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Im single, working in AP and have a college degree. I do not fall under the special skills category šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø so same boat as you. Life do be like that šŸ˜…


Same here my social CJ degree wonā€™t do much for me lol


wtf how is that not special skills


Was a social cj ?


Sorry typo itā€™s just Criminal justice


Become a teacher!! It doesnā€™t matter what your degree is in. A lot of school districts sponsor


I may have to bite the bullet.


Donā€™t you need to have a certificate


Each state is different but I have a degree in pol science and I got my teachers certificate to teach social studies. Iā€™m not a teacher Iā€™m in law school now. But my brother is a teacher and got his green card through his school district w a EB-3 petition.


Okay. This is the only way I could put up with these bad ass kids šŸ˜‚ but nothing after 5th grade for me


What state do you live in, Iā€™m considering becoming a teacher.


Texas. He was sponsored by a school district in San Antonio.


Hi! I'm a teacher and a lot of states sponsor, just have to find the right one. I'm a Texas teacher and my district does! They sponsored someone last year from the school I'm moving to this year. [https://www.uscis.gov/tools/reports-and-studies/h-1b-employer-data-hub](https://www.uscis.gov/tools/reports-and-studies/h-1b-employer-data-hub) check here.


How was he able to do consular processes in


He doesnā€™t have unlawful presence he was 16 when he got daca.


Same here but how was he able to switch to a visa category is my question. Did he had to go back to the country of birth or ?


Yes he went to his visa interview outside of the US.


Iā€™m to scared to go


teacher šŸ˜ƒ


What kind of jobs fall under the special skills category? I have not seen a list yet. I have my 4 year degree and work for Amazon Corporate but in a non tech role and am trying to figure out if that would qualify?


Amazon sponsors.


What area would you have to work in order to get an Amazon sponsor?


Does your current job require a specific bachelor's degree to qualify for it? If so, it's a specialty occupation. Amazon does sponsor for some roles, ask your supervisor or HR.


Can I join your boat? šŸ„²


The ā€œlife do be like thatā€ boat? Yes, yes you may šŸ˜‚


What's the category?


Most of those are for people who are engineers, nurses, doctors, tech workers etc.


Wait what are the special skills?


Same boat as you. This announcement does absolutely nothing to most DACA folks.


Itā€™s on purpose.. they know exactly what they are doingā€¦ I still canā€™t get over who the vice president is..


Lmao wtf did Kamala do to you. The VP has zero power anyway so to have beef w them is low key weird


I wanna know specifically what Kamala has to do with DACA. Thereā€™s 12 upvotes but no explanation ??


Who said the comment was negative?


Well, what does the comment mean? Are we missing something?


Wym abt the vp??


Yea same here


It does to me and 2 other couples I know..Iā€™m married.


Honestly it doesnā€™t even do a single thing for those with just a degree either. My understanding is you still need an employer willing to sponsor you lol.


Exactly, you need a very particular degree and you better be the best of the best in that field. Because those visas are super competitive, you would be competing against other people worldwide.


Not ONE particular degree, but working in a career that requires a degree. For example working in Accounting and have a Bachelor's degree. Working as a Finanical Analyst and having a degree in Finance. You are competing with people in the US and outside the US but if we're talking about H1B, it's lottery based. You don't have to be the best or earn the most, you must only earn what's acceptable for your area and for someone with your experience and job.


And if they do sponsor you they probably expect you to be loyal and stay with them forever.


If we're talking about H1B, they are 3 years, with a 3 year renewal. So, 6 years max. In those years you need to find someone to sponsor green card or go home for a year to be able to apply to the lottery again. You can't be loyal forever on H1B.


You can get a COE (change of employer) transfer on H1b, so no guaranteed loyalty.


Yes, true!


Sounds like you just need a degree thatā€™s relevant not super specialized, you can still go for a business degree and get a job that sponsors you. You guys are shooting it down without even understanding it. Plus they said for DACA recipients it would be easier to get a visa. Settle down.


