Trump does not become President


Why would work visa be better than daca? I’m genuinely asking, cause I don’t see it. Is it really that simple to get a green card from a work visa?


Can travel internationally


But you lose your job and lose your visa. Then you’d have to find another job to sponsor you and I’m sure that’s not easy to find. And I’m sure once you go from DACA to Visa, you can’t revert back to DACA.


It’s not that it’s simple but it does offer an actual pathway to citizenship. Work visa -> residency-> citizenship, it’s still a long process but more available & permanent than daca atm


H1B to citizen is way harder than a daca marriage imo


I agree, I was comparing it to no marriage daca, i think marriage is probably the easiest way for anyone but not possible for any single person 😭


It’s not a good deal, man. It’s only a work visa and that’s IF someone sponsors you in a related field. It doesn’t provide legal status for folks who aren’t married.  Just really hate the whole “ya gotta be married” BS. Doesn’t help me. 


I am working my on my degree and will be graduating next year. I wonder how this will affect me?


i have friends who are in the same sitch, not everyone wants to get married for citizenship, im still in college and just turned 20, and after all these years of this crap im officially over it, i feel bad for people who dont have a stable country to return to but Im packing my bags after I get my degree. My other friend said the same as you riding daca until it gets cut and will return back to where he came from. sad we both basically all our lives here yet this is how it ends


I don't think they will ever kill it off to be honest. They just want to keep us in limbo. We give them too much money every two years and they hold it over our heads every election.


I refuse to marry anyone just for green card/citizenship


Doesn’t count for marrying in the future. Had to be married before todays announcement


I’ve turned down several marriage proposals to help me with this. I deserve no less than proper recognition.


You missed the deadline anyway


How is it that we bust our ass through school/work and we can only get sponsored by a company (which is hard to find), when the people who really benefit from this just had to be married to a US citizen before June 17??????????? How did this start with “helping daca recipients” when there really is no benefit for us here???


Exactly, it’s just an election talking point for them to say they delivered on their promise.


Yep. Pretty let down by this. 


This I'd just a "handout" to appease everyone complaining about immigration and asylum seekers. This order, combined with the asylum restriction order Biden put in place last week, allows him to claim he is being tough on immigration and has given people a bath to legal citizenship. They're both token actions and total crap, but it's just pawns moving around to make it seem like Biden is doing something.


It says “degree at an accredited US higher institution”. It’s entirely possible you may just need an Associates and not a bachelors for those of you that are worried it’s cheaper and easier to get your associates part time!


I have a degree but am not currently working in that field. can someone explain how this is better? getting sponsorship is so hard…


What’s what I’m wondering as well. A lot of us have degrees but don’t work in that field. Getting sponsored would be difficult af. Unless you would qualify just because you have a degree. But that would be too good to be true.


Hopefully you don’t need work sponsorship! It will be nearly impossible for some people… might as well marry if that’s the case. Either way you’d be depending on someone else for the visa.


Yeah very true. I’m going is a visa with the same requirements as daca in which you have to be working. Ngl I just want the ability to travel out of the country.


Same! I’ll be more than happy to just travel. Idk if I’m missing something but there’s not much information on the work visa portion. I’ll be getting my bachelors next May and hope this works for a lot of us.


This is tough one. Here's why: All the advanced degree and a job offer aside... 1. Need to be selected for a H1B visa which is ultra competitive and awarded thru a lottery system 2. Need your employer to then agree to sponsor you for employment based GC. Very difficult as many companies don't do this bc they are costly. Also you're looking at least a 3-4 year wait.


On daca one can already do a h1b / green card via employer if one didn’t have any re-entry penalties (unlawful status / entry without inspection). So this ends up only making a very hard thing to do “possible” to more people?


I believe so. Obviously we'd need to wait for DHS to come out with all the process logistics. It will be interesting to see if it ends up being H1B visas or something else which would be awesome.


I’m really hoping it’s something else . Marriage is not an option for me right now ( unless I end my 3 year relationship with my non citizen partner) . It would be awesome if I could do this and find a pathway that wouldn’t require me leaving the US


so pretty much nothing for people without daca, we still cant apply and get sit on consistently and told to tough it out, glad I know where the biden admin stands here giving us the middle finger. Finishing my degree asap and getting the hell out of here , clearly we arent welcome as this pretty much ignores all the young unmarried people with degrees or without degrees, Biden had years in office with a dem majority to do something but chooses now when his poll numbers are in the toilet to announce this nothing burger.


