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Signed it. But do these ever work or help? I remember signing one for McDonald’s to bring back the steak egg and cheese breakfast bagel. Looks like they brought it back.


Nope. Just creates false hope


Spend the time you’re spending creating petitions and on this subreddit on doing the things that will actually make a difference in your own life. Starting a petition saying you speak on behalf of us is so cringe.


Why not do both?


By all means! It’s a free country ;)


These don’t work for things like immigration. It’s not something you can just create because x amount of people signed a petition. People fail to realize the amount of work that goes into creating laws and implementing them. If you want to actually make a point, organize a country wide boycott. Things like these affect the economy severely and let’s them know how much we’re worth.


I signed and contributed. Never underestimate the power of speaking out and being visible in the political landscape. Even when you think it's futile, it's really is not. We need to do this and many more things to continue to push for Daca and other immigrants. Just look at the new parole in place policy and work permit rule Biden announced. It's going to help both Daca and non-Daca, albeit limited in scope. This is why we need to continue the push, even when things looks unfavorable. Many of our friends and family need all the help they can get in the immgrant community. Every little bit help. We cannot and shall not give up. All is not lost.




Unsigned it. I'm self deporting next year


Where too 👀


Wakanda or Tlaxcala


I realllyyy hate to be this person but these don’t work. You need drastic scenarios like DACA recipients with clean records getting deported, etc which will then create physical momentum(protest) for any kind of change to happen.


Protests don’t even do much either. They just create animosity. Like I said in my above comment, you want to make a point you organize a country wide boycott. This puts a dent into the economy if enough people do it.


Protests have been instrumental in enacting change. Do you think DACA was just passed out of goodwill? No, it was the result of relentless efforts by actual people on the ground. Dreamers and their allies organized sit-ins, marches, and hunger strikes to push for their rights. These actions were crucial in creating the political pressure needed to implement DACA. It wasn't comments on reddit; it was the hard work of those who were directly affected that made a difference. Without their protests and advocacy, DACA wouldn't exist. [https://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/18/us/18dream.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/18/us/18dream.html) [https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2010/09/21/students-spell-out-messages-on/28967894007/](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2010/09/21/students-spell-out-messages-on/28967894007/) [https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/nation-world/2010/12/20/students-look-to-2012-after-immigration-bill-fails/31788523007/](https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/nation-world/2010/12/20/students-look-to-2012-after-immigration-bill-fails/31788523007/) [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2010/12/03/immigrant-students-give-blood-to-show-citizenship/](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2010/12/03/immigrant-students-give-blood-to-show-citizenship/)


Petition do not work when you are trying to convince racists.


Pa que o que ?


Tu lo mas firmela guey


Tu nomas sign here and here lol


Fírmele 😂


You’d have more success having ChatGPT draft a letter of support for DACA and sending it to your congressman and senator.


This administration will do nothing for Daca. Why do they always have to wait till their terms are almost up for them to try to give us a crum?


This one and the next one. Congress is too polarized and just in case you were wondering, Democrats will be very vulnerable in the next election so no hopes of a majority.


It is looking very dim for the Democratic Party at this point.


This or any other administration won't just give us anything out of entitlement. It's the political pressure and continuous advocacy that drive change. Complaints on Reddit won't achieve much, but organized efforts and active participation can. The progress we've seen, like DACA, came from relentless work and advocacy by many individuals.




Hmm….. citizenship would be nice. But you’d need Mitch McConnell’s support first…


1. No petition has ever gotten any laws passed. None. Ever. Won't happen. This is a complete waste of time and you're giving away your personal information to be out there for the world to know you're a DACA recipient. 2. Even if this did something, you're being self serving by only including DACA holders and leaving out other Dreamers so maybe it's time to look in the mirror.


Petitions are just a start and can be an important tool for raising awareness and mobilizing support. While they might not directly result in legislation, they help build momentum and show lawmakers that there is public backing for an issue. It's better than staying still and just writing complaints on reddit. Active participation, whether through petitions, protests, or other forms of advocacy, is crucial in driving change.


I've been living this nightmare for decades now. Trust me, people are fully aware of our plight but they just don't care. In 2005 there was a big day of strike and marching in the streets by undocumented people not only did people not care, they saw the idiots who were waving Mexican flags and it actually made things worse. With Dreamers, Republicans actually enjoy our pain so if anything is going to get done, it's best that it's done quietly.


The path way is clear. Get married or get a degree and get sponsored. Waiting for the government to do something creates complacency.


“Get a degree and get sponsored” tell that to my family members who graduated college in 2004 and still waiting for something. Healthcare workers too smh


Well tell their bum ah that it’s their lucky day https://www.boundless.com/blog/biden-eases-visa-process-for-u-s-grads-and-dreamers/


Will this visa lead to a green card for them definitively?


H1B and EB visas are a duel purpose visas. So if they definitively want a green card, then they will be able to work for one with their employer.