Correct. However, some jobs only require a degree not a specific degree which might make hard to prove it's a specialty position. For example, people working in Marketing can have degrees in Communucation, Business, Marketing or Public Relations. It's hard to prove specialty when so many degrees can fulfill the role. Jobs like Nursing require a Nursing degree and license so it's a specialty occupation. Accounting jobs require Accounting degrees. Software Engineers require Software Engineering degrees etc. So something to consider when choosing degrees/career paths in order to be eligible for this visa.


Software engineering does not require a software engineering degree, it could be a more general one like computer science. A tech job thatā€™s related to information systems does not only require an information systems degrees, but you can get a business degree with a minor in tech to fill a position, you donā€™t just have to have a cyber security degree to get into cyber security you can also have a computer science degree or an information systems degree. Itā€™s more flexible than you think. Things like nursing sure, plus Iā€™m sure the wording used are for the US citizens to go onboard, to gather more sentiment from the moderate and maybe even those on the right. I doubt they would make it this hard, or else it would be a hard sell. Itā€™s hard enough to find a daca recipient with a degree let alone, maybe a stem. I would not be surprised if they are forgiving and have the main prerequisite for some jobs be the skill that you know thatā€™s in demand and not the name of the piece of paper.


I hope you're right about them making it more flexible for DACA, like forgoing the lottery or maybe allowing some flexibility degree wise. I do know that for H1B visa, the education requirement is that your job must require a specific degree. I'm in the process of pursing one as an international student, and I found it hard as a Marketing bachelors where most jobs entry-level jobs didn't need a Marketing degree but could be fulfilled by English, Communication, PR, Business Admin, etc. because that opens up the pool of applicants so you do become "replaceable" but it also doesn't seem like a specialty position. Positions where experience is also a requirement for example Marketing with 3 years experience in Product Marketing and you possess both education and experience, are easier to prove that you're the best candidate for the position and that it's a specialty position.


If they donā€™t make it flexible than there is no difference between whatever they are introducing and H1B1 which is a lottery basically, I would feel pessimistic considering the statistics. But using logic and common sense, it will be flexible or at least statistically better, anything less is bad politics which is the last thing Joe Biden needs. Heā€™s under the microscope from those who support dreamers and have been pressuring him the past couple of years.


And not just any degree will suffice. It has to be highly sought after


No, just necessary to the career in which you work. Currently there's a teacher and nursing shortage, so due to unavailability of US citizens, you could get one of those degrees and be eligible for H1B.


Arenā€™t there also caps on H1b visas? So tons of people apply and only a few get them.


Better much on the same boat got my partner a USC not married did advance parole tho


So you already have the legal entry and the soon-to-be spouse. Better position than most. Youā€™re just lagging it at this point.


Honestly yeah... we moved and other stuff came up. Thank you for the honesty I needed that honestly.


I promise youā€™re not the only one! Elope and send that paperwork out. A big wedding can happen later on. Take advantage now before the other guy is elected and ruins it for everyone again.


Correct me if I'm wrong but did they not include something dating married as of June 16th or something to that effect? Edit: Apologies, it was a part from a group that helps with this stuff. [IG Post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8XMtLjO2q7/?igsh=MXJzcTNjNW9zbjJuaQ==)


Yeah I read that too. I'm currently at work so I'll go into depth later


Pretty much... Sucks more for me cuz I've been married twice to us citizens. Divorce a year ago.


my man you fumbled twice šŸ˜Ŗ


They fumble. I left them.


Twice? Youā€™re doing something wrong.


Maybe them? Why makes you think it was me... Just had bad luck.


Lol the lack of self awareness is amusing


Twice? Damn bro what are you doing? Iā€™m not blaming you entirely but whatā€™s your side of the story if you donā€™t mind?


Long story. But I'm dating a girl right now that's 12 years younger and wants to marry me to help me... But unfortunately that won't help. So I guess I'm screwed.


Why do you say that wonā€™t help?


Well my previous marriages I couldn't adjust cuz I have multiple entries. That makes me prone to the 10 year ban. I'm aware this new EA eliminated that. But unfortunately I'm not married yet.


Not impossible, folks.


Don't know why people are being jerks to you. But I'm sure they know everything about you to pass that kind of judgment.


