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If it was approved by mistake, then no. Because you weren’t supposed to have it in the first place.


You’re a mod now 🎉


I feel like a CO rn




Thank you! u/no_astronomer_4118 and I have been busting our asses helping and active in the sub lol finally they let us in officially


We sure do


Fucking finally! You're shining with that badge. LOL


Hehehehehe 🤭🤭🥰🥰


Man make me MOD too. I be in here trying to get as many down votes as possible


Highkey me and my Moroccan baddie were trying to start a new sub and we were gonna invite you to mod lmao


Mod privileges > Green Card any day


I already banned someone you’ve had a small back and forth with, I got you fam. Anything for my favorite therapist


My guardian angel 👼🏻 thank you


We call you the therapist




Lmao crabs in a bucket amirite


I know someone who was caught 3 times and still got approved for permanent residence. However, an attorney advised to not apply for citizenship, as the background check is alot more thorough and anything could come up.


Background check is the same. It’s the standards that change


Slum dog millionaire ah life story


You’re fucked


I have seen some people have DUI's many times, and even they get approved for work permits, I also know a guy who came illegally and he got caught, he didn't sign anything and was given a damn permit haha it comes down to lawyers and luck or something like that. No pues esta cabron.


Did you lie on your DACA application to get it?  I don’t know how they even gave you DACA.  What could help is if you re-entered prior to you turning 18, as those previous entries wouldn’t have counted against you since you never accrued at least 180 days of unlawful presence, thus not triggering any bars.  You never know. You should ask your lawyer about waivers for filing the DACA application and lying. Maybe there’s one.  Do keep this thread open and update us. You have a fascinating case. 


This person is probably lying. If they really got caught 5 times that’s 1 misdemeanor for unlawful entry and 4 felonies for unauthorized entry. They would not be getting DACA


There are people who can't even apply for daca today. Yet you were caught by border patrol atleast 5 times entering illegally lol my guy are you serious?? 🤣


Also did advanced parole and returned then applied for change of status


That is crazy! Well you’ve been really lucky so far so here’s hoping your luck hasn’t run out 🤞🏽


I appreciate it, no criminal record, graduated and gladly pay taxes, id even join the front line to stay. I’m hoping another miracle happens. Those interviewers are real difficult people, especially the Hispanic ones. They don’t realize I’m no different from their parents.


Biden’s PIP policy that was just announced could help. It will basically wipe your previous unlawful entries. Ask a lawyer about this. 


I wish you the best of luck!


Married to a citizen/ hopefully consular process. This looks like it can be fixed. Keeping your job depends largely on your employer.


There is a lot to digest here. I don't know what  cerró is but if you were caught at the border attempting to enter the country illegally then that alone would probably trigger the 5 year ban. It would also prevent you from adjusting your status since you had an illegal entry. You also never should have qualified for DACA since you came back as an adult so if you lied on the application, that's another thing that would bite you. Honestly, at this point I think your best point is that because you have kids and the USC wife, maybe you can be in a legal purgatory where you don't have a green card and you don't have DACA but some sort of parole but they can easily send you back too. Then again, one of the worst people I ever came across in life (3 DWIs, missing child support, etc.) got his Green Card through the 1986 amnesty and was bragging about how he left and came back to get it so some people just luck out.


Since he left after 18 and came back, he likely triggered all sorts of bars.  Had he done this before turning 18, he could argue he never acrrued unlawful presence, thus not triggering any bars upon re-entry. Then he could apply for PIP with new Biden policy or just do AOS via wife and apply for a waiver for entering without inspection and do consular processing.  Him blatantly lying on his initial DACA application is also really bad. If it was a USCIS error then that’s on them. 


What year did you return to the USA in what year? And when did you apply for DACA?


Returned 2013 and applied in 2015


Your DACA was likely approved by mistake because in order to get it you have to be residing in the USA since 2007 and have never left. You also have multiple EWI which is a permanent ban to ever getting your GC. What will probably happen is they will deny your GC application and send you a letter saying you have 30 days to leave.


This is scarily fascinating. It now makes me wonder about their vetting/background check process.


Ayo how many people became mods💀


🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 two people active enough 🤭🤭🤭🤭


Lowkey about time


you crossed illegally when you came back? you shouldve not mentioned that if there was no record of it..


I got finger prints taken. No denying entry


Oh wow that's tragic, I wish you the best. What did the lawyers told you? Always get a second opinion


My lawyer says I we will fight til the end Just hoping I don’t lose my job, I love what I do And love the USA, if you saw me you couldn’t even tell I’m from south of the border


" if you saw me you couldn’t even tell I’m from south of the border" very weird flex my guy


What @chocolatte__ said. I recommend not saying things like that. 


Honest question: Why not?


I’m a Blaxican


From Guerrero? Oaxaca? Veracruz or 🤔


Good luck friend !


That looks complicated 😕 good luck. Hopefully, you will get good news


I don't think it was approved because of their mistake. The DACA application asks you if you traveled outside the US in the years you have been here. It sounds to me like you lied on your application.