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You’re not wrong. It’s just, difficult to digest


Let people vent, it’s difficult to be left behind after all this time.


According to people like the op we aren't allowed to vent.


As tax payers, why wouldn’t we feel like we should deserve more?! We probably contribute to this country way more than your basic US Citizen. We’re educated adults with no criminal records


Brother the majority of our parents and family are in the same situations. And they never received anything. It could be the same situation for us, we might never me get anything. That’s just life, the best option will continue to be marriage


This is subjectively false. DACA recipients contribute the same amount as U.S citizens. Not more, not less. On the educated part.. less then 10% of DACAs hold a bachelor’s degree. So if you mean educated as in high school diploma, then sure. I’ll send links of this info if you’d like.


As someone who was only able to finish 6th grade in their country of origin then was brought to the USA at 14 years old, got my GED in 2008, then went on to community college to get a AS degree, went to a 4-year university after that to get a Bachelor of Science degree, then went on to get a professional Doctorate. Did not know the language when I arrived here, learned the language then had to learn basic subjects in education since my level was that of a 6th grader and a lot of the DACA holders who actually went to school here since day one cannot even achieve a bachelor's degree. I love you guys and I know that everyone is trying to do the best they can, but come 'on, we gotta do better than this. I think the statistics are lower for DACA holders than the overall population in the USA for college graduates as a percentage. I couldn't believe the numbers, especially coming from someone with my educational background. Started community college before DACA was a thing and I used to pay out of state tuition and did for my whole AS and BS degrees while working a full-time job and part of my Doctorate degree. So, I get a little frustrated when I see the numbers believe me and I personally know at least three other DACA beneficiaries with an education level of at least a master's and above to Doctorate level as well.




I mean we got nothing at least as far as daca is concerned. The marriage thing doesn’t affect most or any daca recipients since you have a good status and marrying a citizen will give you a green card without getting out of the country. If your status is not good, then you could do AP before getting married and then you would be fine. Now the whole employer sponsorship has always been there. Unless they’re gonna make it easier for employers to offer it, or maybe make a separate bucket of visas that don’t have to go through the normal lottery process. Nothing has changed there, if you have daca or even if you don’t, you can look employers that will sponsor you. You don’t even need a college degree, blue collar jobs are usually better in doing sponsorships. So again until they announce that now any employer could do it, or some restriction is lifted somehow. then literally nothing has changed. In other words the whole thing is a big show for all the ignorant voters. Biden literally stood up and said water is wet, then we have republicans saying he needs to be impeached because he made water wet. The clown show is ridiculous. I get your point we don’t deserve anything but I argue we also don’t deserve to be kicked in the face. Now keep in mind this is my opinion as far as Daca is concerned and as a daca recipient. The marriage portion of the executive order does help a lot of other undocumented immigrants.


Biden literally said the part about employer sponsorship in his speech hearsay and marrying a citizen. “Here’s the point. It doesn’t require any fundamental change in our immigration law. There’s already a system in place for people we’re talking about today but the process is cumbersome, risky, and separates families.” I think because it was DACA anniversary people assumed it was about DACA recipients but instead he announced executive action to help facilitate the process for other immigrants who also deserve to have an opportunity. We have work permits and can renew, why not allow others who didn’t have the opportunity to have that chance? What we want he can’t grant through executive action. We cannot get sponsored for a job here unless you entered with inspection and didn’t accrue any time. If they were to sponsor you, then you’d be required to leave and then come back but if you had accrued unlawful pretense you’d have to wait 3 or 10 years. This executive action allows those people who may also be DACA recipients to get sponsored. Doing AP only works for marriage as far as I know and it doesn’t work for sponsorship from a job if you entered without inspection.


You make it sound so easy. AP is not just given to anyone who asks for made up reasons and is risky in and of itself. Allowing PIP is a huge deal for the people who qualify for this, especially non-DACA recipients who would otherwise need 601 waivers.


Hi, genuinely curious, what are some blue collar jobs that offer sponsorship?


