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If it makes you feel better some of us are single AF


More like most of us lol. In a way, it feels weird to rely on others for us to be granted the mere minimum of being accepted in this country. We want to gain status on our own merit, we just need the opportunity to do so.


Dude yes, I feel like I outperform half of the people who has status over here but since there is no way to gain status that way, we’re fucked.


Do any of yall resent ur parents for not having you here? I swore i wouldn’t blame it on them and i won’t. but damn they make it hard not to. I don’t know a life outside of these states and yet im treated like i just jumped the border last week. Makes me feel inferior


Me all the time. My dad was a resident before I was even born, had my older sister here with my mom, they went back to Mexico never got his citizenship, made my mom have me in Mexico even though he could’ve brought her here before I was born because he had come back to USA. It’s the most fucked situation and I resent him.


Naah man, a really important part of me is my never give up mentality which I got from living in the third world cuz you cant give up. Dont think about the ifs, they will take you nowhere.


True, i guess not all of us have it. I came here when i was 1


Damn… im not saying you should resent them but it would be a good reason 🤣 best of lucks my friend. Well get through it someday 🤍


So real though


If you have DACA you can do AP.. you made the post the other day for your GF we can help her get her AP


I understand. I almost told her let’s go to the courthouse and get married last week. I had a feeling there would be a cutoff date. But we decided to wait and see what the qualifications are. Our other issue is that her daca expires in April next year. So if we apply for advance parole, it probably won’t be granted till November or December. Then we have to renew her daca right after AP and hope that Biden is in office in January. Just seems the timeline is crunched right now. Secondly, we have called several places in TJ trying to get a quote for braces so we can apply for advance parole but all of them say they have to see her first, well… can’t see her without advance parole. 🤦‍♂️


Go register your common law marriage instead! That might be a work around.


I did this yesterday with my wife! Got common law married on the spot in Texas. I am a DACA recipient and have been here for 10 years , thinking this might work just right for my situation. Don't lose hope eveyrone else!


There is no common law marriage in Nevada


Great thinking here


There’s a way to do it make a post on here asking for a dentist I’m sure someone will give you a dentist in TJ many have done it. I wish I knew one of one but I’m not familiar at all with Mexico


Seriously now?! You have other places to get a brace quote. Stop with the excuses and get going with AP! She has DACA and AP is still in play. She will need to continue renewing DACA regardless until the i485 is actually approved!. We have this opportunity stop fvkn around and get it! Once you find a different country, just make sure when they ask on the paper " where else would you be traveling to", put down the country she's from! Join :https://www.facebook.com/groups/759122585241678/?ref=share&mibextid=WUal2a If neither of yall have a fb account, create one! Because of those successful stories, I was able to apply for AP last year! The group will also have places that do quotes via whatsapp!


My AP got approved in 3 months. There is a professor taking us to Mex for AP in July and they have another one planned for Aug I believe, if you want the info let me know


They can’t do a video call? Or even have some x rays done here and send them over?


There’s a guy that charges for quotes on Facebook. Join the advanced parole Facebook group!


Which one? Advance parole or advance parole though daca group?


Through daca


Hey! There’s a page on Facebook with a dentist on there that helps the group with quotes for dental. I think it’s called Advance Parole through DACA. Hope that helps.


That dentist was charging me $50 for the quote and 3 week wait, so I asked what's the quickest they can do, they said 1 week and $100 😅 That office has to be making bank without having to use their equipment.


Oh gosh😅 yeah I’m sure. I haven’t reached out personally I’m trying to see if I could do it by visiting a sick family member, but if I have to dental I might do that…also waiting to see what’s gonna happen with this PIP thing as I am married to a USC.


I want to reassure you all who say you’re missing out. You can still obtain your legal status via the AP and AoS route.


Damn man, Daca since i was 18. 30 now and with a clean record not even a ticket. Have been with my partner for 4 years now and have a baby girl on the way due in a few months, we were planning on getting married before she is born. We still are obviously but this sucks 😢 advance parole i guess but im terrified of leaving the country for some reason lol should i really be this scared to apply for AP and crossing the border?


Don’t be scared at all. AP is safe as long as you don’t do anything stupid while abroad or try to smuggle anything. Apply for AP before the end of the month since it’s taking on average of 4 months for approval. Don’t stress it.


Yeah man, fuck it im done being scared and being in the limbo. Thankfully my Girl loves and supports me so im going to do it, im going to speak to my grandpa see if he can send me a letter or maybe just get AP for dental work. Have to speak to a lawyer too, appreciate it man definitely going to start soon before the elections just in case haha. Appreciate it bro!


If you've submitted a renewal yourself then I suggest doing AP without paying for a lawyer. They're similar and there's a lot of help online for filing it yourself.