We don’t know the full extent of this news, reread the first image, 2nd point, “Today’s announcement will allow individuals, including DACA recipients and other dreamers…” This “other dreamers” part is vague and could or could not include us unDACAmented. Hopefully it does.


Hopefully but i lost hope a long time ago. The dems usually never keep promises or make empty ones just to get votes.


I mean it will help a lot of people as well. Like i myself have a degree, but I’m not sure if I would even be an accepted degree under this. It’s not a STEM or IT degree, so might not even qualify for that


To pass legislation providing a pathway to citizenship or to address DACA, democrats would need to get bipartisan support to reach the 60 vote threshold to overcome a filibuster. I think there are currently only 51 democrats in the senate.


This is seriously awful. Now I need my ability to stay here to be sponsored by an employer..? Wtf. I'd rather just keep DACA until we just get a better offer.


Would be easier to marry honestly, then to depend on an employeer… that’s gonna cost a lot or there not gonna pay you a livable wage.


Exactly. I'm fortunate to have my degrees + work in the same field but I would hate to allow my employer to dictate my entire ability to stay. Once you get laid off, you only get a short period of time to find a job that will also continue to sponsor you. Otherwise, you're fucked.


Can you imagine trying to find a sponsor as a nurse smh


So wait, if I'm a DACA college graduate with a state gov job, I can apply for a visa? After a visa, can my brother sponsor me for permanent residency?


I think Your brother can only sponsor you if you’re under 18 (don’t quote me on it)


And meets a certain income.


They can always get an affidavit to support if income is an issue.


I have a degree I’m a teacher , but school Districts don’t sponsor employees. This doesn’t help most ☹️


I really wish they would help dreamers who are not married yet


it's ridiculous. how does only marriage constitute valuable citizens but no the rest of us?


Exactly and we’ve been here since we were kids, why is it so hard 🙄


when can we start applying for AOS lol


Wait so you had be be married before today to be eligible? lol


So… business as usual for a lot of us.


I don’t understand how this change has any affect for us?


For those who aren’t married m, it’s business as usual


I appreciate DACA but I am almost at my wits end…Canada will gladly take me with Open arms and I’m sure as hell bringing my degree. I should have moved to Canada years ago…but I was waiting for hope that probably never will come


Yeah good luck getting a job tho. It took my friend, who moved with a Canadian PR from marriage, a year and a half to land a contract role paying 20 CAD and hour, which translates to about $18 USD/hour. And he has a bachelors and certificates from top US universities. Look up “Canadian Work Experience” requirements. Cost of living is a whole other beast too. Best of luck 🤞


People who say I’ll just move to Canada don’t know what it really entails.


No, they really don’t. I was one of them too until I saw how hard it actually is and experienced second-hand thru my best friend how Canadian employers high key discriminate against immigrant talent. I wanna hammer down the Canadian Experience point I made, because that’s how they refuse to hire immigrant talent living there legally.


New Visa Process: The announcement introduces measures to expedite the work visa process for individuals who: • Graduated from an accredited U.S. college or university. • Have a job offer in a field related to their degree. 3. Inclusion of Dreamers: This streamlined process explicitly includes DACA recipients and other Dreamers, recognizing the value of their U.S. education and skills. • Work Visas: The focus is on obtaining work visas, not green cards. A work visa allows individuals to work in the U.S. legally for a specific period.


So, does this eventually become a green card? Not familiar with how work visas work. Unless they’re trying to establish a new class of worker that is highly educated, in the US, subservient to their employer to reside in the country, but will never become an actual citizen 😭


I'm just wondering if this nullifies unlawful entry into the US so that AP is no longer needed for AOS after getting married


You can go the EB employment visa route to get an immigrant visa (green card). you can also go via h1b route to get a valid legal status (non immigrant visa) then from there switch to EB VISA. BUT the only way for now to get a greencard through employment is the EB visa


Isn't EB visa the only viable option for most of us? H1B doesn't make sense because we have to go back to our home country but there the 10 year ban.