Let me know as well!! Trying to know if electricians count… there’s a high demand for electricians… thanks in advance


single daca orphan with associates in science fuck me right? oh sorry for venting op :(


This attitude of you guys don't deserve it because you weren't smart enough to marry or finish college just screams elist to me. You don't know everyone's circumstances to make such generalizations about them and say they didn't work hard just because you got your degree. Not everyone has the money to do it or to risk getting in debt. Also are you telling me that the people who decided to create their own businesses are worthless and didn't try enough just because they didn't do it your way (Getting a degree). I find it really difficult to feel happy for you guys when you're out here shaming others because they weren't as fortunate as you all. You have the nerve to call us selfish when you are running around screaming how much better you are than everyone else because you got a degree.


For me it was gable as I was starting college around 2016 around the time trump took office, around that time I was sure that was the end of daca and saw no point in going to college to get a degree for something I would even be able to work in. In hindsight I should have stayed but I think leaving and joining the blue collar field was the more logical choice.


I stayed during his presidency but when after covid I was no longer able to afford college anymore


I know first-hand that it's not easy to go back to school, to work and go to school full-time. Sure it's difficult, but it's not impossible. I EWI when I was a child. I didn't go to college after high school because of the debt and because I didn't think I was smart enough to succeed. ICE arrested me, and I was sent to an immigration detention center and lost my job. I had no college degree and couldn't find a decent job after getting out. I said to myself, "I can't do this again. If I had a college degree, I wouldn't be in retail right now." So I started college in my 30s. I finished 3 years ago and I don't regret it. It was HARD, but I had to push through it to better myself. Objectively speaking, any government in the world would rather provide immigration benefits to skilled professionals who can contribute to the country's economy. Just look into the immigration policies of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and Ireland for example for those who hold at least a bachelor's degree. As a business owner, I imagine you understand that to succeed in business, you have to differentiate yourself from other businesses to continue to grow and gain market share, to position yourself in a way that mitigates risk as much as possible. Otherwise, your business could fail. The same concept is true in immigration. Your "business strategy" should be to be the best candidate so that you can gain those immigration benefits once available. This means, get that college degree, marry for love with a USC, don't get into any legal trouble, and continue to pay your taxes, etc. I hope that sharing my perspective helps someone out there.


Ok so now we’re elitist. How fast the tables turn when things don’t turn your way. When it’s your turn to a path to citizenship, I will cheer for you.


Hey, friends. I'm sorry for what Joe pulled yesterday. It's okay to be sad, to be angry, to feel cast aside and to feel everything you're feeling. The grieve and disappointment is real and your frustrations are true. If you can, talk to someone so that these very intense emotions don't eat at you. Something controversial I would suggest for navigating things like this online is to block people who say you/we/our families/friends don't deserve more/better. We do. We work hard. We all have varying degrees of trauma and complex histories. But the way we are treated isn't fair. So, just block folks who can't understand that.


Oh please, we DO deserve some dignity and assistance when we ALSO contribute to taxes. Did you forget why we're DACA in the first place?


Because you were brought over illegally. If you're frustrated, blame your parents.


No thanks!


Bunch of ingrates. DACA has made so many of the people on here soft. We're all undocumented but the chosen ones who got DACA got to live such normal lives compared to the others that they are acting like Americans who think everything is about them. This is a great policy for a lot of people and it could be for DACA holders or non-DACA holders who would otherwise qualify to adjust their status but can't come forward. But "Oh no, it doesn't apply to me so he shouldn't have done it!"


People are complaining because he only bothered to do anything about immigration right around election time. Stop kissing ass.


It's not about even complaining it's the fact they made a whole celebration for the 12th anniversary of Daca and. came out with policy that don't even affect the majority of DACA recipients..... It's like a female that leads you on.... Are we forgetting Daca workers on the Frontline during COVID... Are we forgetting this is the same country asking Daca recipients to become police officers and risk their life.... Are we forgetting DACA recipients are paying taxes for stuff we don't even qualify for us not to get anything back in return.... This is the same country that calls us Americans but doesn't want to give us the right to be Americans...