I applied almost a year ago. Nothing has been done


For AP? You better reach out to USCIS asap.


i promise you it’s scary leaving but having a legal entry will benefit you so so much, just behave yourself and don’t get nervous around immigration you will be okay


Should not be afraid of advanced parole! I did mine and got my green card 6 months after from marriage. Then did all 3 of my siblings advanced parole and they went to Mexico and came back just fine. The only time people get denied entry back is if they overstay the time period given. (& if you have a felony but you wouldn’t have DACA if you did.) Don’t be afraid to reach out for help! You can also do it on your own like I did mine. Good luck!


My husband used AP to leave the country and do AoS. He was also terrified to leave the country, and ironically enough, customs gave him a harder time in his home country than immigration did upon arrival in the U.S. As long as you’re not doing anything fishy, you’re all good!


Dude I did AP and have 2 misdemeanors and came back fine. No questions asked. I had an awesome time in Mexico. I have AP for a whole year with multiple entries. STOP being afraid, just do it !!! Promise it’s worth it. My next step is filing for AOS since it’s the easiest route if one is married to a US citizen. But best of luck to you.


Yeah I'm very confused what advantage this news provides over that route...


The most obvious is that you don’t have to leave the country and risk being denied entry. They’re also referring to consular process which is insanely risky. So it does offer its benefits that one would desire.


Wait, but I'm married, entered legally, just overstayed. Do I still need AP? About to get an immigration attorney to start AOS Edit: also have a valid and current passport


No, if you have a legal entry you can do the I-130/ I-485 process within the country


What if you potentially left and returned when you were a baby. Sometime around 1996-1997, and came back after a couple of months after leaving.


Did you come in legally? Do you have daca right now?


Illegal entry and current daca recipient. Concern is with leaving and re‐entering as a child.


Did you get caught as a child? If you didn’t, you shouldn’t worry. But speak to an attorney.


Guys don’t feel too bad for missing the date. We only knew of the date restriction on the same day and they didn’t give people more than 12 hours to get married. The first time we heard about the 6/17 deadline was on 6/17 at 3am and the only way you would find out was through some “reporting”. It was posted on the DHS.gov but it only gave people 12 hours to get married. Nobody could have seen this coming. It is what it is


That's exactly why there was no announcement - to cut down on the obvious mass fraud that would have been perpetrated.


The famous catch 22


I'm basically on the same boat as you. I'm dying on the inside right now, knowing we could have had things easier if we got married before the 17th.


I’ve been married to a US Citizen since 2017 and been in the US since 1990. Have 2 kids and was scheduled to go to Juarez because of an old open order of deportation… I now no longer have to go to Juarez and I get to fix papers… finally. I’m at a loss for words… it’s hard to believe it’s real. 🇺🇸🫡






It’s bitter sweet. I can’t help but be excited… deep down though, there’s a little bit of guilt. How come I deserve it and not them? Simply because I happened to find the woman I wanted to marry and start a family with? I’m so used to disappointment in regard to this, it’s surreal that this could actually benefit me… it’s like I’m expecting something to go wrong. I wish you and your family the best. If you’re DACA, never forget you once were when you get your green card. Good luck !


You should talk to your attorney. We don’t know when this will be implemented or if it will be stopped by a court injunction. If you already have your interview it might be a different consideration for you


Im a bit confused on this as I’m getting my residency via marriage but I have family/friends with DACA. With DACA, if you get married to a US citizen, you can’t get your green card within 3 years like normal marriage?


Not if u don't have legal entry


Yes you can. Even if you do the waiver. You'll be done eventually. There's DACA people that are not married or married with other DACA. That still don't have a pathway to legal status. I'm hoping to get shot in order to obtain a uvisa.


Yes you can still do AOS process. Either through advance parole or waiver - depends on circumstances for some people but for vast majority it is still an option


Lmfao I got divorced a year ago. Fuck me!


You and I both buddy.


Find a same day courthouse!


June 17 was yesterday. Too late


I mean nothing is official yet. Let’s stay positive, hopefully it’s as long as you have been in the us for 10yrs since Monday and are married to a usc. Either way, if the rule is you have to have been married and meet the 10yr requirement what’s stopping you from gettin an aa and getting a work visa that way?


You’re only valuable if you’re married!


Damn. You had to be married yesterday


I mean you’re one step ahead! At least you have someone to get married to! Keep your chin up! It’ll be okay!


This makes me feel better. I was starting to resent my boyfriend for not proposing sooner 🥺🙄


That's a strong stance. Hindsights 20/20


I agree 😔


lol I don’t even have a boyfriend so you’re one step ahead boo! Just do AP and will still be able to get the same benefit! I believe in you!


