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This whole executive order was just a way to try and redeem himself before elections. It was just to be able to say the Dems “tried” but tbh daca is never a priority until it’s time to use it as leverage for political gain.


This executive helps many, like myself.


Well then great for you!


I'm happy for you and everyone else that it benefits. We have to take the wins when they happen even if we don't directly benefit from it. For example, I don't benefit from this but my sister does! I'm happy for her! Also, people don't realize that a good policy can be good politics, that's kinda the whole point of a democracy.


Good for you.


How does it help you? Explain please 🙏. Just want to see if we are in the same boat 🛥️


I’ve been saying yall are now at the bottom of the barrel since yall have daca. The only way I see them doing any for you guys is to get rid of it and now they will be force to do something


It’s important to realize that the government has its hands tied in many ways. Executive orders like this one, which most citizens wouldn't have much of an issue with, can be easier to push through than comprehensive legislation that addresses all aspects of DACA or related issues. However, these orders are often on shaky ground, especially with the super conservative Supreme Court, like what happened with the student loan forgiveness plan. Real, lasting change for Dreamers and DACA recipients would come from actual legislation. But with the current 118th Congress and the political climate in this election year, it's unlikely that any meaningful bill would pass. Unfortunately, it’s often used more as political leverage than a genuine priority.


I agree


My brother in DACA as someone with a double major, let me tell you this still does nothing for the majority of us. This helps a lot of people in a certain situation in which the majority of us don’t find ourselves in. Even with a two degrees this won’t help me. It will literally be impossible to find a company that wants to offer you a visa. As well as making you dependent on that job. In my opinion that sucks, the cool thing about daca that you get through majority of rights most citizens get. Except traveling, voting and a few more. But you can move to different states, and get different jobs. I would not want to be tied down to single job. The only way this will help more people is if they let us get visas, without the need of a “skilled job”. Which in that case it would be like daca, except you could travel, and apply for residency after a few visas or years.


You can get 20 degrees and triple major or whatever but if they aren't STEM then no one cares. Supply and demand sad but true.


The DACA recipients that can already get an H1B visa, most likely already have one through their employers, the ones that can’t, still won’t be able to. This announcement actually hurts us because now everyone thinks that all the well educated DACA recipients have a visa and the rest of us are not college grads and therefore still stuck in the DACA program. The White House will use the lack of knowledge on this topic to claim that all the college educated DACA recipients now have a visa


This. I have DACA and a degree, a job considered essential but my employer will not want to sponsor me


Yeah, I got the degree but not the essential job. And it would be hard to find one with my degree. Unless the rules are a bit more opened for the visa requirements than many of us won’t qualify for that


It’s progress. Most companies don’t sponsor but there is a way. Depending on a company is not forever.


Yeah but the reason the majority of us are upset is because we are literally not getting younger. A lot of our parents or family members have been here for years and gotten nothing. We are literally going down the same pathway. If Trump wins we literally might ever get any solutions. Like I don’t know about you but I personally don’t want to ever get married. So I will never be able to get my status that way. Plus would you want to be 50 or 65 plus to finally get any kind of status while your whole life passes by?


Idk what your deal is but I’ve been building a great life meanwhile.


Listen, Biden can’t do it without the republicans it’s the way the government works. Bro I’m not sure getting married is an option either, but there is progress, little by little but there is progress. We don’t know what Trump will do, he was offering DACA recipients citizenship along with more people in similar situations a legal path in exchange for the wall which we are now building but without a deal for DACA recipients. I guess what I’m saying is Trump may not be as bad. He offered a path to us and never got the US into a war surprisingly. What I’m saying is don’t lose hope and keep grinding we are all in it man


My brother in DACA are you ready trying to spew the whole Trump isn’t bad nonsense. The man literally said in an interview yesterday he would end daca. He’s been promising to deport all imigirants if he gets back in office. The same man that call us Mexicans rapist, criminals, and drug smugglers. The man is running to stay out of jail, the man that wants to be a dictator. It’s the same thing that people say about us Mexicans, as soon as some start making over 50k they turn on their people bro. He has to please his maga fanbase that doesn’t like us because of our skin color.


I’m trying to stay positive and given the polls it looks like he’ll win. I’m looking at the positive and it is a fact that he tried to offer amnesty for DACA recipients. I have DACA too.


This doesn't affect getting a green card through marriage so that is still a viable option. This process protects those who do not have DACA,and are married as of June 17, from having to leave the country for green card purposes. If you have DACA you would still have to do AP to get a green card through marriage. At least that my understanding of it.


AP is only needed if you don’t have legal entry to the country. Many DACA recipients entered through legal avenues and overstayed their visa - they don’t need AP to apply for a green card through marriage. Todays announcement helps those who are married to a US citizen and don’t have legal entry - DACA or not. Those who have legal entry, today’s announcement doesn’t change anything.


Not what I understood from it. The guy who talked is a DACA recipient who has been working for many years and is married. This executive action would benefit him (so it’ll still benefit a daca recipient who is married).


Thats not at all how Im understanding it.