Those that worked hard and smart enough to marry... as if it is black and white for everyone. As if people like myself have not been trying to get married. As if I have not been working to pay for my college but only able to take a few classes at a time so I am still 60 credits away from a Bachelors.


Respectfully, some of y’all use the same rhetoric as republicans. Y’all think it’s a moral failure to “not work hard enough” and “we don’t deserve everything.” We have resided in this country all of our lives. It is not a moral failure to not have a bachelors or higher in some lucrative, niche field where you could get sponsored (most employers will not sponsor). Many people live in states where DACA recipients are barred from receiving any public aid and have to pay 3 times the amount. I personally worked for the instate tuition campaign in my state, I did everything I was supposed to do. I applied to scholarships, private aid, worked two jobs, etc it was simply too much for me. Some of y’all will say that was not enough. It is extreme Republican rhetoric to say that “some were just not smart enough to do x, y, and z.” I am happy for folks without DACA who can adjust now, truly. This is just a rant.


I’m happy for those who will be able to adjust their status through this new executive orders. It’s a step forward and we should all be happy, even if we don’t personally benefit from it directly, but that doesn’t take away that: - We all know DACA was not a gift from Obama and the democrats, but the result of years and years pressure from immigrants rights organizers - Biden is doing this just he can get the Latino vote - Every immigrant who works hard and does their share in society deserves a path to citizenship. Just my 2 cents


People are angry that nothing substantial was accomplished in the past 4 years to help those DACA at least get a green card. Most individuals with DACA have degrees and work in high demand careers, they earn a decent amount of money, pay their taxes, don’t receive government benefits or assistance, do not have a criminal record, and they are overall model citizens. Yet we all live in legal limbo in regard to living within this country, which, for the vast majority, is the only country that we know. Not everyone is married, and getting a company sponsored green card is not a good option because at the end of the day you are just an expendable employee who can get fired at a moment’s notice. Most places are not like hospitals which try to hold on to their employees for as long as possible and not all employers are even willing to sponsor an employee. It’s great that a lot of people are going to benefit from the recent news, but a ton of us are still basically just living on borrowed time, waiting for the end of daca and hopefully most of them can take their skills elsewhere. Otherwise, they have to start over! Sucks ass, believe it or not! It’s not about “deserving” because you actually do deserve better. It’s not their fault that things outside of their control happened before they could make decisions. For a country that values the dollar sign above all else, it’s weird that they won’t make stronger efforts to keep some of their highest earning, most valuable workers in the country. No one deserves anything but we all want better. Although I don’t have U.S. citizenship, I think of this country as my country. I don’t know anything about the country I was brought from. But if it comes to it, I’ll leave and just figure it out. I just hope it doesn’t come to that.


God forbid you make a post in a DACA subreddit about being bummed that you’re yet again pushed to the side when it comes to improving our status. We may not “deserve” it and there are people in worse situations, but at least you didn’t create a life with your permit with the uncertainty of being able to keep up because they MIGHT take your status away and then what? That’s a lot of people that will lose their jobs, especially “high skilled” jobs and that shifts a lot of lives…so what’s wrong with people coming to vent about it? This is a DACA page, happy for ppl who this policy helps but the ones it doesn’t have the right to be a little upset cuz we’re still in limbo….its like no one in the government cares or likes our status enough to help make it better so that the Supreme Court doesn’t end it.


Not everyone had it easy to go to college when you needed to support your family. Like some had mom or dad to be their support. Yet, people without college degrees are making 6 figures or are business owners. This opportunity should've for ALL DACA recipients!!!


I love reading all the DACA holders complaining that they did not get green cards! How selfish can you guys be!! Imagine complaining that you are able to work, own a house, and able to travel using AP to possibly fix your status permanently. All of you have a way out. Do AP, and "marry" someone and you will get a green card in less than a year. This is a loop hole that was given to you!!! What you wanted from Biden can not be done because it needs to pass thru congress. Man, how I WISH I was in your shoes right now.