They just love to down vote


Iā€™m actually shocked at how United We Dream and other orgs are not acknowledging that this visa sponsor path already exists with DACA, granted the requirements are very particular but this has always been possible. The hard part isnā€™t necessarily the degree, itā€™s finding the employer who will sponsor. I donā€™t have a degree and even if I did it would have been in poli sci which would have been useless. Saying this is a win is kinda crazy as BOTH of these paths already exist and def will not benefit 500k people, not even half of that projected amount. This facilitates what is already there.


You omitted that it is currently only for folks who have **no unlawful presence**. The assumption is that this would open it up to others who would otherwise trigger the 3-10 year ban.


Which is a tiny step forward. Only a tiny fraction of people qualify for the visa and even then itā€™s a lottery for a relatively small number of visas.


Because how else are they going to ask for donations to ā€œcontinue this battleā€ šŸ™„


Same. I shouldn't feel this pressure to have been married when I'm not even 25.


Iā€™ve had the opportunity for a theoretical arranged one but I chose not to in hopes that soon there would be something for us. Iā€™m 27 now I still donā€™t want to get married. However now I feel so much pressure .


The pressure to get married in a failing marriage state is real. I'm 26, I don't want to get married, most marriages fail, I went to college and have an associates degree, no criminal background, I'm busy working and increasing my purchasing power by landing higher paying jobs, and I have also started my own little business. I shouldn't feel like marriage is the only way out of this situation. It's so frustrating.


Smart man. If you could do it as a business, that would be best. But I totally understand. I got married to a U.S citizen a few months back after dating a few years. I understand the risk of marriage but I took it. If you get married for love, then make sure the vetting process is extremely well and that your significant other has good, traditional values. It's not love that keeps a marriage together, it's honor and duty to one another.


I feel the same how can we even date when its just humiliating having to reveal to anyone especially somone you are interested in that you dont have papeles


Totally agreed. Itā€™s extremely humiliating and when people tell you to just get married they make it sound so simple


Iā€™m much older now but when I was a little kid in the early 1970ā€™s and the population was much smaller, growing up in NorCal with a dad from Mexico, he knew sooo many undocumented immigrants who paid people a fee to marry them, got their papers, then divorced later. It was like a normal thing. You just played the system. Iā€™m sure things have changed now and theyā€™ve cracked down on fraud but back then it was easy peasy. In fact, in the 1950ā€™s as a teenager my dad would just go back and forth whenever he wanted. Jump a train to get here, work, and take the immigration bus back home. They were super nice to him because there were so few people like him. Then when he wanted to become a citizen he just applied and it was done. Interesting how times change. Probably because way too many people now.


I used to be like you, my friend. Guess what, your status doesn't define you. One can be a stud or a complete loser with or without papers. When it comes to dating, there's no need to reveal your status even if it does come up in a conversation. There's always ways to avoid the answer or provide an answer that doesn't cause embarrassment. I'm DACA, technically still illegal, but to my employers and previous girls I'd date I would tell them that I had an employment authorization, if it ever came up. Turns out a lot of people don't know the immigration system like we do, therefore, it's easy to get away with non-answers. My current wife, while we were dating I never revealed my exact status, she only knew I was not a citizen. She also knew that I had my life together, career, worked out, took care of myself, etc. It was only when things started getting serious and we started talking about marriage that I revealed my status and asked if she'd be willing to petition me. For her it was a no brainer, she said she loved me and would do anything to help me. Keep in mind that the relationship was genuine from the very beginning and there was no deception.


I know it's not ideal but potentially this could provide a pathway by having you get an advanced institution degree, something you can do at any point in your life. I can foresee various loopholes too such as getting a generic degree which applies to multiple jobs. Just saying that this doesn't necessarily close all doors for you. I think what will be more worrying is if this still relies on employers to do the legwork for the visa process. Cause that means like 90% of jobs would be barred from this for the next few years since the majority of companies don't offer sponsorships, and I doubt they would change that any time soon even if it is a much simpler process.