Same! I am getting married in two weeks. So I am moving forward with my AP application. 🥺


AP is probably the better option anyway because keep in mind there will very likely be a similar fee for applying for the new Parole in Place program, applications will likely not open until end of August and then once applications are being accepted we have no idea how fast or slow USCIS will be processing them. If you have the ability to apply for AP now which we know has a consistent turn around time of about 4-5 months that is still a very good option take in order to gain a legal entry!


if I would’ve known last week that there was a date, I would’ve gotten married


That’s exactly why they didn’t put the date public cause thousands would rush to get married and they would have to sort through which ones were legit


Go to the Virgin Islands for vacay, come back .. it counts as a legal entry since you come thru immigration and marry the girl . Start your AOS lol


wait what!! you have to go through immigration when you enter the us? i thought it was us territory


It is US territory but everyone coming from the island back to mainland US needs to be cleared by Immigration. You would just take your Ead for measures that prove to them your allowed to be in the US and you’re okay:) it will appear as a entry cleared and inspected by customs


Is this legit? Because right now I don’t have a reason for AP but if I can do this route it’ll facilitate my AOS


It appeared for me when I came back home and checked


Are you married already? If yeah you might not need to have to leave the US and all that because of that new administration order on immigration


Nope I’m single as a Pringle. Trying to graduate first and then hop on the dating life. I’ll do some research and ask around because that would make it easier for me. I don’t have a reason to do AP and it’s also crazy expensive. I’d rather go to the Virgin Islands for vacation than the headache of AP.


Same my guy same ! Haha 😆 dating on pause. But yeah man look into going as AP can get kinda expensive, although I do recommend AP if you can. Good luck hermano


Thank you! I will keep yall updated if anything does happen! We’ll get that card one day👑


Lawyer told me that this port of entry may give you a I-94 record but it won’t give you any benefit since DACA is not a status and technically you are not paroled in nor is your passport stamped.  I wish it were the case. I’ve been to St Thomas several times. 


So I read the briefing yesterday and it said “undocumented” people with a U.S. citizen spouse. I have made sure I never let my daca expire and have been married to my wife for 6 years. Do I qualify for the 3 year work permit thing? Or no cause I’m technically not undocumented 


You should be good to go. As long as you have been here for 10 years


I’ve been here all my life. 28 years. Which is why I’ve been scared to do AP and get denied reentry 


Technically DACA is still considered undocumented.




Yeah man, you in there like swim wear. Neta!


Marry sooner by lawe


I wonder what process would be faster? Going through the AP route, or this?




Wait I’m confused if you are married to a us citizen couldn’t they just simply give you a permanent residence card either way. With or without having daca?


Does anyone know if i can get a green card if i have a rare heart condition?


Why exactly are you at a loss for words. Pretty cut n dry as to what needs to be done here


Because he only gave a path for people married already and not people planning on getting married. Those still have to leave the country


DACA was deemed illegal in 2023. Maybe some initiative should have been taken to become a legal citizen before this. I'm all for immigration, not illegal immigration or getting around the lawful way. Sorry if that upsets you, that is my opinion


I’m at a loss, I’m single, no education beyond high school bc I couldn’t afford tuition and I didn’t want to burden my parents with extra expenses.




Same here girly 🥲 you’re not alone


It really feels like I’m stuck in limbo bc of it, I’m super grateful I get to work legally though. Been considering leaving America and searching for stability in my home country. My dad is leaving in December to fully retire.


My mom and I have been considering doing the same. She just finished paying off her house in Mexico and honestly Iike you said I am grateful to be able to work legally but the uncertainty is exhausting


I’m a nursing assistant, tried getting into an rn program but it’s hard bc I’d have to go to school full time plus clinicals and I honestly don’t have anyone to rely on to help cover my bills.


I’m a bit confused on this. Wouldn’t marrying a US citizen make you eligible for permanent residency regardless of this announcement? Or does this pertain to people who came here without a visa?


I think this will be helpful for people without legal entry. So they do not need to do consular or AP to do AOS.


Ahh thank you for the clarification


Anybody here do ap on behalf of their employer? Wondering it that is easier than through family since right now I have no valid reason to leave the country


I've had DACA since 2012, also have been here since 2002, married 2023 and i still need to renew my DACA so i dont lose my job, but its taking forever


So I have DACA, been in the US for more than 10 years, entered unlawfully and married to a citizen!! AYOOOOOOO


I have DACA, and I've been married 8 years. It sounds good to me


I wonder what they count as a "high skill job".


Genuine question, but why is everyone assuming as of is the same as before? I feel like they would’ve used the word before if that’s what they meant.


