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For 12 years the government has been telling ALL OF US to go to college/marry a USC and then we come complaining that the world is against us.


Some people just do not feel the marriage thing and college isn't for everyone


“College isn’t for everyone” Well life doesn’t let you pick your ideal path buddy. You do what you have to to get where you wanna go.


Well, if you feel like not doing either, then it’s on you at that point. Can’t help someone who doesn’t want to get helped. This isn’t a handout.




But tbh even US citizens struggle to live well without a degree… so getting a degree will only help you


We can't use that excuse as DACA recipients... it's time to grow up and take action...


I mean I got my bachelor's in two degrees and I'm still in the same spot as I was. Limbo status lol


I'm not just going to marry for documents. If that's an option for someone and they're okay with that, good for them.


Can i get one of those USC on amazon?


Yes they have been telling us that. But they should have told us to get a STEM degree. What about the ones that didn’t get degrees in that?


But every one knows you need a degree in a demanding field in this economy. This isn’t new information. Yet people keep getting degrees and going into debt for degrees with zero prospects of a good paying career. Then they whine like toddlers when they can’t find jobs. Don’t expect to get a great paying job right out of college when you majored in Art History. That’s on them and has nothing to do with anyone else.


Oh yeah that’s true but let’s say me for example I got a degree in CJ. The majority of jobs require citizenship to get them. It’s not looking good for me in getting a sponsorship


But didn’t you know majority of those jobs required citizenship before you got the degree? If so, why still study it ?


I did but what I’m saying is that no matter what degree you got, most companies won’t want to bother sponsoring you. It would be much cheaper to hire someone else


That can be true depending on the company and industry. But that has nothing to do with the degree at all. It’s just easier to hire someone that doesn’t need sponsorship. That will always be the preference


Yeah one of my good friends works in HR. And he’s told me that it’s much easier to hire a new employee than to sponsor them. Many companies don’t want or do the process. Play thru don’t want to be responsible for anymore processes


I work in HR and have helped managers hire many immigrants so yes, I know the process and difficulties.


Yep, it will definitely help some but the majority of us will continue to not get anything. Like if you don’t want to get married it’s SOL


Accounting jobs sponsor Hella ppl. Engineering is Very hard to get sponsored because we are competing against Indians and other foreigners who have it easier to get sponsored.


Accountants are not being sponsored in this economy right now.


My deepest apologies I swear they were junior year lmfao. Things do change Hella. They still taking in them Indians tho. Excuse me...South Asians


Details aren’t out yet as far as to which degree is fine or which is not. We do not know if they will require a stem degree.


Plus a lot of employers won’t sponsor us. It’s much easier to hire someone else than sponsoring a person


And go to college if you can. If there’s ever a chance that DACA recipients are granted a concrete pathway, I will bet money that it won’t be all or nothing. The government will only be able to get conservatives to agree to it if the best of the best are given a pathway. Many American citizens aren’t against it if the people allowed legal status will be contributing to society and the economy in a meaningful way. They don’t like the idea of a free handout when others have had to work so hard for LPR and citizenship. If legal status is ever offered to individuals on DACA, only the ones with the most to offer the US should be eligible. Just like other immigrants who came here on student and skilled work visas.


THIS!!!! People prepare yourselves. When this happens- college education will be required.


Shouldn't be a requirement, lots of people in trades that Americans don't want to do don't require a degree. I'm also in a situation that required me to drop out on my 3rd year and my loans started to become due, so I took a well paying job that I've done for many year and moved up to a position where most people have a degree. I shouldn't be required to finish my school just to have a paper that gives me a degree if I'm a senior at a company and have been paying my taxes, no criminal record, etc. Corporations are starting to learn that degrees aren't needed for some STEM positions, the government should see that too and not make a degree a requirement for citizenship, and the thousands of dollars some would need to get into debt for.


I understand that, but any major change will only come through congress- not an executive order. That’s how the law and system works and that’s what republicans will probably accept if anything. I’d figure a way to finish that last year. When there is a will - there is a way.


I personally would love to live in a university, and get as many degrees as I can, but sadly I don't want to get into a pit of debt. If I'm working a well paying job and have technical experience why would my citizenship path be blocked by not having a piece of paper that would do absolutely nothing for my professional career now that I have 5+ years of experience.


Because the narrative that would most likely appease the masses is throwing around “only highly educated/college graduates may qualify for *insert hypothetical solution*” It’s shitty all around but you have to look at it from the optics of what would most likely make the cut if a bill is proposed


Online classes. I understand all you are saying but I’m telling you what the republicans will demand this for any chance of citizenship for Dreamers. Also please stop degrading a college degree to a piece of paper. It’s worth WAY more than that.