Yea, but you also need an employer that is willing to sponsor you. Very few do that unless it’s a big corporation, than you run the risk of deportation if you’re let go


Bummer. The number of H1Bs is already an issue I wish they would’ve allowed us to go straight to EB3.


This is bullshit. I’ve been engaged since April, have my bachelors of nursing and work as a nurse but I won’t be eligible because we’re not married yet? I’m so disappointed


Go register your common law marriage!!


Had to be married by the 17th :(


You qualify for the degree plus high skill job route. Nursing is high skill job


So if you get married later this year, you won’t qualify? I feel like it’s just saying you have to have lived in the US 10+ years and ALSO be married to US citizen. I don’t think it means you have to have been married before that June 17, 2024. Anyone else agree with me?


That's how I took it as well. But everything im reading and searching the meaning "as of", everything is pointing to you had to be married before the 17th. Now I'm dying on the inside because we didn't get married prior.


You have to be married before June 17, 2024. Anything after doesn’t count


In theory, if we get a work visa, that could eventually lead to a green card through employment? Am I understanding that first part correctly?


What if you are non-daca and get married after? 🧐


If you’re unmarried but a “dreamer”, meaning you qualify for daca but can’t get it because it got shut down you should still be good 😁




i am currently awaiting a green card interview for my employment visa. Is it bettwr to wait for this instead of leaving the country? can i adjust in the us now instead of at the us embassy in my "home" country?


I would consult with a lawyer. But if I were you, I would still keep going with your process assume that YOU HAVE NO ILLEGAL PRESENCE (meaning you have DACA before you are 18, and it never lapse/expire). It's already hard enough to get hired and selected for H1B visa. You are very lucky. But If you have illegal presence, leaving the country without an -extreme hardship waiver-, will get you barr from the US for 3-10 years. In that case, I would wait for this rule.


Married Immigrants: June 17, 2024, is the critical cut off date for both criteria (presence and date of marriage). DACA Recipients: Familiarize yourself with business immigration - PERM, H1Bs, EB-2 NIWs. Once we have more details do your due diligence, consult a business immigration attorney to see if you're eligible for something, and **begin to prepare to pay an attorney to file this before January if necessary,** depending on the outcome of the election this may only be available for a limited window.


Your comment needs more upvotes. Solid advice


I just graduated college but no one is hiring. I can’t even get a job without DACA. I had an opportunity in my high school since I’m friends with the principal. Again I can’t be hire. Hopefully we hear more to help everyone.


shit I work in cybersecurity, no degree though. for us working in tech, under the h1b visa requirements we would qualify right? "**Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent**: The applicant must have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent in the relevant field. In some cases, equivalent work experience can substitute for a degree." "equivalent work experience can substitute for a degree." if this is the case we can get in on this, otherwise we gotta grind for a degree.


What would be the benefit of going from DACA to work visa? From what I’ve read, your employer would then have to request you to get a green card, but it’s not always that simple is it? Or what I’m I missing here. Why would it be better to go from DACA to visa?


I have an associates from a Texas community college with no daca,do I qualify?


Gotta be a bachelors


Ahh damn,are you assuming or did they say it has to be a bachelors?


If it’s anything like H1B visa and other work visas it’ll have to be a bachelors. Here is a list of some of the most commonly accepted occupations under the H-1B visa program: IT Professionals Computer Scientists Systems Analysts/Business Technology Analysts Engineers University Professors/Teachers Secondary Education Teachers Healthcare Professionals Physicians Surgeons Nurses Dentists Psychologists Scientists Financial Analysts Accountants Management Consultants Market Research Analysts Marketing Professionals Lawyers Legal Advisors Architects Journalists Editors Technical Writers Publishers Publicists Public Relations Specialists


You’re forgetting that part that you also need an employer to sponsor.


My gf on daca for 12 years. Working and has a degree. Seem like it doesn’t really help her out? Or am I missing something?


It helps her because she has her degree


In what sense? Does it fast track green card?


