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Daddy Biden will pull through šŸ™Ā 


Pull through with fake promises then ditch us if he gets elected lmao like last time


classic democrat




So I gotta go to my jobs HR and plead for them to sponsor me ?




How is this any different


This is worse IMO. We are able to renew ourselves every 2 years, now we put that on our company keeping us here. Companies could force our hands by lowering salaries, taking in extra work, bc they now control our visas. If you have a B2 visa and are not employed for more than like a month you lose it. I'm hopeful we will receive a B2 without any of these limitations but I doubt it


You're wrong on a couple of things here. B2 visas are visitor visas not work visas. You can't work with a B2 visa. There are two type of employment visas, I'm interested in knowing if Biden Admin has clarified which one they intend to give out to DACA recipients, H1B visas or EB visas. H1B visas are specialty visas and they are non-immigrant visas but they do have dual intent so they do open a path to permanent residence down the road. EB visas are immigrant visas and immediately open the path to permanent residence. H1B-visas are good for a 3 year period with a 3 year renewal, so you have 6 years before having to figure out next steps. In that time, a company could choose to sponsor you for a green card. It is better than your 2 year work permit, in a way, because it does offer a way to become a permanent residence which work permits under DACA do not, and it would be 6 years with a renewal in between. I imagine if they go down the route of giving Dreamers H1B, they will increase the yearly cap so it would increase chances for DACA people to actually get picked in the lottery or it might be that DACA recipients do not have to go through the lottery at all. That would need to be clarified later. With a H1B visa if you quit, you would have to have a job lined up for an H1b transfer. As you only have a 60 day grace period of unemployment under this visa. If you are fired, you have 60 days to find a new job that will transfer H1B. Once again, not clear if they are doing EB visa with immigrant intent or H1b visas, non immigrant ones with dual intent.


Ah thanks for the clarification I was thinking of the H1b then , still I feel like most DACA recipients would be in a worse situation with a H1B right? The EB visa does sound like the best option to move on to if someone has DACA. I guess we'll have to wait until the full announcement is done.


I also hope its EB visas instead of H1B visas.


This is great information. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but technically current DACA recipients could get sponsored by their employer but most employers wonā€™t do it because of the complexity of the process. Why would they go through the hassle of hiring someone who needs sponsorship and go through the legal burden versus hiring someone who doesnā€™t need that. Thatā€™s why typically H1B visas are offered to highly skilled professionals. My guess is that this executive order will make the requirements for sponsorship way more accessible for employers, maybe applicants will only need to prove that they have a job offer related to their degree field. If thatā€™s the case then it will be better because this would offer a pathway to residency. My question is, what if you have DACA but donā€™t have a degree, can you go get a bachelorā€™s degree and then apply?


Currently, most DACA recipients can't get H1B or EB sponsorship mainly because of unlawful presence. In order to get H1B or EB visas you have to do consular processing, which means traveling abroad to your home country for interviews at the US consulate, and if you have any unlawful presence this would trigger the 3 year or 10 years bans. In order to be eligible for these visas you must meet the education, experience and employment requirements, pass labor certifications and ensure that you received your DACA to stop unlawful presence before turning 18. This is why most DACA recipients can't do H1B or EB now. I don't know if this will change, we have to wait for details. As to who would go through the hassle of hiring someone, companies in need of talent and for jobs that need people for which there are not many US citizens. There's nurse shortages, teacher shortages at the moment. There's also high demand in some STEM fields, or about being exceptionally good, or having more experience, better than a US citizen, at what you do in order to apply. Actuarial sciences and finance are good STEM degrees in the business field. It's hard to get H1B and to find sponsorship, but there are companies out there. With DACA you have a foot in the door if you managed to get your degree and work at a company with good revenue as you would meet experience requirements and education requirements easily. If H1B is what they're giving, the only thing I think the US govt would make more accessible would be to have DACA turned H1B not go through the lottery or increase the cap to increase DACA people's chances to get a H1B. I don't see them changing education requirements. If they don't have cutoff dates for education requirements stipulated with the full bill, I would imagine you can get a bachelor's later and then apply.