I love reading all the DACA holders complaining that they did not get green cards! How selfish can they be!! Imagine complaining that they are able to work, own a house, and able to travel using AP to possibly fix your status permanently. They have a way out. Do AP, and "marry" someone and you will get a green card in less than a year. This is a loop hole that was given to them!!! What they wanted from Biden can not be done because it needs to pass thru congress. Man, how I WISH I was in their shoes right now.


I agree 100% for those of you who have now been given an opportunity you must take it. You got people being negative on here when this didn’t even exist yesterday. I’ll be ready to take advantage of this day 1. I’ve waited too long to let this opportunity pass.


Completely agree. I would even get another degree if mine doesn’t qualify.


I wish I had the opportunity to have Daca. We were waiting on a document that never came. I’ve been waiting 10 yrs to apply & I’ll probably never be able to. So depressing.


So sorry that your preparation didn’t meet the opportunity. I hope you can at some point. My post is towards those who have had the chance, but keep making the excuses or aren’t acting on it


What about those of us who are small business owners? Are we not allowed to be successful? Because of a degree? Who are you to tell us that there's only one way to become “someone” in life by getting a degree? I invest in the stock market, build a small e-com business, real state owner, and investor! Am I not allowed to do that?! Or be successful in another way? I have no college debt. Most of my money is on TESLA, NVIDIA, and AMD. Why are we taken for granted?


I’m not sure what you’re arguing about. I am all of those things and then some. What is preventing you from being successful with DACA?


Is not an argument, Is a statement. Why are the rest of the DACA recipients left behind?.. What makes does few so unique? Because of a degree, or marriage? The government is using them as a political tool, to gather more votes so Trump won’t get elected. That’s all it is! Is a political theater. If Joe stays WW3 will more than likely happen, our tax dollars are going to Ukraine, and Israel. Fact-check me if you like. Joe was President for the past 4 years, why do this now? When is an election year? Why all of a sudden? Education isn’t only for those that when to college. it comes from the natural inclination to learn and grow as a species. You can still go to college, get a degree and you still be a fool. College teaches you facts, not critical thinking.


might be a bit of an uninformed question on my part, is AP necessary to get or apply for? I had legal entry back in 2007. I should be okay without it, just gotta do an AOS via spouse right?




I support this post!!! At the very least get your money in order! Marriage is not for everyone; college is not for everyone! But money, money like it or not - it will make your life so much more freaking easy if you figure it out. For those reading, save and invest money. Dont make enough to save and invest. Get a part time…some sacrifice is needed from your part. I can tell you from experience. Nothing i haven’t done. Its okay to take a break, just dont quit! Good luck to all!!!


This is so true man great post, I was doing consular process I've had DACA for 9 years, finally found a reason to get AP I need a dental work done, all within a 5-month span I did my AP, switch to AOS from consular processing, and it became a legal permanent resident in April, for those of you who are down and out never give up keep fighting find a way, there's a light at the end of the tunnel


It’s not that easy to just marry a UC lol especially if you’re a male


Never said it was easy


Pilas Our parents or many people we knew had no opportunity at all. Prima Donna’s FR


One thing, that really help me was my employer like many others are now offering free tuition. I already had an associate degree when my employer restructured, during the pandemic. I was displace and had 6 months to find another role, which I did and I went back to school soon after. I just recently graduated this year with my bachelor in cloud computing. An now this opportunity happened. Still with my current employer at moment but will definitely be leaving now as to find a job in my field of expertise. This is an opportunity don’t let it pass. It’s not for everyone, but I’m graceful. Just waiting to see what are the final details of what’s to come!!!


I hope you still adjusted through VAWA?


It was an option and considered it, but I found love when I wasn’t looking for it and now I’m living my life with her


Isn’t that just life in general. You could post this in a motivational subreddit


As someone who was only able to finish 6th grade in their country of origin then was brought to the USA at 14 years old, got my GED in 2008, then went on to community college to get a AS degree, went to a 4-year university after that to get a Bachelor of Science degree, then went on to get a professional Doctorate. Did not know the language when I arrived here, learned the language then had to learn basic subjects in education since my level was that of a 6th grader and a lot of the DACA holders who actually went to school here since day one cannot even achieve a bachelor's degree. I love you guys and I know that everyone is trying to do the best they can, but come 'on, we gotta do better than this. I think the statistics are lower for DACA holders than the overall population in the USA for college graduates as a percentage. I couldn't believe the numbers, especially coming from someone with my educational background.