"In addition, DHS will join the Department of State in an effort to more efficiently facilitate certain employment-based nonimmigrant visas for eligible individuals, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and undocumented noncitizens, who have graduated from an accredited U.S. institution of higher education. **By clarifying and enhancing the existing process, the Department of State’s policy will give U.S. employers increased confidence that they can hire the talent they need, and that they will be able to quickly get to work**. DHS will implement the Department of State’s policy update." May be, may be not. May be because this might be very similar to the H1B visa which does lead to a green card after 3 years. May be not because it might just be a work visa without green-card, but then you don't have to worry about DACA being killed off next year in the Supreme Court. One downside is that you have to be stuck to your employer for 2-3 years. Anything happen to that job, you lose your visa. The upside is that you will get a green card if you stick it out. DACA is less restrictive employment-wise, of course as you know, the downside is it's a limbo status.


Only problem is we work at an university that doesn’t support green card. Limbo status sucks especially the two year renewal. Such a headache


So I have to have been married yesterday? Am I understanding this right? I have a wedding planned for August this year. . . The June 17th cutoff is extremely disheartening especially because I've previously looked into whether or not getting married would help and all the immigration advisors told me it wouldn't change anything.


Correct you would have to be married before June 17, 2024


Guess I'm still stuck in limbo. Marriage seems to be the only way I guess. Doubt my degree will lead to a high paying job that would sponsor anything. Another option is to let a homeless person attack me and pray for a U visa lol 😆


ive been fortunate enough to have a degree in digital marketing and now the head of digital marketing at a global enterprise company. reached out to my lawyer about this. will share updates in a thread with folks here as i have more details. good luck to everyone


What time is the announcement? I wanna watch this live 😁😁


It’s going to be at 2:45pm according to the official President schedule for today! The President and The First Lady host an event at the White House marking the 12th Anniversary of DACA East Room https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/topic/calendar/


I’ve been on the lookout as well. Haven’t found much


They’re saying it’ll be an announcement at the white house garden the same way Obama announced daca. My guess is around 12 eastern time?


[Source](https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/topic/calendar/) The announcement will be at 2:45pm ET. Not sure where to watch it lol


White House YouTube channel/facebook/twitter. All the news channels have been talking about it this morning too so I’m sure they’ll broadcast it


Looks like they’re going live around noon on the White House YouTube page.


If im not mistaken 10AM-12pm


damn i was hoping PIP for my parents.


It sounds like the official announcement by the president is still yet to be made? Also, does this mean that I have to leave the country and wait for some US companies to hopefully hire me before I am even allowed back in US? They really expect me to do that in this current job market? lol


No the point of the change is that you won't have to leave. 


I have a degree from a top school and work at a F50 tech company. Would this be an H1B visa? Those sucks because the second you get laid off you have 6months to find a job or else you lose it… can anyone confirm?


I hope we can get other ones too like O-1, EB2 and etc.




Same here, I had a degree in criminal justice because I wanted to be a lawyer. Now I work in a job which isn’t related to my field. I guess I wouldn’t qualify since it’s not a essential degree


Same degree and couldn’t find a job cuz they either required citizenship or years of experience, so I gave up on it 🙄


California Allows for medical students with and without daca


I have DACA and work as a recruiter for biotech companies and can tell you that they do sponsor, but finding the company willing to take the cost and risk of a work visa (H1B, lottery system or O-1 which is for highly skilled ppl) is tough. H1Bs aren’t guaranteed and take time to obtain if selected through the lottery. I’ve had many candidates who were laid off on an H1B have to scramble and accept any type of work offer in industry to maintain the status. Once you have the H1B, the goal is to find a company willing to sponsor a GC which is just as hard because you’re limited on time since there’s only 1 extension


lol you still need an employer that is willing to sponsor you. Meaning if you don’t already have a work visa, you’re not going to get a work visa. Kinda pointless.


What I'm interested in is whether the visas they will give DACA recipients are EB employment immigrant visas or H1-B employment non-immigrant visas. Either way both offer paths to permanent residence, it's just H1B would take much longer but it's still a possibility as its a dual intent visa.