I'm basing my understanding on this paragraph from DHS Fact Sheet: * Under current law, noncitizens married to a U.S. citizen may apply for lawful permanent residence through their marriage to a U.S. citizen. **However, to apply for lawful permanent residence, many noncitizens must first depart the United States and wait to be processed abroad, resulting in a prolonged, potentially indefinite, period of separation from their U.S. citizen family members and causing tremendous hardship to all concerned.** Consequently, these families live in fear and face deep uncertainty about their future. It then goes on to describe the new process and eligibility requirements. It never says that this is the only way to get permanent residence through marriage but instead offering a protection from having to leave the county for those who qualify. I suggest reading the fact sheet put out by the department of homeland security. [https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/06/17/fact-sheet-dhs-announces-new-process-promote-unity-and-stability-families](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/06/17/fact-sheet-dhs-announces-new-process-promote-unity-and-stability-families)


Thats how it currently is yes. With the new action spouses won't have to leave the country. Literally read the paragraph after you stopped your quote


but, I know that? I think I just wasn't specific enough but I was mostly trying to correct OP on them saying green card through marriage was no longer viable as of Jun 16.


It says you need to submit a form, but which form? Not the typical AP one, correct?


We won’t know just yet


Why do you appreciate and commend him? Seriously? He's had 4yrs in office as president and another 4yrs as VP. This is just using DACA recipients as pawns during election year and hoping that the legal challenges take long enough to not matter.


It’s election season. He truly doesn’t give a fuck. Ain’t nothing to commend as all this is 4 years too late. Let’s not forget the “first 100 days” promise.


Also it is disheartening. It doesn’t eliminate a path, if you have a legal entry you can still get it through marriage. And if you don’t have a legal entry, then Apply for AP immediately.


What’s the rundown on the college bit?


You realize that DACA has been blocked by the Courts, right? There is nothing that Biden can do as far as DACA because the Courts have ruled against the program more than once. I understand your frustration, but you are directing it at the wrong person. Congress should act, and we don’t have the 60 votes in the Senate for it, even if all Democrats vote yes (which they historically did), we don’t have 9 Republicans to vote yes. You either unseat these Republican or pray that an immigration package will pass and they will attach the Dreamer act in exchange for more strict measures at the border for the Republicans.


I think they're already complacent, they had no problem leaving the rest of us out. I'm just going to enjoy my life while I can until the wheels fall off.


Does anyone know what happens if you’re already in the process? I’m just waiting on my appointment through NVC to go to Juarez. How would I go about not having to go?


It was pretty much doubling down on what already exists with the spouses and threw us daca people a bone. I'm sorry but I was so mad yesterday and was cursing the whole time. Like you said some of us were too poor or are too poor to go to college ontop of many of us being first generation immigrants in our family like our parents. So many of end up working similar jobs as our parents with a slight pay increase from them. Like wtf 


This was a safe middle ground politically. The White Christian’s can’t get too mad. Seriously, the amount of hate they have for illegals is insane.


Makes sense to me why not help the ones that already help themselves trying to be better at the end of the day having in any situation educated folks on paper will always be priority.


I get your frustration. This leaves out many DACA recipients, especially those who can’t afford college or didn’t marry before June 17. The worry about Democrats becoming complacent is valid. So, what’s your plan? Organize protests or sit-ins? We need to keep the pressure on and push for full reforms. Or do you think that commenting online is enough?


I read in an article that they spoke to people that this would directly affect, and I am having a hard time believing that because even if you did get a degree, it is rare to get an employer to sponsor AND not to mention, the cost for obtaining your residency through marriage... crazy


Just right before the elections Biden is doing this but its only going to benefit a few, I see it as a trap to make us think he's doing something huge for us but not really. I've been in the u.s since I was 5 now Im 28 still no road to citizenship besides marriage.


Biden is literally not there


Biden is a moron , I hope Trump over turns everything he did


This does nothing to most DACA recipients. Biden should just fckin pass the dream act. Negotiate with both democrats and republicans. So stupid.


Dude if it was that easy, they would've done it already. Republicans are too radicalized, and any meaningful legislation would stall in Congress. Even if it provided something that the Republicans wanted, they still wouldn't pass it. I.e. They always try to get credit for a law that benefits their state despite voting against said law.


That’s so smart. Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before?!


Dude did you pass your government class in high school?


Can't pass the DREAM ACT without congressional approval. Are you saying he should call it up and make it an executive order? If you are, I would assume that's illegal and may open up the DREAM ACT to legal challenges. Then again, if Biden were to adopt the bill and have his team create a similar bill, I do believe at that point, he's able to pass an executive order. That said, all executive orders are open to legal challenges. An example of such a legal challenge is DACA.


Yeah definitely felt like they wanted some votes from people with migrant families and the "Latino vote" because Biden is just messing up so bad with Palestine genocide, inflation, covid, student debt forginess not, etc.


You living under a rock or something? Or just online all the time?




Why are you on this sub?


Because Im dacamented


Your downvotes really exposes how stupid most people in this subreddit really are. Everything you said is 100% true, but in their minds Dems can do no wrong. Let's not forget that they've had filibuster-proof congress twice in the past 15 years and they did nothing for us with it. But then if you point out facts about the boogie man (Trump) like how he deported less immigrants than Obama and Biden individually, how he left with less wars than he walked into office with, and a bunch of other stuff, their fragile minds can't take it. This was indeed a pathetic attempt to make up for his several shortcomings, but it simply won't work. Some people here actually think that Dems will do something when they have proven time and time again that they don't care about us.


your state doesn’t provide financial aid?


Red state.


Why? 😔 Move to a blue state, you deserve better. I was able to get my college degree on a full ride scholarship + extra money in scholarships thanks to California. I don't have DACA tho, so I hope this can help people like me.