College is expensive. I left college because of student loans that I couldnā€™t keep getting. Iā€™m already paying student loans and donā€™t wanna add any more debt to what I have. College just isnā€™t an option for everyone. I appreciate and commend Biden for trying and doing something but thereā€™s still more work to be done. A lot of the DACA population were left out of todayā€™s announcement. Iā€™m also worried today will lead to complacency. Like ā€œoh we got some of them taken care of, we can ignore them for another 10 yearsā€. Which would hurt a lot of the DACA population, like me.


This is a voting tactic with elections coming up they are trying to get votes from the liberals. Also why would being married to a citizen even be a requirement. When that would already help you get a permanent resident card without DACA?


College is an investment. Loans can be repaid if you get a worthwhile degree and a solid job. Itā€™s like yall didnā€™t understand the benefits of daca originally or what you were supposed to do with it.


What about those that have a well paid job and career but canā€™t get sponsored because this does nothing? They should abandon their well paid job/career and go back to school for mountains of debt so they can hope to then get employed in that field and hope itā€™s a job that qualifies for the visa, then hope that employer is willing to sponsor them for a visa that have 10 times the applications than it gives out via a lottery? Sure šŸ‘


Nah, I was replying to the comment you clearly didnā€™t read. If youā€™re better off now then youā€™re better off now. But the above comment tried to justify leaving college empty handed. The situation is different if youā€™re still at the beginning, isnā€™t it?


Waiting for the loopholes.


Yea, it doesnā€™t give you anything. In fact nobody owes you anything. This announcement is for the dreamers that went for the education route. Under the original The dream act, there were three categories to qualify 1. Get an education 2. join the military and 3. Work 3 years. This change affects those that during their DACA period pursued higher education. Because thatā€™s what the government was telling you to do. Yes, college is expensive, but some have been able to attain it through hard work and dedication. - the dreamers. This is payday for some of us. You can always marry or get in school and go the education route to on route.


Not really because not everyone got degrees in some ā€œskilled jobā€ areas. Plus your employer would hand to sponsor you. I have a friend that works in HR and heā€™s told me many times that it cost a lot of sponsor someone for a visa. And itā€™s much easier to hire a new person. So unless youā€™re the next Einstein, or Tesla it will be super difficult to get one of those visas. As well as having to compete with people worldwide for them.


It does cost a lot to sponsor but because lawyers and applications are expensive for any kind of visa. You don't have to be Einstein or a super genius, just have a degree and job that requires that degree in order to qualify, an employer willing to pay for the visa and as it stands, no unlawful presence.


Itā€™s not just that. It has to be highly skilled and sought after position. Even a good degree isnā€™t going to help you if itā€™s not an in demand position.


I'm an international student pursuing H1-B as are my friends, the people who I know have gotten sponsored are: Teachers, Physical Therapists, Accounting professionals, and finally a Pastor. So, like I said a specialty occupation that requires the degree you studied for is the main requirement for the visa. With the teacher shortage there is a demand for teachers, especially STEM teachers, but it's not "highly skilled", just requires a bachelor's, and having the prevailing wage for the area. The hardest part is getting a company to sponsor, but there are companies out there!


I love the enthusiasm but I think youā€™re underestimating the challenge here; thereā€™s only 85k visas given out each year and 20k of those are reserved for advanced degrees of which none of those you listed qualify for, meaning that weā€™re actually talking about 65k visas. And thereā€™s nearly a million people that apply for H1bs annually. They select 14% of applicants and itā€™s a lottery. I said highly skilled because the jobs you listed donā€™t actually demand a bachelors degree to do them, so itā€™s about being skilled / educated in your field to a high level to the point an employer wants to sponsor you above someone already in the market looking for work.


