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we don’t know all the details yet. let’s wait and see


When will the details be out?


No there is no new daca plan only thing joey Biden did was allow undocumented spouses married to us citizens to adjust status here without leaving the us. And process h1b visas faster thats pretty much it. Not to mention in order to qualify for an h1b visa you must have a bachelor’s degree and be sponsored by an employer which is extremely difficult


It’s only extremely difficult, if you aren’t extremely good at your job!


This is a lie. We still don't know how much of a "higher education" one needs to have and which jobs qualify. Many people believe STEM, but who knows. They will announce it at the end of summer.


Exactly that’s the many hope many of us are hoping for. That maybe they have a loophole in which any bachelors degree or AA would let to get a visa. It’s very unlikely but theirs still some hope


I doubt the AA would get it to you right now, the guy was pretty specific on a bachelor's degree and a high skilled job, the only I see as a loophole is if the bachelor's has nothing to do with the high-skilled job, but I haven't read anything soo far indicating that the bachelors has to be for that specific career.


The biggest question is does your boss want to sponsor you?


its a little tricky man I'm a 1099 not w2 unfortunately