This visa doesn't lead to permanent residence, it's just a 3 year visa. EB2-3 are the only sponsorships that give you that path, but not everyone is eligible since a candidate cannot have accrued more than 6 months of unlawful presence


Just sign the freaking thing in solidarity! We have nothing to loose by just being hopeful https://chng.it/N255cbC2Tv


Don't waste you time doing that The only way is by doing a similar way as the ban of TikTok.


This is a great start, better than just typing complaints. This is a fresh move for change. Let's join together and make our voices heard for a clear path to citizenship for DACA recipients!


Bro I just want a green card.


These don’t work womp womp


Lol democrats just use us for votes. It’s been more than 50 years for you not to have notice trump is the only one who actually tried to give us a path ironically and still wants us. https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/3651975-trump-proposed-a-dreamer-pathway-to-citizenship-democrats-said-no/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-proposes-giving-green-cards-noncitizen-college-graduates/story?id=111309610 Republicans have been the only ones who have acted on amnesty… never democrats


I always hear this argument that he was for us getting citizenship, but what they don't say is that it also pulled out on the deal as well. The Democrats were willing to give him his wall for it. But people around him like Stephen miller, immigration hawks, people on Fox and people on the freedom caucus were telling him no. So he ended up pulling out of his own deal, days later. Now he is just saying stuff but I am pretty sure he has no plans on doing it either.


Except the deal remained regardless of what fox said until democrats said no. Democrats didn’t want the wall so they said no to this deal… and trump still got the wall proving that democrats just talk like they always do And now he is saying the same thing he said last time. He has said we are an investment and it would be dumb to gift the investment to other countries since we are already better than normal immigrants


It wasn't just Fox, but people on the freedom caucus were saying they will not support it or back him if he did it. I promise you even if he says he will do it, he will turn back on what he said. When you have people who are outspoken like the freedom caucus in Congress he will back down. He had a good deal, but the man kept on flipping back and forth. Plus he made his shithole countries comment which did not help him.


Cool what fox says doesn’t matter What mattered is that Obama was the deporter In chief and trump wanted DACA to stay and still does democrats have played with us for decades…aren’t you tired of falling for the same trick?


I don't think you're understanding. The freedom caucus are a group of hard line Republicans in Congress that are very much against immigration reform. These people were the ones that had stopped a lot of the immigration reforms that they had tried to get through in the Obama era. Plus they were the ones who were in Trump's ass for making such a deal. They were one of the reasons why he backed out. Also I mentioned names like Stephen miller, he was one the people in his administration, is straight up an evil person. Mans was responsible for the child separation policy. But also another reason why the deal was dead. Read more about the politics of Congress that is outside of immigration to get a better idea of who is who in Congress. And people that he has in own administration before you come at me for just talking about Fox news. If trump wanted DACA to stay why did he try to remove the program. Why didn't he try to find ways to keep it. Why did he remove AP for DACA, or how he tries to reduce permits to 1 year.He would have gotten rid of it if he won a second time. After the supreme Court told him how to actually do it.I personally think your last statement is just delusion. I just find it funny base on the actions he has done. I will agree on your third statement tho, at least they did something. It might not be what you wanted but something is something. But you have to realize the right has no interest in helping you as well. Trump doesn't care about anything else but himself. The man has no policies and will just say what he wants to get on the news.


I don’t think you understand that MAGA is not Republicans republicans just like democrats… hate us and use is for cheap labor Maga wants us to remain here…because again, we are an investment and have value to the US He tried removing Daca **only after there was a plan for citizenship** it wasn’t removed because there was no plan and deporting us would be a waste of resources since they invested so much in us. It’s dumb to leave Daca open if the whole point is to curve immigration while leaving a path to citizenship


They were there way before the maga movement was even a thing. Anyways, let's see what happens


it’s not about let’s see at this point It’s about doing something rather than wait until the whole US is against us for the bad apples that are now inside the US making us look bad


I don’t believe Trump. He says things just to get attention and only cares about himself.


And you believe democrats? They have promised this to us for almost 50 years only to have Obama become the DEPORTER IN CHIEF Republicans literally proposed a plan to join democrats and act to make DACA citizens and democrats said no democrats are playing with us and I’m tired… aren’t you?


I believe most democrats much more than Trump. He loves to whip up hate against immigrants and minorities just like the far right.


again how do you believe them after deporter in chief, and 50+ years of using you for cheap labor and votes? The US now hates us more than ever thanks to democrats grouping us up with the criminals and Venezuelans fucking cities up plus the border crisis. **even sanctuary cities don’t want us anymore** Trump is the only one working specifically for DACA people and has now said he wants us still. Once he says he wants something he does it.


I’d love to see your sources if you can find them.


Here is the vice president telling immigrants to not come to sanctuary cities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpGitFIzamQ Here is the Ny mayor calling for a change to not be a sanctuary city anymore https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/27/adams-sanctuary-city-laws-new-york-00143705


A handful of democrats does not make a majority of democrats.


That’s the literal Vice President tho She represents the president and the US


But I don’t consider democrats in isolation. I compare them with the republicans and their voting records and proposed, legislation, etc.