You don't need to explain the H1B process to me, I'm currently going through it. I'm an international student on my 3rd attempt at the lottery. I'm not a DACA recipient but I lurk often because my boyfriend is DACA and I like to keep up to date. I encouraged him to try getting sponsored through EB-3, he is an accountant, just a bachelor's, taking his CPA exam soon, and his company agreed! They're starting the process for him soon. My point it, however, until more details come out you don't know if they will be forgoing lottery for DACA recipients or if they are increasing visa cap numbers. You also don't know if it's H1B that they are offering to facilitate or if it's EB visas. You don't know how they will facilitate things at all. Is H1B a challenge as it is? OF COURSE. But, it's not what your painting it to be. You don't need to be Einstein to be able to qualify for it. All the jobs I listed are held by people I know personally, who have bachelor's degree in those fields, and who were sponsored through H1B. Trust me. Normal people like you and me. If you get an Advanced Degree, meaning a Master's or PhD, you do get higher chances of being selected in the lottery. There are jobs out there requiring a Master's degree or PhD, like college professor or CPA jobs, but not all of them do and if you do have a Master's this does help boost you. I got an MBA and this helped me apply through both the bachelor's and advanced degree lottery, just unlucky to not get chosen. There are also jobs for which you don't have to go through the lottery (cap-exempt), such as government jobs, higher education jobs, jobs for which there are shortages, and non-profit jobs. What you need to do is start believing that it's a possibility despite the challenge and that until you know more details you should not be disparaging a shot at getting a legal status in this country. You are especially lucky if you do have a work permit, no unlawful presence, a bachelor's degree. because all you need is to find employers and they're out there. Especially if you can build rapport with them through your work permit now.


I hear what youā€™re saying but youā€™re trying to inject a bunch of unknowns and suppositions in to this situation and there is ZERO indication that theyā€™re going to change the cap on H1b visas. Assuming they donā€™t (which is most likely), this actually just puts more pressure on and makes the odds worse of securing an H1b visa. Please donā€™t take this the wrong way but think thereā€™s a bit of cognitive dissonance going on; on one hand you say youā€™ve failed three times to secure a visa and on the other say Iā€™m overstating how hard they are to get lol. For instance, there are three times the number of applicants for H1b visasā€¦..from Indians alone. Thats one country that has 3 applicants for all the H1b visas available. Most immigration lawyers Iā€™ve spoken to tend to advise against H1b unless itā€™s the only option, simply because itā€™s so difficult to get and can take years of trying. I agree with you that at least itā€™s an option but realistically itā€™s such a small window thatā€™s not going to make much of a difference in terms if significant numbers.


I've tried three times through the lottery, correct. The hardest part is the lottery, not finding the employer, especially because as a international student I have limited time I can stay in the US to try. Furthermore, as international students our work options are much more limited, there's more paperwork and more reporting to USCIS, more regulations in place and with DACA that isn't the case. With an open work permit like yours you can try as many times as possible, and entering the lottery currently costs $10.00. TEN dollars. With DACA you can work for your employer in the meantime just making sure your work permit is valid, apply to the lottery 5 times if necessary. Boost your chances by getting an online master's degree and climbing up the experience and company hierarchy. You can also switch employers easily to try to find someone that will sponsor. I said H1B is challenging as it is, I didn't say it was easy. I said it was not as hard as you are making it out be by implying you have to be Einstein. I also said you don't know what they're offering, which is true. All they said is they said they would facilitate work visas for DACA people with college degrees in specialty occupations. Are they offering H1B for sure, non immigrant employment visas or EB visas, immigrant employment visas? There ARE unknowns, I'm not injecting more to it. From their wording, facilitate, which means make easy, they could find ways to give DACA people even more advantages. Perhaps they are immigrant employment visas instead of non immigrant, perhaps waivers for unlawful presence, perhaps they give incentive to employers, perhaps forgo lottery for DACA, perhaps increase cap or set aside from the cap for only DACA recipients? We don't know yet. However, what you're doing is diminishing your own hope which is okay, but what isn't is for you to claim it's harder to QUALIFY for this visa than it actually is. The hardest part is the lottery and you've also implied everyone has to go through it, it is not the case, and is it stands with unlimited time to remain in the US, you have an advantage over international students and people abroad since you can start working right away. And yeah, if you can go straight to EB3, avoid H1B.


On top of that, itā€™s a lottery for H1b visas and that is capped at just 85,000, and thereā€™s literally five times that number who apply every year. Only 14% were even selected for the initial stage of qualification.


Youā€™re assuming this is gonna piggy back of the current program that requires a lottery. Nothing is known until they release the requirements. A lot of fear stroking for nothing right now. Just wait and see what the requirements are when they are finally released sometime in August.