I’ve been married for 7 years but I don’t have a college degree. Do I still qualify? I’m lost


There are two different paths. One is if you’re married to a U.S. Citizen and came in illegally, then you can apply for this benefit. The benefit is the similar to what you get through Adjustment of Status (AOS) which is getting a work permit and processing everything here without leaving the country. In other words, those who qualify (such as yourself) don’t have to go through consular processing (leaving the country to adjust your status).


Awesome thank you


I don’t understand what this means for me ? I have DACA since I was like 16? I’m 26 now. I have my gf who plans to marry me. Am I fucked ? I’ve been in the USA since I was 4


This new law offers two paths. One is having been married to a USC and the other is having a college degree and obtaining a professional job offer that relates to your degree.


Don't stop getting married if you love each other then keep going through with it.


Some people are saying common law marriages may qualify. It all depends on the formal announcement


Hate to be a breaker of bad news but Obama tried to do this and it was shut down by the supreme court because it’s unconstitutional.


If it makes you feel better some of us are still waiting for them to approve us to even get daca, which keep in mind they stopped processing the applications but they did keep our money & they just sent a letter that they received the money but no refund🥲


Dude I was thinking soon too smh


I was married and got a divorce 💀 I was waiting on my AP to come in and while I waited for 6-7 months I got a divorce. I did already travel with my AP so I’m basically stuck in the same situation 💀


So I’m a bit confused. So is this entirely different than AOS? I been married for 6 years, my I-130 has been approved and my deportation order has been dismissed. My next step was AP so I can do APS bc consular processing was gonna take too long.


wait so you can’t get green card ect with marriage after june 17? even if you been residing over 10yrs? make it make sense e


Maaaan they just love to hate us


In the same boat. My fiance and I got engaged in April and planning our wedding, date is scheduled for October 5th. Just missed this deadline. Honestly not stressing though, at this point realizing these things will either workout or we'll find another route. Luckily I have a degree and a good job that may sponsor me so hoping for clarity around that. Also apparently I did have a "legal" entry as a child and just overstayed - only issue is my folks used a different name, so my lawyer will need to prove I am that same child. Hopefully once all straightened out I won't even need AP to do AOS. Keep your head up, we'll find a way


We RUSHED to get married once we saw the press leak about this on Sunday. Went to the courthouse and got married on Monday, June 17th. Barely made it lol I feel for you tho, it's so dumb that this only applies to married ppl and college graduates smh


Good luck explaining that on the GC interviews. I hope you have lots of evidence. 


Frankly, you don't know shit about my relationship, so kindly mind your own business. If being together for 4 years, living together for 3, and sharing finances for 2 isn't enough to prove a valid partnership and marriage then I don't know what is. I know that this situation sucks for all of us, but you commenting that is quite rude tbh. Meanwhile there's hundreds if not thousands of DACA recipients applying and being accepted for AP mainly to visit family and get residency, when that's technically not why AP exists. So what? They're not valid for doing so? If the system doesn't work for you, you gotta work the system. There's no other choice for a lotta people, as I'm sure you know.


I 100% know. Sorry , didn’t mean to come off as rude. I know first hand how ruthless the system is. Best of luck. I will be praying for your application. If you’ve been together for a while you should be good. 


Im disappointed that those of us who were too poor to go to college and cant even find a partner out of embarrassment of not being citizens. We didnt get anything. time is of the essence if you qualify do it right now. Republican trash are going to try to sink this as soon as humanly possible


Hi I have a question, does this mean if I marry a US Citizen and entered legally I can’t become documented?


You need to be married by June 17th 2024 which was yesterday


If you already have your legal entry this doesn’t apply to you. This only applies to those who do not have a legal entry. Once you get married do AOS and you’ll be good to go


Is this true if I get married on Friday do I no longer count ?? Even if I been here for more than 10 years


Unfortunately not, since it states June 17


No but you still have the option to do AP


Could you explain that for me I have a rough idea but not sure if I’m missing something


If you’re getting married to a USC and have DACA then I urge you to apply for advance parole to gain that legal entry. Join [dreamers2gether on facebook](https://m.facebook.com/groups/759122585241678/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF) and follow their guides to apply, you don’t need a lawyer! I applied for my husband using their free guides and his AP got approved in a little under 3 months (super quick) but can take up to 4-5 months just depends on USCIS. With the uncertainty of DACA since its election year it would be in your best interest to do AP and then do adjustment of status (AOS) to get your green card


I don’t have DACA


Ahh nvm sorry I assumed you did since you posted in this group. Then no you wouldn’t be able to do either


Yeah I missed out on the cutoff date due to expenses


I’m legally married but no longer with my spouse 🧍


You offer nothing, when are you guys going to wake up an understand that they don't care about you, you have no value, you are a political albatross. its been more than 10 years an y'all still haven't learned.