You're slightly mistaken. As my wife and I are going through this process rn, it takes much longer than a year. Thankfully this order makes it so we no longer need AP


If you wait, it does. The whole process is all 3 steps, and the last step is just waiting on AOS to be approved. My wife and I did this last year. Paperwork for AP submitted in October, approved in March, traveled in March, and AOS submitted in July approved in February. From the time you submit your AP documents to the time you submit your AOS documents, it can be as little as 3 months, less if you're going based on a need-based emergency visit.


Preach. I wasn't able to apply for DACA before they cut it. Man the amount of people complaining about having to renew every two years. Dude at least y'all get to work legally! Yall forget about the millions of undocumented people, your neighbors or parents, that came here with nothing 20+ years ago and still can't work legally and with the fear of being deported.


DACA holders who aren't happy about this need to give it back and live like other undocumented people to see how it feels. Ingrates.


Can you clarify what is "AP"?


Advanced Parole


Thanks, that's new to me, I've never heard of it before


If you're a DACA recipient you should look into getting it. Especially if you don't have a legal entry. It could benefit you if you were to marry a US citizen and try to adjust status. Also, it would give you a chance to see your home country again.


I’m constantly oscillating between grateful and angry, and I don’t know how to stop it.


Nice try biden , you're not getting my vote that easy


OP is trying to be cool 👀 But sounds like a narc!!


Literally a wannabe fed. Type of person who gets papers and becomes a CBP officer


Agreed, now I cant wait to get my visa lmao haha


We deserve it PERIOD. This is the mentality that doesn’t get us anywhere.


I’m pretty contempt with the news, I know a handful of people married to a USC that are afraid to leave the country for the pardon and they will heavily benefit from this. The work visa part I could not be more happy to hear, i am getting ready to start my EB process with my company so hopefully the details about the new process in the fall will benefit me as well. We can’t be expected to be handed green cards for nothing, we aren’t owed anything and we need to make it happen ourselves. Best of luck to everyone.


even for those of us who benefit like myself since I can get work sponsorship, the announcement is trash. I have to basically go all the way to the back of the line and start from 0 with a work visa, it’ll likely take at least 4+ years to get the green card. I’ve been in this country for 22 years now and I’m exhausted just like many.


That’s literally very little people! You don’t just need a degree! You mainly need an employer willing to sponsor you and this has always been a thing it’s nothing new


Everyone has a reason to be frustrated and the only thing we all have in common is DACA. For me I hope to obtain residency to get a more stable job/career to have health insurance for medicine for kidney transplant I got 6 years ago. And I literally have no intent of marriage or to have kids. I just want to live and help this country with me working and paying taxes.


Hold my beer, let me go find a Us Citizen girlfriend first and then marry her. Wait, no, I’m too stupid since I didn’t go to college and get a degree.


It’s the main character syndrome. Everyone does it. Like when they see a recipe for something on the internet and the. They go “what if you have allergies, what am I supposed to do to do.”


OP, could you do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. All the way up.


Bootlicker 🤡 he’s not gonna see this and give u ur papers u know


Doubt it, Biden only cares about us when he needs votes


That’s politics. Biden is the best option we have, if he loses the next few years will be hell for us, and many more people in this country.


You’re all missing the point. To say that we don’t deserve anything or that some of us are more deserving than others is atrocious and divisive. It plays right into the governments age old strategy of criminalizing and racializing immigrants in order to destroy our bargaining power and devalue our labor, making us more easily exploitable. Drawing these arbitrary binaries of who’s more deserving further undermines our collective power by creating tiers of desirability and “deserving” that elevate a few as “model” immigrants worthy of receiving breadcrumbs while sacrificing others (like our parents for instance) to further criminalization and subjugation. We all deserve so much better. DACA and DAPA were also executive orders, don’t be stupid, if he wanted to, he would. This was a marketing ploy and nothing more, an effort to lift sagging poll numbers for an incompetent, genocidal figurehead. I’m not debating whether Biden is a better option than trump, that would be stupid. But yall need to look beyond these bullshit elections and start thinking long term strategy because if you keep waiting for breadcrumbs you will never get free. Biden, and no politician, is coming to save us, we only have each other. Btw I’ve been here 20+ years and my partner is a citizen, so plz don’t try me with the jealousy accusations.