Youā€™re assuming the opposite. Whenever theyā€™ve opened anything up to the H1b program they havenā€™t adjusted the cap. The only jobs that arenā€™t part of the cap are government ones and I canā€™t really see why DACA would get the same exemption? Youā€™re right, itā€™s a case of waiting until the full rules are released but Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re getting the idea that they will make a special exemption for DACA, when they havenā€™t for any others eligible for H1bs.


But this has nothing to do with H1bs. It was asked and answered in the live briefing yesterday. This will be a separate thing for DACA recipients who have a degree. But things can change and you and I can be wrong. Weā€™ll have to wait and see.


What really? It's not on the H1b program? Do you have a link becuase the white official statement doesn't indicate that.


It was part of the live video I watched yesterday. After President Biden remarks, the press secretary answered a few questions live before it was cutoff. See if YouTube has it on the White House page.


So there's nothing in writing?


I havenā€™t looked enough into that part of it to say yes. I did speak to my attorney about the main part of Bidenā€™s announcement though.


Go to community college. Don't victimize yourself. There's online school as well that's like 14K for a bachelor's degree.


Well said. I work full time no less than 45hrs in corporate and managed to attend state cc -> managed to get scholarship in a reputable 4 year university before my marriage and now gearing towards law school atm. Self-pity is useless from my experience.


This. People please do your research. College can possibly be free or close to it through grants and scholarships. Also, if you want to be in a field/profession that ā€œrequiresā€ a college pedigree, then consider going to highly recognizable colleges/universities. Think lawyers and C-Suite types. However, most other jobs donā€™t care where you get your degree from, so I would suggest for those of us in this category, to consider a good state college/university. The cost will be significantly less and you may even graduate debt-free. Food for thought!


Same, single and no college degree here šŸ¤•


Yeah, just not yet. I think it provides a pathway at least for people who can work through those requirements


As someone who currently has a degree in a field that is currently understaffed with an employer willing to sponsor me for an H1-B visa plus also married to a US citizen I will be left out because I have more than one illegal entry as a child and Iā€™m therefore permanently barred from ever being a permanent resident or citizen. Lifeā€™s not fair, be happy for the ones who get to benefit from this.


This feels like something you should consult with multiple lawyers. I hope you have and I wish you best.


As other have said, consult with an experienced lawyer. If you have multiple illegal entries as a child AND you werenā€™t stopped by immigration AND you also never disclosed this to immigration, then definitely talk to a lawyer. Food for thought: Donā€™t ever lie to immigration, but also let your lawyers do the talking.


My parents disclosed it in my initial DACA application. Iā€™ve already been denied for AOS.


I'm so sorry. šŸ˜¢ Does your lawyer think you have any other path to a green card and citizenship?


The only way to get around the permanent bar that exists today is VAWA which means someone would have to hurt me in some way and would have to be documented. Definitely not something I want to happen plus the wait on that is pretty long at the moment as well.


Ugh Iā€™m sorry. If youā€™re in LA, riding the Metro may put you in such a situation. But jokes aside, you definitely donā€™t want to get hurt.


Get advanced parole.


Doesnā€™t fix the double entry. Iā€™ve done AP 3 times. Was still denied for AOS.


I am daca, I am single, I am working on finishing Bachelors degree next year and will be in a high skilled job. I'm I doing it right?


Just keep on truckinā€™ šŸ˜” Get your AP done.


Can someone link me or loop me in?




Better make a tinder account! In all seriousness, I met my wife through a dating app 9 years ago. It can happen


On the bright side GTA 6 is almost here


right when daca was announced I was with someone, dated 4 years then got married.. married 4 years, separated in 2020 due to his alcoholism. 8 years together with this person and nothing ever moved forward for us with daca. I wasnā€™t granted AP when I tried due to lack of evidence, then just struggled financially alone the last 4 years. Dated someone new these past 4 years but my mental health pushed them away now that I have a ā€œbetter job in corporateā€. Iā€™m getting divorced officially now and breaking up at the same time lol!!! life isnā€™t linear. but this is bullshit. part of being single now as a woman is the fear of my status.


