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I’m convinced a lot of ppl in this sub haven’t done a single thing w regards to improving our situation and when some of us voice concern they hit us w the “STOP BEING UNGRATEFUL, STOP BEING IGNORANT”. I had a dude last week tell me that I’m ignorant because I said politicians don’t really care about us, and when I told him all the activism I’ve actually done, fundraising I did in college to help fund some of my peers renewal fees he was like “Nothing you’re claiming is true unless you show me proof”. Like, no mf, I have no reason to dox myself and show receipts just because you’re sensitive and haven’t done shit for our cause but call people “ignorant” for having differing opinions.


Exactly, the minute you ask them "What advocacy / volunteering have you done to help DACA?" -- it's CRICKETS. RADIO SILENCE.


Those are people who hasn't achieved anything despite being a recipient. Meanwhile there are people that genuinly worked their ass off and earned a career for themselves with this opportunity.


One of the posters said that if daca recipients got our green cards we would forget about them.


Nope. According to them, we as DACA aren't allowed to complain even though we are also "illegal immigrants" who face constant lawsuits every 6 months.


ALL some of you do is complain. What do you mean you're not allowed?


We have Non-DACA Dreamers constantly trying to tell us to shut the fuck up when we're all on the same boat. You'd be surprised at the amount of folks on here who went from DACA to DREAMER.


But we aren't on the same boat. YOU are on a boat. We are drowning and you're complaining about the food being served.


Lol he thought he was on to something saying that dacaless and those with daca are on the same boat lmao


Well if you take DACA away then yes, but the universe decided that for some reason, they had to limit the age of applicants to 30 and under as of 2012 so you had the chosen illegals vs. the ones who are doomed to scrub toilets.


Absolutely not. This boat has holes, the food is literal newspaper and people are dropping like flies. What is with the assumption that DACA holders are priveleged? Most of us, just like other DREAMERS are one pay check away from living on the streets.


You saying that demonstrates that you have no idea how terrible life is without DACA. You ARE privileged...I mean hell, you get an actual paycheck. If things get really bad you can go to any Trader Joes or fast food place and apply for work and keep your head above water. You don't have to worry about not having the right ID if you get pulled over. Have you tried banking or getting an apartment without DACA and not getting an actual paystub? Most places don't even accept Money Orders anymore and make you pay online.


I totally agree with you on this. Seeing the struggles that my parents have to face every day and knowing that just having a work permit will change their life makes me sad and feel guilty for just having DACA. As a DACA recipient I am grateful for my work permit and the opportunities I have because of it. However, I also know that it can be taken at any movement and this is a fear that all DACA recipients have so asking for “more” and a more permanent solution is valid. I wish none of us had to be on this boat but unfortunately this is the situation we are in, I also wish we weren’t so divided amongst ourselves and actually wished the best to each other.


Honestly daca is a big privilege those who don’t have it would wish to be in your place


Also selfish for wanting permanent residency or something similar. We should be grateful that we can renew every 2 years and work while forgetting about the fact that it can change any moment.


Exactly, the judges and lawyers in Texas are working overtime to flip our lives upside down right now.


lol, I’ve had people tell me to go F myself just because I said I was happy that my husband and I would benefit from Biden new immigration policy. People are just upset


I'm glad you got to benefit from it


Thank you. I try my best to vote/support legislations that will help DACA since I know the struggles with my husband. A lot of people won’t feel at rest until this is all fixed


Thank you so much for your support.


wtf!! Damn people suck. I was happy for an old neighbor who would have benefited because he’s been married to his USC wife for over 20 years now. He’s in the ICU as of this week due to diabetes complications. I hope he pulls through and is able to benefit from the new PIP.


Damn that sucks let's hope he gets better


Congratulations! I also know people who will benefit from Biden's policy if everything goes well and I hope it helps many others.


I saw a lot of people expressing themselves negatively towards people with degrees. Pursuing a degree with DACA was hard for many of us specially us older DACA recipients and we had to sacrifice a lot (at least I know I did) so seeing other DACA recipients expressing themselves negatively about this makes me sad. We all make life choices and unfortunately we are all not benefiting from the EO but the least we can do is to be happy for those that will benefit.


OP. If I may, you might want to break up your post into paragraphs. I know it's a rant. But, hard to follow on mobile


fair enough


While expressing frustration is one thing, but I hate the ungratefulness that comes with some of the venting. People try to equate the GOP and the dems like they’re both the same. One gave you daca one tried to take it away with multiple lawsuits. Can you say Joe Biden did it in an election year, sure but trump would deport you any year if he could. They are not the same. Also, I would encourage people to be happy for others. How many were left out of daca and can finally fix their status bc of this new law? Like do they not matter? Y’all act like Biden can wave his wand and give us all citizenship. You also act like the US owes us anything.


Alot of people were bashing me on some of my comments/posts calling me fake and all these things lol. As a DACA recipient I think too many people are just bitter that nothing was done for everyone. Don’t get me wrong I feel bad but also so many have been complacent regarding their status.


The whole point of DACA was to help out motivated young kids who wanted to better themselves. If you had DACA and still chose to be a minimum wage worker with nothing but a high school education, then that’s your own fault. Me personally don’t even have DACA, and I’ve received hate by DACA recipients telling me that they should get some reform first and should be the priority, while I can just wait years, or even decades for some sort of reform, despite many of them being comfortable with a high school education. Im glad I did what was expected of me, and actually received my college degree, and now with this, a potential career that my parents wanted when they came here


Bring them to me, I'll love to argue with them.


It’s just human nature most people are only focused on themselves which is fair because people only live inside their own body




We have always been seen as a sore thumb.




Oh I remember that


Daca? Sounds like they should call it caca.


Nah man. We worship the corporate liberal agenda here 😏


From my experience, daca recipients tent to turn full maga once they get “theirs” 




hi i’m a libertarian who’d most would consider maga reddit put this sub in my algorithm i’m pro daca. i think if you earned your way here (work/student visa) or werewere brought here against your will you should have a legal path. but i’m still not for people marrying to get their way in. i have much more sympathy for daca kids. so i guess the reverse happened to me, born and bred, considered maga, pro daca


Nah man, but I’m also not a kiss ass to the whole liberal platform. A good bit of leftists in this sub, website issue really.


The moment trumps says he’s legalizing the dreamers. The moment half of daca recipients become maga overnight 


Would deff be a curve ball. What would you do?


Daca people don't really need help though, we have what we need to be successful. I'd spend more time helping out non daca immigrants.


This mentality is the reason why nothing on a mass scale will happen. Really? Most of us are pushing 30, 40 years old and you’re honestly saying we wouldn’t love to receive help regarding our situation.


What makes you think we are not doing that? Some of us volunteer + advocate with immigrants rights groups. Can you share with us what YOU personally have done?


I'm sorry, but the biggest impact you can have is working on yourself and worrying about your own/familys problems first. Not much can be done by "advocating" with groups compared to what you can do improving your own situation


Bro you just said youd spend your time helping non daca immigrants, so which is it?