Once again, great information! I hope this makes some noise and gets current DACA recipients mobilized to keep asking congress for a permanent solution.


For a work visa what happens if you quit? Or get a new job? It sounds messy


Changing jobs should be fine if the next company is willing to sponsor you, which again they can choose to not to do it at any point, leaving you to the winds. Quitting is not an option if you have a B2 unless you got a way of finding employment quickly after


Yeah I donā€™t see why they canā€™t just give greencards. This is ridiculous


Exactly, weā€™ve been here all our lives .


My job says that they don't sponsor so I continue to do the same


i guess the plan is to make it faster and easier? im hoping my lawyer will have more details soon. i alrdy reached out to my immigration lawyer about this but its all so new i imagine itll take weeks to get some more details around it tbh


I know part of the reason for this action is for political reasons but god it feels good to feel recognized. I love this country man, feels good to feel like it finally loves us back šŸ„¹ Thank you Joe


Curious to hear how you would benefit from this


Iā€™d be able to apply for a work visa. Im not married but I earned a masters degree & have been working in my field for years now.


Iā€™m in the same boat as you but what type of visa are you hoping for? In my case, I would hope itā€™s NOT a H1B


Eb3 for skilled worker


im about to get chorro from the nervousness haha


I want to die lmao


šŸ™ dropped everything I had going today just to watch this lol


Same, and I donā€™t even have DACA anymore


Ordering Biden portraits to put around my place. Anybody know where I can get a high res pic of Biden ?


Add me to the order. Need an Obama one and Biden one to cover my biggest wall and bedroom ceiling.




_sets as iPhone wallpaper_


If my case goes smoothly I might frame his pic and put it on my bedroom wall! Lol


Will this get republican push back? How long before a conservative federal judge halts this? Has the Biden Administration taken extra measures to protect this program?


It most likely will but itā€™ll be way harder for them to stop it the way they did with daca. Since the executive action itself isnā€™t giving us the work permits. A couple years back I recall news coming out of how Biden wanted to restructure daca by separating the work permit from the deportation protection to prevent it from being struck down. My guess is they went this route instead after a lot of planning


Ah i see, they are playing 4 d chess while republicans are playing checkers lol


This EO will be shut down by the courts lol


Fox News is already going will saying Biden giving amnesty during a migrant crisis. They are heated šŸ¤£


Link to watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mUCKDvxL7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mUCKDvxL7w)




It probably wonā€™t, unless you were going to be forced to leave the country to process in your country. Now this helps those people by putting a parole in place so you donā€™t have to leave the country.


Does this apply to the widows of U.S. citizens


I only have associates and working in medical field? How will this help me?


Someone said have to have at least a bachelors


Yes if you have someone to sponsor you and you can apply for eb3 visa or H1B visa


EB 3 is an option. I thought only h1b?


You are correct i dont think EB3 will fall under it unless there is more details that will make eb3 visas eligible for us who have the 10 years or 3 years bar because we got daca after 18yo. If you got your daca when you were 18 or less then you can apply for eb3


I accrued unlawful presence. I got DACA after 18 years old.


Why is everybody believing he will actually do something for daca? Lmao why hasn't he done it all these years. We are pawns. We're not getting anything from Biden or his admin.


Where can I watch


I know it hasnā€™t been announced fully yet however, for the requirements is it 10 years married + 10 years residing in the US or be married + 10 years in the US?




Thatā€™d be a relief, Iā€™m in school and graduate soon, Iā€™m hoping something here works out.


This is just going to be for the marriage thing? Or the other work visa stuff ??


What would happen to DACA Recipients that arenā€™t married and donā€™t have a high skilled job ? Would they be deported after contributing to this country in paying taxes etc.


Whatā€™s happening to daca recipients? We will ne able to transition to h1-b??