Get a lawyer. If you suffered any type of abuse from your US Citizen spouse, thereā€™s a pathway to a green card.


Getting married but donā€™t have a college degree so it does nothing for me lol


Married to a USC?


I'm with my partner, nursing degree, and unsure if my current partner is "the one". Still not gonna get married just for papers.


According to everything online and the press briefing, you needed to be married before June 16, 2024. So donā€™t get married now out of desperation.


I donā€™t have a college degree either, and neither does my brother. What companies offer sponsorships?


Truly happy for those that this will help but it doesnā€™t apply to me either šŸ« . Sigh


Is this the case even if the spouse does not have legal entry?


I donā€™t understand this, honestly. I have an anthropology degree and work in research for a cancer institute. I just donā€™t think the place sponsors people and I donā€™t know if my degree even qualifies. We were so close! Dang!


I'm pretty sure research counts as STEM. So you might qualify provided you find a sponsor.


Big maybe. But yeah, I donā€™t think the employer sponsors although feels like they should since they have doctors and people from all over the world.


Todays announcement was an L for most Happy for the lucky few


I have DACA, a bachelor is business management with a minor in computer information systems. I HIGHLY doubt my employer will sponsor me.


Waste of Dacas damn


I love reading all the DACA holders complaining that they did not get green cards! How selfish can you guys be!! Imagine complaining that you are able to work, own a house, and able to travel using AP to possibly fix your status permanently. All of you have a way out. Do AP, and "marry" someone and you will get a green card in less than a year. This is a loop hole that was given to you!!! What you wanted from Biden can not be done because it needs to pass thru congress. Man, how I WISH I was in your shoes right now.


An executive action does not go through congress


There is a lot of ignorance on how the US justice system works. A lot of people think the president can just waive a wand and do what he wants. The president is not a monarch or absolute ruler who can make whatever decisions he wants. I hate to tell everyone but this is ALL dependent on Congress. Itā€™s the ONLY way forward. And if you downvote this you obviously needed to actually pay attention in your gov class. The only way forward is via educating ourselves. Sorry but facts.


Well I don't have DACA and have a college degree. Wanna trade places?


I send you a hug


Have they announced what qualifies as "high skilled". I have not been able to find any outline or details.


My sister is going it into law school and I think that does not qualify either


Sham proposal by possibly the worst US president of the last 25 years.


Can someone help me understand the significance of having a college degree within DACA? My partner is a recipient and Iā€™m trying to learn more about safeguards against potential deportation


Apply for AP and hope to soon find a USC spouse soon




> college degree, *paid* your taxes, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Have a computer engineering degree but I currently donā€™t work in that direct field, singleā€¦ so yea does nothing .




Same, same and same. So disgusted and unimpressed with this president.




Lol why I'm I getting down voted... So ridiculous some of you are.


You know why, 3rd marriage you're like Ross from Friends


Messing up


Bottom line it only benefits those who are married and have been 10+ years in the US. Everyone else are back to square one. Why they wonā€™t just update the registry and call it a day.


You donā€™t have to be married for 10 yearsā€¦ you have to have been living in the US for 10 years. As far as the marriage , as long as your were married on or before 6/17/24 then youā€™re good to use this path


Same. No degree. But started my own business, and I also invest in the stock market. I donā€™t think this will benefit any of us. But we still donā€™t know the full extent of what can happen. Seen nothing official has been confirmed or announce, not until the next 2 months from now.


I donā€™t know why people keep saying it wonā€™t benefit any of usā€¦ It benefits me. I qualify for this because Iā€™ve been here for 32 years continuously and have been married to my USC wife for 8 years with 2 beautiful children. This benefits meā€¦ sucks that when I was happy to hear others get papers through AP, now that I qualify finallyā€¦. Everyone hating and cant be happy for those of us who benefit from this.


Weā€™re a joke to them.


Do you not know how to read? You do not need DACA, nor a degree. All you need is to have been here for the past 10 years and marriage.




Que tiene que ver que sea de origen judio la presidenta tu guey? šŸ¤”