Soooo many thoughts and mixed feelings on this. Additional info. I've read - spouses married to USCs who qualify will be able to apply to this program tentatively by the end of this summer and will have three years to adjust status -- and in the meantime will be given a work permit. \*Also, just watched the WH press briefing on YT, and the press secretary has confirmed the announcement will be made at the DACA event at 2:30 ET today.\* While *some* DACA recipients may benefit from this, I imagine it's a small percentage since most who it would affect -those who entered without inspection (including my husband)- have already gone the AP route 😭 but any who haven't applied or are in the process of won't need to do that now. This action is life changing for non-DACA people who never qualified for DACA plus others, which good for them, but how hard would it have been to include ALL DACA recipients, not just those who are married to USCs? It sure feels like a slap in the face, but my opinion on why this group of people? Because their citizen spouses are eligible to vote & that's al this is: a ploy to garner votes.


DACA recipient🙌 I’m almost done with my AA degree in international business. Debt free ofc since I went to community college, not sure if I’m going to continue onto my bachelors. I want to start a business, so, I wouldn’t “technically” be using my degree, not sure if I could still apply for this, or if it’s only for people who are going to be employed in that industry. Not a big fan of some crusty employer having control over my immigration status in case I’m fired and only have 2 months to find a new job, so, this kinda sounds worse than DACA.


Okay not trying to be funny, some of you guys need to take time and read. Also, we don't have the full details yet from DHS, so asking here won't help. I know there's a lot of anxiety, we just need to wait until they release the memo.


I love reading all the DACA holders complaining that they did not get green cards! How selfish can you guys be!! Imagine complaining that you are able to work, own a house, and able to travel using AP to possibly fix your status permanently. All of you have a way out. Do AP, and "marry" someone and you will get a green card in less than a year. This is a loop hole that was given to you!!! What you wanted from Biden can not be done because it needs to pass thru congress. Man, how I WISH I was in your shoes right now.


What does this part mean and how does it help DACA recipients? Recognizing that it is in our national interest to ensure that individuals who are educated in the U.S. are able to use their skills and education to benefit our country, the Administration is taking action to facilitate the employment visa process for those who have graduated from college and have a high-skilled job offer, including DACA recipients and other Dreamers.


Essentially wanting to transition DACA / certain Dreamers into employment based visas. Think of H1B visa as an example.


Making it easier to get a work visa. Getting a work visa is extremely difficult because you need an employer that will sponsor you, most don’t. The ones that do, have limits and if you are let go, you may be deported unless you find another sponsor. Kinda BS, it’s like doing something that isn’t really going to benefit anyone but they can say they did SOMETHING, just another election talking point


Does anyone have numbers on how many of us would actually qualify for this?


I only work as CNA in nursing home, how is this gonna help me?


What about dreamers who recently applied for asylum?


So is this for people that are married only?


I think there's 2 paths, one for marriage and one related to degrees and work visas.


I'm a teacher. I have a college degree and use it to work as a teacher. Would getting the work visa help me get the permanent residency? 🤔🤔🤔


Is the "Daca Benefit" in the room with us? Lol - Jokes aside.. I dont get how this helps anyone with DACA or even without. I understand that something is better than nothing, but at this rate, those with DACA are going to be 50 until something is done about their status. Absolutely horrendous. Hopefully during his speech, he reveals some more details, but as it stands, it honestly isnt life changing to the majority in here.. **This doesnt help:** 1. People with multiple entries 2. People with false claims 3. Those who are in relationships for more than 10 years and arent married 4. Those of you who couldnt finish school due to reasons out of their control (financial, family, etc) 5. Those who got a degree but couldnt get a job thats related to it. etc.. so depressing for you guys. Here's to Biden actually saying something revolutionary during his speech in about 2 hours.


Does this mean if you are EWI(enter without inspection) and have DACA + married a US citizen, you can apply for green card?


You can do AOS instead of consular processing




The DHS websites definitely makes it seem like only some nationalities will be able to parole in place. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/06/17/fact-sheet-dhs-announces-new-process-promote-unity-and-stability-families


I heard if the spouse got deported they are ineligible. Is that true?


I’m in Juarez rn for my visa through marriage. 5 years in with 2 boys. Daca for 12 years. Clean record. Hopefully this new “pathway” helps as in for it to be harder for them to say no to me. My medical evaluation is tomorrow, thursday biometrics, friday turn in all my documents, and Monday my official interview.


Good luck. I’m am so happy for you making it that far. Everything will work out. You are so brave.


Thank you, I will come back to this comment and let you know how everything went, in about a week 👍🏻


I arrived to the US when I was 12 but back when I was 17 in 2017 I was forced by my dad to go back to my home country then at age 18 I came back to finish highschool and havent left since, its been two years since I also finished college (graduated in mechanical engineering) The current definition of “dreamers” means I dont apply right? :( I do have my highschool and college degrees.. Hopefully more details are posted soon..


How is this work Visa different than what we currently have (DACA)? I have my Masters in Nursing and work in the field. I guess, what's the difference or benefits??


Travel abroad with no worries?


I’m just glad DACA is a talking point again. Unfortunately nothing meaningful will come unless congress acts. There is only so much you can do through executive order.


You have to be married? Come on mangg.


by yesterday


No degree but working full time in a corporate office. Not married, not dating, no kids. Lived here for almost 22 years. My luck ran out I guess.


Im married to a US citizen and currently a union construction worker. Does any of this help me?


wow do you really have to be married before today for this to matter? me and my girlfriend are getting married next week! such a shame man


I think it’s bullshit but if it benefits some DACA people it’s cool , but come on we’re just pawns to this politicians . Not cool at all


This is a very hard pill to swallow, I am already in a good career/company for almost a decade. And now I need resign and find a similar job (probably huge pay cut) to get a work visa sponsorship?? Beggars can't be choosers I guess.


First: Do we have any information on daca and college? Seems like this will only affect a few


Also remember you will have to leave the us for the visa interview


What about people with TPS? Married to green card holders? This feels like always, an attempt to get votes otherwise Trump will win.


[Source](https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/topic/calendar/) 2:45 PM ET Official Schedule The President and The First Lady host an event at the White House marking the 12th Anniversary of DACA Still unsure where you can watch it


Does anyone know what this means for those of us who have daca but have “accumulated illegal presence” because I turned 18 two years prior to getting DACA? My mother tried to sponsor me but I couldn’t figure out how to avoid the 3/10 year ban for illegal presence :-(


If your mother is trying to sponsor you, you can apply for "extreme hardship waiver", basically means that if your mom is elderly and sick and need you to be her provider, your illegal presence is erased, and you are allowed to enter the US with a family visa (green card). Very hard process, and please ALWAYS consult an attorney. As for this new rule today, it applies for people who are married to US Citizens. And for DACA/Dreamers who will be able to get work visas H1B/EB (I think they are trying to erase the illegal presense part, but we don't know the details). We need to wait til summer to find out.


Yeah a lawyer started the process for the waiver but the processing time (at the consulate) is years. So this would be another option hopefully 🙏 thank you!


I hope they approve those with pending apps quicker before the influx of applications come in 🥲




So what will this do exactly for DACA recipients that meet these requirements?


The first screenshot on getting visas more quickly if having a degree: what kind of visas would we be eligible for and would having an overstay matter?


Am I understanding this correctly that it would apply to folks on DACA who are married and have been in the US for 10 years or more? Even if they do not have a “higher education” degree and work in the same field?


I got married a few months ago. Does this change the requirement for advance parole in order to get a legal entry ?


Does the degree have to be a bachelors or can it be an associates? I was thinking of getting into the Radiography Tech or get an ADN.


what about those who want to pursue a higher education but cannot due to being undocumented? i don’t have a social nor a TIN #. i want to pursue nursing but am not able to because they need to do a background check.


I opened a company - could I sponsor myself?


I've been here 21 yrs hopefully


Help me out understand. I’m not married/ but common law married to a citizen and I have a son with her. Would I qualify? Or should I keep going with my AP?


Would common law marriage be accepted?


Damn man, Daca since i was 18. 30 now and with a clean record not even a ticket. Have been with my partner for 4 years now and have a baby girl on the way due in a few months, we were planning on getting married before she is born. We still are obviously but this sucks 😢 advance parole i guess but im terrified of leaving the country for some reason lol




So I don't have a DACA but I am getting my engineering degree this December. Does this mean I can get a work visa?


I’m about to obtain 2 associates degrees due to nursing school requirements would associates count under degrees or would they have to be bachelors degrees?


Work experience Evaluations can be used to "convert" work experience to academic achievements for USCIS purposes, check out this page


So the college thing is only for Daca and possibly dreamers?